
#' @name build_row
#' @title Build summary rows
#' @description Summarize data into a data.frame with row(s). Includes optional
#' stratification and null hypothesis testing using a factor or logical
#' variable.
#' @param x A data.frame, numeric, factor, or logical. Data to summarize.
#' @param y A factor or logical. Data to optionally stratify \code{x} by.
#' @param label A character. A label for the summarized data.
#' @param label.stat A logical. Append the summary statistic used to the label.
#' @param inverse A logical. For logical data, report frequencies of the
#' \code{FALSE} values instead.
#' @param stat A character. Name of the summary statistic to use. Supported options
#' include the mean (\code{'mean'}) and median (\code{'median'}) for continuous data.
#' @param stat.pct.sign A logical. Paste a percentage symbol with each frequency.
#' frequency.
#' @param col.overall A logical. Append a column with the statistic for all data.
#' If \code{y} is not specified, this parameter is ignored.
#' @param col.missing A logical. Append a column with counts of missing data.
#' @param test A character. Name of statistical test to compare groups.
#' Supported options: [continuous data] ANOVA linear model (\code{'anova'}),
#' Kruskal-Wallis (\code{'kruskal'}), and Wilcoxon rank sum (\code{'wilcoxon'}) tests;
#' [nominal data] Pearson's Chi-squared Test (\code{'chisq'}) and Fisher's Exact Test
#' (\code{'fisher'}).
#' @param test.simulate.p A logical. Whether to use Monte Carlo simulation of
#' the p-value when testing nominal data.
#' @param col.test A logical. Append a column with the name of the statistical
#' test used.
#' @param digits An integer. Number of digits to round to.
#' @param p.digits An integer. Number of p-value digits to report.
#' @param ... Arguments passed to the appropriate S3 method.
#' @return An object of class \code{tbl_df} (tibble) summarizing the provided
#' data.
#' @examples
#' strata <- as.factor(datasets::mtcars$cyl)
#' # Create a "count" row from a data.frame for a factor
#' build_row(x = datasets::mtcars, y = strata)
#' # Create a row summarizing a numeric by a factor
#' build_row(label = 'MPG', x = as.numeric(datasets::mtcars$mpg), y = strata)
#' # Create a row summarizing a logical by a factor
#' build_row(label = 'VS', x = as.logical(datasets::mtcars$vs), y = strata)
#' # Create a row summarizing a factor by a factor
#' build_row(label = 'Carb', x = as.factor(datasets::mtcars$carb), y = strata)
#' @export
build_row <- function (
  ) UseMethod('build_row')

#' @export
build_row.default <- function (x, label = NULL, ...) {
  warning('Warning: \'', label, '\' <', class(x), '> not supported for summary.')

#' @rdname build_row
#' @export
build_row.data.frame <- function (
  y = NA_real_,
  label = NULL,
  label.stat = TRUE,
  stat.pct.sign = FALSE,
  col.overall = TRUE,
  col.missing = FALSE,
  col.test = FALSE,
  digits = 1,
) {

  # Statistic Function
  paste_stat_ <- function (...) {
      na.rm = FALSE,
      percent.sign = stat.pct.sign,
      digits = digits

  # Retrieve by variable levels
  y_levels <- .get_levels(y)

  # Count rows
  x_cnt <- nrow(x)

  # Build row
  cols <- list()

  # Variable label
  cols$Variable <- paste(c(label, if (label.stat) 'n(%)'), collapse = ', ')

  # Overall count
  if (col.overall || length(y_levels) == 0) {
    cols$Overall <- as.character(x_cnt)

  # Frequencies by level
  if (length(y_levels) > 0) {
    cols <- c(
        function (.y) {
            x = nrow(x[y == .y & !is.na(y),]),
            y = x_cnt

  # Missing
  if (col.missing) cols$Missing <- paste_stat_(x = y[is.na(y)], y = y)

  # Hypothesis testing columns
  if (length(y_levels) > 1) cols[c('p', if (col.test) 'Test')] <- ''

  # Return converted tibble


#' @rdname build_row
#' @export
build_row.numeric <- function (
  y = NA_real_,
  label = NULL,
  label.stat = TRUE,
  stat = c('mean', 'median'),
  stat.pct.sign = FALSE,
  col.overall = TRUE,
  col.missing = FALSE,
  test = c('anova', 'kruskal', 'wilcoxon'),
  col.test = FALSE,
  digits = 1,
  p.digits = 4,
) {

  # Check arguments
  stat <- match.arg(stat)
  test <- match.arg(test)

  # Statistic functions
  paste_stat_ <- function (...) {
    if (stat == 'median') utile.tools::paste_median(..., digits = digits)
    else utile.tools::paste_mean(..., digits = digits)

  paste_freq_ <- function (...) {
      na.rm = FALSE,
      percent.sign = stat.pct.sign,
      digits = digits

  # Retrieve by variable levels
  y_levels <- .get_levels(y)

  # Create column object
  cols <- list()

  # Variable label +/- statistic name
  cols$Variable <- paste(
      if (label.stat) {
        if (stat == 'median') 'median[IQR]'
        else 'mean\u00B1SD'
    collapse = ', '

  # Summary statistic: Overall
  if (col.overall | length(y_levels) == 0) cols$Overall <- paste_stat_(x = x)

  # Summary statistic: By strata
  if (length(y_levels) > 0) {
    cols <- c(
        function (.y) paste_stat_(x = x[!is.na(x) & y %in% .y])

  # Missing
  if (col.missing) {
    cols$Missing <- paste_freq_(x = sum(is.na(x)), y = length(x))

  # Hypothesis testing
  if (length(y_levels) > 1) {

    # Statistical test
    test <- utile.tools::test_hypothesis(
      x = x,
      y = y,
      test = test,
      digits = digits,
      p.digits = p.digits

    # Addend test data
    cols$p <- test$p
    if (col.test) cols$Test <- test$test


  # Return converted tibble


#' @rdname build_row
#' @export
build_row.logical <- function (
  y = NA_real_,
  label = NULL,
  label.stat = TRUE,
  inverse = FALSE,
  stat.pct.sign = FALSE,
  col.overall = TRUE,
  col.missing = FALSE,
  test = c('chisq', 'fisher'),
  test.simulate.p = FALSE,
  col.test = FALSE,
  digits = 1,
  p.digits = 4,
) {

  # Check arguments
  test <- match.arg(test)

  # Statistic factory
  paste_stat_ <- function (...) {
      na.rm = FALSE,
      percent.sign = stat.pct.sign,
      digits = digits

  # Retrieve by variable levels
  y_levels <- .get_levels(y)

  # Set inverse, if applicable
  if (inverse) x <- !x

  # Create column object
  cols <- list()

  # Variable label +/- statistic name
  cols$Variable <- paste(
      if (inverse) 'no',
      if (label.stat) 'n(%)'
    collapse = ', '

  # Overall statistic
  if (col.overall || length(y_levels) == 0) {
    cols$Overall <- paste_stat_(x = x[x & !is.na(x)], y = x)

  # Strata statistics
  if (length(y_levels) > 0) {
    cols <- c(
        function (.y) {
            x = x[(x & !is.na(x)) & (y %in% .y)],
            y = x[y %in% .y]

  # Missing
  if (col.missing) cols$Missing <- paste_stat_(x = x[is.na(x)], y = x)

  # Hypothesis testing
  if (length(y_levels) > 1) {

    # Statistical test
    test <- utile.tools::test_hypothesis(
      x = x,
      y = y,
      test = test,
      simulate.p = test.simulate.p,
      digits = digits,
      p.digits = p.digits

    # Addend test data
    cols$p <- test$p
    if (col.test) cols$Test <- test$test


  # Return converted tibble


#' @rdname build_row
#' @export
build_row.factor <- function (
  y = NA_real_,
  label = NULL,
  label.stat = TRUE,
  stat.pct.sign = FALSE,
  col.overall = TRUE,
  col.missing = FALSE,
  test = c('chisq', 'fisher'),
  test.simulate.p = FALSE,
  col.test = FALSE,
  digits = 1,
  p.digits = 4,
) {

  # Check arguments
  test <- match.arg(test)

  # Statistic function
  paste_stat_ <- function (...) {
      na.rm = FALSE,
      percent.sign = stat.pct.sign,
      digits = digits

  # Retrieve y variable levels
  y_levels <- .get_levels(y)

  # Identify x levels, make any NA explicit
  x_levels <- .get_levels(x)
  if (any(is.na(x))) x_levels <- c(x_levels, "Missing" = NA_character_)
  level_fill <- rep('', length(x_levels))

  # Create column object
  cols <- list()

  # Variable labels
  cols$Variable <- c(
    paste(c(label, if (label.stat) 'n(%)'), collapse = ', '),
    paste0('  ', names(x_levels))

  # Overall summary statistic
  if (col.overall || length(y_levels) == 0) {
    cols$Overall <- c(
      purrr::map_chr(x_levels, function (.x) {
        paste_stat_(x = x[x %in% .x], y = x)

  # Strata statistics
  if (length(y_levels) > 0) {
    cols <- c(
        function (.y) {
              function (.x) {
                  x = x[x %in% .x & y %in% .y],
                  y = x[y %in% .y]

  # Show missing count
  if (col.missing) {
    cols$Missing <- c(paste_stat_(x = x[is.na(x)], y = x), level_fill)

  # Testing with by variable
  if (length(y_levels) > 1) {

    # Statistical test
    test <- utile.tools::test_hypothesis(
      x = x,
      y = y,
      test = test,
      simulate.p = test.simulate.p,
      digits = digits,
      p.digits = p.digits

    # Addend test data
    cols$p <- c(test$p, level_fill)
    if (col.test) cols$Test <- c(test$test, level_fill)


  # Return converted tibble


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