confrontation-class: Superclass storing results of confronting data with rules

confrontation-classR Documentation

Superclass storing results of confronting data with rules


Superclass storing results of confronting data with rules


This class is aimed at developers of this package or packages depending on it. It is the parent of classes indication and validation which are user-facing.

Using confront, a set of rules can be executed in the context of one or more (nested) environments holding data. The results of such evaluations are stored in a confrontation object along with metadata.

We strongly advise against accessing the data fields or methods internal to this object directly, as we may change or remove them without notice. Use the exported methods listed below in stead.

See Also

Other confrontation-methods: [,expressionset-method,,confrontation-method, confront(), errors(), event(), keyset(), length,expressionset-method, values()

validate documentation built on July 4, 2024, 9:07 a.m.