
Defines functions pctlab mcaplot

Documented in mcaplot

#' ---
#' title: "Custom plot function for mjca"
#' date: "28 Jan 2016"
#' ---
#' @param obj  An \code{"mjca"} object
#' @param map  Character string specifying the map type. Allowed options include
#'        \code{"symmetric"} (default),
#'        \code{"rowprincipal"},   \code{"colprincipal"}, \code{"symbiplot"},
#'        \code{"rowgab"}, \code{"colgab"}, \code{"rowgreen"}, \code{"colgreen"}
#' @param dim  Dimensions to plot, a vector of length 2.
#' @param col  Vector of colors, one for each factor in the MCA
#' @param pch  Vector of point symbols for the category levels, one for each factor
#' @param cex  Character size for points and level labels
#' @param pos  Position of level labels relative to the category points; either a single number
#'             or a vector of length equal to the number of category points.
#' @param lines A logical or an integer vector indicating which factors are to be
#'             joined with lines using \code{\link{multilines}}
#' @param lwd  Line width(s) for the lines
#' @param legend Logical; draw a legend for the factor names?
#' @param legend.pos Position of the legend in the plot
#' @param xlab,ylab Labels for horizontal and vertical axes. The default, \code{"_auto_" }
#'             means that the function auto-generates a label of the form \code{Dimension X (xx.x %)}
#' @param rev.axes  A logical vector of length 2, where TRUE reverses the direction of the
#'             corresponding axis.
#' @param ...  Arguments passed down to \code{plot}
#' @return Returns the coordinates of the category points invisibly
#' @author Michael Friendly
#' @seealso \code{\link{plot.mjca}}
#' @examples
#' data(Titanic)
#' titanic.mca <- ca::mjca(Titanic)
#' mcaplot(titanic.mca, legend=TRUE, legend.pos="topleft")
#' data(HairEyeColor)
#' haireye.mca <- ca::mjca(HairEyeColor)
#' mcaplot(haireye.mca, legend=TRUE, cex.lab=1.3)

mcaplot <- function(obj, map="symmetric", dim=1:2, 
	col=c("blue", "red", "brown", "black", "green3", "purple"), 
	pch=15:20, cex=1.2, pos=3,
	lines=TRUE, lwd=2,
	legend=FALSE, legend.pos="topright",
  xlab      = "_auto_",
  ylab      = "_auto_",
  rev.axes  = c(FALSE, FALSE),
	...) {

  if(!requireNamespace("ca", quietly=TRUE)) stop("The ca package is required")
	if(!inherits(obj, "mjca")) stop("Only defined for mjca objects")	
	coords <- cacoord(obj, type=map, rows=FALSE)
	coords <- data.frame(coords, obj$factors)     # extract factor names & levels 
	nlev <- obj$levels.n
	nfac <- length(nlev)
	pch <- rep_len(pch, nfac)
	col <- rep_len(col, nfac)
	lwd <- rep_len(lwd, nfac)
	rev.axes <- rep(rev.axes, length.out=2)

	if(any(dim > ncol(coords)))
      stop("dim must be valid dimensions of the coordinates")
	labs <- pctlab(obj)
	if (xlab == "_auto_") xlab <- labs[dim[1]]
	if (ylab == "_auto_") ylab <- labs[dim[2]]
  if(isTRUE(rev.axes[1])) coords[, dim[1]] <- -coords[, dim[1]]
  if(isTRUE(rev.axes[2])) coords[, dim[2]] <- -coords[, dim[2]]

	plot(coords[, dim], type='n', asp=1, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, ...)
	points(coords[,dim], pch=rep(pch, nlev), col=rep(col, nlev), cex=cex)
	text(coords[,dim], labels=coords$level, col=rep(col, nlev), pos=pos, cex=cex, xpd=TRUE)
	if (is.logical(lines)) lines <- if(lines) 1:nfac else NULL
		multilines(coords[, dim], group=coords$factor, which=lines, col=col, lwd=lwd)
	abline(h = 0, v = 0, lty = "longdash", col="gray")

	if (legend) {
		factors <- coords$factor
		factors <- factors[!duplicated(factors)]
		legend(legend.pos, legend=factors,
			title="Factor", title.col="black",
			col=col, text.col=col, pch=pch,
			bg=rgb(.95, .95, .95, .3), cex=cex)

pctlab <- function(obj, prefix="Dimension ", decimals=1) {
  values <- obj$sv^2
  if (obj$lambda == "JCA"){
    pct <- rep_len(NA, length(values))
    } else {
	if (obj$lambda == "adjusted") {
      values <- obj$inertia.e
      pct <- round(100 * values, decimals)
      } else {
      pct <- round(100 * values / sum(values), decimals)
  pctval <- ifelse(is.na(pct), NULL, paste0(" (", pct, "%)"))
  paste0(prefix, 1:length(values), pctval)

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