
Defines functions empty_cassette_message

#' @title Cassette handler
#' @description Main R6 class that is called from the main user facing
#' function [use_cassette()]
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @return an object of class `Cassette`
#' @seealso [vcr_configure()], [use_cassette()], [insert_cassette()]
#' @section Points of webmockr integration:
#' - `initialize()`: webmockr is used in the `initialize()` method to
#' create webmockr stubs. stubs are created on call to `Cassette$new()`
#' within `insert_cassette()`, but then on exiting `use_cassette()`,
#' or calling `eject()` on `Cassette` class from `insert_cassette()`,
#' stubs are cleaned up.
#' - `eject()` method: [webmockr::disable()] is called before exiting
#' eject to disable webmock so that webmockr does not affect any HTTP
#' requests that happen afterwards
#' - `call_block()` method: call_block is used in the [use_cassette()]
#' function to evaluate whatever code is passed to it; within call_block
#' [webmockr::webmockr_allow_net_connect()] is run before we evaluate
#' the code block to allow real HTTP requests, then
#' [webmockr::webmockr_disable_net_connect()] is called after evalulating
#' the code block to disallow real HTTP requests
#' - `make_http_interaction()` method: [webmockr::pluck_body()] utility
#' function is used to pull the request body out of the HTTP request
#' - `serialize_to_crul()` method: method: [webmockr::RequestSignature] and
#' [webmockr::Response] are used to build a request and response,
#' respectively, then passed to [webmockr::build_crul_response()]
#' to make a complete `crul` HTTP response object
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' library(vcr)
#' vcr_configure(dir = tempdir())
#' res <- Cassette$new(name = "bob")
#' res$file()
#' res$originally_recorded_at()
#' res$recording()
#' res$serializable_hash()
#' res$eject()
#' res$should_remove_matching_existing_interactions()
#' res$storage_key()
#' res$match_requests_on
#' # record all requests
#' res <- Cassette$new("foobar", record = "all")
#' res$eject()
#' # cleanup
#' unlink(file.path(tempdir(), c("bob.yml", "foobar.yml")))
#' library(vcr)
#' vcr_configure(dir = tempdir())
#' res <- Cassette$new(name = "jane")
#' library(crul)
#' # HttpClient$new("https://hb.opencpu.org")$get("get")
#' }
Cassette <- R6::R6Class(
  public = list(
    #' @field name (character) cassette name
    name = NA,
    #' @field record (character) record mode
    record = "all",
    #' @field manfile (character) cassette file path
    manfile = NA,
    #' @field recorded_at (character) date/time recorded at
    recorded_at = NA,
    #' @field serialize_with (character) serializer to use (yaml|json)
    serialize_with = "yaml",
    #' @field serializer (character) serializer to use (yaml|json)
    serializer = NA,
    #' @field persist_with (character) persister to use (FileSystem only)
    persist_with = "FileSystem",
    #' @field persister (character) persister to use (FileSystem only)
    persister = NA,
    #' @field match_requests_on (character) matchers to use
    #' default: method & uri
    match_requests_on = c("method", "uri"),
    #' @field re_record_interval (numeric) the re-record interval
    re_record_interval = NULL,
    #' @field tag ignored, not used right now
    tag = NA,
    #' @field tags ignored, not used right now
    tags = NA,
    #' @field root_dir root dir, gathered from [vcr_configuration()]
    root_dir = NA,
    #' @field update_content_length_header (logical) Whether to overwrite the
    #' `Content-Length` header
    update_content_length_header = FALSE,
    #' @field allow_playback_repeats (logical) Whether to allow a single HTTP
    #' interaction to be played back multiple times
    allow_playback_repeats = FALSE,
    #' @field allow_unused_http_interactions (logical) ignored, not used right now
    allow_unused_http_interactions = TRUE,
    #' @field exclusive (logical) ignored, not used right now
    exclusive = FALSE,
    #' @field preserve_exact_body_bytes (logical) Whether to base64 encode the
    #' bytes of the requests and responses
    preserve_exact_body_bytes = FALSE,
    #' @field args (list) internal use
    args = list(),
    #' @field http_interactions_ (list) internal use
    http_interactions_ = NULL,
    #' @field new_recorded_interactions (list) internal use
    new_recorded_interactions = NULL,
    #' @field clean_outdated_http_interactions (logical) Should outdated interactions
    #' be recorded back to file
    clean_outdated_http_interactions = FALSE,
    #' @field to_return (logical) internal use
    to_return = NULL,
    #' @field cassette_opts (list) various cassette options
    cassette_opts = NULL,

    #' @description Create a new `Cassette` object
    #' @param name The name of the cassette. vcr will sanitize this to ensure it
    #' is a valid file name.
    #' @param record The record mode. Default: "once". In the future we'll support
    #' "once", "all", "none", "new_episodes". See [recording] for more information
    #' @param serialize_with (character) Which serializer to use.
    #'  Valid values are "yaml" (default), the only one supported for now.
    #' @param persist_with (character) Which cassette persister to
    #'  use. Default: "file_system". You can also register and use a
    #'  custom persister.
    #' @param match_requests_on List of request matchers
    #' to use to determine what recorded HTTP interaction to replay. Defaults to
    #' `["method", "uri"]`. The built-in matchers are "method", "uri",
    #' "headers" and "body" ("host" and "path" not supported yet, but should
    #' be in a future version)
    #' @param re_record_interval (numeric) When given, the cassette will be
    #' re-recorded at the given interval, in seconds.
    #' @param tag,tags tags ignored, not used right now
    #' @param update_content_length_header (logical) Whether or
    #' not to overwrite the `Content-Length` header of the responses to
    #' match the length of the response body. Default: `FALSE`
    #' @param allow_playback_repeats (logical) Whether or not to
    #' allow a single HTTP interaction to be played back multiple times.
    #' Default: `FALSE`.
    #' @param allow_unused_http_interactions (logical) ignored, not used right now
    #' @param exclusive (logical) ignored, not used right now
    #' @param preserve_exact_body_bytes (logical) Whether or not
    #' to base64 encode the bytes of the requests and responses for
    #' this cassette when serializing it. See also `preserve_exact_body_bytes`
    #' in [vcr_configure()]. Default: `FALSE`
    #' @param clean_outdated_http_interactions (logical) Should outdated interactions
    #' be recorded back to file. Default: `FALSE`
    #' @return A new `Cassette` object
    initialize = function(
      name, record, serialize_with, persist_with, match_requests_on,
      re_record_interval, tag, tags, update_content_length_header,
      allow_playback_repeats, allow_unused_http_interactions,
      exclusive, preserve_exact_body_bytes,
      clean_outdated_http_interactions) {

      self$name <- name
      self$root_dir <- vcr_configuration()$dir
      self$serialize_with <- serialize_with %||% vcr_c$serialize_with
      self$persist_with <- persist_with %||% vcr_c$persist_with
      if (!missing(record)) {
        self$record <- check_record_mode(record)
      ext <- switch(self$serialize_with, yaml = "yml", json = "json")
      self$manfile <- sprintf("%s/%s.%s", path.expand(cassette_path()),
                              self$name, ext)
      if (!file.exists(self$manfile)) cat("\n", file = self$manfile)
      if (!missing(match_requests_on)) {
        self$match_requests_on <- check_request_matchers(match_requests_on)
      if (!missing(re_record_interval))
        self$re_record_interval <- re_record_interval
      if (!missing(tag)) self$tag = tag
      if (!missing(tags)) self$tags = tags
      if (!missing(update_content_length_header)) {
        assert(update_content_length_header, "logical")
        self$update_content_length_header = update_content_length_header
      if (!missing(allow_playback_repeats)) {
        assert(allow_playback_repeats, "logical")
        self$allow_playback_repeats = allow_playback_repeats
      if (!missing(allow_unused_http_interactions))
        self$allow_unused_http_interactions = allow_unused_http_interactions
      if (!missing(exclusive)) self$exclusive = exclusive
      if (!missing(preserve_exact_body_bytes)) {
        assert(preserve_exact_body_bytes, "logical")
        self$preserve_exact_body_bytes <- preserve_exact_body_bytes
      if (!missing(clean_outdated_http_interactions)) {
        self$clean_outdated_http_interactions <- clean_outdated_http_interactions
      if (!file.exists(self$manfile)) self$write_metadata()
      self$recorded_at <- file.info(self$file())$mtime
      self$serializer = serializer_fetch(self$serialize_with, self$name)
      self$persister = persister_fetch(self$persist_with, self$serializer$path)

      # check for re-record
      if (self$should_re_record()) self$record <- "all"

      # get previously recorded interactions
      ## if none pass, if some found, make webmockr stubs
      #### first, get previously recorded interactions into `http_interactions_` var
      # then do the rest

      prev <- self$previously_recorded_interactions()
      if (length(prev) > 0) {

        stub_previous_request <- function(previous_interaction) {
          req <- previous_interaction$request
          res <- previous_interaction$response
          uripp <- crul::url_parse(req$uri)
          m <- self$match_requests_on

          .stub_request_with <- function(match_parameters, request) {
            .check_match_parameters <- function(mp) {
              vmp <- c("method", "uri", "body", "headers", "query")
              mp[mp %in% vmp]

            mp <- .check_match_parameters(match_parameters)

            stub_method <- ifelse("method" %in% mp,

            stub_uri <- ifelse(identical(mp, c("body")),
              ifelse("uri" %in% mp,

            if (stub_uri %in% c(".", ".+")) {
              sr <- webmockr::stub_request(method = stub_method,
                                           uri_regex = stub_uri)
            } else {
              sr <- webmockr::stub_request(method = stub_method,
                                           uri = stub_uri)

            with_list <- list()

            if ("query" %in% mp) {
              with_list[["query"]] <- uripp$parameter

            if ("headers" %in% mp) {
              with_list[["headers"]] <- req$headers

            if ("body" %in% mp) {
              with_list[["body"]] <- req$body

            # if list is empty, skip wi_th
            if (length(with_list) != 0) webmockr::wi_th(sr, .list = with_list)

         .stub_request_with(m, req)

        invisible(lapply(prev, stub_previous_request))

      tmp <- list(
      init_opts <- compact(
        stats::setNames(tmp, c("name", "record", "serialize_with",
        "persist_with", "match_requests_on", "update_content_length_header",
        "allow_playback_repeats", "preserve_exact_body_bytes")))
      self$cassette_opts <- init_opts
      init_opts <- paste(names(init_opts), unname(init_opts), sep = ": ",
        collapse = ", ")
      vcr_log_info(sprintf("Initialized with options: {%s}", init_opts),

      # create new env for recorded interactions
      self$new_recorded_interactions <- list()

      # check on write to disk path
      if (!is.null(vcr_c$write_disk_path))
        dir.create(vcr_c$write_disk_path, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)

      # put cassette in vcr_cassettes environment

    #' @description print method for `Cassette` objects
    #' @param x self
    #' @param ... ignored
    print = function(x, ...) {
      cat(paste0("<vcr - Cassette> ", self$name), sep = "\n")
      cat(paste0("  Record method: ", self$record), sep = "\n")
      cat(paste0("  Serialize with: ", self$serialize_with), sep = "\n")
      cat(paste0("  Persist with: ", self$persist_with), sep = "\n")
      cat(paste0("  Re-record interval (s): ", self$re_record_interval),
        sep = "\n")
      cat(paste0("  Clean outdated interactions?: ",
        self$clean_outdated_http_interactions), sep = "\n")
      cat(paste0("  update_content_length_header: ",
                 self$update_content_length_header), sep = "\n")
      cat(paste0("  allow_playback_repeats: ",
                 self$allow_playback_repeats), sep = "\n")
      cat(paste0("  allow_unused_http_interactions: ",
                 self$allow_unused_http_interactions), sep = "\n")
      cat(paste0("  exclusive: ", self$exclusive), sep = "\n")
      cat(paste0("  preserve_exact_body_bytes: ",
                 self$preserve_exact_body_bytes), sep = "\n")

    #' @description run code
    #' @param ... pass in things to be evaluated
    #' @return various
    call_block = function(...) {
      tmp <- list(...)
      if (length(tmp) == 0) {
        stop("`vcr::use_cassette` requires a code block. ",
             "If you cannot wrap your code in a block, use ",
             "`vcr::insert_cassette` / `vcr::eject_cassette` instead")

    #' @description ejects the current cassette
    #' @return self
    eject = function() {
      # remove cassette from list of current cassettes
      rm(list = self$name, envir = vcr_cassettes)
      if (!vcr_c$quiet) message("ejecting cassette: ", self$name)
      # disable webmockr
      # set current casette name to NULL
      vcr__env$current_cassette <- NULL
      # return self

    #' @description get the file path for the cassette
    #' @return character
    file = function() self$manfile,

    #' @description is the cassette in recording mode?
    #' @return logical
    recording = function() {
      if (self$record == "none") {
      } else if (self$record == "once") {
      } else {

    #' @description is the cassette on disk empty
    #' @return logical
    is_empty = function() {
      nchar(self$raw_cassette_bytes()) < 1

    #' @description timestamp the cassette was originally recorded at
    #' @return POSIXct date
    originally_recorded_at = function() {
      as.POSIXct(self$recorded_at, tz = "GMT")

    #' @description Get a list of the http interactions to record + recorded_with
    #' @return list
    serializable_hash = function() {
        http_interactions = self$interactions_to_record(),
        recorded_with = utils::packageVersion("vcr")

    #' @description Get the list of http interactions to record
    #' @return list
    interactions_to_record = function() {
      ## FIXME - gotta sort out defining and using hooks better
      ## just returning exact same input

      # FIXME: not sure what's going on here, so not using yet
      #.       maybe we don't need this?
      # "We dee-dupe the interactions by roundtripping them to/from a hash.
      # This is necessary because `before_record` can mutate the interactions."
      # lapply(self$merged_interactions(), function(z) {
      #   VCRHooks$invoke_hook("before_record", z)
      # })

    #' @description Get interactions to record
    #' @return list
    merged_interactions = function() {
      old_interactions <- self$previously_recorded_interactions()
      old_interactions <- lapply(old_interactions, function(x) {
          request = x$request,
          response = x$response,
          recorded_at = x$recorded_at)

      if (self$should_remove_matching_existing_interactions()) {
        new_interaction_list <-
        old_interactions <-
          Filter(function(x) {
              req <- Request$new()$from_hash(x$request)


    #' @description Cleans out any old interactions based on the
    #' re_record_interval and clean_outdated_http_interactions settings
    #' @param interactions list of http interactions, of class [HTTPInteraction]
    #' @return list of interactions to record
    up_to_date_interactions = function(interactions) {
      if (
        !self$clean_outdated_http_interactions && is.null(self$re_record_interval)
      ) {
      Filter(function(z) {
        as.POSIXct(z$recorded_at, tz = "GMT") > (as.POSIXct(Sys.time(), tz = "GMT") - self$re_record_interval)
      }, interactions)

    #' @description Should re-record interactions?
    #' @return logical
    should_re_record = function() {
      if (is.null(self$re_record_interval)) return(FALSE)
      if (is.null(self$originally_recorded_at())) return(FALSE)
      now <- as.POSIXct(Sys.time(), tz = "GMT")
      time_comp <- (self$originally_recorded_at() + self$re_record_interval) < now
      info <- sprintf(
        "previously recorded at: '%s'; now: '%s'; interval: %s seconds",
        self$originally_recorded_at(), now, self$re_record_interval)

      if (!time_comp) {
          sprintf("Not re-recording since the interval has not elapsed (%s).", info),
      } else if (has_internet()) {
        vcr_log_info(sprintf("re-recording (%s).", info), vcr_c$log_opts$date)
      } else {
          sprintf("Not re-recording because no internet connection is available (%s).", info),

    #' @description Is record mode NOT "all"?
    #' @return logical
    should_stub_requests = function() {
      self$record != "all"

    #' @description Is record mode "all"?
    #' @return logical
    should_remove_matching_existing_interactions = function() {
      self$record == "all"
    #' @description Get the serializer path
    #' @return character
    storage_key = function() self$serializer$path,
    #' @description Get character string of entire cassette; bytes is a misnomer
    #' @return character
    raw_cassette_bytes = function() {
      file <- self$file()
      if (is.null(file)) return("")
      tmp <- readLines(file) %||% ""
      paste0(tmp, collapse = "")

    #' @description Create the directory that holds the cassettes, if not present
    #' @return no return; creates a directory recursively, if missing
    make_dir = function() {
      dir.create(path.expand(self$root_dir), showWarnings = FALSE,
                 recursive = TRUE)

    #' @description get http interactions from the cassette via the serializer
    #' @return list
    deserialized_hash = function() {
      tmp <- self$serializer$deserialize(self)
      if (inherits(tmp, "list")) {
      } else {
        stop(tmp, " does not appear to be a valid cassette", call. = FALSE)

    #' @description get all previously recorded interactions
    #' @return list
    previously_recorded_interactions = function() {
      if (nchar(self$raw_cassette_bytes()) > 0) {
        tmp <- compact(
          lapply(self$deserialized_hash()[["http_interactions"]], function(z) {
          response <- VcrResponse$new(
            z$response$body$string %||% z$response$body$base64_string,
            opts = self$cassette_opts,
            disk = z$response$body$file
          if (self$update_content_length_header)
          zz <- HTTPInteraction$new(
            request = Request$new(z$request$method,
                                  disk = z$response$body$file),
            response = response
          hash <- zz$to_hash()
          if (request_ignorer$should_be_ignored(hash$request)) NULL else hash
      } else {

    #' @description write recorded interactions to disk
    #' @return nothing returned
    write_recorded_interactions_to_disk = function() {
      if (!self$any_new_recorded_interactions()) return(NULL)
      hash <- self$serializable_hash()
      if (length(hash[["http_interactions"]]) == 0) return(NULL)
      fun <- self$serializer$serialize()
      fun(hash[[1]], self$persister$file_name, self$preserve_exact_body_bytes)

    #' @description record an http interaction (doesn't write to disk)
    #' @param x a crul, httr, or httr2 response object, with the request at `$request`
    #' @return nothing returned
    record_http_interaction = function(x) {
      int <- self$make_http_interaction(x)
      vcr_log_info(sprintf("   Recorded HTTP interaction: %s => %s",
        request_summary(int$request), response_summary(int$response)),
      self$new_recorded_interactions <- c(self$new_recorded_interactions, int)

    #' @description Are there any new recorded interactions?
    #' @return logical
    any_new_recorded_interactions = function() {
      length(self$new_recorded_interactions) != 0

    #' @description make list of all options
    #' @return nothing returned
    make_args = function() {
      self$args <- list(
        record = self$record,
        match_requests_on = self$match_requests_on,
        re_record_interval = self$re_record_interval,
        tag = self$tag, tags = self$tags,
        update_content_length_header = self$update_content_length_header,
        allow_playback_repeats = self$allow_playback_repeats,
        allow_unused_http_interactions = self$allow_unused_http_interactions,
        exclusive = self$exclusive, serialize_with = self$serialize_with,
        persist_with = self$persist_with,
        preserve_exact_body_bytes = self$preserve_exact_body_bytes

    #' @description write metadata to the cassette
    #' @return nothing returned
    write_metadata = function() {
      aa <- c(name = self$name, self$args)
      for (i in seq_along(aa)) {
        cat(sprintf("%s: %s", names(aa[i]), aa[i]),
            file = sprintf("%s/%s_metadata.yml",
                           path.expand(cassette_path()), self$name),
            sep = "\n", append = TRUE)

    #' @description make [HTTPInteractionList] object, assign to http_interactions_ var
    #' @return nothing returned
    http_interactions = function() {
      self$http_interactions_ <- HTTPInteractionList$new(
        interactions = {
          if (self$should_stub_requests()) {
          } else {
        request_matchers = self$match_requests_on
        # request_matchers = vcr_configuration()$match_requests_on

    #' @description Make an `HTTPInteraction` object
    #' @param x A crul, httr, or httr2 response object, with the request at `$request`
    #' @return an object of class [HTTPInteraction]
    make_http_interaction = function(x) {
      # for httr2, duplicate `body` slot in `content`
      if (inherits(x, "httr2_response")) x$content <- x$body

      # content must be raw or character
      assert(unclass(x$content), c('raw', 'character'))
      new_file_path <- ""
      is_disk <- FALSE
      if (is.character(x$content)) {
        if (file.exists(x$content)) {
          is_disk <- TRUE
          write_disk_path <- vcr_c$write_disk_path
          if (is.null(write_disk_path))
            stop("if writing to disk, write_disk_path must be given; ",
              "see ?vcr_configure")
          new_file_path <- file.path(write_disk_path, basename(x$content))

      request <- Request$new(
        method = x$request$method,
        uri = x$url,
        body = if (inherits(x, "response")) { # httr
          bd <- webmockr::pluck_body(x$request)
          if (inherits(bd, "raw")) rawToChar(bd) else bd
        } else { # crul
        headers = if (inherits(x, c("response", "httr2_response"))) {
        } else {
        opts = self$cassette_opts,
        disk = is_disk,
        skip_port_stripping = TRUE

      response <- VcrResponse$new(
        status = if (inherits(x, "response")) {
          c(list(status_code = x$status_code), httr::http_status(x))
        } else if (inherits(x, "httr2_response")) {
          list(status_code = x$status_code, message = httr2::resp_status_desc(x))
        } else {
        headers = if (inherits(x, c("response", "httr2_response"))) {
        } else {
        body = if (is.raw(x$content) || is.null(x$content)) {
          if (can_rawToChar(x$content)) rawToChar(x$content) else x$content
        } else {
          stopifnot(inherits(unclass(x$content), "character"))
          if (file.exists(x$content)) {
            # calculate new file path in fixtures/
            # copy file into fixtures/file_cache/
            # don't move b/c don't want to screw up first use before using
            # cached request
            file.copy(x$content, write_disk_path,
              overwrite = TRUE, recursive = TRUE) # copy the file
            # raw(0)
          } else {
        http_version = if (inherits(x, "response")) {
        } else {
        opts = self$cassette_opts,
        disk = is_disk
      if (self$update_content_length_header)
      HTTPInteraction$new(request = request, response = response)

    #' @description Make a crul response object
    #' @return a crul response
    serialize_to_crul = function() {
      if (length(self$deserialized_hash()) != 0) {
        intr <- self$deserialized_hash()[[1]][[1]]
      } else {
        intr <- tryCatch(
          error = function(e) e
        if (inherits(intr, "error")) {
          intr <- tryCatch(
            error = function(e) e
          if (inherits(intr, "error")) {
            stop("no requests found to construct a crul response")

      # request
      req <- webmockr::RequestSignature$new(
        method = intr$request$method,
        uri = intr$request$uri,
        options = list(
          body = intr$request$body %||% NULL,
          headers = intr$request$headers %||% NULL,
          proxies = NULL,
          auth = NULL

      # response
      resp <- webmockr::Response$new()
      bod <- intr$response$body
      resp$set_body(if ("string" %in% names(bod)) bod$string else bod)
      resp$set_status(status = intr$response$status$status_code %||% 200)

      # generate crul response
      webmockr::build_crul_response(req, resp)


  private = list(
    remove_empty_cassette = function() {
      if (!any(nzchar(readLines(self$file())))) {
        unlink(self$file(), force = TRUE)
        if (vcr_c$warn_on_empty_cassette)
          warning(empty_cassette_message(self$name), call. = FALSE)

empty_cassette_message <- function(x) {
    sprintf("Empty cassette (%s) deleted; consider the following:\n", x),
    " - If an error occurred resolve that first, then check:\n",
    " - vcr only supports crul, httr & httr2; requests w/ curl, download.file, etc. are not supported\n",
    " - If you are using crul/httr/httr2, are you sure you made an HTTP request?\n")

Try the vcr package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

vcr documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:20 p.m.