
Defines functions plot.GriddedEmissionsArray summary.GriddedEmissionsArray print.GriddedEmissionsArray GriddedEmissionsArray

Documented in GriddedEmissionsArray plot.GriddedEmissionsArray print.GriddedEmissionsArray summary.GriddedEmissionsArray

#' Construction function for class "GriddedEmissionsArray"
#' @description \code{GriddedEmissionsArray} returns a transformed object with class
#' "EmissionsArray" with 4 dimensions.
#' @return Objects of class "GriddedEmissionsArray"
#' @param x Object with class "SpatialPolygonDataFrame", "sf" "data.frame" or
#' "matrix"
#' @param object object with class "EmissionsArray'
#' @param ... ignored
#' @param rows Number of rows
#' @param cols Number of columns
#' @param times Number of times
#' @param rotate Character, rotate array:"default",  "left", "right",
#' "cols","rows", "both", "br", "colsbr", "rowsbr", "bothbr".
#' br means starting a matrix byrow
#' @rdname GriddedEmissionsArray
#' @aliases GriddedEmissionsArray print.GriddedEmissionsArray
#' summary.GriddedEmissionsArray plot.GriddedEmissionsArray
#' @importFrom sf st_set_geometry
#' @importFrom utils head
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' data(net)
#' data(pc_profile)
#' data(fe2015)
#' data(fkm)
#' PC_G <- c(33491,22340,24818,31808,46458,28574,24856,28972,37818,49050,87923,
#'           133833,138441,142682,171029,151048,115228,98664,126444,101027,
#'           84771,55864,36306,21079,20138,17439, 7854,2215,656,1262,476,512,
#'           1181, 4991, 3711, 5653, 7039, 5839, 4257,3824, 3068)
#' veh <- data.frame(PC_G = PC_G)
#' pc1 <- my_age(x = net$ldv, y = PC_G, name = "PC")
#' pcw <- temp_fact(net$ldv+net$hdv, pc_profile)
#' speed <- netspeed(pcw, net$ps, net$ffs, net$capacity, net$lkm, alpha = 1)
#' pckm <- units::set_units(fkm[[1]](1:24), "km")
#' pckma <- cumsum(pckm)
#' cod1 <- emis_det(po = "CO", cc = 1000, eu = "III", km = pckma[1:11])
#' cod2 <- emis_det(po = "CO", cc = 1000, eu = "I", km = pckma[12:24])
#' #vehicles newer than pre-euro
#' co1 <- fe2015[fe2015$Pollutant=="CO", ] #24 obs!!!
#' cod <- c(co1$PC_G[1:24]*c(cod1,cod2),co1$PC_G[25:nrow(co1)])
#' lef <- ef_ldv_scaled(co1, cod, v = "PC", t = "4S", cc = "<=1400",
#'                      f = "G",p = "CO", eu=co1$Euro_LDV)
#' E_CO <- emis(veh = pc1,lkm = net$lkm, ef = lef, speed = speed, agemax = 41,
#'               profile = pc_profile, simplify = TRUE)
#' class(E_CO)
#' E_CO_STREETS <- emis_post(arra = E_CO, pollutant = "CO", by = "streets",
#'                           net = net, k = units::set_units(1, "1/h"))
#' g <- make_grid(net, 1/102.47/2, 1/102.47/2) #500m in degrees
#' E_CO_g <- emis_grid(spobj = E_CO_STREETS, g = g, sr= 31983)
#' plot(E_CO_g["V9"])
#' # check all
#' rots <- c("default", "left", "right",
#'           "cols","rows", "both",
#'           "br", "colsbr", "rowsbr", "bothbr")
#' oldpar <- par()
#' par(mfrow = c(2,5))
#' lg <- lapply(seq_along(rots), function(i){
#'             x <- GriddedEmissionsArray(E_CO_g,
#'                                 rows = 19,
#'                                 cols = 23,
#'                                 times = 168,
#'                                 rotate = rots[i])
#'          plot(x, main = rots[i])
#'         })
#' par(mfrow = c(1,1))
#' }
#' @export
GriddedEmissionsArray <- function(x, ...,
                                  times = ncol(x),
                                  rotate = "default") {
  x$id <- NULL
  if(inherits(x, "Spatial")){
    df <- sf::st_as_sf(x)
    df <- sf::st_set_geometry(df, NULL)
  } else if(inherits(x, "sf")){
    df <- sf::st_set_geometry(x, NULL)
  } else {
    df <- x
  if(times > ncol(df)) stop("`times` cannot be higher than number of columns of `x` without x$id")
  for (i in 1:ncol(df)) {
    df[, i] <- as.numeric(df[, i])

  # array
  # https://stackoverflow.com/a/42882677/2418532
  #first reverse, then transpose, it's the same as rotate 90 degrees
  rotate_clockwise         <- function(x) { t(     apply(x, 2, rev))}
  #first transpose, then reverse, it's the same as rotate -90 degrees:
  rotate_counter_clockwise <- function(x) { apply(     t(x),2, rev)}
  #1 default####
  if(rotate == "default") {
    l <- lapply(1:times, function(i) {
      m <- t(matrix(df[, i],
                    ncol = cols,
                    nrow = rows,
                    byrow = TRUE))
    #2 left ####
  } else if(rotate == "left"){
    l <- lapply(1:times, function(i) {
      m <- t(matrix(df[, i],
                    ncol = cols,
                    nrow = rows,
                    byrow = TRUE))
    #3 right####
  } else if(rotate == "right"){
    l <- lapply(1:times, function(i) {
      m <- t(matrix(df[, i],
                    ncol = cols,
                    nrow = rows,
                    byrow = TRUE))
    #4 cols####
  } else if(rotate == "cols"){
    l <- lapply(1:ncol(df), function(j){
      mx <- matrix(df[, j],
                   nrow = rows,
                   ncol = cols)
      mx <- mx[, ncol(mx):1]
    #5 rows####
  } else if(rotate == "rows"){
    l <- lapply(1:ncol(df), function(j){
      mx <- matrix(df[, j],
                   nrow = rows,
                   ncol = cols)
      mx <- mx[nrow(mx):1, ]
    #6 both####
  } else if(rotate == "both"){
    l <- lapply(1:ncol(df), function(j){
      mx <- matrix(df[, j],
                   nrow = rows,
                   ncol = cols)
      mx <- mx[nrow(mx):1, ncol(mx):1]

    #7 br####
  } else if(rotate == "br"){
    l <- lapply(1:ncol(df), function(j){
      mx <- matrix(df[, j],
                   nrow = rows,
                   ncol = cols,
                   byrow = TRUE)
    #8 colsbr####
  } else if(rotate == "colsbr"){
    l <- lapply(1:ncol(df), function(j){
      mx <- matrix(df[, j],
                   nrow = rows,
                   ncol = cols,
                   byrow = TRUE)
      mx <- mx[, ncol(mx):1]
    #9 rowsbr####
  } else if(rotate == "rowsbr"){
    l <- lapply(1:ncol(df), function(j){
      mx <- matrix(df[, j],
                   nrow = rows,
                   ncol = cols,
                   byrow = TRUE)
      mx <- mx[nrow(mx):1, ]
    #10 bothbr####
  } else if(rotate == "bothbr"){
    l <- lapply(1:ncol(df), function(j){
      mx <- matrix(df[, j],
                   nrow = rows,
                   ncol = cols,
                   byrow = TRUE)
      mx <- mx[nrow(mx):1, ncol(mx):1]

  e <- simplify2array(l)

  class(e) <- c("GriddedEmissionsArray",class(e))

#' @rdname GriddedEmissionsArray
#' @method print GriddedEmissionsArray
#' @export
print.GriddedEmissionsArray <- function(x,  ...) {
  e <- x
  cat(paste0("This GriddedEmissionsArray has:\n", #nocov start
             dim(e)[1], " lat points\n",
             dim(e)[2], " lon points\n",
             dim(e)[3],  " hours\n"))  #nocov end

#' @rdname GriddedEmissionsArray
#' @method summary GriddedEmissionsArray
#' @export
summary.GriddedEmissionsArray <- function(object, ...) {
  e <- object
  summary(e[, , ])

#' @rdname GriddedEmissionsArray
#' @method plot GriddedEmissionsArray
#' @export
plot.GriddedEmissionsArray <- function(x, ..., times = 1) {
  oldpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)       # code line i
  on.exit(par(oldpar))                    # code line i + 1
  e <- x
  graphics::image(e[ , , times], ...)

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