
Defines functions fxMergeRows flextableStyleInternal getNonNaIndices fxTableInternal fxTable

Documented in fxTable

#' Creates a flextable object from a dataframe
#' @param x A dataframe.
#' @param delim Delimiter.
#' @param style  Named list that specifies how to style the different parts of
#' the gt or flextable table generated. Accepted style entries are: title,
#' subtitle, header, header_name, header_level, column_name, group_label, and
#' body.
#' Alternatively, use "default" to get visOmopResults style, or NULL for
#' gt/flextable style.
#' Keep in mind that styling code is different for gt and flextable. To see
#' the "deafult" gt style code use `tableStyle()`.
#' @param na How to display missing values.
#' @param title Title of the table, or NULL for no title.
#' @param subtitle Subtitle of the table, or NULL for no subtitle.
#' @param caption Caption for the table, or NULL for no caption. Text in
#' markdown formatting style (e.g. `*Your caption here*` for caption in
#' italics).
#' @param groupColumn Specifies the columns to use for group labels.
#' By default, the new group name will be a combination of the column names,
#' joined by "_". To assign a custom group name, provide a named list such as:
#' list(`newGroupName` = c("variable_name", "variable_level"))
#' @param groupAsColumn Whether to display the group labels as a column
#' (TRUE) or rows (FALSE).
#' @param groupOrder Order in which to display group labels.
#' @param colsToMergeRows Names of the columns to merge vertically
#' when consecutive row cells have identical values. Alternatively, use
#' "all_columns" to apply this merging to all columns, or use NULL to indicate
#' no merging.
#' @return A flextable object.
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge("deprecated")`
#' Creates a flextable object from a dataframe using a delimiter to span
#' the header, and allows to easily customise table style.
#' @return A flextable object.
#' @export
fxTable <- function(x,
                    delim = "\n",
                    style = "default",
                    na = "-",
                    title = NULL,
                    subtitle = NULL,
                    caption = NULL,
                    groupColumn = NULL,
                    groupAsColumn = FALSE,
                    groupOrder = NULL,
                    colsToMergeRows = NULL) {
  lifecycle::deprecate_soft(when = "0.4.0", what = "fxTable()", with = "formatTable()")
  x |>
      type = "flextable",
      delim = delim,
      style = style,
      na = na,
      title = title,
      subtitle = subtitle,
      caption = caption,
      groupColumn = groupColumn,
      groupAsColumn = groupAsColumn,
      groupOrder = groupOrder,
      merge = colsToMergeRows

fxTableInternal <- function(x,
                            delim = "\n",
                            style = "default",
                            na = "-",
                            title = NULL,
                            subtitle = NULL,
                            caption = NULL,
                            groupColumn = NULL,
                            groupAsColumn = FALSE,
                            groupOrder = NULL,
                            merge = NULL) {

  # Package checks

  # na
  if (!is.null(na)) {
    x <- x |>
        dplyr::across(dplyr::where(~ is.numeric(.x)), ~ as.character(.x)),
        dplyr::across(colnames(x), ~ dplyr::if_else(is.na(.x), na, .x))

  # Flextable
  if (length(groupColumn[[1]]) == 0) {
    # Header id's
    spanCols_ids <- which(grepl("\\[header\\]|\\[header_level\\]|\\[header_name\\]|\\[column_name\\]", colnames(x)))
    spanners <- strsplit(colnames(x)[spanCols_ids[1]], delim) |> unlist()
    header_rows <- which(grepl("\\[header\\]", spanners))
    header_name_rows <- which(grepl("\\[header_name\\]", spanners))
    header_level_rows <- which(grepl("\\[header_level\\]", spanners))

    # Eliminate prefixes
    colnames(x) <- gsub("\\[header\\]|\\[header_level\\]|\\[header_name\\]|\\[column_name\\]", "", colnames(x))

    # flextable
    flex_x <- x |>
      flextable::flextable() |>
      flextable::separate_header(split = delim)

    nameGroup <- NULL
  } else {
    nameGroup <- names(groupColumn)
    x <- x |>
        !!nameGroup, groupColumn[[1]], sep = "; ", remove = TRUE, na.rm = TRUE
    groupLevel <- unique(x[[nameGroup]])
    if (!is.null(groupOrder)) {
      if (any(!groupLevel %in% groupOrder)) {
          "x" = "`groupOrder` supplied does not match the group variable created based on `groupName`.",
          "i" = "Group variables to use in `groupOrder` are the following: {groupLevel}"
      } else {
        groupLevel <- groupOrder
    x <- x |>
      dplyr::mutate(!!nameGroup := factor(.data[[nameGroup]], levels = groupLevel)) |>
      dplyr::arrange_at(nameGroup) |>

    # Header id's
    spanCols_ids <- which(grepl("\\[header\\]|\\[header_level\\]|\\[header_name\\]|\\[column_name\\]", colnames(x)))
    spanners <- strsplit(colnames(x)[spanCols_ids[1]], delim) |> unlist()
    header_rows <- which(grepl("\\[header\\]", spanners))
    header_name_rows <- which(grepl("\\[header_name\\]", spanners))
    header_level_rows <- which(grepl("\\[header_level\\]", spanners))

    # Eliminate prefixes
    colnames(x) <- gsub("\\[header\\]|\\[header_level\\]|\\[header_name\\]|\\[column_name\\]", "", colnames(x))

    if (groupAsColumn) {
      flex_x <- x |>
        flextable::flextable() |>
        flextable::merge_v(j = nameGroup) |>
        flextable::separate_header(split = delim)
    } else {
      flex_x <- x |>
        flextable::as_grouped_data(groups = nameGroup) |>
        flextable::flextable() |>
        flextable::separate_header(split = delim)
      nonNaIndices <- getNonNaIndices(flex_x$body$dataset, nameGroup)
      flex_x <- flex_x |> flextable::merge_h(i = nonNaIndices, part = "body")

  # Headers
  if (length(header_rows) > 0 & "header" %in% names(style)) {
    flex_x <- flex_x |>
        part = "header", i = header_rows, j = spanCols_ids, pr_t = style$header$text,
        pr_c = style$header$cell, pr_p = style$header$paragraph
  if (length(header_name_rows) > 0 & "header_name" %in% names(style)) {
    flex_x <- flex_x |>
        part = "header", i = header_name_rows, j = spanCols_ids, pr_t = style$header_name$text,
        pr_c = style$header_name$cell, pr_p = style$header_name$paragraph
  if (length(header_level_rows) > 0 & "header_level" %in% names(style)) {
    flex_x <- flex_x |>
        part = "header", i = header_level_rows, j = spanCols_ids, pr_t = style$header_level$text,
        pr_c = style$header_level$cell, pr_p = style$header_level$paragraph
  if ("column_name" %in% names(style)) {
    flex_x <- flex_x |>
        part = "header", j = which(!1:ncol(x) %in% spanCols_ids),
        pr_t = style$column_name$text, pr_c = style$column_name$cell, pr_p = style$column_name$paragraph

  # Basic default + merge columns
  if (!is.null(merge)) { # style while merging rows
    flex_x <- fxMergeRows(flex_x, merge, nameGroup)
  } else {
    if (!length(groupColumn) == 0) { # style group different
      indRowGroup <- getNonNaIndices(flex_x$body$dataset, nameGroup)
      flex_x <- flex_x |>
          j = 1,
          i = indRowGroup,
          border = officer::fp_border(color = "gray"),
          part = "body"
        ) |>
          border = officer::fp_border(color = "gray"),
          j = 2:ncol(x),
          part = "body"
        ) |>
          j = 1,
          border.left = officer::fp_border(color = "gray"),
          part = "body"
        ) |>
        flextable::border( # correct group level bottom
          i = nrow(flex_x$body$dataset),
          border.bottom = officer::fp_border(color = "gray"),
          part = "body"
        ) |>
        flextable::border( # correct group level right border
          i = which(!is.na(flex_x$body$dataset[[nameGroup]])),
          j = 1,
          border.right = officer::fp_border(color = "transparent"),
          part = "body"
    } else { # style body equally
      flex_x <- flex_x |>
          border = officer::fp_border(color = "gray"),
          part = "body"
  flex_x <- flex_x |>
      border = officer::fp_border(color = "gray", width = 1.2),
      part = "header",
      i = 1:nrow(flex_x$header$dataset)
    ) |>
    flextable::align(part = "header", align = "center") |>
    flextable::valign(part = "header", valign = "center") |>
    flextable::align(j = spanCols_ids, part = "body", align = "right") |>
    flextable::align(j = which(!1:ncol(x) %in% spanCols_ids), part = "body", align = "left")

  # Other options:
  # caption
  if (!is.null(caption)) {
    flex_x <- flex_x |>
      flextable::set_caption(caption = caption)
  # title + subtitle
  if (!is.null(title) & !is.null(subtitle)) {
    if (!"title" %in% names(style)) {
      style$title <- list(
        "text" = officer::fp_text(bold = TRUE, font.size = 13),
        "paragraph" = officer::fp_par(text.align = "center")
    if (!"subtitle" %in% names(style)) {
      style$subtitle <- list(
        "text" = officer::fp_text(bold = TRUE, font.size = 11),
        "paragraph" = officer::fp_par(text.align = "center")
    flex_x <- flex_x |>
      flextable::add_header_lines(values = subtitle) |>
      flextable::add_header_lines(values = title) |>
        part = "header", i = 1, pr_t = style$title$text,
        pr_p = style$title$paragraph, pr_c = style$title$cell
      ) |>
        part = "header", i = 2, pr_t = style$subtitle$text,
        pr_p = style$subtitle$paragraph, pr_c = style$subtitle$cell
  # title
  if (!is.null(title) & is.null(subtitle)) {
    if (!"title" %in% names(style)) {
      style$title <- list(
        "text" = officer::fp_text(bold = TRUE, font.size = 13),
        "paragraph" = officer::fp_par(text.align = "center")
    flex_x <- flex_x |>
      flextable::add_header_lines(values = title) |>
        part = "header", i = 1, pr_t = style$title$text,
        pr_p = style$title$paragraph, pr_c = style$title$cell
  # body
  flex_x <- flex_x |>
      part = "body", pr_t = style$body$text,
      pr_p = style$body$paragraph, pr_c = style$body$cell
  # group label
  if (length(groupColumn[[1]]) != 0) {
    if (!groupAsColumn) {
      nonNaIndices <- getNonNaIndices(flex_x$body$dataset, nameGroup)
      flex_x <- flex_x |>
          part = "body",
          i = nonNaIndices,
          pr_t = style$group_label$text, pr_p = style$group_label$paragraph, pr_c = style$group_label$cell
    } else {
      flex_x <- flex_x |>
          part = "body", j = which(colnames(flex_x$body$dataset) %in% nameGroup),
          pr_t = style$group_label$text, pr_p = style$group_label$paragraph, pr_c = style$group_label$cell

getNonNaIndices <- function(x, nameGroup) {

flextableStyleInternal <- function(styleName) {
  styles <- list(
    "default" = list(
      "header" = list(
        "cell" = officer::fp_cell(background.color = "#c8c8c8"),
        "text" = officer::fp_text(bold = TRUE)
      "header_name" = list(
        "cell" = officer::fp_cell(background.color = "#d9d9d9"),
        "text" = officer::fp_text(bold = TRUE)
      "header_level" = list(
        "cell" = officer::fp_cell(background.color = "#e1e1e1"),
        "text" = officer::fp_text(bold = TRUE)
      "column_name" = list(
        "text" = officer::fp_text(bold = TRUE)
      "group_label" = list(
        "cell" = officer::fp_cell(
          background.color = "#e9e9e9",
          border = officer::fp_border(color = "gray")
        "text" = officer::fp_text(bold = TRUE)
      "title" = list(
        "text" = officer::fp_text(bold = TRUE, font.size = 15)
      "subtitle" = list(
        "text" = officer::fp_text(bold = TRUE, font.size = 12)
      "body" = list()
  if (!styleName %in% names(styles)) {
    cli::cli_inform(c("i" = "{styleName} does not correspon to any of our defined styles. Returning default style."))
    styleName <- "default"

fxMergeRows <- function(fx_x, merge, groupColumn) {
  colNms <- colnames(fx_x$body$dataset)
  if (merge[1] == "all_columns") {
    if (length(groupColumn) == 0) {
      merge <- colNms
    } else {
      merge <- colNms[!colNms %in% groupColumn]

  # Sort columns to merge
  ind <- match(merge, colNms)
  names(ind) <- merge
  merge <- names(sort(ind))

  # Fill group column if necessary
  indColGroup <- NULL
  indRowGroup <- NULL

  if (!length(groupColumn) == 0) {
    groupCol <- fx_x$body$dataset |>
      dplyr::select(dplyr::all_of(groupColumn)) |>
      dplyr::mutate(dplyr::across(dplyr::everything(), as.character))

    groupColsMatrix <- as.matrix(groupCol)

    indRowGroup <- which(rowSums(!is.na(groupColsMatrix)) > 0)
    filledGroupColsList <- lapply(groupColumn, function(col) {
      groupCol <- as.character(fx_x$body$dataset[[col]])
      for (k in 2:length(groupCol)) {
        if (is.na(groupCol[k])) {
          groupCol[k] <- groupCol[k - 1]
    groupColsMatrix <- do.call(cbind, filledGroupColsList)

    groupCol <- as.data.frame(groupColsMatrix, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

    indColGroup <- which(colnames(fx_x$body$dataset) %in% groupColumn)

  for (k in seq_along(merge)) {

    if (k > 1) {
      prevMerged <- mergeCol
      prevId <- prevMerged == dplyr::lag(prevMerged) & prevId
    } else {
      prevId <- rep(TRUE, nrow(fx_x$body$dataset))

    col <- merge[k]
    mergeCol <- fx_x$body$dataset[[col]]
    mergeCol[is.na(mergeCol)] <- "this is NA"

    if (length(groupColumn) == 0) {
      id <- which(mergeCol == dplyr::lag(mergeCol) & prevId)
    } else {
      id <- which(groupCol == dplyr::lag(groupCol) & mergeCol == dplyr::lag(mergeCol) & prevId)

    # Apply merging and borders
    if (length(id) > 0) {
      fx_x <- fx_x |>
        flextable::compose(i = id, j = ind[k],
    fx_x <- fx_x |>
        i = which(!1:nrow(fx_x$body$dataset) %in% id),
        j = ind[k],
        border.top = officer::fp_border(color = "gray"),
        part = "body"

  # Style the rest of the table
  fx_x <- fx_x |>
      j = which(!1:ncol(fx_x$body$dataset) %in% c(ind, indColGroup)),
      border.top = officer::fp_border(color = "gray"),
      part = "body"
    ) |>
      j = 1:ncol(fx_x$body$dataset),
      border.right = officer::fp_border(color = "gray"),
      part = "body"
    ) |>
      j = 1,
      border.left = officer::fp_border(color = "gray"),
      part = "body"
    ) |>
    flextable::border( # Correct bottom border
      i = nrow(fx_x$body$dataset),
      border.bottom = officer::fp_border(color = "gray"),
      part = "body"

  if (!length(groupColumn) == 0) {
    fx_x <- fx_x |>
        j = indColGroup,
        i = indRowGroup,
        border = officer::fp_border(color = "gray"),
        part = "body"
      ) |>
        i = getNonNaIndices(fx_x$body$dataset, groupColumn),
        j = 1,
        border.right = officer::fp_border(color = "transparent"),
        part = "body"


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visOmopResults documentation built on Sept. 24, 2024, 1:08 a.m.