## Code taken from BCEA package
## Baio, G., Berardi, A., & Heath, A. (2017). Bayesian cost-effectiveness analysis with the R package BCEA. New York: Springer.
check_packages <- function(){
if (!isTRUE(requireNamespace("INLA", quietly = TRUE))) {
stop("You need to install the packages 'INLA' and 'splancs'. Please run in your R terminal:\n install.packages('INLA', repos='')\n and\n install.packages('splancs')")
fitted_inla <- function(y, inputs, pars,
verbose = TRUE,
cutoff = 0.3,
convex.inner = -0.4,
convex.outer = -0.7,
max.edge = 0.7,
plot_inla_mesh = FALSE,
h.value = 5e-05,
robust = FALSE,
int.ord = 1,
family <- if (robust) "T" else "gaussian"
if (!is.element("INLA", (.packages()))) {
if (length(pars)<2){
stop("The INLA method can only be used with 2 or more parameters")
if (verbose) {
message("Finding projections")
projections <- make.proj(parameter = pars, inputs = inputs, x = y, pfc_struc = pfc_struc)
data <- projections$data
if (verbose) {
message("Determining Mesh")
mesh <- make.mesh(data = data, convex.inner = convex.inner,
convex.outer = convex.outer, cutoff = cutoff,max.edge=max.edge)
plot_mesh(mesh = mesh$mesh, data = data, plot = plot_inla_mesh)
if (verbose) {
message("Calculating fitted values for the GP regression using INLA/SPDE")
fit <- fit.inla(parameter = pars, inputs = inputs,
x = y, mesh = mesh$mesh, data.scale = data, int.ord = int.ord,
convex.inner = convex.inner, convex.outer = convex.outer,
cutoff = cutoff, max.edge = max.edge, h.value = h.value, family=family)
res <- fit$fitted
attr(res, "model") <- data.frame(y=y, fitted=res, residuals=y-res)
###INLA Fitting
make.proj <- function(parameter, inputs, x, pfc_struc="AIC") {
tic <- proc.time()
scale.x <- scale*x -mean(scale*x)
bx <- bf(scale.x,case="poly",2)
fit1 <- pfc(scale(inputs[,parameter]),scale.x,bx,structure="iso")
fit2 <- pfc(scale(inputs[,parameter]),scale.x,bx,structure="aniso")
fit3 <- pfc(scale(inputs[,parameter]),scale.x,bx,structure="unstr")
if (pfc_struc=="AIC"){
aics <- c(fit1$aic,fit2$aic,fit3$aic)
minaic <- which.min(aics)
struc <- c("iso","aniso","unstr")[minaic]
else struc <- pfc_struc
for(i in 2:7){
bx <- bf(scale.x,case="poly",i)
fit <- pfc(scale(inputs[,parameter]),scale.x,bx,structure=struc)
by <- bf(scale.x,case="poly",deg)
comp.d <- ldr(scale(inputs[,parameter]),scale.x,bx,structure=struc,model="pfc",numdir=d,numdir.test=T)
comp <- ldr(scale(inputs[,parameter]),scale.x,bx,structure=struc,model="pfc",numdir=2)
toc <- proc.time() - tic
time <- toc[3]
warning(paste("The dimension of the sufficient reduction is",dim.d,".
Dimensions greater than 2 imply that the EVPPI approximation using INLA may be inaccurate.
Full residual checking using diag.evppi is required."))}
names(time) = "Time to fit find projections (seconds)"
list(data = comp$R, time = time,dim=dim.d)
plot_mesh <- function(mesh, data, plot) {
if (plot) {
points(data, col = "blue", pch = 19, cex = 0.8)
make.mesh <- function(data, convex.inner, convex.outer,
cutoff,max.edge) {
tic <- proc.time()
inner <- suppressMessages({
INLA::inla.nonconvex.hull(data, convex = convex.inner)
outer <- INLA::inla.nonconvex.hull(data, convex = convex.outer)
mesh <- INLA::inla.mesh.2d(
loc=data, boundary=list(inner,outer),
toc <- proc.time() - tic
time <- toc[3]
names(time) = "Time to fit determine the mesh (seconds)"
list(mesh = mesh, pts = data, time = time)
fit.inla <- function(parameter, inputs, x, mesh,
data.scale, int.ord, convex.inner, convex.outer,
cutoff, max.edge,h.value,family) {
tic <- proc.time()
inputs <- inputs[,parameter,drop=FALSE]
inputs.scale <- scale(inputs, apply(inputs, 2, mean), apply(inputs, 2, sd))
scale.x <- scale*x -mean(scale*x)
A <- INLA::inla.spde.make.A(mesh = mesh, loc = data.scale, silent = 2L)
spde <- INLA::inla.spde2.matern(mesh = mesh, alpha = 2)
stk.real <- INLA::inla.stack(tag = "est", data = list(y=scale.x), A = list(A, 1),
effects = list(s = 1:spde$n.spde,
data.frame(b0 = 1, x = cbind(data.scale, inputs.scale))))
data <-
ctr.pred <- INLA::inla.stack.A(stk.real)
inp <- paste("x", parameter, sep=".") # CJ
# inp <- names(stk.real$effects$data)[parameter + 4] # BCEA
form <- paste(inp, "+", sep = "", collapse = "")
formula <- paste("y~0+(", form, "+0)+b0+f(s,model=spde)",
sep = "", collapse = "")
if (int.ord[1] > 1) {
formula <- paste("y~0+(", form, "+0)^", int.ord[1],
"+b0+f(s,model=spde)", sep = "", collapse = "")
Result <- suppressMessages({
INLA::inla(as.formula(formula), data = data,
family = family, control.predictor = list(A = ctr.pred,link = 1),
control.inla = list(h = h.value),
control.compute = list(config = T))
fitted <- (Result$summary.linear.predictor[1:length(x),"mean"]+mean(scale*x))/scale
fit <- Result
toc <- proc.time() - tic
time <- toc[3]
names(time) = "Time to fit INLA/SPDE (seconds)"
list(fitted = fitted, model = fit, time = time, formula = formula,
mesh = list(mesh = mesh, pts = data.scale))
check_plot_inla <- function(mod){
oldpar <- graphics::par(no.readonly=TRUE)
check_stats_inla <- function(mod){
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