Man pages for vol2birdR
Vertical Profiles of Biological Signals in Weather Radar Data

branchThe default branch
cpp_mistnet_initInitializes the mistnet shared library pointed to by the path
cpp_printMemoryThe software has to be compiled with -DRAVE_MEMORY_DEBUG and...
cpp_vol2bird_get_wsr88d_site_locationReturns the wsr88d site location file
cpp_vol2bird_initializeInitializes the vol2birdR library
cpp_vol2bird_namespace__store_main_thread_idSets the main thread id
cpp_vol2bird_set_wsr88d_site_locationSets the wsr88d site location file
cpp_vol2bird_versionInitializes the mistnet shared library pointed to by the path
get_install_urlsList of installation files to download
install_configContains a list of 'MistNet' libraries for the various OS's
install_mistnetInstall 'MistNet' libraries
install_mistnet_from_fileInstall 'MistNet' libraries from files
install_mistnet_modelInstall 'MistNet' model file
install_osReturns the system name
install_pathReturns the path of the 'MistNet' libraries for specified...
install_typeReturns the LibTorch install type
lib_installedReturns the path of the 'MistNet' libraries for specified...
load_volumeLoads a volume vol2bird-style meaning that a number of...
mistnet_defaultThe default 'MistNet' version
mistnet_existsChecks if the 'LibTorch' and 'MistNet' libraries have been...
mistnet_install_libInstalls the library
mistnet_install_libsInstalls the 'MistNet' libraries
mistnet_startInitialize the 'MistNet' system if enabled.
nexrad_station_fileRetrieve or set the nexrad location file
RaveIO-classRaveIO routines
rsl2odimConvert a NEXRAD polar volume file to an ODIM polar volume...
skip_if_no_temp_accessSkip test if tempdir() not accessible
torch_install_pathReturns the 'LibTorch' installation path.
vol2birdCalculate a vertical profile ('vp') from a polar volume...
Vol2Bird-classVol2Bird processor class
vol2bird_configCreate a 'vol2bird' configuration instance
Vol2BirdConfig-classVol2Bird configuration
vol2birdR-packagevol2birdR: Vertical Profiles of Biological Signals in Weather...
vol2bird_versionReturn 'vol2bird' version
vol2birdR documentation built on May 29, 2024, 12:20 p.m.