
Defines functions cat_wrap is.date_names print.date_names date_names_langs date_names_lang date_names

Documented in date_names date_names_lang date_names_langs

#' Create or retrieve date names
#' When parsing dates, you often need to know how weekdays of the week and
#' months are represented as text. This pair of functions allows you to either
#' create your own, or retrieve from a standard list. The standard list is
#' derived from ICU (`https://site.icu-project.org`) via the _stringi_ package.
#' @param mon,mon_ab Full and abbreviated month names.
#' @param day,day_ab Full and abbreviated week day names. Starts with Sunday.
#' @param am_pm Names used for AM and PM.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' date_names_lang("en")
#' date_names_lang("ko")
#' date_names_lang("fr")
date_names <- function(mon, mon_ab = mon, day, day_ab = day,
                       am_pm = c("AM", "PM")) {
  stopifnot(is.character(mon), length(mon) == 12)
  stopifnot(is.character(mon_ab), length(mon_ab) == 12)
  stopifnot(is.character(day), length(day) == 7)
  stopifnot(is.character(day_ab), length(day_ab) == 7)

      mon = enc2utf8(mon),
      mon_ab = enc2utf8(mon_ab),
      day = enc2utf8(day),
      day_ab = enc2utf8(day_ab),
      am_pm = enc2utf8(am_pm)
    class = "date_names"

#' @export
#' @rdname date_names
#' @param language A BCP 47 locale, made up of a language and a region,
#'   e.g. `"en_US"` for American English. See `date_names_langs()`
#'   for a complete list of available locales.
date_names_lang <- function(language) {
  stopifnot(is.character(language), length(language) == 1)

  symbols <- date_symbols[[language]]
  if (is.null(symbols)) {
    stop("Unknown language '", language, "'", call. = FALSE)


#' @export
#' @rdname date_names
date_names_langs <- function() {

# Conditionally exported in zzz.R
# @export
print.date_names <- function(x, ...) {

  if (identical(x$day, x$day_ab)) {
    day <- paste0(x$day, collapse = ", ")
  } else {
    day <- paste0(x$day, " (", x$day_ab, ")", collapse = ", ")

  if (identical(x$mon, x$mon_ab)) {
    mon <- paste0(x$mon, collapse = ", ")
  } else {
    mon <- paste0(x$mon, " (", x$mon_ab, ")", collapse = ", ")
  am_pm <- paste0(x$am_pm, collapse = "/")

  cat_wrap("Days:   ", day)
  cat_wrap("Months: ",  mon)
  cat_wrap("AM/PM:  ", am_pm)

is.date_names <- function(x) inherits(x, "date_names")

cat_wrap <- function(header, body) {
  body <- strwrap(body, exdent = nchar(header))
  cat(header, paste(body, collapse = "\n"), "\n", sep = "")

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