
test_that("problems returns a detailed warning message", {
  expect_snapshot(vroom(I("a,b,c\nx,y,z,,"), altrep = FALSE, col_types = "ccc"))

test_that("problems with data parsing works for single files", {
    x <- vroom(I("x,y\n1,2\n1,1.x\n"), col_types = "dd", altrep = FALSE),
    class = "vroom_parse_issue"
  probs <- problems(x)

  expect_equal(probs$row, 3)
  expect_equal(probs$col, 2)
  expect_equal(probs$expected, "a double")
  expect_equal(probs$actual, "1.x")

test_that("problems works for multiple files", {
  out1 <- file.path(tempdir(), "out1.txt")
  out2 <- file.path(tempdir(), "out2.txt")
  on.exit(unlink(c(out1, out2)))

  writeLines("x,y\n1,2\n1,1.x\n2,2", out1)
  writeLines("x,y\n3.x,4\n1,2\n2,2", out2)

    x <- vroom(c(out1, out2), delim = ",", col_types = "dd", altrep = F),
    class = "vroom_parse_issue"
  probs <- problems(x)

  expect_equal(probs$row, c(3, 2))
  expect_equal(probs$col, c(2, 1))
  expect_equal(probs$expected, c("a double", "a double"))
  expect_equal(probs$actual, c("1.x", "3.x"))
  expect_equal(basename(probs$file), basename(c(out1, out2)))

test_that("problems with number of columns works for single files", {
  expect_warning(probs3 <- problems(vroom(I("x,y,z\n1,2\n"), col_names = TRUE, col_types = "ddd", altrep = FALSE)),
    class = "vroom_parse_issue"
  expect_equal(probs3$row, 2)
  expect_equal(probs3$col, 2)
  expect_equal(probs3$expected, "3 columns")
  expect_equal(probs3$actual, "2 columns")

  expect_warning(probs3 <- problems(vroom(I("x,y,z\n1,2\n"), col_names = FALSE, col_types = "ddd", altrep = FALSE)),
    class = "vroom_parse_issue"
  expect_equal(probs3$row[[4]], 2)
  expect_equal(probs3$col[[4]], 2)
  expect_equal(probs3$expected[[4]], "3 columns")
  expect_equal(probs3$actual[[4]], "2 columns")

  expect_warning(probs4 <- problems(vroom(I("x,y\n1,2,3,4\n"), col_names = TRUE, col_types = "dd", altrep = FALSE)),
    class = "vroom_parse_issue"
  expect_equal(probs4$row[[2]], 2)
  expect_equal(probs4$col[[2]], 4)
  expect_equal(probs4$expected[[2]], "2 columns")
  expect_equal(probs4$actual[[2]], "4 columns")

  expect_warning(probs2 <- problems(vroom(I("x,y\n1,2,3,4\n"), col_names = FALSE, col_types = "dd", altrep = FALSE)),
    class = "vroom_parse_issue"
  expect_equal(probs2$row[[4]], 2)
  expect_equal(probs2$col[[4]], 4)
  expect_equal(probs2$expected[[4]], "2 columns")
  expect_equal(probs2$actual[[4]], "4 columns")

test_that("parsing problems are shown for all datatypes", {
  skip_if(getRversion() < "3.5")

  types <- list(
    "an integer" = col_integer(),
    "a big integer" = col_big_integer(),
    "a double" = col_double(),
    "a number" = col_number(),
    "value in level set" = col_factor(levels = "foo"),
    "date in ISO8601" = col_date(),
    "date in ISO8601" = col_datetime(),
    "time in ISO8601" = col_time()

  for (i in seq_along(types)) {
    type <- types[[i]]
    expected <- names(types)[[i]]

    res <- vroom(I("x\nxyz\n"), delim = ",", col_types = list(type), altrep = TRUE)

    # This calls the type_Elt function
    expect_warning(res[[1]][[1]], class = "vroom_parse_issue")
    expect_equal(problems(res)$expected, expected)

    res <- vroom(I("x\nxyz\n"), delim = ",", col_types = list(type), altrep = TRUE)

    # This calls the read_type function
    expect_warning(vroom_materialize(res, replace = FALSE), class = "vroom_parse_issue")
    expect_equal(problems(res)$expected, expected)

  expect_warning(res <- vroom(I("x\nxyz\n"), delim = ",", col_types = list(col_logical())),
    class = "vroom_parse_issue"

test_that("problems that are generated more than once are not duplicated", {
  # On versions of R without ALTREP the warnings will happen at different times,
  # so we skip this test in those cases
  skip_if(getRversion() < "3.5")

  res <- vroom(I("x\n1\n2\n3\n4\n5\na"), col_types = "i", delim = ",")

  # generate first problem
  expect_warning(res[[1]][[6]], class = "vroom_parse_issue")

  # generate the same problem again

  probs <- problems(res)
  expect_equal(probs$row, 7)
  expect_equal(probs$col, 1)
  expect_equal(probs$expected, "an integer")

test_that("problems return the proper row number", {
    x <- vroom(I("a,b,c\nx,y,z,,"), altrep = FALSE, col_types = "ccc"),
    class = "vroom_parse_issue"
  expect_equal(problems(x)$row, 2)

    y <- vroom(I("a,b,c\nx,y,z\nx,y,z,,"), altrep = FALSE, col_types = "ccc"),
    class = "vroom_parse_issue"
  expect_equal(problems(y)$row, 3)

    z <- vroom(I("a,b,c\nx,y,z,,\nx,y,z,,\n"), altrep = FALSE, col_types = "ccc"),
    class = "vroom_parse_issue"
  expect_equal(problems(z)$row, c(2, 3))

# https://github.com/tidyverse/vroom/pull/441#discussion_r883611090
test_that("can promote vroom parse warning to error", {
  make_warning <- function() {
    x <- vroom(
      delim = ",",
      col_types = "d",
      altrep = TRUE

    # Trigger vroom parse warning while inside R's internal C code for `[` and ensure it doesn't crash R.
    # `[` -> R's C function `do_subset()` -> ALTREP calls `vroom::real_Elt()` -> `vroom::warn_for_errors()`
    # To avoid calling `cpp11::unwind_protect()` (which throws on longjmp, i.e. on `abort()`) while inside
    # R's internal C code (which doesn't catch C++ exceptions), `vroom::warn_for_errors()` warns
    # with cli called from base R's machinery, rather than from `cpp11::package()`
    # https://github.com/r-lib/cpp11/issues/274
    # https://github.com/tidyverse/vroom/pull/441#discussion_r883611090

    # This fails hard if we unwind protect the warning (aborts RStudio)
    # - Try to throw error after catching the warning
      expr = make_warning(),
      vroom_parse_issue = function(cnd) {
        abort("oh no")

test_that("emits an error message if provided incorrect input", {
  # user provides something other than a data frame
  a_vector <- c(1, 2, 3)
  expect_snapshot(problems(a_vector), error = TRUE)

  # user provides a data frame from an incorrect source
  a_tibble <- tibble::tibble(x = c(1), y = c(2))
  expect_snapshot(problems(a_tibble), error = TRUE)

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vroom documentation built on July 4, 2024, 9:08 a.m.