
Defines functions angle avgangle extend perp perpStart perpEnd perpMid offset dist angleInRange angleDiff angleSeq onSegment orientation doIntersect Area2 Collinear Between ParallelInt SegSegInt intersection notrun translation scaling rotation transformation transform fortifyPath interpPath

## Angles of lines

## x and y are vectors of length 2
angle <- function(x, y) {
    atan2(y[2] - y[1], x[2] - x[1])

## x and y are vectors of length 3
avgangle <- function(x, y) {
    a1 <- angle(x[1:2], y[1:2])
    a2 <- angle(x[2:3], y[2:3])
    atan2(sin(a1) + sin(a2), cos(a1) + cos(a2))

## extend direction from pt 1 to pt 2
extend <- function(x, y, angle, d) {
    list(x=x + d*cos(angle),
         y=y + d*sin(angle))

## x and y are vectors; ends defines subset of length 2
perp <- function(x, y, len, a, mid) {
    dx <- len*cos(a + pi/2)
    dy <- len*sin(a + pi/2)
    upper <- c(x[mid] + dx, y[mid] + dy)
    lower <- c(x[mid] - dx, y[mid] - dy)
    rbind(upper, lower)    

## x and y are vectors of length 2
perpStart <- function(x, y, len) {
    perp(x, y, len, angle(x, y), 1)

perpEnd <- function(x, y, len) {
    perp(x, y, len, angle(x, y), 2)

## x and y are vectors of length 3
## We want the "average" angle at the middle point
perpMid <- function(x, y, len) {
    ## Now determine angle at midpoint
    perp(x, y, len, avgangle(x, y), 2)

## x and y and len are vectors of any length
offset <- function(x, y, len, a) {
    dx <- len*cos(a)
    dy <- len*sin(a)
    upper <- c(x + dx, y + dy)
    lower <- c(x - dx, y - dy)
    list(left=list(x=x + dx, y=y + dy),
         right=list(x=x - dx, y=y - dy))

dist <- function(dx, dy) {
    sqrt(dx^2 + dy^2)

angleInRange <- function(x) {
    while (any(x < -pi)) {
        toolow <- x < -pi 
        x[toolow] <- x[toolow] + 2*pi
    while (any(x > pi)) {
        toohigh <- x > pi
        x[toohigh] <- x[toohigh] - 2*pi

angleDiff <- function(a1, a2, clockwise, debug=FALSE) {
    if (clockwise) {
        result <- ifelse(a1 > a2, -(a1 - a2), -((a1 + pi) + (pi - a2)))
    } else {
        result <- ifelse(a1 < a2, a2 - a1, (pi - a1) + (a2 + pi))

    if (debug) {
        pushViewport(viewport(width=.9, height=.9,
                              xscale=c(-1, 1), yscale=c(-1, 1)))
        grid.segments(0, .5, 1, .5)
        grid.segments(.5, 0, .5, 1)
        grid.segments(0, 0, cos(a1), sin(a1), default.units="native",
                      gp=gpar(lwd=3), arrow=arrow())
        grid.text("a1", 1.05*cos(a1), 1.05*sin(a1), default.units="native")
        grid.segments(0, 0, cos(a2), sin(a2), default.units="native",
                      gp=gpar(lwd=3), arrow=arrow())
        grid.text("a2", 1.05*cos(a2), 1.05*sin(a2), default.units="native")
        t <- seq(a1, a1 + result, length.out=100)
        grid.polygon(c(0, .5*cos(t)), c(0, .5*sin(t)), default.units="native",
        grid.text(if (clockwise) "clockwise" else "anticlockwise",
                  .25*cos(a1 + .5*result), .25*sin(a1 + .5*result),


angleSeq <- function(a1, a2, len, clockwise, debug=FALSE) {
    adiff <- angleDiff(a1, a2, clockwise)
    result <- seq(a1, a1 + adiff, length.out=len)

    if (debug) {
        pushViewport(viewport(width=.9, height=.9,
                              xscale=c(-1, 1), yscale=c(-1, 1)))
        grid.segments(0, .5, 1, .5)
        grid.segments(.5, 0, .5, 1)
        grid.segments(0, 0, cos(a1), sin(a1), default.units="native",
                      gp=gpar(lwd=3), arrow=arrow())
        grid.text("a1", 1.05*cos(a1), 1.05*sin(a1), default.units="native")
        grid.segments(0, 0, cos(a2), sin(a2), default.units="native",
                      gp=gpar(lwd=3), arrow=arrow())
        grid.text("a2", 1.05*cos(a2), 1.05*sin(a2), default.units="native")
        grid.lines(.5*cos(result), .5*sin(result), default.units="native",
        grid.text(if (clockwise) "clockwise" else "anticlockwise",
                  .25*cos(a1 + .5*adiff), .25*sin(a1 + .5*adiff),


## Intersections of line segments

## Following
## http://www.geeksforgeeks.org/check-if-two-given-line-segments-intersect/
## Given three colinear points start, pt, end the function checks if
## pt lies on line segment start->end
onSegment <- function(startx, starty, ptx, pty, endx, endy) {
    rptx <- round(ptx, 10)
    rpty <- round(pty, 10)
    rsx <- round(startx, 10)
    rsy <- round(starty, 10)
    rex <- round(endx, 10)
    rey <- round(endy, 10)
    rptx <= pmax(rsx, rex) & rptx >= pmin(rsx, rex) &
        rpty <= pmax(rsy, rey) & rpty >= pmin(rsy, rey)

## To find orientation of ordered triplet (start, end, pt).
## The function returns following values
## 0 --> start, end and pt are colinear
## 1 --> Clockwise
## 2 --> Counterclockwise
orientation <- function(startx, starty, endx, endy, ptx, pty) {
    val = (endy - starty) * (ptx - endx) - (endx - startx) * (pty - endy);
    ifelse(val == 0, 0, ifelse(val > 0, 1, 2))

## The main function that returns true if line segment start1->end1
## and start2->end2 intersect.
doIntersect <- function(start1x, start1y, end1x, end1y,
                        start2x, start2y, end2x, end2y,
                        debug=FALSE) {
    ## Find the four orientations needed for general and special cases
    o1 <- orientation(start1x, start1y, end1x, end1y, start2x, start2y);
    o2 <- orientation(start1x, start1y, end1x, end1y, end2x, end2y);
    o3 <- orientation(start2x, start2y, end2x, end2y, start1x, start1y);
    o4 <- orientation(start2x, start2y, end2x, end2y, end1x, end1y);

    if (debug) {
        pts(c(start1x, end1x, start2x, end2x),
            c(start1y, end1y, start2y, end2y))
        segs(c(start1x, start2x), c(start1y, start2y),
             c(end1x, end2x), c(end1y, end2y))
    (o1 != o2 & o3 != o4) |
        (o1 == 0 &
         onSegment(start1x, start1y, start2x, start2y, end1x, end1y)) |
        (o2 == 0 &
         onSegment(start1x, start1y, end2x, end2y, end1x, end1y)) |
        (o3 == 0 &
         onSegment(start2x, start2y, start1x, start1y, end2x, end2y)) |
        (o4 == 0 & onSegment(start2x, start2y, end1x, end1y, end2x, end2y))

## Intersections of line segments (take 2)

## Following J. O'Rourke. Computational Geometry in C. Cambridge University Press, New York, 1994.

## ALL input coordinates are INTEGER

Area2 <- function(ax, ay, bx, by, cx, cy) {
    (bx - ax)*(cy - ay) - (cx - ax)*(by - ay)

Collinear <- function(ax, ay, bx, by, cx, cy) {
    Area2(ax, ay, bx, by, cx, cy) == 0

Between <- function(ax, ay, bx, by, cx, cy) {
    ifelse(ax != bx,
           (ax <= cx & cx <= bx) | (ax >= cx & cx >= bx),
           (ay <= cy & cy <= by) | (ay >= cy & cy >= by))

ParallelInt <- function(ax, ay, bx, by, cx, cy, dx, dy) {
    Cabc <- Collinear(ax, ay, bx, by, cx, cy)
    Babc <- Between(ax, ay, bx, by, cx, cy)
    Babd <- Between(ax, ay, bx, by, dx, dy)
    Bcda <- Between(cx, cy, dx, dy, ax, ay)
    Bcdb <- Between(cx, cy, dx, dy, bx, by)
    ## Extension (for non-overlap)
    Badb <- Between(ax, ay, dx, dy, bx, by)
    Badc <- Between(ax, ay, dx, dy, cx, cy)
    Bbda <- Between(bx, by, dx, dy, ax, ay)
    Bbdc <- Between(bx, by, dx, dy, cx, cy)
    Bacb <- Between(ax, ay, cx, cy, bx, by)
    Bacd <- Between(ax, ay, cx, cy, dx, dy)
    Bbca <- Between(bx, by, cx, cy, ax, ay)
    Bbcd <- Between(bx, by, cx, cy, dx, dy)
    ## x <- ifelse(!Cabc, NA, ifelse(Babc, cx, ifelse(Babd, dx, ifelse(Bcda, ax, ifelse(Bcdb, bx, NA)))))
    ## y <- ifelse(!Cabc, NA, ifelse(Babc, cy, ifelse(Babd, dy, ifelse(Bcda, ay, ifelse(Bcdb, by, NA)))))
    x <- ifelse(!Cabc, NA,
         ifelse(Babc & Babd, (cx + dx)/2,
         ifelse(Bcda & Bcdb, (ax + bx)/2,
         ifelse(Babc & Bcdb, (bx + cx)/2,
         ifelse(Babc & Bcda, (ax + cx)/2,
         ifelse(Babd & Bcdb, (bx + dx)/2,
         ifelse(Babd & Bcda, (ax + dx)/2,
         ## Extension (for non-overlap)
         ifelse(Badb & Babc, (bx + cx)/2,
         ifelse(Bbda & Bbdc, (ax + cx)/2,
         ifelse(Bacb & Bacd, (bx + dx)/2,
         ifelse(Bbca & Bbcd, (ax + dx)/2, NA)))))))))))
    y <- ifelse(!Cabc, NA,
         ifelse(Babc & Babd, (cy + dy)/2,
         ifelse(Bcda & Bcdb, (ay + by)/2,
         ifelse(Babc & Bcdb, (by + cy)/2,
         ifelse(Babc & Bcda, (ay + cy)/2,
         ifelse(Babd & Bcdb, (by + dy)/2,
         ifelse(Babd & Bcda, (ay + dy)/2,
         ## Extension (for non-overlap)
         ifelse(Badb & Babc, (by + cy)/2,
         ifelse(Bbda & Bbdc, (ay + cy)/2,
         ifelse(Bacb & Bacd, (by + dy)/2,
         ifelse(Bbca & Bbcd, (ay + dy)/2, NA)))))))))))
    list(x=x, y=y)

SegSegInt <- function(ax, ay, bx, by, cx, cy, dx, dy) {
    denom <- ax*(dy - cy) + bx*(cy - dy) + dx*(by - ay) + cx*(ay - by)
    num1 <- ax*(dy - cy) + cx*(ay - dy) + dx*(cy - ay)
    s <- num1/denom
    px <- ax + s*(bx - ax)
    py <- ay + s*(by - ay)
    paraInt <- ParallelInt(ax, ay, bx, by, cx, cy, dx, dy)
    x <- ifelse(denom == 0, paraInt$x, px)
    y <- ifelse(denom == 0, paraInt$y, py)
    list(x=x, y=y)

## We are dealing in INCHES, so 1e-6 means a millionth of an inch
intersection <- function(start1x, start1y, end1x, end1y,
                         start2x, start2y, end2x, end2y,
                         eps=1e-6, debug=FALSE) {
    int <- SegSegInt(round(start1x/eps), round(start1y/eps),
                     round(end1x/eps), round(end1y/eps),
                     round(start2x/eps), round(start2y/eps),
                     round(end2x/eps), round(end2y/eps))
    if (debug) {
        pts(c(start1x, end1x, start2x, end2x),
            c(start1y, end1y, start2y, end2y))
        segs(c(start1x, start2x), c(start1y, start2y),
             c(end1x, end2x), c(end1y, end2y))
        pts(int$x*eps, int$y*eps, "red")
    list(x=int$x*eps, y=int$y*eps)

notrun <- function() {
    testIntersect <- function(ax, ay, bx, by, cx, cy, dx, dy, x, y) {
        pushViewport(viewport(x=unit(x - .5, "in"),
                              y=unit(y - .5, "in"),
                              just=c("left", "bottom"),
                              width=unit(2, "in"), height=unit(2, "in")))
        int <- intersection(ax, ay, bx, by, cx, cy, dx, dy, debug=TRUE)
    testIntersect(1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 0, 0)
    testIntersect(1, 1, 2, 2, 1.5, 1.5, 2.5, 2.5, 2, 0)
    testIntersect(1, 1, 2, 2, 1.5, 1, 2.5, 2, 4, 0)    
    testIntersect(1.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 1, 1.5, 2, 1.5, 0, 2)    
    testIntersect(1.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 2.5, 2, 2)    
    testIntersect(1, 1.5, 2, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 2.5, 1.5, 4, 2)    

## 2D transformations
translation <- function(tx, ty) {
    m <- diag(1, 3, 3)
    m[1, 3] <- tx
    m[2, 3] <- ty

scaling <- function(sx, sy) {
    m <- diag(1, 3, 3)
    m[1, 1] <- sx
    m[2, 2] <- sy

rotation <- function(angle) {
    sa <- sin(angle)
    ca <- cos(angle)
    m <- diag(1, 3, 3)
    m[1, 1] <- ca
    m[1, 2] <- -sa
    m[2, 1] <- sa
    m[2, 2] <- ca

transformation <- function(transformations) {
    Reduce("%*%", transformations)

transform <- function(obj, transformation) {
    result <- transformation %*% rbind(obj$x, obj$y, 1) 
    list(x=result[1,], y=result[2,])

## Interpolate points on a (flattened) path (x, y),
## given distance (d) along the path
## and lengths of each path segment
## (ALL in inches)
## Return a new path, with new points included
## The algorithm below could SURELY be improved!
fortifyPath <- function(x, y, d, lengths, open, tol=.01) {
    cumLength <- cumsum(lengths)
    N <- length(x)
    if (open) {
        xx <- as.list(x)[-N]
        yy <- as.list(y)[-N]
        loopEnd <- N - 1
    } else {
        xx <- as.list(x)
        yy <- as.list(y)
        x <- c(x, x[1])
        y <- c(y, y[1])
        loopEnd <- N
    distIndex <- 1
    lastDist <- 0
    ## For each segment START point
    for (i in 1:loopEnd) {
        while (d[distIndex] <= cumLength[i + 1] &&
               distIndex < length(d) + 1) {
                   thisDist <- d[distIndex]
                   dist1 <- thisDist - cumLength[i]
                   dist2 <- cumLength[i+1] - thisDist
                   if (dist1 > tol && dist2 > tol &&
                       (thisDist - lastDist) > tol) {
                       newx <- x[i] + dist1/lengths[i + 1]*
                           (x[i + 1] - x[i])
                       xx[[i]] <- c(xx[[i]], newx)
                       newy <- y[i] + dist1/lengths[i + 1]*
                           (y[i + 1] - y[i])
                       yy[[i]] <- c(yy[[i]], newy)
                       lastDist <- thisDist
                   distIndex <- distIndex + 1
    if (open) {
        list(x=c(unlist(xx), x[N]), y=c(unlist(yy), y[N]))
    } else {
        list(x=unlist(xx), y=unlist(yy))

## Calculate points on a (flattened) path (x, y),
## given distance (d) along the path
## and lengths of each path segment
## (ALL in inches)
interpPath <- function(x, y, d, lengths, open) {
    cumLength <- cumsum(lengths)
    N <- length(x)
    if (open) {
        loopEnd <- N - 1
    } else {
        x <- c(x, x[1])
        y <- c(y, y[1])
        loopEnd <- N
    xx <- numeric(length(d))
    yy <- numeric(length(d))
    a <- numeric(length(d))
    di <- 1
    ## For each segment START point
    for (i in 1:loopEnd) {
        while (d[di] <= cumLength[i + 1] &&
               di < length(d) + 1) {
                   dist <- d[di] - cumLength[i]
                   xx[di] <- x[i] + dist/lengths[i + 1]*
                       (x[i + 1] - x[i])
                   yy[di] <- y[i] + dist/lengths[i + 1]*
                       (y[i + 1] - y[i])
                   a[di] <- angle(x[i:(i+1)], y[i:(i+1)])
                   di <- di + 1
    list(x=xx, y=yy, angle=a)

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vwline documentation built on July 25, 2019, 9:03 a.m.