
### R code from vignette source 'vignette.Rnw'
### Encoding: UTF-8

### code chunk number 1: vignette.Rnw:41-47
# load waterData package, assuming it has already been installed on the system
q05054000 <- importDVs("05054000", code="00060", stat = "00003", 
                       sdate = "2000-01-01", edate = "2010-12-31")
# return first 6 rows for new data set to view a subset of the data

### code chunk number 2: vignette.Rnw:53-55
my.URL <- tellMeURL("05054000", code = "00060", stat = "00003", 
                    sdate = "2000-01-01", edate = "2010-12-31")

### code chunk number 3: vignette.Rnw:58-59
cat("\\url{", my.URL, "}")

### code chunk number 4: vignette.Rnw:68-71
data(exampleWaterData, package = "waterData")
my.plot <- plotParam(badDataSet)

### code chunk number 5: vignette.Rnw:80-81
cleanUp(badDataSet, task = "view")

### code chunk number 6: vignette.Rnw:89-90
q05054000Fix <- cleanUp(badDataSet, task = "fix", replace = 0.1)

### code chunk number 7: vignette.Rnw:96-98
my.plot <- plotParam(q05054000Fix, code = "00060", stat = "00003", logscale = TRUE)

### code chunk number 8: vignette.Rnw:104-105
q05054000Fix <- cleanUp(badDataSet, task = "fix", replace = 10)

### code chunk number 9: vignette.Rnw:111-113
my.plot <- plotParam(q05054000Fix, code = "00060", stat = "00003", logscale = TRUE)

### code chunk number 10: vignette.Rnw:122-123

### code chunk number 11: vignette.Rnw:131-133
my.newdata <- fillMiss(misQ05054000, block = 30, pmiss = 50, model = "trend", 
                       smooth = TRUE, log = "y")

### code chunk number 12: vignette.Rnw:142-153
my.xtable <- xtable(summaryStats(q05054000Fix, staid = "05054000"),
             cap = "Summary statistics for daily streamflow series.  
             Begin, the beginning date for the series; End, the ending 
             date for the series; n, the number of observations; NA, the 
             number of missing values; Neg, the number of negative values; 
             Min, the minimum value; Q1, the first quartile or 25th percentile; 
             Med, the median value; Mean, the mean value; Q3, the third 
             quartile or 75th percentile; Max, the maximum value; StdDev, 
             the standard deviation; IQR, the interquartile range.")
print.xtable(my.xtable, size = c("scriptsize"))

### code chunk number 13: vignette.Rnw:163-166
par(cex.lab = 0.9, las = 1, tcl = 0.5, xaxs = "r", yaxs = "r", cex.axis = 0.8)
qqline(q05054000Fix$val, qtype = 9)

### code chunk number 14: vignette.Rnw:174-177
par(cex.lab = 0.9, las = 1, tcl = 0.5, xaxs = "r", yaxs = "r", cex.axis = 0.8)
qqline(log10(q05054000Fix$val), qtype = 9)

### code chunk number 15: vignette.Rnw:186-191
my.sites <- c("05054000", "05082500", "05061000", "05050000", "05058700", 
              "05267000", "06342500", "06478000", "06414000")
my.siteInfo <- siteInfo(my.sites)
xtable(my.siteInfo[order(my.siteInfo$staid),], cap = "Information for select 
       U.S. Geological Survey streamgage sites, sorted in downstream order.")

### code chunk number 16: vignette.Rnw:199-223
par(las = 1, tck = 0.02, mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0))
map("state", region = c("minnesota", ".*dakota"))
map("rivers", add = TRUE, col = 4)
# label centered over gage site, jitter added to differentiate sites close 
# together
mindif <- 0
maxiterations <- 30
iteration <- 1
while (mindif < 0.085) {
  y.offset <- as.numeric(my.siteInfo$lat) + runif(length(my.siteInfo$lat),
                                                           0.12, 0.45)
  mindif <- min(diff(unique(, digits = 3)))))
  iteration <- iteration + 1
  if ( iteration >= maxiterations ) {
    mindif <- 0.09
    message("No ideal jitter found.  Some labels may conflict")
points(my.siteInfo$lng, my.siteInfo$lat, pch = 19, col = "green")
  text(xy.coords(my.siteInfo$lng, y.offset), my.siteInfo$staid, cex = 0.55)

### code chunk number 17: vignette.Rnw:230-231
siteInfoURL <- tellMeSiteURL(c("05054000"))

### code chunk number 18: vignette.Rnw:234-235
cat("\\url{", siteInfoURL, "}")

### code chunk number 19: vignette.Rnw:277-281
anoms365.30.1 <- compAnom(q05054000, which = 1)
anoms100.10.1 <- compAnom(q05054000, which = 2)
anoms30.1 <- compAnom(q05054000, which = 3)
anomsLT <- compAnom(q05054000, which = 4)

### code chunk number 20: vignette.Rnw:289-290

### code chunk number 21: vignette.Rnw:298-299

### code chunk number 22: vignette.Rnw:307-308

### code chunk number 23: vignette.Rnw:316-325
# Import not run during vignette building because it may time out
# over a slow connection, but this is the code to get the original data
# q05054000LT<-importDVs("05054000", code="00060", stat="00003", sdate="1949-10-01", 
#                                                  edate="2010-9-30")
# data are available in example data set
my.xtable <- xtable(summaryStats(q05054000LT, staid = "05054000"),
                  cap = "Summary statistics for daily streamflow series.")
print.xtable(my.xtable, size = c("footnotesize"))

### code chunk number 24: vignette.Rnw:330-332
q05054000LT <- cleanUp(q05054000LT, task = "fix")
anomsLT <- compAnom(q05054000LT, which = 4)

### code chunk number 25: vignette.Rnw:338-339

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waterData documentation built on May 2, 2019, 3:38 p.m.