
plot.dwt <- function (x, levels = NULL, draw.boundary = FALSE,
                      type = "stack", col.plot = "black", col.boundary = "red",
                      X.xtick.at = NULL, X.ytick.at = NULL, Stack.xtick.at = NULL,
                      Stack.ytick.at = NULL, X.xlab = "t", y.rlabs = TRUE,
                      plot.X = TRUE, plot.W = TRUE, plot.V = TRUE, ...)
    stackplot.dwt <- function ( x , w.range, v.range, col.plot, col.boundary,
                               draw.boundary = FALSE, X.xtick.at = NULL, X.ytick.at = NULL,
                               Stack.xtick.at = NULL, Stack.ytick.at = NULL, X.xlab = "t",
                               plot.X = TRUE)
        innerplot <- function(x, y, type = "l", xtick.at, ytick.at)
            if(is.null(xtick.at) == FALSE || is.null(ytick.at) == FALSE) {
            plot(x, y, type = "l", axes = FALSE, frame.plot = TRUE)
                if(is.null(xtick.at) == FALSE) {
                    axis(1, at = axTicks(1, xtick.at))
                    xtickrate <- xtick.at
                else {
                    xtickrate <- par("xaxp")
                if(is.null(ytick.at) == FALSE) {
                    axis(2, at = axTicks(2, ytick.at))                
                    ytickrate <- ytick.at
                else {
                    ytickrate <- par("yaxp")
            else {
                plot(x, y, type = "l")
                xtickrate <- par("xaxp")
                ytickrate <- par("yaxp")
            tickrate <- list(xtick = xtickrate, ytick = ytickrate)

        if(plot.X) {    
            nf <- layout(matrix(c(2,2,1,1), 2, 2, byrow=TRUE), c(1,2), c(2,1), TRUE)
            par(mai = c(.6, .4, .1, .6))
            if( x @class.X == "ts" ||  x @class.X == "mts") {
                x.range <-  x @attr.X$tsp[1]: x @attr.X$tsp[2]
                x.range <- 1:dim( x @series)[1]

            tickrate <- innerplot(x.range,  x @series[,1], type = "l", X.xtick.at, X.ytick.at)
            right.usrplotrange <- par()$usr[2] - par()$usr[1]
            NDCplotrange <- par()$plt[2] - par()$plt[1] 
            marginpos <- (1-par()$plt[2])/2
            right.usrlabelpos <- ((marginpos*right.usrplotrange)/NDCplotrange) + par()$usr[2]
            text(right.usrlabelpos, 0, "X", xpd = TRUE)
            mtext(X.xlab, side = 1, line = 2)

            par(mai = c(0, .4, .1, .6))
        if(plot.X == FALSE) {
            par(mai = c(.4, .4, .1, .6))
            if(is.null(Stack.xtick.at) == FALSE) {
                xtickrate <- Stack.xtick.at
            else {
                xtickrate <- NULL
            if(is.null(Stack.ytick.at) == FALSE) {
                ytickrate <- Stack.ytick.at
            else {
                ytickrate <- NULL
            tickrate <- list(xtick = xtickrate, ytick = ytickrate)
        if (draw.boundary) {
            matrixlist <- list(dwt = as.matrix.dwt( x , w.range, v.range), posbound = boundary.as.matrix.dwt( x , w.range, v.range, positive = TRUE), negbound = boundary.as.matrix.dwt( x , w.range, v.range, positive = FALSE))
            col <- c(col.plot, col.boundary, col.boundary)
        else {
            matrixlist <- list(dwt = as.matrix.dwt( x , w.range, v.range))
            col <- col.plot

        if(is.null(w.range) == FALSE) {    
            gammawave <- wt.filter.shift( x @filter, w.range, wavelet = TRUE)
        if(is.null(v.range) == FALSE) {    
            gammascale <- wt.filter.shift( x @filter, v.range, wavelet = FALSE)

        if(y.rlabs) {
            rightlabels <- labels.dwt(w.range = w.range, v.range = v.range, gammah = gammawave, gammag = gammascale)
        else {
            rightlabels <- NULL

        stackplot(matrixlist, y = NULL, y.rlabs = rightlabels, col = col, xtick.at = tickrate$xtick, ytick.at = tickrate$ytick) 

    boundary.as.matrix.dwt <- function( x , w.range, v.range, positive = TRUE) 
        Lprimej <-  x @n.boundary
        if(is.null(w.range) == FALSE) {
            wavecoefmatrix <- array(NA, c(2*dim( x @series)[1], length(w.range)))
            Wjplot <- rep(NA, 2*dim( x @series)[1])
            wavecoefmatrix.index <- 0

            for (j in w.range) 
                wavecoefmatrix.index <- wavecoefmatrix.index + 1
                levelshift <- waveletshift.dwt( x @filter@L, j, dim( x @series)[1])%%(2^j)
                rightgamma <- wt.filter.shift( x @filter, j, wavelet = TRUE)
                leftgamma <- Lprimej[j] - rightgamma

                if(positive) {
                boundaryheight <- max( x @W[[j]])
                else {
                boundaryheight <- min( x @W[[j]])

                if(leftgamma != 0) {
                    leftboundarypos <- leftgamma*(2^j) + .5*(2^j) - levelshift
                else {
                    leftboundarypos <- 0

                if(rightgamma != 0) {
                    rightboundarypos <- dim( x @series)[1] - rightgamma*(2^j) + .5*(2^j) - levelshift
                else {
                    rightboundarypos <- 0

                if(leftboundarypos != 0 && rightboundarypos != 0) {
                    leftspace <- rep(NA, 2*leftboundarypos - 1)
                    middlespace <- rep(NA, 2*(rightboundarypos - leftboundarypos) - 1)
                    rightspace <- rep(NA, 2*(dim( x @series)[1] - rightboundarypos)) 
                    Wjplot <- c(leftspace, boundaryheight, middlespace, boundaryheight, rightspace)

                if(leftboundarypos == 0 && rightboundarypos != 0) {
                    middlespace <- rep(NA, 2*rightboundarypos - 1)
                    rightspace <- rep(NA, 2*(dim( x @series)[1] - rightboundarypos)) 
                    Wjplot <- c(middlespace, boundaryheight, rightspace)
                if(leftboundarypos != 0 && rightboundarypos == 0) {
                    leftspace <- rep(NA, 2*leftboundarypos - 1)
                    middlespace <- rep(NA, 2*(dim( x @series)[1] - leftboundarypos)) 
                    Wjplot <- c(leftspace, boundaryheight, middlespace)

                wavecoefmatrix[,wavecoefmatrix.index] <- Wjplot

       if(is.null(v.range) == FALSE) {
            scalecoefmatrix <- array(NA, c(2*dim( x @series)[1], length(v.range)))
            Vjplot <- rep(NA, 2*dim( x @series)[1])
            scalecoefmatrix.index <- 0

            for(j in v.range) 
                scalecoefmatrix.index <- scalecoefmatrix.index + 1
                levelshift <- scalingshift.dwt( x @filter@L, j, dim( x @series)[1])%%(2^j)
                rightgamma <- wt.filter.shift( x @filter, j, wavelet = FALSE)
                leftgamma <- Lprimej[j] - rightgamma

                Vj <-  x @V[[j]][,1] - mean( x @V[[j]][,1])

                if(positive) {
                    boundaryheight <- max(Vj)
                else {
                    boundaryheight <- min(Vj)

                if(leftgamma != 0) {
                    leftboundarypos <- leftgamma*(2^j) + .5*(2^j) - levelshift  
                else {
                    leftboundarypos <- 0
                if(rightgamma != 0) {
                    rightboundarypos <- dim( x @series)[1] - rightgamma*(2^j) + .5*(2^j) - levelshift
                else {
                    rightboundarypos <- 0
                if(leftboundarypos != 0 && rightboundarypos != 0) {
                    leftspace <- rep(NA, 2*leftboundarypos - 1)
                    middlespace <- rep(NA, 2*(rightboundarypos - leftboundarypos) - 1)
                    rightspace <- rep(NA, 2*(dim( x @series)[1] - rightboundarypos)) 
                    Vjplot <- c(leftspace, boundaryheight, middlespace, boundaryheight, rightspace)

                if(leftboundarypos == 0 && rightboundarypos != 0) {
                    middlespace <- rep(NA, 2*rightboundarypos - 1)
                    rightspace <- rep(NA, 2*(dim( x @series)[1] - rightboundarypos)) 
                    Vjplot <- c(middlespace, boundaryheight, rightspace)

                if(leftboundarypos != 0 && rightboundarypos == 0) {
                    leftspace <- rep(NA, 2*leftboundarypos - 1)
                    rightspace <- rep(NA, 2*(dim( x @series)[1] - leftboundarypos)) 
                    Vjplot <- c(leftspace, boundaryheight, rightspace)

                scalecoefmatrix[,scalecoefmatrix.index] <- Vjplot

            if(is.null(w.range) == FALSE && is.null(v.range) == FALSE) {
                if( x @class.X == "ts" ||  x @class.X == "mts") {
                    rownames(wavecoefmatrix) <- seq( x @attr.X$tsp[1]-.5,  x @attr.X$tsp[2], by = .5)
                    rownames(scalecoefmatrix) <- seq( x @attr.X$tsp[1]-.5,  x @attr.X$tsp[2], by = .5)
                else {
                    rownames(wavecoefmatrix) <- seq(.5, dim( x @series)[1], by = .5)
                    rownames(scalecoefmatrix) <- seq(.5, dim( x @series)[1], by = .5)
                results <- cbind(wavecoefmatrix, scalecoefmatrix)    
            if(!is.null(w.range) && is.null(v.range)) {
                if( x @class.X == "ts" ||  x @class.X == "mts") {
                    rownames(wavecoefmatrix) <- seq( x @attr.X$tsp[1]-.5,  x @attr.X$tsp[2], by = .5)
                else {
                    rownames(wavecoefmatrix) <- seq(.5, dim( x @series)[1], by = .5)
                results <- wavecoefmatrix
            if(is.null(w.range) && !is.null(v.range)) {
                if( x @class.X == "ts" ||  x @class.X == "mts") {
                    rownames(scalecoefmatrix) <- seq( x @attr.X$tsp[1]-.5,  x @attr.X$tsp[2], by = .5)
                else {
                    rownames(scalecoefmatrix) <- seq(.5, dim( x @series)[1], by = .5)
                results <- scalecoefmatrix

    as.matrix.dwt <- function ( x , w.range, v.range)
        if( x @aligned) {
             x  <- align( x , inverse = TRUE)

        if(is.null(w.range) == FALSE) {
            wavecoefmatrix <- array(NA, c(dim( x @series)[1], length(w.range)))
            Wjplot <- rep(NA, dim( x @series)[1])
            wavecoefmatrix.index <- 0

            for (j in w.range) {
                Wjplot <- rep(NA, dim( x @series)[1])
                wavecoefmatrix.index <- wavecoefmatrix.index + 1
                Wj <-  x @W[[j]][,1]
                Wjplot[(2^j)*(1:length(Wj))] <- Wj
                Wjplot <- levelshift.dwt(Wjplot, waveletshift.dwt( x @filter@L, j, dim( x @series)[1])) 
                wavecoefmatrix[,wavecoefmatrix.index] <- Wjplot
        if(is.null(v.range) == FALSE) {         
            scalecoefmatrix <- array(NA, c(dim( x @series)[1], length(v.range)))
            Vjplot <- rep(NA, dim( x @series)[1])
            scalecoefmatrix.index <- 0

            for(k in v.range) {
                scalecoefmatrix.index <- scalecoefmatrix.index + 1
                Vj <-  x @V[[k]][,1] - mean( x @V[[k]][,1])
                Vjplot[(2^k)*(1:length(Vj))] <- Vj
                Vjplot <- levelshift.dwt(Vjplot, scalingshift.dwt( x @filter@L, k, dim( x @series)[1]))   
                scalecoefmatrix[,scalecoefmatrix.index] <- Vjplot                   

        if(is.null(w.range) == FALSE && is.null(v.range) == FALSE) {
            if( x @class.X == "ts" ||  x @class.X == "mts") {
                rownames(wavecoefmatrix) <-  x @attr.X$tsp[1]: x @attr.X$tsp[2]
                rownames(scalecoefmatrix) <-  x @attr.X$tsp[1]: x @attr.X$tsp[2]
            else {
                rownames(wavecoefmatrix) <- 1:dim( x @series)[1]
                rownames(scalecoefmatrix) <- 1:dim( x @series)[1]    
            results <- cbind(wavecoefmatrix, scalecoefmatrix)    
        if(is.null(w.range) == FALSE && is.null(v.range)) {
            if( x @class.X == "ts" ||  x @class.X == "mts") {
                rownames(wavecoefmatrix) <-  x @attr.X$tsp[1]: x @attr.X$tsp[2]
            else {
                rownames(wavecoefmatrix) <- 1:dim( x @series)[1]
            results <- wavecoefmatrix
        if(is.null(w.range) && is.null(v.range) == FALSE) {
            if( x @class.X == "ts" ||  x @class.X == "mts") {
                rownames(scalecoefmatrix) <-  x @attr.X$tsp[1]: x @attr.X$tsp[2]
            else {
                rownames(scalecoefmatrix) <- 1:dim( x @series)[1]    
            results <- scalecoefmatrix


    labels.dwt <- function (w.range = NULL, v.range = NULL, gammah = NULL, gammag = NULL)
        verticallabel <- list()

        if(is.null(w.range) == FALSE) {
            for (j in 1:length(w.range)) {
                label <- substitute(paste(T^-gamma,W[level]), list(gamma = gammah[j], level = w.range[j]))
                verticallabel <- c(verticallabel, label)

        if(is.null(v.range) == FALSE) {
            for (i in 1:length(v.range)) {
                label <- substitute(paste(T^-gamma,V[level]), list(gamma = gammag[i], level = v.range[i]))
                verticallabel <- c(verticallabel, label)

        results <- verticallabel

    levelshift.dwt <- function (level, shift)
        if(shift != 0) {
            level <- c(level[(shift+1):length(level)], level[1:shift])


    if (type == "stack") {
        if(class( x ) != "dwt") {
            stop("Invalid argument: 'dwt' object must be of class dwt.")
        if(is.null(levels)) {
            w.range <- 1: x @level
            v.range <- max(w.range)  
        if(class(levels) == "numeric") {
            if(length(levels) == 1) {
                w.range <- 1:levels
                v.range <- max(w.range)  
            else {
                w.range <- levels
                v.range <- max(w.range)
        if(class(levels) == "list") {
            if(length(levels) < 1) {
                w.range <- 1: x @level
                v.range <- max(w.range)
            if(length(levels) == 1) {
                w.range <- levels[[1]]
                v.range <- max(w.range)
            else {
                w.range <- levels[[1]]
                v.range <- levels[[2]]
        if(class(levels) != "list" && class(levels) != "vector" && class(levels) != "numeric" && is.null(levels) == FALSE) {
            stop("Invalid argument: Levels must be numeric, vector, or list.")

        if(plot.W == FALSE) {
            w.range <- NULL
        if(plot.V == FALSE) {
            v.range <- NULL
        if(plot.W == FALSE && plot.V == FALSE) {
            stop("Invalid argument: At least one of plot.W or plot.V must be TRUE")

        if(is.null(w.range) == FALSE) {
            if(min(w.range) < 1 ||  x @level < max(w.range)) {
                stop("Invalid argument: Elements of 'levels' must be compatible with the level of decomposition of the 'dwt' object.")
        if(is.null(v.range) == FALSE) {
            if(min(v.range) < 1 ||  x @level < max(v.range)) {
                stop("Invalid argument: Elements of 'levels' must be compatible with the level of decomposition of the 'dwt' object.")

        stackplot.dwt( x , w.range, v.range, col.plot, col.boundary, draw.boundary = draw.boundary, X.xtick.at = X.xtick.at, X.ytick.at = X.ytick.at, Stack.xtick.at = Stack.xtick.at, Stack.ytick.at = Stack.ytick.at, X.xlab = X.xlab, plot.X = plot.X)
    else {
        stop("Only the stackplot is currently implemented.")

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wavelets documentation built on March 26, 2020, 6:50 p.m.