Release information for wgaim

Changes in version 2.0-6

Version 2.0-6 of wgaim is a minor maintenance release to fix CRAN build warnings.

Changes in version 2.0-x

New Features

Bug Fixes

Changes in version 1.4-x

New Features

> system.file("doc", package = "wgaim")

The reference manual contains WGAIM theory and two thorough examples that show the features of the package. It also contains a "casual walk through" the package providing the user with a series of 5 steps to a successful wgaim analysis. - The package now includes three fully documented phenotypic and genotypic data sets for users to explore. Two of these three have been used in the manual and scripts that follow the examples in the manual are available under the "doc" directory of the package. - The package now provides very efficient whole genome QTL analysis of high dimensional genetic marker data. All genetic marker data is passed into wgaim.asreml() through the "intervalObj" argument. Merging of genotypic and phenotypic data occurs within wgaim.asreml(). - wgaim.asreml() has several new arguments related to selection of QTL. The "gen.type" argument allows the user to choose a whole genome marker analysis or whole genome mid-point interval analysis from Verbyla et. al (2007). The "method" argument gives you the choice of placing QTL in the fixed part of the linear mixed model as in Verbyla (2007) or the random part of model as in Verbyla et. al (2012). Finally, the "selection" argument allows you to choose whether QTL selection is based on whole genome interval outlier statistics or a two stage process of using chromosome outlier statistics and then interval outlier statistics. - A "breakout" argument is now also provided which allows the user to breakout of the forward selection algorithm at any stage. The current model along with any calculated QTL components are all available for inspection. - All linkage map plotting functions can be subsetted by predefined distances. This includes a list of distances as long as the number of linkage groups plotted.

Bug Fixes

Try the wgaim package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

wgaim documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 9:31 p.m.