
context("Test Terrain and Weibull Effects")

## Function to suppress print/cat outputs
quiet <- function(x) { 

test_that("Test Terrain and Weibull Effects", {
  # skip_if(Sys.info()["machine"] != "x86-64")
  ## Test Terrain Model ###################
  Projection <- 3035
  data.in <- data.frame(ws = 12, wd = 0)
  ## Normal Terrain Example
  sp_polygon <- sf::st_as_sf(sf::st_sfc(
      c(4498482, 4498482, 4499991, 4499991, 4498482),
      c(2668272, 2669343, 2669343, 2668272, 2668272)))), 
    crs = 3035

  resultrect <- quiet(expect_warning(
    genetic_algorithm(Polygon1 = sp_polygon,
                      n = 12, iteration = 1,
                      vdirspe = data.in,
                      Rotor = 30,
                      RotorHeight = 100, 
                      topograp = TRUE, verbose = TRUE, 
                      plotit = TRUE)
  expect_true(nrow(resultrect) == 1)
  expect_is(resultrect, "matrix")
  expect_false(any(unlist(sapply(resultrect, is.na))))

  ## CCL-Raster should be in directory already
  path <- paste0(system.file(package = "windfarmGA"), "/extdata/")
  sourceCCLRoughness <- paste0(path, "clc_legend.csv")
  resultrect <- quiet(expect_warning(
    genetic_algorithm(Polygon1 = sp_polygon,
                      n = 12, iteration = 1,
                      vdirspe = data.in,
                      Rotor = 30,
                      RotorHeight = 100, 
                      topograp = TRUE, verbose = TRUE, 
                      plotit = TRUE, sourceCCL = "g100_06.tif", 
                      sourceCCLRoughness = sourceCCLRoughness)
  expect_true(nrow(resultrect) == 1)
  expect_is(resultrect, "matrix")
  expect_false(any(unlist(sapply(resultrect, is.na))))
  ## Weibull ################
  ## Weibull Params (FAKE).
  DEM <- expect_warning(elevatr::get_elev_raster(verbose = FALSE,
    locations = as(st_transform(sp_polygon, 4326), "Spatial"), z = 11))
  sp_polygonproj <- st_transform(sp_polygon, st_crs(crs(DEM)))
  DEMcrop <- crop(DEM, sp_polygonproj)
  maxval <- max(values(DEMcrop))
  a_raster <- raster::calc(DEMcrop, function(x) (x / maxval)+1)
  k_raster <- raster::calc(DEMcrop, function(x) (x / maxval)+6)
  resultrect <- quiet(
    genetic_algorithm(Polygon1 = sp_polygon,
                      n = 12, iteration = 1,
                      vdirspe = data.in,
                      Rotor = 30,
                      RotorHeight = 100,
                      verbose = TRUE, 
                      weibull = TRUE,
                      weibullsrc = list(k_raster, a_raster))
  expect_true(nrow(resultrect) == 1)
  expect_is(resultrect, "matrix")
  expect_false(any(unlist(sapply(resultrect, is.na))))
  ## Weibull-Raster from Package used
  resultrect <- quiet(
    genetic_algorithm(Polygon1 = sp_polygon,
                      n = 12, iteration = 1,
                      vdirspe = data.in,
                      Rotor = 30,
                      RotorHeight = 100,
                      verbose = TRUE,
  expect_true(nrow(resultrect) == 1)
  expect_is(resultrect, "matrix")
  expect_false(any(unlist(sapply(resultrect, is.na))))
  f <- file()
  options(windfarmGA.connection = f)
  write(paste(rep(" ", 20), collapse = "\n"), f)
  resultrect <- quiet(
    windfarmGA(Polygon1 = sp_polygon,
               selstate = "FIX", crossPart1 = "EQU",
               n = 12, iteration = 1,
               vdirspe = data.in,
               Rotor = 30,
               RotorHeight = 100, verbose = TRUE,
               weibull = TRUE)
  options(windfarmGA.connection = stdin())
  expect_true(nrow(resultrect) == 1)
  expect_is(resultrect, "matrix")
  expect_false(any(unlist(sapply(resultrect, is.na))))
  ## Plotting Terrain Effects #############
  plres <- plot_result(resultrect, sp_polygon,
                topographie = TRUE,
                plotEn = 1,
                sourceCCLRoughness = sourceCCLRoughness, 
                weibullsrc = list(a_raster * (gamma(1 + (1 / k_raster)))))
  expect_true(all(plres$EfficAllDir <= 100))
  plres <- plot_result(resultrect, sp_polygon,
                weibullsrc = list(k_raster, a_raster))
  expect_true(all(plres$EfficAllDir <= 100))
  ## Weibull Single Raster for mean wind spead
  weibullraster <- a_raster * (gamma(1 + (1 / k_raster)))
  plres <- plot_result(resultrect, sp_polygon,
                plotEn = 2,
                weibullsrc = weibullraster)
  expect_true(all(plres$EfficAllDir <= 100))
  if (length(list.files(pattern = "g100_06.tif")) != 0) {
  plres <- plot_result(resultrect,
                topographie = TRUE,
                plotEn = 1)
  expect_true(all(plres$EfficAllDir <= 100))
  ## calculate_energy with Terrain + Plots!! ##################
  ## With Terrain (+new function)
  Polygon1 <- sf::st_as_sf(sf::st_sfc(
      c(4498482, 4498482, 4499991, 4499991, 4498482),
      c(2668272, 2669343, 2669343, 2668272, 2668272)))), 
    crs = 3035
  srtm <- elevatr::get_elev_raster(
    locations = as(Polygon1, "Spatial"), z = 11)
  srtm_crop <- raster::crop(srtm, Polygon1)
  data.in <- data.frame(ws = 12, wd = 0)
  Rotor <- 50; fcrR <- 3
  resGrid <- grid_area(shape = Polygon1, size = Rotor * fcrR,
                       prop = 1, plotGrid = FALSE)
  resStartGA <- init_population(Grid = resGrid[[1]], n = 15, nStart = 100)
  srtm_crop <- suppressWarnings(raster::mask(srtm_crop, Polygon1))
  roughrast <- raster::terrain(srtm_crop, "roughness")
  if (all(is.na(values(roughrast)))) {
    values(roughrast) <- 1
  srtm_crop <- list(
    strm_crop = srtm_crop,
    orogr1 = raster::calc(srtm_crop, function(x) {
      x / (raster::cellStats(srtm_crop, mean, na.rm = TRUE))
    roughness = roughrast
  ccl <- raster::raster("g100_06.tif")
  ccl <- crop(ccl, Polygon1)
  ccl <- suppressWarnings(mask(ccl, Polygon1))
  path <- paste0(system.file(package = "windfarmGA"), "/extdata/")
  sourceCCLRoughness <- paste0(path, "clc_legend.csv")
  rauhigkeitz <- utils::read.csv(sourceCCLRoughness,
                                 header = TRUE, sep = ";")
  cclRaster <- raster::reclassify(ccl,
                                         ncol = 2))
  resCalcEn <- calculate_energy(sel = resStartGA[[1]], referenceHeight = 50,
                                srtm_crop = srtm_crop, cclRaster = cclRaster,
                                RotorHeight = 50, SurfaceRoughness = 0.14, wnkl = 20,
                                distanz = 100000, dirSpeed = data.in,
                                RotorR = 50, polygon1 = Polygon1,
                                topograp = TRUE, weibull = FALSE, plotit = TRUE)
  expect_output(str(resCalcEn), "List of 1")
  # expect_true(class(resCalcEn[[1]]) == "matrix")
  df <- do.call(rbind, resCalcEn)
  expect_true(all(df[df[, "A_ov"] != 0, "TotAbschProz"] != 0))
  expect_true(all(df[df[, "TotAbschProz"] != 0, "V_New"] <
                    df[df[, "TotAbschProz"] != 0, "Windmean"]))
  expect_false(any(unlist(sapply(resCalcEn, is.na))))
  expect_true(all(df[, "Rect_ID"] %in% resGrid[[1]][, "ID"]))
  # Weibull + Plotting
  DEMcrop <- srtm_crop$orogr1
  maxval <- max(values(DEMcrop))
  a_raster <- raster::calc(DEMcrop, function(x) (x / maxval)+1)
  k_raster <- raster::calc(DEMcrop, function(x) (x / maxval)+6)
  weibullraster <- a_raster * (gamma(1 + (1 / k_raster)))
  resCalcEn <- calculate_energy(sel = resStartGA[[1]], referenceHeight = 50,
                                srtm_crop = srtm_crop, cclRaster = cclRaster,
                                RotorHeight = 50, SurfaceRoughness = 0.14, wnkl = 20,
                                distanz = 100000, dirSpeed = data.in,
                                RotorR = 50, polygon1 = Polygon1, topograp = FALSE,
                                weibull = weibullraster, plotit = TRUE)
  expect_output(str(resCalcEn), "List of 1")
  # expect_true(class(resCalcEn[[1]]) == "matrix")
  df <- do.call(rbind, resCalcEn)
  expect_true(all(df[df[, "A_ov"] != 0, "TotAbschProz"] != 0))
  expect_true(all(df[df[, "TotAbschProz"] != 0, "V_New"] <
                    df[df[, "TotAbschProz"] != 0, "Windmean"]))
  expect_false(any(unlist(sapply(resCalcEn, is.na))))
  expect_true(all(df[, "Rect_ID"] %in% resGrid[[1]][, "ID"]))
  ## Make Hole in Weibull-Raster, so some Values are NA 
  min_y_ppt <- data.frame(resStartGA[[1]][order(resStartGA[[1]][,2])<=9,])
  min_y_ppt <- st_as_sf(min_y_ppt, coords=c("X","Y"))
  weibullrastercrop <- crop(weibullraster, raster::extent(min_y_ppt))
  resCalcEn <- calculate_energy(sel = resStartGA[[1]], referenceHeight = 50,
                                srtm_crop = srtm_crop, cclRaster = cclRaster,
                                RotorHeight = 50, SurfaceRoughness = 0.14, wnkl = 20,
                                distanz = 100000, dirSpeed = data.in,
                                RotorR = 50, polygon1 = Polygon1, topograp = FALSE,
                                weibull = weibullrastercrop, plotit = T)
  expect_output(str(resCalcEn), "List of 1")
  # expect_true(class(resCalcEn[[1]]) == "matrix")
  df <- do.call(rbind, resCalcEn)
  expect_true(all(df[df[, "A_ov"] != 0, "TotAbschProz"] != 0))
  expect_true(all(df[df[, "TotAbschProz"] != 0, "V_New"] <
                    df[df[, "TotAbschProz"] != 0, "Windmean"]))
  expect_false(any(unlist(sapply(resCalcEn, is.na))))
  expect_true(all(df[, "Rect_ID"] %in% resGrid[[1]][, "ID"]))

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windfarmGA documentation built on May 5, 2021, 5:08 p.m.