#' Get team goal logs
#' Returns the team's season goal logs
#' @param team_urls the URL(s) of the team(s) (can come from fb_teams_urls())
#' @param time_pause the wait time (in seconds) between page loads
#' @param for_or_against select whether to return data of goals "for" (the default), goals "against", or "both"
#' @return returns a dataframe of the team's goals scored and conceded in the season
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' try({
#' # for single teams:
#' man_city_url <- ""
#' fb_team_goal_logs(team_urls = man_city_url, for_or_against = "for")
#' })
#' }
fb_team_goal_logs <- function(team_urls, time_pause=3, for_or_against="for") {
t <- time_pause
f_a <- for_or_against # one of "team", "opposition", or "both"
get_each_team_goal_log <- function(team_url, time_pause=t, for_or_against=f_a) {
# put sleep in as per new user agreement on FBref
page <- .load_page(team_url)
page_urls <- page %>% rvest::html_elements("#inner_nav .hoversmooth a")
# if there is only one competition the "Goal Logs" text is a url
# if there is more than one competitions it is a drop down menu
# access from the "All Competitions" url instead
# (may be better ways to get the All Competitions url)
index <- ifelse(
!"Goal Logs", rvest::html_text(page_urls))[1]),
grep("Goal Logs", rvest::html_text(page_urls))[1],
grep("All Competitions", rvest::html_text(page_urls))[4]
goal_log_url <- page_urls[index] %>% rvest::html_attr("href") %>% unique() %>% paste0("", .)
goal_log_page <- tryCatch(.load_page(goal_log_url), error = function(e) NA)
if(! {
# get goals for, or an empty data frame
tab_box_goals_for <-
if(for_or_against %in% c("for","both"))
tryCatch({goal_log_page %>% rvest::html_nodes(".stats_table") %>% .[1] %>% rvest::html_table()},
error=function(e) {tab_box_for <- NA})
else data.frame()
# get goals against, or an empty data frame
tab_box_goals_against <-
if(for_or_against %in% c("against","both"))
tryCatch({goal_log_page %>% rvest::html_nodes(".stats_table") %>% .[2] %>% rvest::html_table()},
error=function(e) {tab_box_for <- NA})
else data.frame()
# new column names
new_names <- c(Body_Part="Body.Part",Type1="Type",Type2="Type.1")
# turn html tables into data frames, force minute to be a character, and label the goals
goals_for <-
tab_box_goals_for %>%
data.frame() %>%
dplyr::mutate(dplyr::across(tidyselect::contains(c("Minute","Goalkeeper","Assist","Notes")), as.character)) %>%
goals_against <-
tab_box_goals_against %>%
data.frame() %>%
dplyr::mutate(dplyr::across(tidyselect::contains(c("Minute","Goalkeeper","Assist","Notes")), as.character)) %>%
# bind the tables together
goals <-
dplyr::bind_rows(goals_for,goals_against) %>%
dplyr::rename(tidyselect::any_of(new_names)) %>%
dplyr::filter(![["Rk"]])) %>%
# create the progress bar with a progress function.
pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(total = length(team_urls))
goals_map <- team_urls %>%
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