
##' ksvF0 function adapted from libassp
##' F0 analysis of the signal in <listOfFiles> using the 
##' K. Schaefer-Vincent periodicity detection algorithm.
##' Analysis results will be written to a file with the
##' base name of the input file and extension '.f0'.
##' Default output is in SSFF binary format (track 'F0').
##' Optionally, location and type of the signal extrema on
##' which the F0 data are based, may be stored in a label
##' file. The name of this file will consist of the base
##' name of the F0 file and the extension '.prd'.
##' @title ksvF0
##' @param listOfFiles vector of file paths to be processed by function 
##' @param optLogFilePath path to option log file
##' @param beginTime = <time>: set begin of analysis interval to <time> seconds (default = 0: begin of data)
##' @param endTime set end of analysis interval to <time> seconds (default = 0: end of data)
##' @param windowShift = <dur>: set frame shift to <dur> ms (default: 5.0)
##' @param gender = <code>  set gender-specific F0 ranges; <code> may be:
##' "f[emale]" (80.0 - 640.0 Hz)
##' "m[ale]" (50.0 - 400.0 Hz)
##' "u[nknown]" (default; 50.0 - 600.0 Hz)
##' @param maxF = <freq>: set maximum F0 value to <freq> Hz (default: 500.0)
##' @param minF = <freq>: set minimum F0 value to <freq> Hz (default: 50.0)
##' @param minAmp = <amp>: set amplitude threshold for voiced samples to <amp> (default: 100)
##' @param maxZCR maximum zero crossing rate in Hz (for voicing detection)
##' @param toFile write results to file (default extension is .f0)
##' @param explicitExt set if you wish to override the default extension
##' @param outputDirectory directory in which output files are stored. Defaults to NULL, i.e.
##' the directory of the input files
##' @param forceToLog is set by the global package variable useWrasspLogger. This is set
##' to FALSE by default and should be set to TRUE is logging is desired.
##' @param verbose display infos & show progress bar
##' @return nrOfProcessedFiles or if only one file to process return AsspDataObj of that file
##' @author Raphael Winkelmann
##' @author Lasse Bombien
##' @references Schaefer-Vincent K (1983) Pitch period detection and chaining: method and evaluation. Phonetica 1983, Vol 40, pp. 177-202
##' @aliases f0ana f0_ksv
##' @seealso \code{\link{mhsF0}} for an alternative pitch tracker
##' @useDynLib wrassp, .registration = TRUE
##' @examples
##' # get path to audio file
##' path2wav <- list.files(system.file("extdata", package = "wrassp"), 
##'                        pattern = glob2rx("*.wav"), 
##'                        full.names = TRUE)[1]
##' # calculate fundamental frequency contour
##' res <- ksvF0(path2wav, toFile=FALSE)
##' # plot the fundamental frequency contour
##' plot(seq(0,numRecs.AsspDataObj(res) - 1) / rate.AsspDataObj(res) +
##'        attr(res, 'startTime'),
##'      res$F0, 
##'      type='l', 
##'      xlab='time (s)', 
##'      ylab='F0 frequency (Hz)')
##' @export
'ksvF0' <- 'f0ana' <- 'f0_ksv' <- function(listOfFiles = NULL, optLogFilePath = NULL, 
                                           beginTime = 0.0, endTime = 0.0, 
                                           windowShift = 5.0, gender = 'u',
                                           maxF = 600, minF = 50, 
                                           minAmp = 50, maxZCR = 3000.0, 
                                           toFile = TRUE, explicitExt = NULL,
                                           outputDirectory = NULL, forceToLog = useWrasspLogger,
                                           verbose = TRUE) {
  # a few parameter checks and expand paths
  if (is.null(listOfFiles)) {
    stop(paste("listOfFiles is NULL! It has to be a string or vector of file",
               "paths (min length = 1) pointing to valid file(s) to perform",
               "the given analysis function."))
  if (is.null(optLogFilePath) && forceToLog){
    stop("optLogFilePath is NULL! -> not logging!")
      optLogFilePath = path.expand(optLogFilePath)  
  if (!is.null(outputDirectory)) {
    outputDirectory = normalizePath(path.expand(outputDirectory))
    finfo  <- file.info(outputDirectory)
    if (is.na(finfo$isdir))
      if (!dir.create(outputDirectory, recursive=TRUE))
        stop('Unable to create output directory.')
    else if (!finfo$isdir)
      stop(paste(outputDirectory, 'exists but is not a directory.'))
  # Pre-process file list
  listOfFiles <- prepareFiles(listOfFiles)
  # perform analysis
  if(length(listOfFiles) == 1 | !verbose){
    pb <- NULL
      stop("length(listOfFiles) is > 1 and toFile=FALSE! toFile=FALSE only permitted for single files.")
    cat('\n  INFO: applying f0ana to', length(listOfFiles), 'files\n')
    pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = length(listOfFiles), style = 3)
  externalRes = invisible(.External("performAssp", listOfFiles, 
                                    fname = "f0ana", beginTime = beginTime, 
                                    endTime = endTime, windowShift = windowShift, 
                                    gender = gender, maxF = maxF, 
                                    minF = minF, minAmp = minAmp, 
                                    maxZCR = maxZCR, explicitExt = explicitExt, 
                                    toFile = toFile, progressBar = pb, 
                                    outputDirectory = outputDirectory, PACKAGE = "wrassp"))
  # write options to options log file
  if (forceToLog){
    optionsGivenAsArgs = as.list(match.call(expand.dots = TRUE))
    wrassp.logger(optionsGivenAsArgs[[1]], optionsGivenAsArgs[-1],
                  optLogFilePath, listOfFiles)
  # return dataObj if length only one file

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wrassp documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:39 a.m.