
##' testthat test to see if output of libassp is the same as 
##' wrassp output. This test will only 
##' work on a system where the libassp is installed and the path 
##' variable is set to point to the binaries
##' @author Raphael Winkelmann
context("compute libassp vs. wrassp comparison")

test_that("wrassp does the same thing as libassp", {
  # don't run on CRAN
  # only run tests if libassp is installed - check for a sample executable
  if(Sys.which("acfana") == "") {
    skip("Unable to compare with libassp as it is not installed") 
  altDir = tempdir()
  fromWrasspDir = file.path(altDir, 'fromWrassp')
  fromLibasspDir = file.path(altDir, 'fromLibassp')
  wavFiles <- list.files(system.file("extdata", package = "wrassp"), pattern = glob2rx("*.wav"), full.names = TRUE)
  for (func in names(wrasspOutputInfos)){
    funcFormals = formals(func)
    funcFormals$listOfFiles = wavFiles[1]
    funcFormals$outputDirectory = fromWrasspDir
    funcFormals$verbose = FALSE
    res = do.call(func,as.list(funcFormals))
    sBaseName = unlist(strsplit(basename(wavFiles[1]), '.', fixed = T))
    ssffFileName  = paste(sBaseName[1], wrasspOutputInfos[[func]]$ext[1], sep = '.')
    # all functions that don't need additional handling
    if(func == 'acfana' ||
         func == 'afdiff' ||
         func == 'forest' ||
         func == 'rfcana' ||
         func == 'rmsana' ||
         func == 'zcrana'){
      system(paste(func, wavFiles[1], paste('-od=', normalizePath(fromLibasspDir), sep = '')), intern=T)
    }else if(func == 'affilter'){
      system(paste(func, wavFiles[1], '-hp=4000', paste('-od=', normalizePath(fromLibasspDir), sep = '')))
    }else if(func == 'cepstrum'){
      system(paste('spectrum', wavFiles[1], '-t=CEP', paste('-od=', normalizePath(fromLibasspDir), sep = '')))
    }else if(func == 'cssSpectrum'){
      system(paste('spectrum', wavFiles[1], '-t=CSS', paste('-od=', normalizePath(fromLibasspDir), sep = '')))
    }else if(func == 'dftSpectrum'){
      system(paste('spectrum', wavFiles[1], '-t=DFT', paste('-od=', normalizePath(fromLibasspDir), sep = '')))
    }else if(func == 'ksvF0'){
      system(paste('f0_ksv', wavFiles[1], paste('-od=', normalizePath(fromLibasspDir), sep = '')))
    }else if(func == 'mhsF0'){
      system(paste('f0_mhs', wavFiles[1], paste('-od=', normalizePath(fromLibasspDir), sep = '')))
    }else if(func == 'lpsSpectrum'){
      system(paste('spectrum', wavFiles[1], '-t=LPS', paste('-od=', normalizePath(fromLibasspDir), sep = '')))
      stop('No test case defined for function name: ', func)
    fromLibassp = read.AsspDataObj(paste(fromLibasspDir, ssffFileName, sep='/'))
    fromWrassp = read.AsspDataObj(paste(fromWrasspDir, ssffFileName, sep='/'))
    compRes = compare(fromLibassp, fromWrassp, allowAll = T)

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wrassp documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:39 a.m.