
Defines functions dubquote as.data.frame.xl_object c.xl_object `[[.xl_object` `[.xl_object` rep.xl_object print.xl_formula xl_hyperlink xl_formula

Documented in xl_formula xl_hyperlink

#' Excel Types
#' Create special column types to write to a spreadsheet
#' @family writexl
#' @param x character vector to be interpreted as formula
#' @export
#' @rdname xl_formula
#' @examples
#' df <- data.frame(
#'   name = c("UCLA", "Berkeley", "Jeroen"),
#'   founded = c(1919, 1868, 2030),
#'   website = xl_hyperlink(c("http://www.ucla.edu", "http://www.berkeley.edu", NA), "homepage")
#' )
#' df$age <- xl_formula('=(YEAR(TODAY()) - INDIRECT("B" & ROW()))')
#' write_xlsx(df, 'universities.xlsx')
#' # cleanup
#' unlink('universities.xlsx')
xl_formula <- function(x){
    x <- as.character(x)
  if(!all(grepl("^=",x) | is.na(x)))
    stop("Formulas must start with '='")
  structure(x, class = c('xl_formula', 'xl_object'))

#' @rdname xl_formula
#' @export
#' @param url character vector of URLs
#' @param name character vector of friendly names
xl_hyperlink <- function(url, name = NULL){
    url <- as.character(url)
  hyperlink <- dubquote(url)
    hyperlink <- paste(hyperlink, dubquote(name), sep = ",")
  out <- xl_formula(sprintf("=HYPERLINK(%s)", hyperlink))
  out[is.na(url)] <- NA
  structure(out, class = c('xl_hyperlink', 'xl_formula', 'xl_object'))

#' @export
print.xl_formula <- function(x, max = 10, ...){
  cat(sprintf(" [:%s:]\n", class(x)[1]))
  if(length(x) > max)
    x <- c(x[1:max], "...", sprintf("(total: %s)", length(x)))
  cat(x, sep = "\n")

#' @export
rep.xl_object <- function(x, ...){
  structure(rep(unclass(x), ...), class = class(x))

#' @export
`[.xl_object` <- function(x, ...){
  structure(`[`(unclass(x), ...), class = class(x))

#' @export
`[[.xl_object` <- function(x, ...){
  structure(`[[`(unclass(x), ...), class = class(x))

#' @export
c.xl_object <- function(x, ...){
  structure(c(unclass(x), ...), class = class(x))

#' @export
as.data.frame.xl_object <- function(x, ..., stringsAsFactors = FALSE){
  as.data.frame.character(x, ..., stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

dubquote <- function(x){
  paste0('"', x, '"')

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writexl documentation built on Jan. 7, 2023, 1:10 a.m.