
Defines functions wtest.snps.meth

Documented in wtest.snps.meth

#' W-test for Gene-methylation Interaction Analysis
#' @description {Calculate cis-gene-methylation interaction of a (SNP, CpG) pair in user-defined window, and can run in a genome-wide manner. The output can be filtered by p-values, such that only sets with smaller
#' p-value than the threshold (\code{output.pval}) will be returned.}
#' @param geno a data frame or matrix containing genotypes in the columns and subjects in the rows. Genotypes should be coded as (0, 1, 2) or (0, 1). SNP names should be stored as column names of the data.
#' @param meth a data frame or matrix containing methylation data in the columns. Methylation data should be recoded as (0, 1, 2) or (0, 1). Names of CpG sites should be stored as column names of the data.
#' @param y a numeric vector of 0 or 1.
#' @param geno.pos a data frame containing SNP names and positions in two columns.
#' @param meth.pos a data frame containing CpG names and positions in two columns.
#' @param window.size a numeric number specifying the size of genome distance. Interaction effects of the SNPs and CpG sites located within the size of genome distance will be evaluated exhaustively.
#' @param hf \emph{h} and \emph{f} values to calculate gene-methylation interaction associations, organized as a matrix, with columns (\emph{k}, \emph{h}, \emph{f}), \emph{k} = 2 to 6.
#' @param output.pval a p-value threshold for filtering the output. If NULL, all results will be listed; otherwise, the function will only output the results with p-values smaller than \code{output.pval}.
#' @param sort a logical value indicating whether or not to sort the output by p-values in ascending order. Default = TRUE.
#' @param which.marker a vector indicating the column index of a SNP-CpG pair to calculate. Default \code{which.marker} = NULL means interaction pairs located within \code{window.size} will be calculated exhaustively.
#' @return An object \code{"wtest.snps.meth"} containing:
#' \item{results}{The test results include: SNP name, CpG name, SNP position, CpG position, W value, \emph{k}, and p-value.}
#' \item{hf}{The \emph{h} and \emph{f} values used for each \emph{k} in pairwise calculation, where \emph{k} = 2 to 6.}
#' @details {Calculate cis-gene-methylation interaction of a (SNP, CpG) pair in user-defined window, and can run in a genome-wide manner. The output can be filtered by p-values, such that only sets with smaller
#' p-value than the threshold (\code{output.pval}) will be returned.}
#' @examples
#' data(SNP.pos)
#' data(CpG.pos)
#' data(genotype)
#' data(methylation)
#' data(phenotype2)
#' w <- 13000
#' # Recode methylation data
#' methylation <- methylation.recode(methylation)
#' ## Step 1. HF Calculation.
#' # Please note that parameter B is recommended to be greater than 400.
#' hf.pair <- hf.snps.meth(B = 80, geno = genotype, meth = methylation, y = phenotype2,
#'                         geno.pos = SNP.pos, meth.pos = CpG.pos, window.size = w)
#' ## Step 2. Application
#' result <- wtest.snps.meth(geno = genotype, meth = methylation, y = phenotype2, geno.pos = SNP.pos,
#'                           meth.pos = CpG.pos, window.size = w, hf = hf.pair, output.pval = 0.1)
#' @export
#' @author Rui Sun, Maggie Haitian Wang
#' @references Maggie Haitian Wang, Rui Sun, Junfeng Guo, Haoyi Weng, Jack Lee, Inchi Hu, Pak Sham and Benny C.Y. Zee (2016). A fast and powerful W-test for pairwise epistasis testing. Nucleic Acids Research. doi:10.1093/nar/gkw347.
#' @seealso \code{\link{wtest}}, \code{\link{hf.snps.meth}}
#' @importFrom utils combn
#' @importFrom stats pchisq

wtest.snps.meth <- function(geno, meth, y, geno.pos, meth.pos, window.size = 1e4, hf = "default.hf",
                    output.pval = NULL, sort = TRUE, which.marker = NULL){
  suppressWarnings(if(typeof(hf) == "character"){hf = array(c(0.5,0.667,0.75,0.8,0.833,0.857,0.875,0.889,1:8), dim = c(8,2))}else{hf = hf[,2:3]})
    geno <- as.matrix(geno)
    stop("NA occurs in data.genotype")
    meth <- as.matrix(meth)
    stop("NA occurs in data.methylation")
  if(!all(geno %in% c(0,1,2)))
    stop("all the genotypes in 'data.genotype' must be 0, 1 or 2")
    stop("NA occurs in y")
  if(!all(y %in% c(0,1)))
    stop("all the genotypes in 'y' must be 0 or 1")
  if(length(y)!=nrow(geno) || nrow(meth)!=nrow(geno))
    stop("'data.genotype', 'data.methylation' and 'y' must have the same length")
  cl <- match.call()
  snp.names <- colnames(geno)
  cpg.names <- colnames(meth)
  l1 <- match(snp.names, geno.pos[,1])
  l2 <- match(cpg.names, meth.pos[,1])
    stop("missing SNP position exists")
    stop("missing CpG position exists")
  geno.pos <- geno.pos[l1,]
  meth.pos <- meth.pos[l2,]

    set <- list(which.marker)
    for(i in 1:nrow(geno.pos)){
      index <- which(abs(geno.pos[,2][i] - meth.pos[,2]) <= window.size)
        index.i <- cbind(i, index)
        index.set <- rbind(index.set, index.i)
    set <- apply(index.set, 1, list)

  n.snp <- ncol(geno)
  n.cpg <- ncol(meth)
  result <- lapply(set, x2.set, geno, meth, y)
  result.all <- do.call(rbind,result)
  x2.column <- 3
  df.column <- x2.column+1
  pval.column <- x2.column+2
  w.value <- result.all[,x2.column] * hf[result.all[,df.column],1]
  p.value <- pchisq(w.value, df = hf[result.all[,df.column],2], lower.tail = F)
  result.all[,x2.column] <- w.value
  result.all <- cbind(result.all,p.value)
  k <- result.all[,df.column]+1
  result.all[,df.column] <- k
  result.all <- as.data.frame(result.all)

  colnames(result.all) <- c("SNP","CpG","w","k","p-value")
  result.all[,1] <- snp.names[result.all[,1]]
  result.all[,2] <- cpg.names[result.all[,2]]
    l.output.pval <- which(result.all[,pval.column] < output.pval)
    result.all <- result.all[l.output.pval,]
    l.order <- order(result.all[,pval.column], decreasing=F)
    result.all <- result.all[l.order,]
  k <- c(2:(nrow(hf)+1))
  hf <- cbind(k,hf)
  return(list(call = cl, results = result.all, hf = hf))

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wtest documentation built on Sept. 3, 2019, 9:04 a.m.