
Defines functions xml_find_one xml_find_lgl.xml_missing xml_find_lgl.xml_nodeset xml_find_lgl.xml_node xml_find_lgl xml_find_chr.xml_missing xml_find_chr.xml_nodeset xml_find_chr.xml_node xml_find_chr xml_find_int.xml_missing xml_find_int.xml_nodeset xml_find_int.xml_node xml_find_int xml_find_num.xml_missing xml_find_num.xml_nodeset xml_find_num.xml_node xml_find_num xml_find_first.xml_nodeset xml_find_first.xml_node xml_find_first.xml_missing xml_find_first xml_find_all.xml_nodeset xml_find_all.xml_node xml_find_all.xml_missing xml_find_all

Documented in xml_find_all xml_find_all.xml_nodeset xml_find_chr xml_find_first xml_find_int xml_find_lgl xml_find_num xml_find_one

#' Find nodes that match an xpath expression.
#' Xpath is like regular expressions for trees - it's worth learning if
#' you're trying to extract nodes from arbitrary locations in a document.
#' Use `xml_find_all` to find all matches - if there's no match you'll
#' get an empty result. Use `xml_find_first` to find a specific match -
#' if there's no match you'll get an `xml_missing` node.
#' @section Deprecated functions:
#' `xml_find_one()` has been deprecated. Instead use
#' `xml_find_first()`.

#' @param xpath A string containing an xpath (1.0) expression.
#' @inheritParams xml_name
#' @param ... Further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @return `xml_find_all` returns a nodeset if applied to a node, and a nodeset
#'   or a list of nodesets if applied to a nodeset. If there are no matches,
#'   the nodeset(s) will be empty. Within each nodeset, the result will always
#'   be unique; repeated nodes are automatically de-duplicated.
#'   `xml_find_first` returns a node if applied to a node, and a nodeset
#'   if applied to a nodeset. The output is *always* the same size as
#'   the input. If there are no matches, `xml_find_first` will return a
#'   missing node; if there are multiple matches, it will return the first
#'   only.
#'   `xml_find_num`, `xml_find_chr`, `xml_find_lgl` return
#'   numeric, character and logical results respectively.
#' @export
#' @seealso [xml_ns_strip()] to remove the default namespaces
#' @examples
#' x <- read_xml("<foo><bar><baz/></bar><baz/></foo>")
#' xml_find_all(x, ".//baz")
#' xml_path(xml_find_all(x, ".//baz"))
#' # Note the difference between .// and //
#' # //  finds anywhere in the document (ignoring the current node)
#' # .// finds anywhere beneath the current node
#' (bar <- xml_find_all(x, ".//bar"))
#' xml_find_all(bar, ".//baz")
#' xml_find_all(bar, "//baz")
#' # Find all vs find one -----------------------------------------------------
#' x <- read_xml("<body>
#'   <p>Some <b>text</b>.</p>
#'   <p>Some <b>other</b> <b>text</b>.</p>
#'   <p>No bold here!</p>
#' </body>")
#' para <- xml_find_all(x, ".//p")
#' # By default, if you apply xml_find_all to a nodeset, it finds all matches,
#' # de-duplicates them, and returns as a single nodeset. This means you
#' # never know how many results you'll get
#' xml_find_all(para, ".//b")
#' # If you set flatten to FALSE, though, xml_find_all will return a list of
#' # nodesets, where each nodeset contains the matches for the corresponding
#' # node in the original nodeset.
#' xml_find_all(para, ".//b", flatten = FALSE)
#' # xml_find_first only returns the first match per input node. If there are 0
#' # matches it will return a missing node
#' xml_find_first(para, ".//b")
#' xml_text(xml_find_first(para, ".//b"))
#' # Namespaces ---------------------------------------------------------------
#' # If the document uses namespaces, you'll need use xml_ns to form
#' # a unique mapping between full namespace url and a short prefix
#' x <- read_xml('
#'  <root xmlns:f = "http://foo.com" xmlns:g = "http://bar.com">
#'    <f:doc><g:baz /></f:doc>
#'    <f:doc><g:baz /></f:doc>
#'  </root>
#' ')
#' xml_find_all(x, ".//f:doc")
#' xml_find_all(x, ".//f:doc", xml_ns(x))
xml_find_all <- function(x, xpath, ns = xml_ns(x), ...) {

#' @export
xml_find_all.xml_missing <- function(x, xpath, ns = xml_ns(x), ...) {

#' @export
xml_find_all.xml_node <- function(x, xpath, ns = xml_ns(x), ...) {
  nodes <- .Call(xpath_search, x$node, x$doc, xpath, ns, Inf)

#' @param flatten A logical indicating whether to return a single, flattened
#'   nodeset or a list of nodesets.
#' @export
#' @rdname xml_find_all
xml_find_all.xml_nodeset <- function(x, xpath, ns = xml_ns(x), flatten = TRUE, ...) {
  if (length(x) == 0) {

  res <- lapply(x, function(x) .Call(xpath_search, x$node, x$doc, xpath, ns, Inf))

  if (isTRUE(flatten)) {
    return(xml_nodeset(unlist(recursive = FALSE, res)))

  res[] <- lapply(res, xml_nodeset)

#' @export
#' @rdname xml_find_all
xml_find_first <- function(x, xpath, ns = xml_ns(x)) {

#' @export
xml_find_first.xml_missing <- function(x, xpath, ns = xml_ns(x)) {

#' @export
xml_find_first.xml_node <- function(x, xpath, ns = xml_ns(x)) {
  res <- .Call(xpath_search, x$node, x$doc, xpath, ns, 1)
  if (length(res) == 1) {
  } else {

#' @export
xml_find_first.xml_nodeset <- function(x, xpath, ns = xml_ns(x)) {
  if (length(x) == 0) {

      function(x) {
        xml_find_first(x, xpath = xpath, ns = ns)
    deduplicate = FALSE

#' @export
#' @rdname xml_find_all
xml_find_num <- function(x, xpath, ns = xml_ns(x)) {

#' @export
xml_find_num.xml_node <- function(x, xpath, ns = xml_ns(x)) {
  res <- .Call(xpath_search, x$node, x$doc, xpath, ns, Inf)
  if (is.numeric(res) && is.nan(res)) {

  check_number_decimal(res, arg = I(paste0("Element at path `", xpath, "`")))

#' @export
xml_find_num.xml_nodeset <- function(x, xpath, ns = xml_ns(x)) {
  if (length(x) == 0) {

  vapply(x, function(x) xml_find_num(x, xpath = xpath, ns = ns), numeric(1))

#' @export
xml_find_num.xml_missing <- function(x, xpath, ns = xml_ns(x)) {

#' @export
#' @rdname xml_find_all
xml_find_int <- function(x, xpath, ns = xml_ns(x)) {

#' @export
xml_find_int.xml_node <- function(x, xpath, ns = xml_ns(x)) {
  res <- .Call(xpath_search, x$node, x$doc, xpath, ns, Inf)
  check_number_whole(res, arg = I(paste0("Element at path `", xpath, "`")))

#' @export
xml_find_int.xml_nodeset <- function(x, xpath, ns = xml_ns(x)) {
  if (length(x) == 0) {

  vapply(x, function(x) xml_find_int(x, xpath = xpath, ns = ns), integer(1))

#' @export
xml_find_int.xml_missing <- function(x, xpath, ns = xml_ns(x)) {

#' @export
#' @rdname xml_find_all
xml_find_chr <- function(x, xpath, ns = xml_ns(x)) {

#' @export
xml_find_chr.xml_node <- function(x, xpath, ns = xml_ns(x)) {
  res <- .Call(xpath_search, x$node, x$doc, xpath, ns, Inf)
  check_string(res, arg = I(paste0("Element at path `", xpath, "`")))

#' @export
xml_find_chr.xml_nodeset <- function(x, xpath, ns = xml_ns(x)) {
  if (length(x) == 0) {

  vapply(x, function(x) xml_find_chr(x, xpath = xpath, ns = ns), character(1))

#' @export
xml_find_chr.xml_missing <- function(x, xpath, ns = xml_ns(x)) {

#' @export
#' @rdname xml_find_all
xml_find_lgl <- function(x, xpath, ns = xml_ns(x)) {

#' @export
xml_find_lgl.xml_node <- function(x, xpath, ns = xml_ns(x)) {
  res <- .Call(xpath_search, x$node, x$doc, xpath, ns, Inf)
  check_bool(res, arg = I(paste0("Element at path `", xpath, "`")))

#' @export
xml_find_lgl.xml_nodeset <- function(x, xpath, ns = xml_ns(x)) {
  if (length(x) == 0) {

  vapply(x, function(x) xml_find_lgl(x, xpath = xpath, ns = ns), logical(1))

#' @export
xml_find_lgl.xml_missing <- function(x, xpath, ns = xml_ns(x)) {

# Deprecated functions ----------------------------------------------------

#' @rdname xml_find_all
#' @usage NULL
#' @export
xml_find_one <- function(x, xpath, ns = xml_ns(x)) {

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