wres.vs.idv.bw: Box-and-whisker plot of weighted residuals vs the independent...

wres.vs.idv.bwR Documentation

Box-and-whisker plot of weighted residuals vs the independent variable for Xpose 4


This creates a box and whisker plot of weighted residuals (WRES) vs the independent variable (IDV), and is a specific function in Xpose 4. It is a wrapper encapsulating arguments to the xpose.plot.bw function. Most of the options take their default values from xpose.data object but may be overridden by supplying them as arguments.


wres.vs.idv.bw(object, ...)



An xpose.data object.


Other arguments passed to link{xpose.plot.bw}.


This creates a box and whisker plot of weighted residuals (WRES) vs the independent variable (IDV), and is a specific function in Xpose 4. It is a wrapper encapsulating arguments to the xpose.plot.bw function. Most of the options take their default values from xpose.data object but may be overridden by supplying them as arguments.

A wide array of extra options controlling bwplots are available. See xpose.plot.bw and xpose.panel.bw for details.


Returns a stack of box-and-whisker plots of WRES vs IDV.


E. Niclas Jonsson, Mats Karlsson, Andrew Hooker & Justin Wilkins

See Also

xpose.plot.bw, xpose.panel.bw, bwplot, xpose.prefs-class, xpose.data-class

Other specific functions: absval.cwres.vs.cov.bw(), absval.cwres.vs.pred(), absval.cwres.vs.pred.by.cov(), absval.iwres.cwres.vs.ipred.pred(), absval.iwres.vs.cov.bw(), absval.iwres.vs.idv(), absval.iwres.vs.ipred(), absval.iwres.vs.ipred.by.cov(), absval.iwres.vs.pred(), absval.wres.vs.cov.bw(), absval.wres.vs.idv(), absval.wres.vs.pred(), absval.wres.vs.pred.by.cov(), absval_delta_vs_cov_model_comp, addit.gof(), autocorr.cwres(), autocorr.iwres(), autocorr.wres(), basic.gof(), basic.model.comp(), cat.dv.vs.idv.sb(), cat.pc(), cov.splom(), cwres.dist.hist(), cwres.dist.qq(), cwres.vs.cov(), cwres.vs.idv(), cwres.vs.idv.bw(), cwres.vs.pred(), cwres.vs.pred.bw(), cwres.wres.vs.idv(), cwres.wres.vs.pred(), dOFV.vs.cov(), dOFV.vs.id(), dOFV1.vs.dOFV2(), data.checkout(), dv.preds.vs.idv(), dv.vs.idv(), dv.vs.ipred(), dv.vs.ipred.by.cov(), dv.vs.ipred.by.idv(), dv.vs.pred(), dv.vs.pred.by.cov(), dv.vs.pred.by.idv(), dv.vs.pred.ipred(), gof(), ind.plots(), ind.plots.cwres.hist(), ind.plots.cwres.qq(), ipred.vs.idv(), iwres.dist.hist(), iwres.dist.qq(), iwres.vs.idv(), kaplan.plot(), par_cov_hist, par_cov_qq, parm.vs.cov(), parm.vs.parm(), pred.vs.idv(), ranpar.vs.cov(), runsum(), wres.dist.hist(), wres.dist.qq(), wres.vs.idv(), wres.vs.pred(), wres.vs.pred.bw(), xpose.VPC(), xpose.VPC.both(), xpose.VPC.categorical(), xpose4-package


## Here we load the example xpose database 
xpdb <- simpraz.xpdb


xpose4 documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:56 a.m.