
Defines functions ppv_multiclass ppv_binary ppv_table_impl ppv_vec ppv.matrix ppv.table ppv.data.frame ppv

Documented in ppv ppv.data.frame ppv_vec

#' Positive predictive value
#' These functions calculate the [ppv()] (positive predictive value) of a
#' measurement system compared to a reference result (the "truth" or gold standard).
#' Highly related functions are [spec()], [sens()], and [npv()].
#' The positive predictive value ([ppv()]) is defined as the percent of
#' predicted positives that are actually positive while the
#' negative predictive value ([npv()]) is defined as the percent of negative
#' positives that are actually negative.
#' @family class metrics
#' @family sensitivity metrics
#' @templateVar fn ppv
#' @template event_first
#' @template multiclass
#' @template return
#' @template table-positive
#' @inheritParams sens
#' @param prevalence A numeric value for the rate of the
#'  "positive" class of the data.
#' @author Max Kuhn
#' @references
#' Altman, D.G., Bland, J.M. (1994) ``Diagnostic tests 2:
#' predictive values,'' *British Medical Journal*, vol 309,
#' 102.
#' @template examples-class
#' @examples
#' # But what if we think that Class 1 only occurs 40% of the time?
#' ppv(two_class_example, truth, predicted, prevalence = 0.40)
#' @export
ppv <- function(data, ...) {
ppv <- new_class_metric(
  direction = "maximize"

#' @rdname ppv
#' @export
ppv.data.frame <- function(data,
                           prevalence = NULL,
                           estimator = NULL,
                           na_rm = TRUE,
                           case_weights = NULL,
                           event_level = yardstick_event_level(),
                           ...) {
    name = "ppv",
    fn = ppv_vec,
    data = data,
    truth = !!enquo(truth),
    estimate = !!enquo(estimate),
    estimator = estimator,
    na_rm = na_rm,
    case_weights = !!enquo(case_weights),
    event_level = event_level,
    fn_options = list(prevalence = prevalence)

#' @export
ppv.table <- function(data,
                      prevalence = NULL,
                      estimator = NULL,
                      event_level = yardstick_event_level(),
                      ...) {
  estimator <- finalize_estimator(data, estimator)

    .metric = "ppv",
    .estimator = estimator,
    .estimate = ppv_table_impl(
      estimator = estimator,
      event_level = event_level,
      prevalence = prevalence

#' @export
ppv.matrix <- function(data,
                       prevalence = NULL,
                       estimator = NULL,
                       event_level = yardstick_event_level(),
                       ...) {
  data <- as.table(data)

    prevalence = prevalence,
    estimator = estimator,
    event_level = event_level

#' @export
#' @rdname ppv
ppv_vec <- function(truth,
                    prevalence = NULL,
                    estimator = NULL,
                    na_rm = TRUE,
                    case_weights = NULL,
                    event_level = yardstick_event_level(),
                    ...) {
  estimate <- as_factor_from_class_pred(estimate)

  estimator <- finalize_estimator(truth, estimator)

  check_class_metric(truth, estimate, case_weights, estimator)

  if (na_rm) {
    result <- yardstick_remove_missing(truth, estimate, case_weights)

    truth <- result$truth
    estimate <- result$estimate
    case_weights <- result$case_weights
  } else if (yardstick_any_missing(truth, estimate, case_weights)) {

  if (na_rm) {
    result <- yardstick_remove_missing(truth, estimate, case_weights)

    truth <- result$truth
    estimate <- result$estimate
    case_weights <- result$case_weights
  } else if (yardstick_any_missing(truth, estimate, case_weights)) {

  data <- yardstick_table(truth, estimate, case_weights = case_weights)
  ppv_table_impl(data, estimator, event_level, prevalence = prevalence)

ppv_table_impl <- function(data,
                           prevalence = NULL) {
  if (is_binary(estimator)) {
    ppv_binary(data, event_level, prevalence)
  } else {
    w <- get_weights(data, estimator)
    out_vec <- ppv_multiclass(data, estimator, prevalence)
    stats::weighted.mean(out_vec, w)

ppv_binary <- function(data, event_level, prevalence = NULL) {
  positive <- pos_val(data, event_level)

  if (is.null(prevalence)) {
    prevalence <- sum(data[, positive]) / sum(data)

  sens <- sens_binary(data, event_level)
  spec <- spec_binary(data, event_level)
  (sens * prevalence) / ((sens * prevalence) + ((1 - spec) * (1 - prevalence)))

ppv_multiclass <- function(data, estimator, prevalence = NULL) {
  # ppv should be equal to precision in all cases except when
  # prevalence is explicitely set. In that case, that value
  # is used which alters the result
  if (is.null(prevalence)) {
    tpfn <- colSums(data)
    tptnfpfn <- rep(sum(data), times = nrow(data))

    if (is_micro(estimator)) {
      tpfn <- sum(tpfn)
      tptnfpfn <- sum(tptnfpfn)

    prevalence <- tpfn / tptnfpfn

  .sens_vec <- recall_multiclass(data, estimator)
  .spec_vec <- spec_multiclass(data, estimator)

  numer <- .sens_vec * prevalence
  denom <- .sens_vec * prevalence + (1 - .spec_vec) * (1 - prevalence)

  denom[denom <= 0] <- NA_real_

  numer / denom

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yardstick documentation built on June 22, 2024, 7:07 p.m.