
test_that("binary - uses user defined costs", {
  df <- data.frame(
    obs = factor(c("B", "A", "B"), levels = c("A", "B")),
    A = c(1, .80, .51)

  costs <- dplyr::tribble(
    ~truth, ~estimate, ~cost,
    "A",    "B",       2,
    "B",    "A",       3

  exp_cost <-
    1.00 * 3 + 0.00 * 0 +
    0.80 * 0 + 0.20 * 2 +
    0.51 * 3 + 0.49 * 0

    classification_cost(df, obs, A, costs = costs)[[".estimate"]],
    exp_cost / nrow(df)

test_that("binary - respects `event_first`", {
  df <- data.frame(
    obs = factor(c("B", "A", "B"), levels = c("A", "B")),
    B = c(1, .80, .51)

  costs <- dplyr::tribble(
    ~truth, ~estimate, ~cost,
    "A",    "B",       2,
    "B",    "A",       3

  exp_cost <-
    1.00 * 0 + 0.00 * 3 +
    0.80 * 2 + 0.20 * 0 +
    0.51 * 0 + 0.49 * 3

    classification_cost(df, obs, B, costs = costs, event_level = "second")[[".estimate"]],
    exp_cost / nrow(df)

test_that("costs$truth can be factor", {
  df <- data.frame(
    obs = factor(c("B", "A", "B"), levels = c("A", "B")),
    A = c(1, .80, .51)

  costs <- dplyr::tribble(
    ~truth, ~estimate, ~cost,
    "A",    "B",       2,
    "B",    "A",       3

  costs2 <- costs
  costs2$truth <- as.factor(costs2$truth)
  costs2$estimate <- as.factor(costs2$estimate)

    classification_cost(df, obs, A, costs = costs),
    classification_cost(df, obs, A, costs = costs2)

test_that("binary - requires 1 column of probabilities", {
    error = TRUE,
    classification_cost(two_class_example, truth, Class1:Class2)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

test_that("multiclass - uses equal costs by default", {
  df <- data.frame(
    obs = factor(c("A", "A", "A", "B", "B", "C")),
    A = c(1, .80, .51, .1, .2, .3),
    B = c(0, .05, .29, .8, .6, .3),
    C = c(0, .15, .20, .1, .2, .4)

  A <- df$B[df$obs == "A"] + df$C[df$obs == "A"]
  B <- df$A[df$obs == "B"] + df$C[df$obs == "B"]
  C <- df$A[df$obs == "C"] + df$B[df$obs == "C"]

  estimate <- mean(c(A, B, C))

    classification_cost(df, obs, A:C)[[".estimate"]],

test_that("multiclass - respects user defined costs", {
  df <- data.frame(
    obs = factor(c("A", "A", "A", "B", "B", "C")),
    A = c(1, .80, .51, .1, .2, .3),
    B = c(0, .05, .29, .8, .6, .3),
    C = c(0, .15, .20, .1, .2, .4)
  costs <- dplyr::tribble(
    ~truth, ~estimate, ~cost,
    "A", "A", 0,
    "A", "B", 1,
    "A", "C", 2,
    "B", "A", 3,
    "B", "B", 0,
    "B", "C", 4,
    "C", "A", 5,
    "C", "B", 6,
    "C", "C", 0,

  exp_cost <-
    1.00 * 0 + 0.00 * 1 + 0.00 * 2 +
    0.80 * 0 + 0.05 * 1 + 0.15 * 2 +
    0.51 * 0 + 0.29 * 1 + 0.20 * 2 +
    0.10 * 3 + 0.80 * 0 + 0.10 * 4 +
    0.20 * 3 + 0.60 * 0 + 0.20 * 4 +
    0.30 * 5 + 0.30 * 6 + 0.40 * 0

    classification_cost(df, obs, A:C, costs = costs)[[".estimate"]],
    exp_cost / nrow(df)

test_that("multiclass - fills in missing combinations with zero cost", {
  df <- data.frame(
    obs = factor(c("A", "A", "A", "B", "B", "C")),
    A = c(1, .80, .51, .1, .2, .3),
    B = c(0, .05, .29, .8, .6, .3),
    C = c(0, .15, .20, .1, .2, .4)
  costs_partial <- dplyr::tribble(
    ~truth, ~estimate, ~cost,
    "A", "A", 0,
    # "A",    "B",          1,
    "A", "C", 2,
    "B", "A", 3,
    # "B",    "B",          0,
    "B", "C", 4,
    "C", "A", 5,
    # "C",    "B",          6,
    "C", "C", 0,
  costs <- dplyr::tribble(
    ~truth, ~estimate, ~cost,
    "A", "A", 0,
    "A", "B", 0,
    "A", "C", 2,
    "B", "A", 3,
    "B", "B", 0,
    "B", "C", 4,
    "C", "A", 5,
    "C", "B", 0,
    "C", "C", 0,

    classification_cost(df, obs, A:C, costs = costs_partial),
    classification_cost(df, obs, A:C, costs = costs)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

test_that("costs must be a data frame with the right column names", {
  df <- data.frame(
    obs = factor(c("B", "A", "B"), levels = c("A", "B")),
    A = c(1, .80, .51)

    error = TRUE,
    classification_cost(df, obs, A, costs = 1)

    error = TRUE,
    classification_cost(df, obs, A, costs = data.frame())

    error = TRUE,
    classification_cost(df, obs, A, costs = data.frame(x = 1, y = 2, z = 3))

test_that("costs$estimate must contain the right levels", {
  df <- data.frame(
    obs = factor(c("B", "A", "B"), levels = c("A", "B")),
    A = c(1, .80, .51)

  costs <- dplyr::tribble(
    ~truth, ~estimate, ~cost,
    "A",    "b",       2,
    "B",    "A",       3

    error = TRUE,
    classification_cost(df, obs, A, costs = costs)

test_that("costs$truth must contain the right levels", {
  df <- data.frame(
    obs = factor(c("B", "A", "B"), levels = c("A", "B")),
    A = c(1, .80, .51)

  costs <- dplyr::tribble(
    ~truth, ~estimate, ~cost,
    "a",    "B",       2,
    "B",    "A",       3

    error = TRUE,
    classification_cost(df, obs, A, costs = costs)

test_that("costs$truth, costs$estimate, and costs$cost must have the right type", {
  df <- data.frame(
    obs = factor(c("B", "A", "B"), levels = c("A", "B")),
    A = c(1, .80, .51)

  costs <- dplyr::tribble(
    ~truth, ~estimate, ~cost,
    1, "B", 2,
    2, "A", 3
    error = TRUE,
    classification_cost(df, obs, A, costs = costs)

  costs <- dplyr::tribble(
    ~truth, ~estimate, ~cost,
    "A", 1, 2,
    "B", 2, 3
    error = TRUE,
    classification_cost(df, obs, A, costs = costs)

  costs <- dplyr::tribble(
    ~truth, ~estimate, ~cost,
    "A",    "B",       "1",
    "B",    "A",       "2"
    error = TRUE,
    classification_cost(df, obs, A, costs = costs)

test_that("costs$truth and costs$estimate cannot contain duplicate pairs", {
  df <- data.frame(
    obs = factor(c("B", "A", "B"), levels = c("A", "B")),
    A = c(1, .80, .51)

  costs <- dplyr::tribble(
    ~truth, ~estimate, ~cost,
    "A",    "B",       2,
    "A",    "B",       3

    error = TRUE,
    classification_cost(df, obs, A, costs = costs)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

test_that("binary - uses case weights", {
  df <- data.frame(
    obs = factor(c("B", "A", "B"), levels = c("A", "B")),
    A = c(1, .80, .51),
    weight = c(1, 2, 2)

  costs <- dplyr::tribble(
    ~truth, ~estimate, ~cost,
    "A",    "B",       2,
    "B",    "A",       3

  exp_cost <-
    ((1.00 * 3 + 0.00 * 0) * 1L) +
    ((0.80 * 0 + 0.20 * 2) * 2L) +
    ((0.51 * 3 + 0.49 * 0) * 2L)

  exp_cost <- exp_cost / sum(df$weight)

    classification_cost(df, obs, A, costs = costs, case_weights = weight)[[".estimate"]],

test_that("multiclass - uses case weights", {
  df <- data.frame(
    obs = factor(c("A", "A", "A", "B", "B", "C")),
    A = c(1, .80, .51, .1, .2, .3),
    B = c(0, .05, .29, .8, .6, .3),
    C = c(0, .15, .20, .1, .2, .4),
    weight = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
  costs <- dplyr::tribble(
    ~truth, ~estimate, ~cost,
    "A", "A", 0,
    "A", "B", 1,
    "A", "C", 2,
    "B", "A", 3,
    "B", "B", 0,
    "B", "C", 4,
    "C", "A", 5,
    "C", "B", 6,
    "C", "C", 0,

  exp_cost <-
    ((1.00 * 0 + 0.00 * 1 + 0.00 * 2) * 1) +
    ((0.80 * 0 + 0.05 * 1 + 0.15 * 2) * 2) +
    ((0.51 * 0 + 0.29 * 1 + 0.20 * 2) * 3) +
    ((0.10 * 3 + 0.80 * 0 + 0.10 * 4) * 4) +
    ((0.20 * 3 + 0.60 * 0 + 0.20 * 4) * 5) +
    ((0.30 * 5 + 0.30 * 6 + 0.40 * 0) * 6)

  exp_cost <- exp_cost / sum(df$weight)

    classification_cost(df, obs, A:C, costs = costs, case_weights = weight)[[".estimate"]],

test_that("works with hardhat case weights", {
  df <- two_class_example

  imp_wgt <- hardhat::importance_weights(seq_len(nrow(df)))
  freq_wgt <- hardhat::frequency_weights(seq_len(nrow(df)))

    classification_cost_vec(df$truth, df$Class1, case_weights = imp_wgt)

    classification_cost_vec(df$truth, df$Class1, case_weights = freq_wgt)

test_that("errors with class_pred input", {

  cp_truth <- probably::as_class_pred(two_class_example$truth, which = 1)
  fct_truth <- two_class_example$truth
  fct_truth[1] <- NA

  estimate <- two_class_example$Class1

    error = TRUE,
    classification_cost_vec(cp_truth, estimate)

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