
Defines functions parseSweCoordinate parseSweVector parseSweLocation parseSwePosition parseComponent parseCompositePhenomenon parsePhenomenonProperty parseTextEncoding parseTextBlock parseField parseEncoding parseElementType parseValues parseDataArray switchSweNamespace

Documented in parseComponent parseCompositePhenomenon parseDataArray parseElementType parseEncoding parseField parsePhenomenonProperty parseSweCoordinate parseSweLocation parseSwePosition parseSweVector parseTextBlock parseTextEncoding parseValues switchSweNamespace

############################################################################## #
# Copyright (C) 2019 by 52 North                                               #
# Initiative for Geospatial Open Source Software GmbH                          #
#                                                                              #
# Contact: Andreas Wytzisk                                                     #
# 52 North Initiative for Geospatial Open Source Software GmbH                 #
# Martin-Luther-King-Weg 24                                                    #
# 48155 Muenster, Germany                                                      #
# info@52north.org                                                             #
#                                                                              #
# This program is free software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under   #
# the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the    #
# Free Software Foundation.                                                    #
#                                                                              #
# This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; even without the implied   #
# General Public License for more details.                                     #
#                                                                              #
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with #
# this program (see gpl-2.0.txt). If not, write to the Free Software           #
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA or #
# visit the Free Software Foundation web page, http://www.fsf.org.             #
#                                                                              #
# Author: Daniel Nuest (daniel.nuest@uni-muenster.de)                          #
# Created: 2010-09-15                                                          #
# Project: sos4R - https://github.com/52North/sos4R                            #
#                                                                              #
############################################################################## #

switchSweNamespace <- function(docNamespaces, sos){
  docNs <- unique(docNamespaces)

  if (swe20Namespace %in% docNs) {
    targetNs <- sos@namespaces[names(sos@namespaces) != sweNamespacePrefix]
    targetNs <- c(targetNs, swe = swe20Namespace)


# optimized for 52N SOS, that means only options used there in OMEncoder are
# handled here.
# For example, swe:elementCount can also have an attribut ref, but this is not
# checked here, and swe:Count is actually a swe:AbstractDataComponentType, but
# here it is just looked for a child element swe:value.
parseDataArray <- function(obj, sos, verbose = FALSE) {
  namespaces <- switchSweNamespace(xml2::xml_ns(obj), sos)

  elementCount <- xml2::xml_text(xml2::xml_find_first(x = obj,
                                                      xpath = "./swe:elementCount/swe:Count/swe:value",
                                                      ns = namespaces)
  if (verbose) cat("[parseDataArray] Parsing DataArray with", elementCount, "elements.\n")

  elementTypeParser <- sosParsers(sos)[[sweElementTypeName]]
  elementTypeXml <- xml2::xml_child(x = obj, search = sweElementTypeName, ns = namespaces)
  fieldDescriptions <- elementTypeParser(obj = elementTypeXml,
                                sos = sos,
                                verbose = verbose)
  if (verbose) cat("[parseDataArray] Parsed field descriptions:", toString(fieldDescriptions), "\n")

  encodingParser <- sosParsers(sos)[[sweEncodingName]]
  encodingXml <- xml2::xml_child(x = obj,
                                  search = sweEncodingName,
                                  ns = namespaces)
  encoding <- encodingParser(obj = encodingXml, sos = sos, verbose = verbose)

  if (verbose) cat("[parseDataArray] Parsed encoding description:", toString(encoding), "\n")

  valueParser <- sosParsers(sos)[[sweValuesName]]
  parsedValues <- valueParser(values = xml2::xml_child(x = obj,
                                                 search = sweValuesName,
                                                 ns = namespaces),
                        fields = fieldDescriptions,
                        encoding = encoding,
                        sos = sos,
                        verbose = verbose)


# values is XML and encoding holds a SweTextBlock with the required separators.
parseValues <- function(values, fields, encoding, sos, verbose = FALSE) {
  if (verbose) cat("[parseValues] Parsing swe:values using", toString(encoding), "and",
                  length(fields), "fields:", toString(names(fields)), "\n")
  if (!(inherits(encoding, "SweTextBlock") || inherits(encoding, "SweTextEncoding"))) {
    stop("Handling for given encoding not implemented!")

  converters <- sosDataFieldConverters(sos)

  blocks <- strsplit(x = xml2::xml_text(x = values),
                          split = encoding@blockSeparator)
  tokens <- sapply(blocks, strsplit,
                        split = encoding@tokenSeparator)

  if (verbose)
    cat("[parseValues] Parsing values from lines: ", toString(tokens), "\n")

  # data frame of correct length to be able to use cbind for first column
  tempId = "tempID"
  valuesDataFrame <- data.frame(seq(1,length(tokens)))
  names(valuesDataFrame) <- tempId

  # do following for all fields
  fieldCount <- length(fields)
  for (currentFieldIndex in seq(1,fieldCount)) {
    if (verbose) cat("[parseValues] Processing field index", currentFieldIndex , "of", fieldCount,"\n")

    # create list for each variable
    currentValues <- sapply(tokens, "[[", currentFieldIndex)
    if (verbose)
      cat("[parseValues] Current values: ", toString(currentValues), "\n")
    currentField <- fields[[currentFieldIndex]]

    if (verbose)
      cat("[parseValues] Parsing field", paste(currentField), "\n")

    # convert values to the correct types
    fieldDefinition <- currentField[["definition"]]
    valueConverter <- converters[[fieldDefinition]]

    if (is.null(valueConverter)) {
      # could still be a unit of measurement given, use as
      if (!is.na(currentField["uom"])) {
        valueConverter <- converters[[currentField[["uom"]]]]
      if (is.null(valueConverter)) {
        # fallback option
        # TODO clarify, if the if should be removed or not
        if (verbose) {
          cat(paste0("[parseValues] No converter for values with the definition '",
                         "'! Trying a default for R class '",
                         "' or the default fallback '",
                         "sosConvertDouble", # manually sync with Defaults.R
                         "', but you can add one when creating a SOS using ",
                         "SosDataFieldConvertingFunctions() if the converted ",
                         "values are not as expected.\n"))
        if (is.null(currentField[["rClass"]])) {
          valueConverter <- converters[["fallBack"]]
        } else {
          valueConverter <- converters[[currentField[["rClass"]]]]
    if (verbose) {
      cat("[parseValues] Using converter:\n")

    # do the conversion
    currentValues <- valueConverter(x = currentValues, sos = sos)

    # bind new and existing data:
    if (verbose) cat("[parseValues] Binding additional data.frame for",
                    "-- value range", toString(range(currentValues)), "\n")
    newValueDataFrame <- data.frame(currentValues, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

    # create the names of the new data:
    .newDataName <- currentField[["name"]]
    names(newValueDataFrame) <- .cleanupColumnName(.newDataName)

    if (verbose) cat("[parseValues] Added column name:", names(newValueDataFrame), "\n")

    # bind existing and new data column
    valuesDataFrame <- cbind(valuesDataFrame, newValueDataFrame)

    if (verbose) {
      cat("[parseValues] The new bound data frame (one variable the a temp id):\n")

    # add field information as attributes to the new column using human
    # readable names
    .addAttrs <- as.list(currentField)
    names(.addAttrs) <- .sosParseFieldReadable[names(currentField)]

    .lastColumn <- dim(valuesDataFrame)[[2]]
    .oldAttrs <- attributes(valuesDataFrame[,.lastColumn])

    attributes(valuesDataFrame[,.lastColumn]) <- c(as.list(.oldAttrs), .addAttrs)

    if (verbose) cat("[parseValues] Added attributes to new data:",
                    "[ names: ", toString(names(.addAttrs)), "]",
                    "\n[parseValues] Old attributes list is",
                    "\n[parseValues] New attributes list is",

  # remove id column
  if (verbose) cat("[parseValues] Removing temporary first column\n")
  valuesDataFrame <- valuesDataFrame[,!colnames(valuesDataFrame) %in% tempId, drop = FALSE]

  if (verbose) {
    cat("[parseValues] returning final data frame:\n")

# Creates list of named character vectors with the information from swe:field Elements.
parseElementType <- function(obj, sos, verbose = FALSE) {
  namespaces <- switchSweNamespace(xml2::xml_ns(obj), sos)

  elementTypeHref <- stringr::str_remove_all(xml2::xml_attr(x = obj, attr = "href"), "#")
  if (verbose) cat("[parseElementType] Got child", xml2::xml_name(xml2::xml_children(obj)),
                   "and id", elementTypeHref, "for object", xml2::xml_name(obj), "\n")

  if (is.na(elementTypeHref)) {
    elementType <- obj
  else {
    root <- xml2::xml_root(obj)
    elementType <- xml2::xml_parent(
      xml2::xml_find_first(x = root, xpath = paste0("//*[@gml:id='", elementTypeHref, "']"))

    if (is.na(elementType)) {
      stop("Got ", sweElementTypeName," with a reference (href) but cannot find definition - cannot parse!",
    } else  {
      if (verbose) cat("[parseDataArray] Found elementType via reference", elementTypeHref, "\n")

  simpleDataRecord <- xml2::xml_child(x = elementType, search = sweSimpleDataRecordName, ns = namespaces)
  dataRecord <- xml2::xml_child(x = elementType, search = sweDataRecordName, ns = namespaces)

  if (!is.na(simpleDataRecord) || !is.na(dataRecord)) {
    # pick the existing one
    if (!is.na(simpleDataRecord)) dr <- simpleDataRecord
    else dr <- dataRecord

    fields <- xml2::xml_find_all(x = dr,
                                 xpath = sweFieldName,
                                 ns = namespaces)

    if (verbose) cat("[parseElementType] Got data record with", length(fields), "fields. \n")

    # extract the fields, naming with attribute 'name'
    parsedFields <- lapply(X = fields,
                           FUN = parseField,
                           sos = sos,
                           verbose = verbose)
    names <- sapply(parsedFields, "[", "name")
    names(parsedFields) <- names

    if (verbose) cat("[parseElementType] Names of parsed fields:", names(fields), "\n")

  else {
    stop(paste("Cannot parse swe:elementType, only children of type",
               sweSimpleDataRecordName, "and", sweDataRecordName,
               "are supported!"))

# swe:encoding
parseEncoding <- function(obj, sos, verbose = FALSE) {
  namespaces <- switchSweNamespace(xml2::xml_ns(obj), sos)

  .textBlock <- xml2::xml_child(x = obj, search = sweTextBlockName, ns = namespaces)

  .textEncoding <- xml2::xml_child(x = obj, search = sweTextEncodingName, ns = namespaces)

  if (!(is.na(.textBlock))) {
    .tb <- parseTextBlock(.textBlock)
  else if (!(is.na(.textEncoding))) {
    .tb <- parseTextEncoding(.textEncoding)
  else {
    stop(paste("Cannot parse swe:encoding, only", sweTextBlockName, "and", sweTextEncodingName, "are supported!"))

# human readable versions of field names ----
.sosParseFieldReadable <- list(
  "unit of measurement",
  "category name",
  "category value",
  "category code space",
  "R class of values")
names(.sosParseFieldReadable) <- list(

# Function creates a named character vector (using field names from variables
# like ".sosParseFieldXYZ") with all information stored in a swe:field.
parseField <- function(obj, sos, verbose = FALSE) {
  namespaces <- switchSweNamespace(xml2::xml_ns(obj), sos)

  field <- NULL
  name <- xml2::xml_attr(x = obj, attr = "name", ns = namespaces)
  if (verbose) cat("[parseField] Parsing field description of ", name, "\n")

  innerField <- xml2::xml_child(x = obj)
  innerFieldName <- xml2::xml_name(x = innerField, ns = namespaces)

  # Available options: Time, Text, Quantity, Category, Boolean, Count
  # The parsed elements and fields are closely bound to 52N SOS (OMEncoder.java)
  if (innerFieldName == sweTimeName) {
    def <- xml2::xml_attr(x = innerField, attr = "definition")
    uom <- NA
    # handle special case of no children available
    # see https://github.com/r-lib/xml2/issues/264
    if (length(xml2::xml_children(innerField)) > 0) {
      child <- xml2::xml_child(innerField)
      if (sweUomName == xml2::xml_name(child, ns = namespaces)) {
        uom <- xml2::xml_attr(x = child, attr = "href")
    field <- c(name = name, definition = def, uom = uom, rClass = "POSIXct")
  else if (innerFieldName == sweTextName) {
    def <- xml2::xml_attr(x = innerField, attr = "definition")
    field <- c(name = name, definition = def, rClass = "character")
  else if (innerFieldName == sweQuantityName) {
    def <- xml2::xml_attr(x = innerField, attr = "definition", ns = namespaces)

    child <- xml2::xml_child(x = innerField)
    uom <- NA
    if (sweUomName == xml2::xml_name(child, ns = namespaces)) {
      uom <- xml2::xml_attr(x = child, attr = "code")
    field <- c(name = name, definition = def, uom = uom, rClass = "numeric")
  else if (innerFieldName == sweCategoryName) {
    catName <- xml2::xml_attr(x = innerField, attr = "name")
    definition <- xml2::xml_attr(x = innerField, attr = "definition")
    value <- xml2::xml_text(x = xml2::xml_child(x = innerField,
                                                search = sweValueName,
                                                ns = namespaces))
    codeSpace <- xml2::xml_attr(x = xml2::xml_child(x = innerField,
                                                    search = sweCodeSpaceName,
                                                    ns = namespaces),
                                attr = "xlink:href",
                                ns = namespaces)

    field <- c(name = name,
               category = catName,
               definition = definition,
               value = value,
               codeSpace = codeSpace,
               rClass = "factor")
  else if (innerFieldName == sweBooleanName) {
    def <- xml2::xml_attr(x = innerField, attr = "definition")
    field <- c(name = name, definition = def, rClass = "logical")
  else if (innerFieldName == sweCountName) {
    def <- xml2::xml_attr(x = innerField, attr = "definition")
    field <- c(name = name, definition = def, rClass = "integer")
  else if (name == sweDataRecordName) {
    stop("Parsing of nested swe:DataRecords is not supported!")

  if (verbose) cat("[parseField] Parsed field:", toString(field), "\n")


parseTextBlock <- function(obj) {
  .id <- xml2::xml_attr(x = obj, attr = "id", default = NA_character_)
  .tS <- xml2::xml_attr(x = obj, attr = "tokenSeparator")
  .bS <- xml2::xml_attr(x = obj, attr = "blockSeparator")
  .dS <- xml2::xml_attr(x = obj, attr = "decimalSeparator")

  .tb <- SweTextBlock(tokenSeparator = .tS,
                      blockSeparator = .bS,
                      decimalSeparator = .dS,
                      id = .id)

parseTextEncoding <- function(obj) {
  .id <- xml2::xml_attr(x = obj, attr = "id", default = NA_character_)
  .tS <- xml2::xml_attr(x = obj, attr = "tokenSeparator")
  .bS <- xml2::xml_attr(x = obj, attr = "blockSeparator")
  .dS <- xml2::xml_attr(x = obj, attr = "decimalSeparator", default = NA_character_)

  .tb <- SweTextEncoding(tokenSeparator = .tS,
                         blockSeparator = .bS,
                         decimalSeparator = .dS,
                         id = .id)

parsePhenomenonProperty <- function(obj, sos, verbose = FALSE) {
  obsProp <- NULL

  # check if reference or inline phenomenon
  href <- xml2::xml_attr(x = obj, attr = "href")
  if (!is.na(href)) {
    if (verbose) cat("[parsePhenomenonProperty] with reference", href, "\n")
    obsProp <- SwePhenomenonProperty(href = href)
  else {
    compPhen <- xml2::xml_child(x = obj)
    # 52N SOS only returns swe:CompositePhenomenon
    name <- xml2::xml_name(x = compPhen, ns = sos@namespaces)
    if (verbose) cat("[parsePhenomenonProperty] inline with name", name, "\n")

    if (name == sweCompositePhenomenonName) {
      phen <- parseCompositePhenomenon(compPhen,  sos = sos, verbose = verbose)
      obsProp <- SwePhenomenonProperty(phenomenon = phen)
    else {
      warning(paste("[parsePhenomenonProperty] Unsupported observed property: ",
                    name, "\n"))


parseCompositePhenomenon <- function(obj, sos, verbose = FALSE) {
  .id <- xml2::xml_attr(x = obj, attr = "id", default = NA_character_)
  if (verbose) cat("[parseCompositePhenomenon] with id", .id, "\n")

  .dimension <- as.integer(xml2::xml_attr(x = obj, attr = "dimension", default = NA_character_))
  .name <- xml2::xml_text(xml2::xml_child(x = obj, search = gmlNameName, ns = sos@namespaces))
  if (verbose) cat("[parseCompositePhenomenon] parsed name '", .id,
                  "' and dimension '", .dimension, "'\n", sep = "")

  .components <- lapply(X = xml2::xml_find_all(x = obj, xpath = sweComponentName),
                        FUN = parseComponent,
                        sos = sos,
                        verbose = verbose)

  if (verbose) cat("[parseCompositePhenomenon]", length(.components),
                  "components parsed.\n")

  # optional:
  .description <- NA_character_
  if (!is.na(xml2::xml_child(x = obj, search = gmlDescriptionName, ns = sos@namespaces))) {
    .description <- parsePhenomenonProperty(xml2::xml_child(x = obj, search = gmlDescriptionName, ns = sos@namespaces))
  .base <- NULL
  if (!is.na(xml2::xml_child(x = obj, search = sweBaseName, ns = sos@namespaces))) {
    .base <- parsePhenomenonProperty(xml2::xml_child(x = obj, search = sweBaseName, ns = sos@namespaces))

  .compPhen <- SweCompositePhenomenon(id = .id, name = .name,
                                      description = .description, dimension = .dimension,
                                      components = .components, base = .base)


parseComponent <- function(obj, sos, verbose = FALSE) {
  if (verbose) cat("[parseComponent] ", as(obj, "character"), "\n")
  # 52N SOS only sets the href property on swe components, but still reuse function
  .component <- parsePhenomenonProperty(obj, sos = sos, verbose = verbose)

parseSwePosition <- function(obj, sos, verbose = FALSE) {
  .rF <- xml2::xml_attr(x = obj, attr = "referenceFrame", ns = sos@namespaces)
  if (verbose) cat("[parseSwePosition] with referenceFrame", .rF, "\n")

  .location <- xml2::xml_child(x = obj, search = sweLocationName, ns = sos@namespaces)
  .parser <- sosParsers(sos)[[sweLocationName]]

  .pos <- .parser(.location, sos = sos, verbose = verbose)

  .oldAttrs <- attributes(.pos)
  attributes(.pos) <- c(.oldAttrs, list(referenceFrame = .rF))


parseSweLocation <- function(obj, sos, verbose = FALSE) {
  .vector <- xml2::xml_child(x = obj, search = sweVectorName, ns = sos@namespaces)
  .id <- xml2::xml_attr(x = obj, attr = "id")
  if (verbose) cat("[parseSweLocation] with id", .id, "\n")

  .parser <- sosParsers(sos)[[sweVectorName]]
  location <- .parser(.vector, sos = sos, verbose = verbose)


parseSweVector <- function(obj, sos, verbose = FALSE) {
  children <- xml2::xml_find_all(x = obj,
                                 xpath = sweCoordinateName,
                                 ns = sos@namespaces)
  parser <- sosParsers(sos)[[sweCoordinateName]]
  vector <- lapply(X = children,
                   FUN = parser,
                   sos = sos,
                   verbose = verbose)
  names(vector) <- sapply(vector, function(current) {return(current$axisID)})
  if (verbose) cat("[parseSweVector] parsed vector with coordinates: ", toString(names(vector)), "\n")


parseSweCoordinate <- function(obj, sos, verbose = FALSE) {
  .name <- xml2::xml_attr(x = obj, attr = "name")
  if (verbose) cat("[parseSweCoordinate] with name", .name, "\n")

  .quantity <- xml2::xml_child(x = obj, search = sweQuantityName, ns = sos@namespaces)
  .axisID <- xml2::xml_attr(x = .quantity, attr = "axisID")
  if (verbose) cat("[parseSweCoordinate] axisID: ", .axisID, "\n")

  .uomNode <- xml2::xml_child(x = .quantity, search = sweUomName, ns = sos@namespaces)
  .uomCode <- xml2::xml_attr(x = .uomNode, attr = "code", ns = sos@namespaces)
  if (verbose) cat("[parseSweCoordinate] uomCode: ", .uomCode, "\n")

  .valueNode <- xml2::xml_child(x = .quantity, search = sweValueName, ns = sos@namespaces)
  .value <- as.double(xml2::xml_text(x = .valueNode))
  if (verbose) cat("[parseSweCoordinate] value: ", .value, "\n")

  return(list(name = .name,
              axisID = .axisID,
              uomCode = .uomCode,
              value = .value))
52North/sos4R documentation built on Jan. 30, 2021, 11:42 p.m.