
# 1. DESCRIPTION should contain this line: `Config/build/clean-inst-doc: FALSE`
# 2. Should be run from within root directory of project.
# 3. Roll version forward, install, but do not push
# 4. Install
# 5. Run this script
# 6. Update tags and push
# 7. Push new version


create_rsp_contents <- function(entry) {
  text <- "%%\\VignetteIndexEntry{%s}\n%%\\VignetteEngine{R.rsp::asis}"
  sprintf(text, entry)

path_0 <- "vignettes"
path_1 <- "inst"
path_2 <- "inst/doc"

if (!dir.exists(path_0)) dir.create(path_0)
if (!dir.exists(path_1)) dir.create(path_1)
if (!dir.exists(path_2)) dir.create(path_2)

# remove old documentation

project <- basename(rstudioapi::getActiveProject())
ver <- packageVersion(project)
pat <- paste0("^", project, "_[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+.*|asis$")
file.remove(file.path(path_0, dir(path_0, pat)))
file.remove(file.path(path_2, dir(path_2)))

# Render vignettes

files <- dir(path_0, pattern = "(rmd|rnw)$", ignore.case = TRUE)

for (ff in files) {
  V1 <- NULL
  cat(ff, "\n")
  fp <- file.path(path_0, ff)
                    output_dir = path_0)
  dt <- fread(fp, sep = NULL, header = FALSE)
  entry <- dt[str_detect(V1, "\\%\\\\VignetteIndexEntry"), V1]
  entry <- str_replace(entry, "^[^\\{]*\\{", "")
  entry <- str_replace(entry, "\\}[^\\}]*$", "")
  text  <- create_rsp_contents(entry)
  head <- str_replace(ff, "\\.[^\\.]*$", "")
  new_file <- setdiff(dir(path_0, head), ff)
  asis <- file.path(path_0, paste0(new_file, ".asis"))
         file = asis,
         quote = FALSE,
         col.names = FALSE)

# Render manual

devtools::build_manual(path = path_0)

entry <- sprintf("Package '%s'", project)
text  <- create_rsp_contents(entry)
asis  <- paste0(project, "_", ver, ".pdf.asis")
asis  <- file.path(path_0, asis)

  file = asis,
  quote = FALSE,
  col.names = FALSE

# Compact Files

pdf <- c(file.path(path_0, dir(path_0, pattern = "pdf$")))

for (fp in pdf) {

# Copy files

files <- dir(path_0, pattern = "(html|pdf)$")
file.copy(file.path(path_0, files), file.path(path_2, files))
ABS-dev/PF documentation built on April 26, 2024, 3:29 p.m.