
Defines functions phiWt

Documented in phiWt

#'@title Binomial dispersion parameter.
#'@description MME estimate of dispersion parameter phi.
#'@details Estimates binomial dispersion parameter \eqn{\phi} by the method of
#'  moments. Refits the model, weighting the observations by \eqn{1/\phi}. Uses
#'  \code{quasibinomial} family in \code{glm()}.
#'@param fit A \code{\link{glm}} object.
#'@param subset.factor Factor for estimating phi by subset.
#'@param fit.only Return only the new fit?  If FALSE, also returns the weights
#'  and phi estimates.
#'@param show.warns Show warnings
#'@return A list with the following elements. \item{fit}{the new model fit,
#'  updated by the estimated weights} \item{weights}{vector of weights}
#'  \item{phi}{vector of phi estimates}
#'@references Wedderburn RWM, 1974. Quasi-likelihood functions, generalized
#'  linear models, and the Gauss-Newton method. \emph{Biometrika} 61:439-447.
#'@author \link{PF-package}
#'@seealso \code{\link{tauWt}}, \code{\link{RRor}}.
#' @examples
#' birdm.fit <- glm(cbind(y, n - y)~tx-1, binomial, birdm)
#' RRor(phiWt(birdm.fit))
#' #
#' # 95% t intervals on 4 df
#' #
#' # PF
#' #     PF     LL     UL
#' #  0.479 -0.537  0.823
#' #
#' #       mu.hat   LL    UL
#' # txcon  0.768 0.95 0.367
#' # txvac  0.400 0.78 0.111
#' #
#' @importFrom stats glm update
phiWt <- function(fit,
                  subset.factor = NULL,
                  fit.only = TRUE,
                  show.warns = FALSE) {
  # Estimates weights = 1 / phi by MME
  # where phi = dispersion parameter such that
  #  var(y) = n * phi * mu * (1-mu)
  # old family either binomial or poisson
  # newfamily is quasibinomial or quasipoisson
  options.warn <- options()$warn
  if (!show.warns) options(warn = -1) # deprecated warning
  fit <- update(fit, x = TRUE, y = TRUE)
  x <- fit$x
  y <- fit$y
  m <- fit$prior.weights
  oldfamily <- fit$family$family
  # works for binomial or poisson
  newfamily.name <- paste("quasi", oldfamily, sep = "")
  link <- fit$family$link
  newfamily <- get(newfamily.name)(link = link)
  if (is.null(subset.factor)) {
    subset.factor <- factor(rep("all", length(y)))
    w <- rep(1 / summary(update(fit, family = newfamily))$disp, length(y))
  } else {
    w <- rep(NA, length(y))
    for (lev in levels(subset.factor)) {
      xi <- rep(1, sum(subset.factor == lev))
      yi <- y[subset.factor == lev]
      mi <- m[subset.factor == lev]
      w[subset.factor == lev] <- 1 / summary(glm(yi ~ xi - 1,
                                                 family = newfamily,
                                                 weights = mi))$disp
  comment(w) <- paste(newfamily.name, "family,", link, "link, subsets:",
                      paste(levels(subset.factor), collapse = ", "))
  options(warn = options.warn)
  newfit <- update(fit, weights = w)
  phi <- 1 / tapply(w, subset.factor, unique)
  if (fit.only) out <- newfit
  else out <- list(fit = newfit, weights = w, phi = phi)
ABS-dev/PF documentation built on April 26, 2024, 3:29 p.m.