
Defines functions rsb rsbWt

Documented in rsb rsbWt

#'@title Rao-Scott weighting.
#'@description Rao-Scott weighting of clustered binomial observations.
#'@details Estimates the cluster design effect \eqn{{d}_{i}}{d_i} as the
#'  variance inflation due to clustering by the method of Rao and Scott.
#'  Observations are then weighted by the inverse of the \eqn{{d}_{i}}{d_i}.
#'@param fit A \code{\link{glm}} object.
#'@param subset.factor Factor for estimating the weights by subset.
#'@param fit.only Return only the new fit? If FALSE, also returns the weights
#'  and phi estimates.
#'@return A list with the following elements. \item{fit}{the new model fit,
#'  updated by the estimated weights} \item{weights}{vector of weights}
#'  \item{d}{vector of \eqn{{d}_{i}}{d_i} estimates}
#'@references Rao JNK, Scott AJ, 1992. A simple method for the analysis of
#'  clustered binary data. \emph{Biometrics} 48:577-585.
#'@author \link{PF-package}
#'@seealso \code{\link{RRor}, \link{rsb}}.
#' @examples
#' birdm.fit <- glm(cbind(y,n-y)~tx-1,binomial,birdm)
#' RRor(rsbWt(birdm.fit))
#' #
#' # 95% t intervals on 4 df
#' #
#' # PF
#' #     PF     LL     UL
#' #  0.479 -1.061  0.868
#' #
#' #       mu.hat    LL     UL
#' # txcon  0.768 0.968 0.2659
#' # txvac  0.400 0.848 0.0737
#' #

## rsbWt uses rsb to refit model
#' @importFrom stats update
rsbWt <- function(fit = NULL,
                  subset.factor = NULL,
                  fit.only = TRUE) {
  fit <- update(fit, x = TRUE, y = TRUE)
  x <- fit$x
  yovern <- fit$y
  n <- fit$prior.weights
  if (is.null(n))
    n <- rep(1, length(fit$y))
  y <- yovern * n
  if (is.null(subset.factor))
    subset.factor <- factor(rep("all", length(y)))
  rsbdw <- rsb(y, n, id = subset.factor)
  w <- rsbdw$w
  d <- rsbdw$d
  newfit <- update(fit, weights = w)
  if (fit.only)
    out <- newfit
    out <- list(fit = newfit, weights = w, d = d)

#'@title Rao-Scott weights.
#'@details Estimates the cluster design effect \eqn{{d}_{i}}{d_i} as the
#'  variance inflation due to clustering by the method of Rao and Scott.
#'  \code{rsb} estimates the \eqn{{d}_{i}}{d_i} for use by \code{rsbWt} or other
#'  functions.
#'@description Rao-Scott weights.
#'@param y vector of number positive.
#'@param n vector of total number.
#'@param id vector of factor for estimating the weights by subset.
#'@param data data.frame containing variables of formula.
#'@param formula Formula of the form cbind(y, n) ~ id, where y is the number
#'  positive, n is the total number, id is a factor for estimating the weights
#'  by subset.
#'@return A list with the following elements. \item{w}{vector of weights}
#'  \item{d}{vector of \eqn{{d}_{i}}{d_i} estimates}
#'@references Rao JNK, Scott AJ, 1992. A simple method for the analysis of
#'  clustered binary data. \emph{Biometrics} 48:577-585.
#'@author \link{PF-package}
#'@seealso \code{\link{rsbWt}}.
#' @examples
#' # Weil's rat data (Table 1 of Rao and Scott)
#' rsb(rat$y, rat$n, id = rat$group)$d
#' #  control  treated
#' # 1.232495 3.952861
#' rsb(data = rat, formula = cbind(y, n) ~ group)$d
#' #  control  treated
#' # 1.232495 3.952861

# rsb returns d's and weights
#' @importFrom dplyr select ungroup
rsb <- function(y = NULL, n = NULL, formula = NULL, data = NULL, id = NULL) {

  if (is.null(y) && is.null(n) && !(is.null(formula) && is.null(data))) {
    ## case when formula and data is input
    vars <- all.vars(formula)
    sumdata <- data |>
      ungroup() |>
    colnames(sumdata) <- c("y", "n", "id")
    y <- sumdata$y
    n <- sumdata$n
    id <- sumdata$id
  } else if (!(is.null(y) && is.null(n)) && is.null(formula) && is.null(data)) {
    ## case when y and n is input
    if (is.null(id)) {
      id <- rep("all", length(y))
  } else {
    stop("Cannot parse input. If \"y\" & \"n\" are provided, ",
         "\"formula\" & \"data\" must be NULL and vice-versa.")

  # Rao-Scott design effect weights
  # Biometrics 48:577-585
  # based on raoscott.bin function

  y.i <- tapply(y, id, sum)
  n.i <- tapply(n, id, sum)
  m.i <- c(table(id))
  p.i <- y.i / n.i
  r.ij <- y - n * p.i[tapply(y, id)]
  v.i <- (tapply(r.ij^2, id, sum) * m.i) / ((m.i - 1) * n.i^2)
  d.i <- (n.i * v.i) / (p.i * (1 - p.i))
  w <- 1 / d.i[tapply(y, id)]
  # y.tilde <- y * w
  # n.tilde <- n * w
  return(list(weights = w, d = d.i))
ABS-dev/PF documentation built on April 26, 2024, 3:29 p.m.