Defines functions JTRCI

Documented in JTRCI

#' compute and plot Jacobson-Truax or reliable change indices
#' The JTRCI() function is the main function in the JTRCI package.
#' It requires data in wide format (one row per individual) and an estimate of the measure reliability to be given through parameter 'reliability ='. 
#' The reliability estimate can be based on norm data. Alternatively, the internal reliability of the measure observed in the current data can be used. In that case, the user will first need to obtain their estimate of choice (alpha, omega, x-random splits splithalf reliability) using the raw (item level) data. 
#' Obtaining reliable change indices is pretty straightforward: run the function with parameter 'indextype = "RCI"'. The JTRCI function's default setting is to obtain Jacobson-Truax indices ('indextype = "JT"'). The function is designed to provide guidance through the various choices a researcher has to make when applying the Jacobson-Truax method. It is recommended to pay attention to the various output messages.  
#' @param data name of the dataframe containing pre and post data
#' @param pre  name of the variable containing data at pre/baseline
#' @param post name of the variable containing data at post
#' @param ppid optional: name of variable containing participant identifying info. If not provided, the function will number participants/rows from 1: number of rows
#' @param group optional: name of variable containing grouping information (e.g. groups 1/2 or experimental/control)
#' @param reliability the value of the reliability estimate 
#' @param higherIsBetter logical: if 'higherIsBetter = TRUE' the function assumes that a higher score indicates a better/more healthy/functional state
#' @param indextype choice of "JT" or "RCI". Indicates whether to obtain Jacobson-Truax clinicial significant change or reliable change indices respectively
#' @param JTcrit choice of "auto", "A", "B", "C". Indicates which criterion to use when obtaining Jacobson-Truax indices. 
#' When 'JTcrit = "auto"' the function will determine which criteria is likely the best fitting based on the available information (e.g. whether function/dysfunctional norm distributions are provided and whether these distributions overlap or not). When no norm-distributions are provided, 'JTcrit = "auto"' will result in the function using criterion A with the baseline distribution as a proxy for the dysfunctional distribution. 
#' Also note that when JTcrit is set to "B" or "C" but their required norm-data inputs are missing, it will output criterion A. When B or C is chosen but the other is a better fit, the function will create a message to inform the user about this. 
#' @param normM mean value of the functional/healthy norm distribution
#' @param normSD SD value of the functional/healthy norm distribution
#' @param dysfM mean value of the dysfunctional norm distribution
#' @param dysfSD SD value of the dysfunctional norm distribution
#' @param plot logical, if plot = T a plot will be generated
#' @param table logical, if table = T a table will be generated
#' @param ... further arguments to be passed by JTRCI() to the table or plot functions (i.e. you can enter all their parameters directly into JTRCI())
#' @return JTRCIdf - a dataframe containing all values and results of the JT or RCI calculations
#' @examples
#' JTRCI(data = df, ppid = "ppid", pre = "pre", post = "post",  reliability = .8, indextype = "JT", JTcrit = "auto")

#' @import data.table
#' @import ggplot2
#' @export

## this code relies heavily on the excellent article by Stephanie Bauer, Michael Lambert, & Steven Lars Nielsen:
## Clinical Significance Methods: A Comparison of Statistical Techniques
## J Pers Assess. 2004 Feb;82(1):60-70. DOI:10.1207/s15327752jpa8201_11
## http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=

## and of course on:
## Clinical Significance: a Statistical Approach to Defining Meaningful Change in Psychotherapy Research
## by Neil Jacobson & Paula Truax 
## in Journal of Consulting  and Clinical Psycholoy 1991 
## https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/03b7/3ae47ee0058af60de09ea3ef7696fc53eeb1.pdf?_ga=2.145821876.1695931614.1556802049-343840472.1556802049

JTRCI <- function(data = NA, 
                  pre = NA,
                  post = NA,
                  ppid = NA,
                  group = NA,
                  reliability = NA,
                  higherIsBetter = F,
                  indextype = "JT",
                  JTcrit = "auto",
                  normM = NA,
                  normSD = NA, 
                  dysfM = NA, 
                  dysfSD = NA, 
                  plot = T,
                  table = T, 
                  ...) {
  "%inrange%" <- function(x, rng) x >= rng[1] & x <= rng[2]
  ## check inputs:    
  if (!indextype %in% c("JT", "RCI")) {
    stop('indextype must be either "JT" or "RCI"\n', call. = FALSE)}
  if (any(rowSums(is.na(data[, c(pre, post)])) != 0)) {
    message(paste0("NB ", sum(rowSums(is.na(data[, c(pre, post)])))," cases have missing data - these are ommitted from the calculations\n"))
    df <- data[rowSums(is.na(data[, c(pre, post)])) == 0,]

  x.pre <- as.numeric(df [, pre])
  x.post <- as.numeric(df [, post])
  if (is.na(ppid)) {
    ppid <- seq(1:length(x.pre))
    message("No participant IDs provided - substituting with values 1:n\n")} else {
      ppid <- df [, ppid]}

  if (is.na(reliability)) {
    stop("Provide reliability estimate wih argument 'reliability = '\n", call. = FALSE)}
  if (!higherIsBetter) {
    message("Assumed that lower scores are better (and reduction == improvement),\n if that is incorrect: set higherIsBetter = T\n")
  if (higherIsBetter) {
    message("Assumed that higher scores are better (and increased scores == improvement),\n if that is incorrect: set higherIsBetter = F\n")
  if (!is.na(group)) {
    useGroups = T
  } else{ useGroups = F}
  ## determine SEmeasurement and Sdiff for computation of reliable change index:
  SEmeasurement <- sd(x.pre) * sqrt(1 - reliability) # standard error of measurement based on the sd of the pre measurement/baseline
  Sdiff <- sqrt(2 * SEmeasurement ^ 2) # the SD of the SEm for a difference score
  ## determine cut-off critera: 
  if (indextype == "JT") {
    # determine the criterion to determine recovery:
    ### the criterion to use is determined by the user or by the following rules ifJTcrit == "auto" or norm data is missing: 
    # When pre and norm data overlap: C is preferred, if they do not overlap: B is preferred, if no norm-data is available: A has to be used. 
    # also see original Jacobson & Truax (1991) article - https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/03b7/3ae47ee0058af60de09ea3ef7696fc53eeb1.pdf?_ga=2.145821876.1695931614.1556802049-343840472.1556802049 
    # if either or both mean and SD for the dysfunctional is missing - the baseline distribution can be used instead:
    if (any(is.na(c(dysfM, dysfSD)))) {
      usingBLasDysf <- T
      dysfMtoUse <- mean(x.pre)
      dysfSDtoUse <- sd(x.pre)
      message("NB: using the sample baseline distribution to characterize the dysfunctional population. \n    to change: provide norms for dysfunctional population using 'dysfM =' and 'dysfSD ='\n") }
    else { 
      usingBLasDysf <- F 
      dysfMtoUse <- dysfM
      dysfSDtoUse <- dysfSD }
    if (is.na(normM) | is.na(normSD) | JTcrit == "A")  {
      # if no healthy sample norm data is available, only criterion A is  possible, also compute criterion A if requested. 
      # For its computation either the dysfunctional population norm M and SD will be used (if provided) or alternatively the mean and SD of the sample at baseline - see above. 
      crittype <- "criterion A"
      # if we're here but the B or C crit was requested, either one or both of the healthy normdata params is not provided - generate a warning:
      if (JTcrit == "B" |JTcrit == "C") {
        warning(paste0( "NB: computing criterion A - the requested JTcrit (",JTcrit, ") requires healthy norm mean and SD to be provided through arguments 'normM =' and 'normSD ='\n"))
    } # end of if (is.na(normM) | is.na(normSD) | JTcrit == "A")
    else {
      # if norm data is availabe:
      # first check if the norm and dysfucnctional/pre-distributions overlap: 
      if ( (dysfMtoUse + (3 * dysfSDtoUse)) %inrange% c(normM - (3 * normSD), normM + (3 * normSD)) |
           (dysfMtoUse - (3 * dysfSDtoUse)) %inrange% c(normM - (3 * normSD), normM + (3 * normSD)) ) {
        # if the pre/dysfunctional distribution overlaps with the norm distribution, criterion C is recommended:
        if (JTcrit == "auto" |JTcrit == "C") {
          crittype <- "criterion C"}
        # compute B if explicity requested by the user but add a message:
        if (JTcrit == "B") {
          crittype <- "criterion B"
          message("NB criterion C is recommended when the baseline distribution overlaps with the norm distribution\n")
      } # end of 'if distributions overlap' section
      else {
        # if the pre/clinical sample does not overlap with the norm sample, criterion B is preferred (according to Jacobson & Truax on page 15: https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/03b7/3ae47ee0058af60de09ea3ef7696fc53eeb1.pdf?_ga=2.145821876.1695931614.1556802049-343840472.1556802049)
        if (JTcrit == "auto" |JTcrit == "B") {
          crittype <- "criterion B"}
        # compute C if explicity requested but add a message:
        if (JTcrit == "C") {
          crittype <- "criterion C"
          message("NB criterion B is recommended when the",  
                  switch(as.character(usingBLasDysf), "TRUE" = paste("baseline sample", 
                                                      "FALSE" = "dysfunctional population"), 
                         "distribution does not overlap with the norm distribution\n") )  }
      } # end of if no overlap section
    } # end of 'if norm data is available' section
    ## compute the determined crit type: 
    if(crittype == "criterion A") {
      # The level of functioning at post should fall outside the range of the dysfunctional population OR the baseline population 
      # i.e. more than 2 standard deviation in the 'more healthy' direction - dependent on 'higherIsBetter':
      if (!higherIsBetter) {
        critval <- dysfMtoUse - 2 * dysfSDtoUse
      if (higherIsBetter) {
        critval <- dysfMtoUse + 2 * dysfSDtoUse
      message("Jacobson-Truax criterion A: ", round(critval, 1))
      message(" this value represents two sd from the ", 
                           "TRUE" = paste("baseline", if(useGroups) {"total"}, "sample mean\n"), "FALSE" = "dysfunctional population mean\n"))
    if(crittype == "criterion B") {
      # The level of functioning at post should fall within the range of the comparison non-clinical group,i.e. within 2 standard deviation of the mean of the comparison norm data - direction dependent on 'higherisbetter'
      if (!higherIsBetter) {
        critval <- normM + 2 * normSD}
      if (higherIsBetter) {
        critval <- normM - 2 * normSD}
      message("Jacobson-Truax criterion B: ", round(critval, 1))
      message(" this value represents two sd from the functional/healthy population norm mean\n")
    if(crittype == "criterion C") {
      # The level of functioning at post should place the patient closer to the mean of the comparison norm data than the mean of the clinical norm data / pre measurement - weighted by SD of both clin and norm
      critval <- ((sd(x.pre) * normM) + (normSD * mean(x.pre))) / (sd(x.pre) + normSD)
      message("Jacobson-Truax criterion C:", round(critval, 1))
      message(" this value represents the weighted midpoint between the ", 
                            "TRUE" = paste("baseline", if(useGroups) {"total"}, "sample mean"), "FALSE" = "dysfunctional"), 
                     " and functional norm mean, \n i.e. the value at which an individual is equally likely to belong to the functional as to the dysfunctional population\n")
  } # end of if (indextype == "JT")
  ## create a JTRCIdf dataframe and log things:
  JTRCIdf$ppid <- ppid
  JTRCIdf <- as.data.frame(JTRCIdf)
  if(useGroups) {JTRCIdf$group <- as.factor(df[, group])}
  JTRCIdf$pre <- x.pre
  JTRCIdf$post <- x.post
  JTRCIdf$change_abs <- JTRCIdf$post - JTRCIdf$pre
  # write values to JTRCIdf:
  JTRCIdf$SEmeasurement <- SEmeasurement
  JTRCIdf$Sdiff <- Sdiff
  if (indextype == "JT") {
  JTRCIdf$crittype <- crittype
  JTRCIdf$critval <- critval }
  ## compute Reliable Change Indices:
  JTRCIdf$RCI <- JTRCIdf$change_abs / Sdiff
  ## check and warn if there are participants who were already 'recovered' at pre - their classification will be odd: 
  if (indextype == "JT") {
    if (!higherIsBetter & (sum(x.pre < critval)) > 0) { 
      message(sum(x.pre < critval),  " participants scored below the Jacobson-Truax cut-off score at the pre-measurement \n interpret their Jacobson-Truax classification with caution") }
    if (higherIsBetter & (sum(x.pre > critval)) > 0) { 
      message(sum(x.pre > critval), " participants scored above the Jacobson-Truax cut-off score at the pre-measurement \n interpret their Jacobson-Truax classification with caution")} 
    if (!higherIsBetter) {
      # determine Jacobson-Truax classification (note that these next lines only 'work' if the entire series is run in the correct order):
      JTRCIdf$class_JTRCI <- NA
      JTRCIdf$class_JTRCI [JTRCIdf$post <= critval & JTRCIdf$RCI <= -1.96] <- "recovered"
      JTRCIdf$class_JTRCI [JTRCIdf$post <= critval & JTRCIdf$RCI > -1.96]  <- "non reliably recovered"
      JTRCIdf$class_JTRCI [JTRCIdf$post > critval & JTRCIdf$RCI <= -1.96]  <- "improved"
      JTRCIdf$class_JTRCI [JTRCIdf$post > critval & JTRCIdf$RCI > -1.96]   <- "unchanged"
      JTRCIdf$class_JTRCI [JTRCIdf$RCI >= 1.96]                            <- "deteriorated"
    if (higherIsBetter) {
      # determine Jacobson-Truax classification (note that these next lines only 'work' if the entire series is run in the correct order):
      JTRCIdf$class_JTRCI <- NA
      JTRCIdf$class_JTRCI [JTRCIdf$post >= critval & JTRCIdf$RCI >= 1.96] <- "recovered"
      JTRCIdf$class_JTRCI [JTRCIdf$post >= critval & JTRCIdf$RCI < 1.96]  <- "non reliably recovered"
      JTRCIdf$class_JTRCI [JTRCIdf$post < critval & JTRCIdf$RCI >= 1.96]  <- "improved"
      JTRCIdf$class_JTRCI [JTRCIdf$post < critval & JTRCIdf$RCI < 1.96]   <- "unchanged"
      JTRCIdf$class_JTRCI [JTRCIdf$RCI <= -1.96]                          <- "deteriorated"
    #     JTRCIdf$class_JTRCI <- factor(JTRCIdf$class_JTRCI, levels = rev(  c("recovered", "non # reliably recovered", "improved", "unchanged", "deteriorated") ))
    JTRCIdf$class_JTRCI <- factor(JTRCIdf$class_JTRCI, 
                                  levels = rev(c("recovered",
                                                 "non reliably recovered",
                                                 "deteriorated") ))
    # pass dataframe to environment
    JTRCIdf <<- JTRCIdf
  if (indextype == "RCI") {
    # determine RCI classification:
    if (higherIsBetter == F) {
      JTRCIdf$class_RCI <- "no reliable change"
      JTRCIdf$class_RCI [JTRCIdf$RCI > 1.96]  <- "reliably deteriorated"
      JTRCIdf$class_RCI [JTRCIdf$RCI < -1.96] <- "reliably improved"
    if (higherIsBetter == T) {
      JTRCIdf$class_RCI <- "no reliable change"
      JTRCIdf$class_RCI [JTRCIdf$RCI > 1.96]  <- "reliably improved"
      JTRCIdf$class_RCI [JTRCIdf$RCI < -1.96] <- "reliably deteriorated"
    JTRCIdf$class_RCI <- factor(JTRCIdf$class_RCI, levels = c("reliably deteriorated",
                                                              "no reliable change",
                                                              "reliably improved"))
    # pass dataframe to environment
    JTRCIdf <<- JTRCIdf
  ## output table if requested: 
  if (table == T & indextype == "JT") {
    if(useGroups) {
    tableJT(useGroups = T) } else {
      tableJT(useGroups = F) }
  if (table == T & indextype == "RCI") {
      tableRCI(useGroups = T) } else {
        tableRCI(useGroups = F) }
  ## plot JTRCI or RCI if requested:
  if (plot == T & indextype == "JT") {
  if (plot == T & indextype == "RCI") {
AWKruijt/JT-RCI documentation built on July 9, 2019, 3:54 p.m.