
Defines functions mirror_directory

Documented in mirror_directory

#' Mirror a directory
#' Check for any new/updated files on `from_dir` and copy them to `to_dir`.
#' Check for any extra files in `to_dir` and, optionally, delete them.
#' @param from_dir Path to directory to mirror.
#' @param to_dir Path to directory you wish to mirror `from_dir`.
#' @param delete Delete extra files in `to_dir`. USE WITH CAUTION.
#' @param ... Arguments to \link[fs]{dir_ls}.
#' @return `to_dir` will mirror `from_dir`
#' @export
#' @examples
mirror_directory <- function(from_dir
                             , to_dir
                             , delete = FALSE
                             , ...
                             ) {

  if(file.exists(from_dir)) {

    from <- fs::dir_info(from_dir, ...) %>%
      dplyr::mutate(check = paste0(fs::path_file(path),modification_time))

    to <- fs::dir_info(to_dir, ...) %>%
      dplyr::mutate(check = paste0(fs::path_file(path),modification_time))

    to_import <- setdiff(from$check,to$check)
    to_remove <- setdiff(to$check,from$check)

    imp <- from %>%
      dplyr::filter(check %in% to_import) %>%
      dplyr::mutate(new_path = paste0(to_dir,"/",fs::path_file(path)))

    del <- to %>%
      dplyr::filter(check %in% to_remove)

    if(length(to_import) > 0){

      cat(paste0("copying "
                   , paste0(fs::path_file(imp$path)
                            , collapse = "; "
                   , " to "
                   , to_dir

                   , imp$new_path
                   , fs::file_copy
                   , overwrite = TRUE


    if(length(to_remove) > 0){

      if(delete) {

        cat(paste0("You are about to delete - "
                   , paste0(fs::path_file(del$path)
                            , collapse = "; "
                   , " - from "
                   , to_dir
                   , ". Respond 'yes' (case-sensitive) to confirm. Any other response will abort."

        confirm <- readline(prompt = "response: ")

        if(confirm == "yes") {

                      , fs::file_delete


        } else {

        cat(paste0("extra files - "
                   , paste0(fs::path_file(del$path)
                            , collapse = "; "
                   , " - in "
                   , to_dir
                   , " were not deleted."




Acanthiza/envFunc documentation built on Aug. 19, 2024, 4:50 a.m.