
Defines functions threshOptim

Documented in threshOptim

# AutoQuant is a package for quickly creating high quality visualizations under a common and easy api.
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# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
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# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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#' @title threshOptim
#' @description threshOptim will return the utility maximizing threshold for future predictions along with the data generated to estimate the threshold
#' @author Adrian Antico
#' @family Model Evaluation and Interpretation
#' @param data data is the data table you are building the modeling on
#' @param actTar The column name where the actual target variable is located (in binary form)
#' @param predTar The column name where the predicted values are located
#' @param tpProfit This is the utility for generating a true positive prediction
#' @param tnProfit This is the utility for generating a true negative prediction
#' @param fpProfit This is the cost of generating a false positive prediction
#' @param fnProfit This is the cost of generating a false negative prediction
#' @param MinThresh Minimum value to consider for model threshold
#' @param MaxThresh Maximum value to consider for model threshold
#' @param ThresholdPrecision Incrementing value in search
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data <- data.table::data.table(Target = runif(10))
#' data[, x1 := qnorm(Target)]
#' data[, x2 := runif(10)]
#' data[, Predict := log(pnorm(0.85 * x1 + sqrt(1-0.85^2) * qnorm(x2)))]
#' data[, ':=' (x1 = NULL, x2 = NULL)]
#' data <- threshOptim(data     = data,
#'                     actTar   = "Target",
#'                     predTar  = "Predict",
#'                     tpProfit = 0,
#'                     tnProfit = 0,
#'                     fpProfit = -1,
#'                     fnProfit = -2,
#'                     MinThresh = 0.001,
#'                     MaxThresh = 0.999,
#'                     ThresholdPrecision = 0.001)
#' optimalThreshold <- data$Thresholds
#' allResults <- data$EvaluationTable
#' }
#' @return Optimal threshold and corresponding utilities for the range of thresholds tested
#' @export
threshOptim <- function(data,
                        actTar = "target",
                        predTar = "p1",
                        tpProfit = 0,
                        tnProfit = 0,
                        fpProfit = -1,
                        fnProfit = -2,
                        MinThresh = 0.001,
                        MaxThresh = 0.999,
                        ThresholdPrecision = 0.001) {

  # Turn on full speed ahead----
  data.table::setDTthreads(threads = max(1L, parallel::detectCores() - 2L))

  # Check data.table----
  if(!data.table::is.data.table(data)) data.table::setDT(data)

  # Convert factor target to numeric
  if(!is.numeric(data[[eval(actTar)]])) data[, eval(actTar) := as.numeric(as.character(get(actTar)))]

  # Optimize each column's classification threshold ::
  popTrue <- mean(data[[(actTar)]])
  store <- list()
  j <- 0L
  options(warn = -1L)
  for(i in seq(from = MinThresh, to = MaxThresh, by = ThresholdPrecision)) {
    j <- j + 1L
    tp <- sum(data.table::fifelse(data[[actTar]] == 1 & data[[predTar]] >= i, 1, 0))
    tn <- sum(data.table::fifelse(data[[actTar]] == 0 & data[[predTar]] <  i, 1, 0))
    fp <- sum(data.table::fifelse(data[[actTar]] == 0 & data[[predTar]] >= i, 1, 0))
    fn <- sum(data.table::fifelse(data[[actTar]] == 1 & data[[predTar]] <  i, 1, 0))
    tpr <- data.table::fifelse((tp + fn) == 0, 0, tp / (tp + fn))
    fpr <- data.table::fifelse((fp + tn) == 0, 0, fp / (fp + tn))
    utility <- popTrue * (tpProfit * tpr + fnProfit * (1 - tpr)) + (1 - popTrue) * (fpProfit * fpr + tnProfit * (1 - fpr))
    store[[j]] <- c(i, utility)
  all <- data.table::rbindlist(list(store))
  utilities <- data.table::melt(all[2,])
  data.table::setnames(utilities, "value", "Utilities")
  thresholds <- data.table::melt(all[1,])
  data.table::setnames(thresholds, "value", "Thresholds")
  results <- cbind(utilities, thresholds)[, c(-1,-3)]
  thresh <- results[order(-Utilities)][1, 2][[1]]
  options(warn = 1)

  # Plot of results
  Plot <- ggplot2::ggplot(results, ggplot2::aes(x = Thresholds, y = Utilities)) +
    ggplot2::geom_line(color = "blue") +
    ChartTheme(AngleX = 0) +
    ggplot2::ggtitle(paste0("Threshold Optimization: best cutoff at ",thresh)) +
    ggplot2::geom_vline(xintercept = thresh, linetype="dotted", color = "red", size=1.5)
  return(list(Thresholds = thresh, EvaluationTable = results, Plot = Plot))
AdrianAntico/ModelingTools documentation built on Aug. 20, 2024, 6:41 a.m.