
#' ################################################################################
#' #
#' # Accessory Cell Cycle Staging fucntions to alter previous stagings ------------------------------------------------------
#' # The functions a still under development and currently not exported
#' #
#' ################################################################################
#' #' Title
#' #'
#' #' @param CCList 
#' #' @param StageAssociation 
#' #' @param TopQ 
#' #' @param LowQ 
#' #' @param NodePower 
#' #' @param PercNorm 
#' #' @param MinWit 
#' #' @param StagingMode 
#' #'
#' #' @return
#' #'
#' #' @examples
#' ReStage <- function(CCList, StageAssociation, TopQ = .9, LowQ = .1, NodePower = 0, PercNorm = TRUE,
#'                     MinWit = 0, StagingMode = 4, PathOpt = "Genes.PV") {
#'   # Path Selection ---------------------------------------------------------------
#'   print("Stage V - Path Selection")
#'   # Start by selecting the first available path.
#'   Pattern <- igraph::graph.ring(n = nrow(CCList$PrinGraph[[1]]$Nodes),
#'                                 directed = FALSE, mutual = FALSE, circular = FALSE)
#'   PossiblePaths <- igraph::graph.get.subisomorphisms.vf2(graph1 = CCList$Net, graph2 = Pattern)
#'   StagingAttempts <- list()
#'   UsedPath <- PossiblePaths[[sample(1:length(PossiblePaths), 1)]]$name
#'   print(paste("Staging using the following reference path"))
#'   print(UsedPath)
#'   NumericPath <- as.numeric(unlist(lapply(strsplit(UsedPath, "V_"), "[[", 2)))
#'   NodeOnGenesOnPath <- CCList$InvTransNodes[NumericPath,]
#'   Staged <- FALSE
#'   if(PathOpt == "Genes.PV" & is.list(StageAssociation)){
#'     NodeSize <- unlist(lapply(lapply(CCList$TaxonList, is.finite), sum))
#'     CutOffVar <- NULL
#'     if(exists("QVarCutOff", where=StageAssociation)){
#'       CutOffVar <- quantile(apply(CCList$UnscExpressionData, 2, var), as.numeric(StageAssociation$QVarCutOff))
#'     }
#'     StagingResults <- StagingByGenes(StageAssociation = StageAssociation, ExpressionMatrix = CCList$UnscExpressionData,
#'                                      NormExpressionMatrix = CCList$ExpressionData, NodeOnGenesOnPath = NodeOnGenesOnPath,
#'                                      UsedPath = UsedPath, NodeSize = NodeSize, NodePower = NodePower,
#'                                      LowQ = LowQ, TopQ = TopQ, MaxExp = MaxExp, MinExp = MinExp,
#'                                      nPoints = nrow(CCList$PrinGraph[[1]]$Nodes), MinWit = MinWit,
#'                                      PercNorm = PercNorm, StagingMode = StagingMode, CutOffVar = CutOffVar)
#'     # print(StagingResults)
#'     SummaryStageMat <- StagingResults$SummaryStageMat
#'     print("Optimizing path")
#'     CompactVertexStage <- NULL
#'     for(i in 1:length(StageAssociation$Stages)){
#'       CompactVertexStage <- rbind(CompactVertexStage,
#'                                   colSums(StagingResults$AllStg==i))
#'     }
#'     if(length(StagingResults$AllPen)>1){
#'       print(paste(length(StagingResults$AllPen), "minima found"))
#'       print("Selecting one at random")
#'       SelIdx <- sample(1:nrow(StagingResults$AllStg), 1)
#'       if(StagingResults$AllDir[SelIdx] == "Rev"){
#'         UsedPath <- rev(colnames(CompactVertexStage))
#'         StageVect <- rev(StagingResults$AllStg[SelIdx,])
#'       } else {
#'         UsedPath <- colnames(CompactVertexStage)
#'         StageVect <- StagingResults$AllStg[SelIdx,]
#'       }
#'     } else {
#'       if(StagingResults$AllDir == "Rev"){
#'         UsedPath <- rev(colnames(CompactVertexStage))
#'         StageVect <- rev(StagingResults$AllStg)
#'       } else {
#'         UsedPath <- colnames(CompactVertexStage)
#'         StageVect <- StagingResults$AllStg
#'       }
#'     }
#'     for (i in 1:length(StageVect)) {
#'       TestShift <- CircShift(StageVect, i-1)
#'       if(TestShift[1] == min(StageVect) & TestShift[length(TestShift)] != min(StageVect)){
#'         break
#'       }
#'     }
#'     UsedPath <- CircShift(UsedPath, i-1)
#'     StagesOnPath <- CircShift(StageVect, i-1)
#'     VertexStageMatrix <- StagingResults$AllStg[,UsedPath]
#'     CompactVertexStage <- CompactVertexStage[,UsedPath]
#'     SummaryStageMat <- SummaryStageMat[,UsedPath]
#'     print("Stage VI - Path Projection")
#'     print("The following path will be used")
#'     print(UsedPath)
#'     print("The following staging has been inferred")
#'     print(StageAssociation$Stages[StagesOnPath])
#'     NumericPath <- as.numeric(unlist(lapply(strsplit(UsedPath, "V_"), "[[", 2)))
#'     NumericPath <- c(NumericPath, NumericPath[1])
#'     StagesOnPath <- c(StagesOnPath, StagesOnPath[1])
#'     Staged <- TRUE
#'   }
#'   if(!Staged){
#'     SummaryStageMat <- NULL
#'     StagesOnPath <- rep("Unassigned", nrow(CCList$PrinGraph[[1]]$Nodes))
#'     print("Staging information incompatible with current options")
#'     print("The defult path will be used")
#'   }
#'   # Projecting on Path ---------------------------------------------------------------
#'   PathProjection <- OrderOnPath(PrinGraph = CCList$PrinGraph[[1]], Path = NumericPath, PointProjections = CCList$Projections)
#'   # Move cells from the end to the beginning
#'   # Since floating point aritmetic is involved, I need to use a threshold for zero
#'   PathProjection$PositionOnPath[ abs(PathProjection$PositionOnPath - sum(PathProjection$PathLen)) < 1e-8 ] <- 0
#'   par(mfcol=c(1,1))
#'   CellOnNodes <- rep(NA, length(PathProjection$PositionOnPath))
#'   CellStages <- rep("Unassigned", length(PathProjection$PositionOnPath))
#'   GeneCount <- NULL
#'   CellStagesMat <- NULL
#'   NodeSize <- unlist(lapply(lapply(CCList$TaxonList, is.finite), sum))
#'   if(PathOpt == "Genes.PV" & is.list(StageAssociation)){
#'     for(i in 2:length(PathProjection$PathLen)){
#'       CellOnNodes[PathProjection$PositionOnPath >= cumsum(PathProjection$PathLen)[i-1] &
#'                     PathProjection$PositionOnPath < mean(cumsum(PathProjection$PathLen)[(i-1):i])] <- i-1
#'       CellOnNodes[PathProjection$PositionOnPath < cumsum(PathProjection$PathLen)[i] &
#'                     PathProjection$PositionOnPath >= mean(cumsum(PathProjection$PathLen)[(i-1):i])] <- i
#'     }
#'     CellOnNodes[CellOnNodes > nrow(CCList$PrinGraph[[1]]$Nodes)] <- CellOnNodes[CellOnNodes > nrow(CCList$PrinGraph[[1]]$Nodes)] - nrow(CCList$PrinGraph[[1]]$Nodes)
#'     CellStagesMat <- t(t(t(SummaryStageMat)/colSums(SummaryStageMat))[, CellOnNodes])
#'     CellStagesMat <- cbind(CellStagesMat, StagesOnPath[CellOnNodes], CCList$Grouping)
#'     colnames(CellStagesMat) <- c(StageAssociation$Stages, "Stage", "Group")
#'     CellStages <- StageAssociation$Stages[CellStagesMat[,length(StageAssociation$Stages)+1]]
#'     StagesOnPath <- StagesOnPath[-length(StagesOnPath)]
#'     Labels <- rownames(CCList$PCAData)
#'     DF.Plot <- cbind(PathProjection$PositionOnPath/sum(PathProjection$PathLen),
#'                      PathProjection$DistanceFromPath,
#'                      CellStages, as.character(CCList$Grouping), Labels)
#'     colnames(DF.Plot) <- c("PseudoTime", "Distance", "Stage", "Grouping", "Labels")
#'     DF.Plot <- as.data.frame(DF.Plot)
#'     DF.Plot$PseudoTime <- as.numeric(as.character(DF.Plot$PseudoTime))
#'     DF.Plot$Distance <- as.numeric(as.character(DF.Plot$Distance))
#'     # print(CellStages)
#'     # print(StageAssociation$Stages)
#'     for(Ref in rev(StageAssociation$Stages)){
#'       if(Ref %in% levels(DF.Plot$Stage)){
#'         DF.Plot$Stage <- relevel(DF.Plot$Stage, Ref)
#'       }
#'     }
#'     AtBottom <- which(DF.Plot$PseudoTime == 0)
#'     AtTop <- which(DF.Plot$PseudoTime == 1)
#'     print(table(DF.Plot$Grouping, DF.Plot$Stage))
#'     if(length(AtBottom) > 0){
#'       BottomCells <- DF.Plot[AtBottom,]
#'       BottomCells$PseudoTime <- 1
#'       DF.Plot <- rbind(DF.Plot, BottomCells)
#'     }
#'     if(length(AtTop) > 0){
#'       TopCells <- DF.Plot[AtTop,]
#'       TopCells$PseudoTime <- 0
#'       DF.Plot <- rbind(DF.Plot, TopCells)
#'     }
#'   }
#'   RetList <- CCList
#'   RetList[["InferredStages"]] <- CellStages
#'   RetList[["Path"]] <- UsedPath
#'   RetList[["NumericPath"]] <- NumericPath
#'   RetList[["PathProjection"]] <- PathProjection
#'   RetList[["StagesOnPath"]] <- StagesOnPath
#'   RetList[["StageWitnesses"]] <- SummaryStageMat
#'   RetList[["StageWitnessesCount"]] <- GeneCount
#'   RetList[["StageWitWeigh"]] <- NodeSize^NodePower
#'   RetList[["CellsStagesAssociation"]] <- CellStagesMat
#'   return(RetList)
#' }
#' #' Title
#' #'
#' #' @param CCList 
#' #' @param nPoints 
#' #'
#' #' @return
#' #'
#' #' @examples
#' ChangeNodeNumber <- function(CCList, nPoints) {
#'   # Curve Fit ---------------------------------------------------------------
#'   print("Stage V - Curve fit")
#'   Results <- computeElasticPrincipalGraph(Data = CCList$PCAData, NumNodes = nPoints, Method = 'CircleConfiguration')
#'   TaxonList <- getTaxonMap(Results[[1]], CCList$PCAData, UseR = TRUE)
#'   ProjPoints <- projectPoints(Results = Results[[1]], Data = CCList$PCAData, TaxonList=TaxonList,
#'                               UseR = TRUE,
#'                               method = 'PCALin', Dims = NULL, Debug = FALSE)
#'   Net <- ConstructGraph(Results = Results[[1]], DirectionMat = NULL)
#'   NodeOnGenes <- t(t(Results[[1]]$Nodes %*% t(CCList$PCAInfo$Comp)))
#'   RetList <- CCList
#'   RetList[["Net"]] <- Net
#'   RetList[["PrinGraph"]] <- Results
#'   RetList[["InvTransNodes"]] <- NodeOnGenes
#'   RetList[["TaxonList"]] <- TaxonList
#'   RetList[["Projections"]] <- ProjPoints
#'   RetList[["InferredStages"]] <- NULL
#'   RetList[["Path"]] <- NULL
#'   RetList[["NumericPath"]] <- NULL
#'   RetList[["PathProjection"]] <- NULL
#'   RetList[["StagesOnPath"]] <- NULL
#'   RetList[["StageWitnesses"]] <- NULL
#'   RetList[["StageWitnessesCount"]] <- NULL
#'   RetList[["StageWitWeigh"]] <- NULL
#'   RetList[["CellsStagesAssociation"]] <- NULL
#'   return(RetList)
#' }
#' #' Title
#' #'
#' #' @param ExpressionMatrix 
#' #' @param GeneDetectedFilter 
#' #' @param GeneCountFilter 
#' #' @param MinCellExp 
#' #' @param LogTranform 
#' #' @param QuantNorm 
#' #' @param GeneSet 
#' #' @param Centering 
#' #' @param Scaling 
#' #'
#' #' @return
#' #' @export
#' #'
#' #' @examples
#' Filter <- function(ExpressionMatrix, GeneDetectedFilter, GeneCountFilter, MinCellExp, LogTranform,
#'                    QuantNorm, GeneSet, Centering, Scaling, Grouping) {
#'   # Cell filtering ---------------------------------------------------------------
#'   print("Stage I - Cell filtering")
#'   OutExpr <- scater::isOutlier(rowSums(ExpressionMatrix>0), nmads = GeneDetectedFilter)
#'   OutCount <- scater::isOutlier(rowSums(ExpressionMatrix), nmads = GeneCountFilter)
#'   print(paste(sum(OutExpr & OutCount), "Cells will be removed due to both filtering"))
#'   print(paste(sum(OutExpr & !OutCount), "Cells will be removed due to gene count filtering"))
#'   print(paste(sum(OutCount & !OutExpr), "Cells will be removed due to read count filtering"))
#'   print(paste(sum(!(OutExpr & OutCount)), "Cells will be used for analysis")) 
#'   Grouping <- Grouping[!(OutExpr & OutCount)]
#'   NormExpressionMatrix <- ExpressionMatrix[!(OutExpr & OutCount),]
#'   # Gene filtering ---------------------------------------------------------------
#'   print("Stage II - Genes filtering")
#'   print(paste("Removing genes that are detected in less than", MinCellExp, "cell(s)"))
#'   GeneFilterBool <- apply(NormExpressionMatrix > 0, 2, sum) < MinCellExp
#'   NormExpressionMatrix <- NormExpressionMatrix[, !GeneFilterBool]
#'   print(paste(sum(GeneFilterBool), "genes will be removed"))
#'   print(paste(ncol(NormExpressionMatrix), "genes are available for the analysis"))
#'   if(LogTranform){
#'     print("Transforming using pseudo counts (Log10(x+1))")
#'     NormExpressionMatrix <- log10(NormExpressionMatrix + 1)
#'   }
#'   UnScaledNormExpressionMatrix <- NormExpressionMatrix
#'   if(QuantNorm){
#'     Rname <- rownames(NormExpressionMatrix)
#'     Cname <- colnames(NormExpressionMatrix)
#'     NormExpressionMatrix <- preprocessCore::normalize.quantiles(NormExpressionMatrix)
#'     rownames(NormExpressionMatrix) <- Rname
#'     colnames(NormExpressionMatrix) <- Cname
#'   }
#'   if(!is.null(GeneSet)){
#'     SelGenes <- intersect(colnames(NormExpressionMatrix), GeneSet)
#'     print(paste(length(SelGenes), "genes selected for analysis"))
#'     if(length(SelGenes)==0){
#'       return()
#'     }
#'     NormExpressionMatrix <- NormExpressionMatrix[,SelGenes]
#'   }
#'   # Gene Scaling ---------------------------------------------------------------
#'   print("Stage III - Gene scaling")
#'   if(Centering){
#'     print("Gene expression will be centered")
#'   } 
#'   if(Scaling){
#'     print("Gene expression will be scaled")
#'   } 
#'   NormExpressionMatrix <- scale(x = NormExpressionMatrix, center = Centering, scale =  Scaling)
#'   print("Stage IV - PCA")
#'   if(is.null(nDim)){
#'     nDim <- min(dim(NormExpressionMatrix))
#'   }
#'   NormExpressionMatrixPCA <- SelectComputePCA(NormExpressionMatrix,
#'                                               Components = nDim, Method = 'base-svd',
#'                                               center = FALSE, scale. = FALSE)
#'   RotatedExpression <- NormExpressionMatrix %*% NormExpressionMatrixPCA$Comp
#'   return(list(ExpressionData = NormExpressionMatrix, UnscExpressionData = UnScaledNormExpressionMatrix,
#'               PCAData = RotatedExpression,
#'               PCAInfo = NormExpressionMatrixPCA, Grouping = Grouping, TaxonList = NULL,
#'               InferredStages = NULL, PrinGraph = NULL, Projections = NULL, InvTransNodes = NULL,
#'               Path = NULL, NumericPath = NULL, Net = NULL, PathProjection = NULL, StagesOnPath = NULL,
#'               StageWitnesses = NULL, StageWitnessesCount = NULL, StageWitWeigh = NULL,
#'               CellsStagesAssociation = NULL))
#' }
#' ################################################################################
#' #
#' # Main Cell Cycle Staging ------------------------------------------------------
#' #
#' ################################################################################
#' #' Title
#' #'
#' #' @param ExpressionMatrix 
#' #' @param Grouping 
#' #' @param GeneSet 
#' #' @param StageAssociation 
#' #' @param TopQ 
#' #' @param LowQ 
#' #' @param AggressiveStaging 
#' #' @param PathOpt 
#' #' @param GeneOpt 
#' #' @param GeneDetectedFilter 
#' #' @param GeneCountFilter 
#' #' @param MinCellExp 
#' #' @param VarFilter 
#' #' @param LogTranform 
#' #' @param Centering 
#' #' @param Scaling 
#' #' @param nDim 
#' #' @param nPoints 
#' #' @param Data.Return 
#' #' @param GeneToPlot 
#' #'
#' #' @return
#' #' @export
#' #'
#' #' @examples
#' StudyCellCycles <- function(ExpressionMatrix, Grouping, GeneSet = NULL, QuantNorm = FALSE,
#'                             StageAssociation = NULL, TopQ = .9, LowQ = .1,
#'                             MaxExp = NULL, MinExp = NULL,
#'                             NodePower = 0, PercNorm = TRUE,
#'                             MinWit = 0, StagingMode = 4,
#'                             PathOpt = "Genes.PV", GeneOpt = 10, 
#'                             GeneDetectedFilter = 2.5, GeneCountFilter = 2.5,
#'                             MinCellExp = 2, VarFilter = 0, LogTranform = TRUE, Centering = FALSE,
#'                             Scaling = FALSE, nDim = NULL, DimPrj = NULL, nPoints = 20,
#'                             Data.Return = FALSE, GeneToPlot = 10, ThrNumb = NULL,
#'                             Interactive = TRUE) {
#'   print(paste("Expression matrix contains", nrow(ExpressionMatrix), "cells and", ncol(ExpressionMatrix), "genes"))
#'   if(length(Grouping) != nrow(ExpressionMatrix)){
#'     stop("Grouping vector incompatible with expression matrix")
#'   }
#'   # Cell filtering ---------------------------------------------------------------
#'   print("Stage I - Cell filtering")
#'   if(Interactive){
#'     par(mfcol=c(1,2))
#'     hist(apply(ExpressionMatrix > 0, 1, sum), main = "Genes per cell", xlab = "Genes count",
#'          freq = TRUE, ylab = "Number of cells")
#'   }
#'   OutExpr <- scater::isOutlier(rowSums(ExpressionMatrix>0), nmads = GeneDetectedFilter)
#'   if(Interactive){
#'     hist(apply(ExpressionMatrix, 1, sum), main = "Reads per cell", xlab = "Reads count",
#'          freq = TRUE, ylab = "Number of cells")
#'     par(mfcol=c(1,1))  
#'   }
#'   OutCount <- scater::isOutlier(rowSums(ExpressionMatrix>0), nmads = GeneCountFilter)
#'   print(paste(sum(OutExpr & OutCount), "Cells will be removed due to both filtering"))
#'   print(paste(sum(OutExpr & !OutCount), "Cells will be removed due to gene count filtering"))
#'   print(paste(sum(OutCount & !OutExpr), "Cells will be removed due to read count filtering"))
#'   print(paste(sum(!(OutExpr & OutCount)), "Cells will be used for analysis")) 
#'   Grouping <- Grouping[!(OutExpr & OutCount)]
#'   NormExpressionMatrix <- ExpressionMatrix[!(OutExpr & OutCount),]
#'   if(Interactive){
#'     readline("Press any key")
#'     par(mfcol=c(1,2))
#'     hist(apply(NormExpressionMatrix > 0, 1, sum), main = "Genes per cell", xlab = "Genes count",
#'          freq = TRUE, ylab = "Number of cells (After filtering)")
#'     hist(apply(NormExpressionMatrix, 1, sum), main = "Reads per cell", xlab = "Reads count",
#'          freq = TRUE, ylab = "Number of cells (After filtering)")
#'     par(mfcol=c(1,1))
#'   }
#'   # Gene filtering ---------------------------------------------------------------
#'   print("Stage II - Genes filtering")
#'   print(paste("Removing genes that are detected in less than", MinCellExp, "cell(s)"))
#'   GeneFilterBool <- apply(NormExpressionMatrix > 0, 2, sum) < MinCellExp
#'   NormExpressionMatrix <- NormExpressionMatrix[, !GeneFilterBool]
#'   print(paste(sum(GeneFilterBool), "genes will be removed"))
#'   print(paste(ncol(NormExpressionMatrix), "genes are available for the analysis"))
#'   if(is.null(MaxExp)){
#'     MaxExp <- quantile(as.vector(NormExpressionMatrix), .75)
#'   }
#'   if(is.null(MinExp)){
#'     MinExp <- quantile(as.vector(NormExpressionMatrix), .25)
#'   }
#'   if(LogTranform){
#'     print("Transforming using pseudo counts (Log10(x+1))")
#'     NormExpressionMatrix <- log10(NormExpressionMatrix + 1)
#'     MaxExp <- log10(MaxExp+1)
#'     MinExp <- log10(MinExp+1)
#'   }
#'   UnScaledNormExpressionMatrix <- NormExpressionMatrix
#'   if(QuantNorm){
#'     Rname <- rownames(NormExpressionMatrix)
#'     Cname <- colnames(NormExpressionMatrix)
#'     NormExpressionMatrix <- preprocessCore::normalize.quantiles(NormExpressionMatrix)
#'     rownames(NormExpressionMatrix) <- Rname
#'     colnames(NormExpressionMatrix) <- Cname
#'   }
#'   print("Plotting variance distribution (For reference only)")
#'   VarVect <- apply(NormExpressionMatrix, 2, var)
#'   if(Interactive){
#'     par(mfcol=c(1,2))
#'     plot(density(VarVect, from=min(VarVect)), xlab = "Variance", main = "Variance distribution")
#'     abline(v=quantile(VarVect, c(.01, .05, .25, .50)), lty=2, col=c('red', 'green', 'blue', "black"))
#'     legend(x = "topright", legend = c("1% Q", "5% Q", "25% Q", "50% Q"),
#'            col=c('red', 'green', 'blue', "black"), lty=2)
#'     plot(density(VarVect, from=min(VarVect)), xlab = "Variance (1% - 75% Q)",
#'          xlim = quantile(VarVect, c(.01, .75)), main = "Variance distribution")
#'     abline(v=quantile(VarVect, c(.01, .05, .25, .50)), lty=2, col=c('red', 'green', 'blue', "black"))
#'     legend(x = "topright", legend = c("1% Q", "5% Q", "25% Q", "50% Q"),
#'            col=c('red', 'green', 'blue', "black"), lty=2)
#'     par(mfcol=c(1,1))
#'   }
#'   if(!is.null(GeneSet)){
#'     SelGenes <- intersect(colnames(NormExpressionMatrix), GeneSet)
#'     print(paste(length(SelGenes), "genes selected for analysis"))
#'     if(length(SelGenes)==0){
#'       return()
#'     }
#'     NormExpressionMatrix <- NormExpressionMatrix[,SelGenes]
#'   }
#'   if(Interactive){
#'     readline("Press any key")
#'   }
#'   # Gene Scaling ---------------------------------------------------------------
#'   print("Stage III - Gene scaling")
#'   if(Centering){
#'     print("Gene expression will be centered")
#'   } 
#'   if(Scaling){
#'     print("Gene expression will be scaled")
#'   } 
#'   NormExpressionMatrix <- scale(x = NormExpressionMatrix, center = Centering, scale =  Scaling)
#'   print("Stage IV - PCA")
#'   if(is.null(nDim)){
#'     nDim <- min(dim(NormExpressionMatrix))
#'   }
#'   NormExpressionMatrixPCA <- SelectComputePCA(NormExpressionMatrix,
#'                                               Components = nDim, Method = 'base-svd',
#'                                               center = FALSE, scale. = FALSE)
#'   RotatedExpression <- NormExpressionMatrix %*% NormExpressionMatrixPCA$Comp
#'   # Curve Fit ---------------------------------------------------------------
#'   print("Stage V - Curve fit")
#'   Results <- computeElasticPrincipalGraph(Data = RotatedExpression, NumNodes = nPoints, Method = 'CircleConfiguration')
#'   TaxonList <- getTaxonMap(Results[[1]], RotatedExpression, UseR = TRUE)
#'   ProjPoints <- projectPoints(Results = Results[[1]], Data = RotatedExpression, TaxonList=TaxonList,
#'                               UseR = TRUE,
#'                               method = 'PCALin', Dims = DimPrj, Debug = FALSE)
#'   Net <- ConstructGraph(Results = Results[[1]], DirectionMat = NULL)
#'   if(Interactive){
#'     par(mfcol=c(1,2))
#'     accuracyComplexityPlot(Results[[1]], AdjFactor = 1, Mode = 'LocMin')
#'     plotMSDEnergyPlot(Results[[1]])
#'     ColCells <- rainbow(length(unique(Grouping)))
#'     Col = ColCells[as.integer(factor(ColCells))]
#'     par(mfcol=c(1,1))
#'     plotData2D(Data = RotatedExpression, PrintGraph = Results[[1]], Col = ColCells, NodeSizeMult = 0.1,
#'                Main = "All genes", Plot.ly = TRUE, GroupsLab = Grouping,
#'                Xlab = paste("PC1 (", signif(100*NormExpressionMatrixPCA$ExpVar[1], 4), "%)", sep=''),
#'                Ylab = paste("PC2 (", signif(100*NormExpressionMatrixPCA$ExpVar[2], 4), "%)", sep=''))
#'     readline("Press any key")
#'     # arrows(x0 = RotatedExpression[,1], y0 = RotatedExpression[,2],
#'     #        x1 = ProjPoints$PointsOnEdgesCoords[,1], y1 = ProjPoints$PointsOnEdgesCoords[,2], length = 0)
#'     PieNetInfo <- plotPieNet(Data = RotatedExpression, Results = Results[[1]], Categories = Grouping, Graph = Net,
#'                TaxonList = TaxonList, NodeSizeMult = 6)
#'     legend(x = "center", legend = levels(Grouping), fill = PieNetInfo$ColInfo)
#'     readline("Press any key")
#'   }
#'   # Path Selection ---------------------------------------------------------------
#'   print("Stage V - Path Selection")
#'   # Start by selecting the first available path.
#'   Pattern <- igraph::graph.ring(n = nPoints, directed = FALSE, mutual = FALSE, circular = FALSE)
#'   PossiblePaths <- igraph::graph.get.subisomorphisms.vf2(graph1 = Net, graph2 = Pattern)
#'   NodeOnGenes <- t(t(Results[[1]]$Nodes %*% t(NormExpressionMatrixPCA$Comp)))
#'   StagingAttempts <- list()
#'   UsedPath <- PossiblePaths[[sample(1:length(PossiblePaths), 1)]]$name
#'   print(paste("Staging using the following reference path"))
#'   print(UsedPath)
#'   NumericPath <- as.numeric(unlist(lapply(strsplit(UsedPath, "V_"), "[[", 2)))
#'   NodeOnGenesOnPath <- NodeOnGenes[NumericPath,]
#'   Staged <- FALSE
#'   if(PathOpt == "Genes.PV" & is.list(StageAssociation)){
#'     NodeSize <- unlist(lapply(lapply(TaxonList, is.finite), sum))
#'     CutOffVar <- NULL
#'     if(exists("QVarCutOff", where=StageAssociation)){
#'       CutOffVar <- quantile(apply(UnScaledNormExpressionMatrix, 2, var), as.numeric(StageAssociation$QVarCutOff))
#'     }
#'     StagingResults <- StagingByGenes(StageAssociation = StageAssociation, ExpressionMatrix = UnScaledNormExpressionMatrix,
#'                                      NormExpressionMatrix = NormExpressionMatrix, NodeOnGenesOnPath = NodeOnGenesOnPath,
#'                                      UsedPath = UsedPath, NodeSize = NodeSize, NodePower = NodePower, 
#'                                      LowQ = LowQ, TopQ = TopQ, MaxExp = MaxExp, MinExp = MinExp,
#'                                      nPoints = nPoints, MinWit = MinWit,
#'                                      PercNorm = PercNorm, StagingMode = StagingMode, CutOffVar = CutOffVar)
#'     print(StagingResults)
#'     SummaryStageMat <- StagingResults$SummaryStageMat
#'     print("Optimizing path")
#'     CompactVertexStage <- NULL
#'     for(i in 1:length(StageAssociation$Stages)){
#'       CompactVertexStage <- rbind(CompactVertexStage,
#'                                   colSums(StagingResults$AllStg==i))
#'     }
#'     if(Interactive){
#'       barplot(CompactVertexStage, beside = FALSE, col = rainbow(length(StageAssociation$Stages)),
#'               las=2, ylab = 'Number of staging attempts', main = "Techinical staging uncertainty")
#'       barplot(CompactVertexStage, beside = TRUE, col = rainbow(length(StageAssociation$Stages)),
#'               las=2, ylab = 'Number of staging attempts', main = "Techinical staging uncertainty")
#'     }
#'     if(length(StagingResults$AllPen)>1){
#'       print(paste(length(StagingResults$AllPen), "minima found"))
#'       print("Selecting one at random")
#'       SelIdx <- sample(1:nrow(StagingResults$AllStg), 1)
#'       if(StagingResults$AllDir[SelIdx] == "Rev"){
#'         UsedPath <- rev(colnames(CompactVertexStage))
#'         StageVect <- rev(StagingResults$AllStg[SelIdx,])
#'       } else {
#'         UsedPath <- colnames(CompactVertexStage)
#'         StageVect <- StagingResults$AllStg[SelIdx,]
#'       }
#'     } else {
#'       if(StagingResults$AllDir == "Rev"){
#'         UsedPath <- rev(colnames(CompactVertexStage))
#'         StageVect <- rev(StagingResults$AllStg)
#'       } else {
#'         UsedPath <- colnames(CompactVertexStage)
#'         StageVect <- StagingResults$AllStg
#'       }
#'     }
#'     for(i in 1:length(StageVect)) {
#'       TestShift <- CircShift(as.vector(StageVect), n = i-1)
#'       print("Testing")
#'       print(TestShift)
#'       print(i-1)
#'       if(TestShift[1] == min(StageVect) & TestShift[length(TestShift)] != min(StageVect)){
#'         break
#'       }
#'     }
#'     UsedPath <- CircShift(as.vector(UsedPath), i-1)
#'     StagesOnPath <- CircShift(as.vector(StageVect), i-1)
#'     VertexStageMatrix <- StagingResults$AllStg[,UsedPath]
#'     CompactVertexStage <- CompactVertexStage[,UsedPath]
#'     SummaryStageMat <- SummaryStageMat[,UsedPath]
#'     if(Interactive){
#'       barplot(CompactVertexStage, beside = FALSE, col = rainbow(length(StageAssociation$Stages)), las=2)
#'       barplot(CompactVertexStage, beside = TRUE, col = rainbow(length(StageAssociation$Stages)), las= 2)
#'     }
#'     print("Stage VI - Path Projection")
#'     print("The following path will be used")
#'     print(UsedPath)
#'     print("The following staging has been inferred")
#'     print(StageAssociation$Stages[StagesOnPath])
#'     NumericPath <- as.numeric(unlist(lapply(strsplit(UsedPath, "V_"), "[[", 2)))
#'     NumericPath <- c(NumericPath, NumericPath[1])
#'     StagesOnPath <- c(StagesOnPath, StagesOnPath[1])
#'     if(Interactive){
#'       readline("Press any key")
#'     }
#'     Staged <- TRUE
#'   }
#'   if(!Staged){
#'     SummaryStageMat <- NULL
#'     StagesOnPath <- rep("Unassigned", nPoints)
#'     print("Staging information incompatible with current options")
#'     print("The defult path will be used")
#'   }
#'   # Projecting on Path ---------------------------------------------------------------
#'   PathProjection <- OrderOnPath(PrinGraph = Results[[1]], Path = NumericPath, PointProjections = ProjPoints)
#'   # Move cells from the end to the beginning
#'   # Since floating point aritmetic is involved, I need to use a threshold for zero
#'   PathProjection$PositionOnPath[ abs(PathProjection$PositionOnPath - sum(PathProjection$PathLen)) < 1e-8 ] <- 0
#'   par(mfcol=c(1,1))
#'   CellOnNodes <- rep(NA, length(PathProjection$PositionOnPath))
#'   CellStages <- rep("Unassigned", length(PathProjection$PositionOnPath))
#'   GeneCount <- NULL
#'   CellStagesMat <- NULL
#'   NodeSize <- unlist(lapply(lapply(TaxonList, is.finite), sum))
#'   if(PathOpt == "Genes.PV" & is.list(StageAssociation)){
#'     for(i in 2:length(PathProjection$PathLen)){
#'       CellOnNodes[PathProjection$PositionOnPath >= cumsum(PathProjection$PathLen)[i-1] &
#'                    PathProjection$PositionOnPath < mean(cumsum(PathProjection$PathLen)[(i-1):i])] <- i-1
#'       CellOnNodes[PathProjection$PositionOnPath < cumsum(PathProjection$PathLen)[i] &
#'                    PathProjection$PositionOnPath >= mean(cumsum(PathProjection$PathLen)[(i-1):i])] <- i
#'     }
#'     CellOnNodes[CellOnNodes > nPoints] <- CellOnNodes[CellOnNodes > nPoints] - nPoints
#'     CellStagesMat <- t(t(t(SummaryStageMat)/colSums(SummaryStageMat))[, CellOnNodes])
#'     CellStagesMat <- cbind(CellStagesMat, StagesOnPath[CellOnNodes], Grouping)
#'     colnames(CellStagesMat) <- c(StageAssociation$Stages, "Stage", "Group")
#'     if(Interactive){
#'       barplot(t(CellStagesMat[order(PathProjection$PositionOnPath),1:length(StageAssociation$Stages)]),
#'               horiz = TRUE, las=2, col=rainbow(length(StageAssociation$Stages)),
#'               names.arg = StageAssociation$Stages[CellStagesMat[order(PathProjection$PositionOnPath),length(StageAssociation$Stages)+1]])
#'       abline(v = 100/length(StageAssociation$Stages)/100)
#'     }
#'     CellStages <- StageAssociation$Stages[CellStagesMat[,length(StageAssociation$Stages)+1]]
#'     StagesOnPath <- StagesOnPath[-length(StagesOnPath)]
#'     Labels <- rownames(RotatedExpression)
#'     DF.Plot <- cbind(PathProjection$PositionOnPath/sum(PathProjection$PathLen),
#'                      PathProjection$DistanceFromPath,
#'                      CellStages, as.character(Grouping), Labels)
#'     colnames(DF.Plot) <- c("PseudoTime", "Distance", "Stage", "Grouping", "Labels")
#'     DF.Plot <- as.data.frame(DF.Plot)
#'     DF.Plot$PseudoTime <- as.numeric(as.character(DF.Plot$PseudoTime))
#'     DF.Plot$Distance <- as.numeric(as.character(DF.Plot$Distance))
#'     # print(CellStages)
#'     # print(StageAssociation$Stages)
#'     for(Ref in rev(StageAssociation$Stages)){
#'       if(Ref %in% levels(DF.Plot$Stage)){
#'         DF.Plot$Stage <- relevel(DF.Plot$Stage, Ref)
#'       }
#'     }
#'     # AtBottom <- which(DF.Plot$PseudoTime == 0)
#'     # AtTop <- which(DF.Plot$PseudoTime == 1)
#'     print(table(DF.Plot$Grouping, DF.Plot$Stage))
#'     if(Interactive & length(unique(Grouping[!is.na(Grouping)])) > 1){
#'       gplots::heatmap.2(table(DF.Plot$Grouping, DF.Plot$Stage))
#'     }
#'     # if(length(AtBottom) > 0){
#'     #   BottomCells <- DF.Plot[AtBottom,]
#'     #   BottomCells$PseudoTime <- 1
#'     #   DF.Plot <- rbind(DF.Plot, BottomCells)
#'     # }
#'     # if(length(AtTop) > 0){
#'     #   TopCells <- DF.Plot[AtTop,]
#'     #   TopCells$PseudoTime <- 0
#'     #   DF.Plot <- rbind(DF.Plot, TopCells)
#'     # }
#'     if(Interactive){
#'       p <- ggplot2::ggplot(data = DF.Plot, mapping = ggplot2::aes(x = PseudoTime, y = Distance, color = Stage, label=Labels, shape=Grouping))
#'       p <- p + ggplot2::geom_point(size = 5) + ggplot2::geom_text(check_overlap = FALSE, hjust = "inward")
#'       print(p)  
#'       NodeOnGenesOnPath <- NodeOnGenes[NumericPath,]
#'       DF2.ToPlot <- cbind(rep(1:ncol(SummaryStageMat), nrow(SummaryStageMat)),
#'                           StagingResults$NoNormWeigth*as.vector(t(SummaryStageMat)),
#'                           rep(StageAssociation$Stages, each=ncol(SummaryStageMat)),
#'                           rep(StageAssociation$Stages[StagesOnPath], nrow(SummaryStageMat)))
#'       colnames(DF2.ToPlot) <- c("Node", "Percentage", "WStage", "AStage")
#'       DF2.ToPlot <- data.frame(DF2.ToPlot)
#'       DF2.ToPlot$Node <- as.numeric(as.character(DF2.ToPlot$Node))
#'       DF2.ToPlot$Percentage <- as.numeric(as.character(DF2.ToPlot$Percentage))
#'       for(Ref in rev(StageAssociation$Stages)){
#'         if(Ref %in% levels(DF2.ToPlot$WStage)){
#'           DF2.ToPlot$WStage <- relevel(DF2.ToPlot$WStage, Ref)
#'         }
#'       }
#'       for(Ref in rev(StageAssociation$Stages)){
#'         if(Ref %in% levels(DF2.ToPlot$AStage)){
#'           DF2.ToPlot$AStage <- relevel(DF2.ToPlot$AStage, Ref)
#'         }
#'       }
#'       p <- ggplot2::ggplot(data = DF2.ToPlot, mapping = ggplot2::aes(x = Node, y = Percentage, shape=AStage))
#'       p <- p + ggplot2::geom_point(size = 2) + ggplot2::geom_line() + ggplot2::facet_wrap(~WStage)
#'       print(p)
#'       # barplot(NoNormSummaryStageMat/GeneCount, beside = TRUE)
#'       par(mfcol=c(1,2))
#'       barplot(table(DF.Plot$Stage, DF.Plot$Grouping), beside = TRUE, legend.text = levels(DF.Plot$Stage),
#'               main = "Stage / Phase association", ylab = "number of cells")
#'       barplot(unlist(lapply(split(PathProjection$PathLen[-1], StagesOnPath), sum)), names.arg = StageAssociation$Stages,
#'               ylab = "Pseudo Duration", main = "Genetic diversity of cell stages")
#'       par(mfcol=c(1,1))
#'     }
#'   }
#'   # Finetuning the positions depending on the staging of the 1st stage 
#'   print("Finetuning cell positions on the path")
#'   ToReposition <- which(CellOnNodes == 1 & PathProjection$PositionOnPath >= sum(PathProjection$PathLen[-nPoints]))
#'   if(length(ToReposition)>0){
#'     # There are cells that are at the end and should be at the beginning
#'     AdjPar <- min(PathProjection$PositionOnPath[ToReposition] - sum(PathProjection$PathLen))
#'     # I'm going to shift down all of the projection structure by AdjPar. Note that the sign are reversed because AdjPar is negative
#'     PathProjection$PositionOnPath[ToReposition] <- PathProjection$PositionOnPath[ToReposition] - sum(PathProjection$PathLen)
#'     PathProjection$PositionOnPath <- PathProjection$PositionOnPath - AdjPar
#'     PathProjection$PathLen[2] <- PathProjection$PathLen[2] - AdjPar
#'     PathProjection$PathLen[nPoints + 1] <- PathProjection$PathLen[nPoints + 1] + AdjPar
#'   }
#'   if(Interactive){
#'     readline("Press any key")
#'   }
#'   # Plot Genes ---------------------------------------------------------------
#'   if(Interactive){
#'     print("Stage VII - Plotting")
#'     if(PathOpt == "Genes.PV" & is.list(StageAssociation)){
#'       print("Stage VII.I - Plotting staging genes")
#'       for (Stage in 1:length(StageAssociation$Stages)) {
#'         if(exists(paste("S", Stage, "_U", sep = ""), where=StageAssociation)) {
#'           AvailableGenes <- intersect(StageAssociation[[paste("S", Stage, "_U", sep = "")]], colnames(NodeOnGenesOnPath))
#'           if(length(AvailableGenes)>0 & !is.null(CutOffVar)){
#'             AvailableGenes <- AvailableGenes[apply(NormExpressionMatrix[,AvailableGenes], 2, var) > CutOffVar]
#'           }
#'           SmoothedGenes <- GeneExpressiononPath(ExpressionData = NormExpressionMatrix, TransfData  = RotatedExpression,
#'                                                 CellClass = factor(CellStages, levels = StageAssociation$Stages),
#'                                                 PrinGraph = Results[[1]],
#'                                                 Projections = ProjPoints, InvTransNodes = NodeOnGenes,
#'                                                 Genes = AvailableGenes,
#'                                                 Path = UsedPath, Net = Net, Title = paste(StageAssociation$Stages[Stage], "UP"),
#'                                                 PathType = 'Circular', Circular = TRUE,
#'                                                 Plot = TRUE, CircExt = .1, Return.Smoother = '')
#'         }
#'         if(exists(paste("S", Stage, "_D", sep = ""), where=StageAssociation)) {
#'           AvailableGenes <- intersect(StageAssociation[[paste("S", Stage, "_D", sep = "")]], colnames(NodeOnGenesOnPath))
#'           if(length(AvailableGenes)>0 & !is.null(CutOffVar)){
#'             AvailableGenes <- AvailableGenes[apply(NormExpressionMatrix[,AvailableGenes], 2, var) > CutOffVar]
#'           }
#'           SmoothedGenes <- GeneExpressiononPath(ExpressionData = NormExpressionMatrix, TransfData  = RotatedExpression,
#'                                                 CellClass = factor(CellStages, levels = StageAssociation$Stages),
#'                                                 PrinGraph = Results[[1]],
#'                                                 Projections = ProjPoints, InvTransNodes = NodeOnGenes,
#'                                                 Genes = AvailableGenes,
#'                                                 Path = UsedPath, Net = Net, Title = paste(StageAssociation$Stages[Stage], "DOWN"),
#'                                                 PathType = 'Circular', Circular = TRUE,
#'                                                 Plot = TRUE, CircExt = .1, Return.Smoother = '')
#'         }
#'         if(Interactive){
#'           readline("Press any key")
#'         }
#'       }
#'     }
#'     print("Stage VII.II - Plotting target genes")
#'     SelectedGenes <- NULL
#'     if(length(GeneToPlot) == 1 & is.numeric(GeneToPlot)){
#'       GeneToPlot <- round(GeneToPlot)
#'       print(paste("Plotting the top", GeneToPlot, "genes with the largest variance"))
#'       VarVect <- apply(NormExpressionMatrix, 2, var)
#'       IdentifiedGenes <- names(VarVect)[order(VarVect, decreasing = TRUE)[1:GeneToPlot]]
#'       if(is.null(GeneSet)){
#'         SmoothedGenes <- GeneExpressiononPath(ExpressionData = NormExpressionMatrix, TransfData  = RotatedExpression,
#'                                               CellClass = factor(CellStages, levels = StageAssociation$Stages),
#'                                               PrinGraph = Results[[1]],
#'                                               Projections = ProjPoints, InvTransNodes = NodeOnGenes,
#'                                               Genes = IdentifiedGenes,
#'                                               Path = UsedPath, Net = Net, Title = "Most varying genes",
#'                                               PathType = 'Circular', Circular = TRUE,
#'                                               Plot = TRUE, CircExt = .1, Return.Smoother = '')
#'       } else {
#'         DF.Plot <- cbind(rep(IdentifiedGenes, each = nrow(NormExpressionMatrix)),
#'                          rep(PathProjection$PositionOnPath/sum(PathProjection$PathLen), length(IdentifiedGenes)),
#'                         as.vector(NormExpressionMatrix[,IdentifiedGenes]),
#'                         rep(CellStages, length(IdentifiedGenes)),
#'                         rep(Grouping, length(IdentifiedGenes)),
#'                         rep(Labels, length(IdentifiedGenes)))
#'         colnames(DF.Plot) <- c("Gene", "PseudoTime", "Expression", "Stage", "Grouping", "Labels")
#'         DF.Plot <- as.data.frame(DF.Plot)
#'         DF.Plot$PseudoTime <- as.numeric(as.character(DF.Plot$PseudoTime))
#'         DF.Plot$Expression <- as.numeric(as.character(DF.Plot$Expression))
#'         if(is.list(StageAssociation)){
#'           for(Ref in rev(StageAssociation$Stages)){
#'             if(Ref %in% levels(DF.Plot$Stage)){
#'               DF.Plot$Stage <- relevel(DF.Plot$Stage, Ref)
#'             }
#'           }
#'         }
#'         p <- ggplot2::ggplot(DF.Plot, ggplot2::aes(x = Stage, y = Expression, fill = Stage)) +
#'           ggplot2::geom_boxplot() + ggplot2::facet_wrap(~ Gene) +
#'           ggplot2::labs(title = "Most varying genes", x = "Pseudo time", y = "Gene expression")
#'         print(p)
#'         if(length(AtBottom) > 0){
#'           BottomCells <- DF.Plot[AtBottom,]
#'           BottomCells$PseudoTime <- 1
#'           DF.Plot <- rbind(DF.Plot, BottomCells)
#'         }
#'         if(length(AtTop) > 0){
#'           TopCells <- DF.Plot[AtTop,]
#'           TopCells$PseudoTime <- 0
#'           DF.Plot <- rbind(DF.Plot, TopCells)
#'         }
#'         p <- ggplot2::ggplot(DF.Plot, ggplot2::aes(x = PseudoTime, y = Expression)) +
#'           ggplot2::geom_smooth(color="black") +
#'           ggplot2::geom_point(mapping = ggplot2::aes(color = Stage, shape = Grouping)) +
#'           ggplot2::labs(title = "Most varying genes", x = "Pseudo time", y = "Gene expression") +
#'           ggplot2::facet_wrap( ~ Gene)
#'         print(p)
#'       }
#'     }
#'     if(is.character(GeneToPlot)){
#'       print(paste("Plotting selected genes"))
#'       SmoothedGenes <- GeneExpressiononPath(ExpressionData = NormExpressionMatrix, TransfData  = RotatedExpression,
#'                                             CellClass = factor(CellStages, levels = StageAssociation$Stages),
#'                                             PrinGraph = Results[[1]],
#'                                             Projections = ProjPoints, InvTransNodes = NodeOnGenes,
#'                                             Genes = GeneToPlot,
#'                                             Path = UsedPath, Net = Net, Title = "Selected genes",
#'                                             PathType = 'Circular', Circular = TRUE,
#'                                             Plot = TRUE, CircExt = .1, Return.Smoother = '')
#'       SelectedGenes <- IdentifiedGenes
#'       if(Interactive){
#'         readline("Press any key")
#'       }
#'     }
#'   }
#'   if(Interactive){
#'     # Look at correlations ---------------------------------------------------------------
#'     if(!is.null(ThrNumb)){
#'       print("Stage VIII - Exhamining Correlations of selected genes")
#'       tictoc::tic()
#'       CorrMat <- cor(NodeOnGenes)
#'       tictoc::toc()
#'       for (Targ in SelectedGenes) {
#'         BaseCor <- CorrMat[, Targ]
#'         # hist(BaseCor, xlab = "Correlation", main = paste("Correlations of", Targ))
#'         Selected <- order(BaseCor, decreasing = TRUE)[1:(ThrNumb+1)]
#'         Selected <- setdiff(Selected, which(names(BaseCor) == Targ))
#'         ToPlotMat <- NodeOnGenesOnPath[,Selected]
#'         ToPlotMat <- ToPlotMat[-nrow(ToPlotMat),]
#'         Df.ToPlot <- cbind(as.vector(ToPlotMat),
#'                            rep(cumsum(PathProjection$PathLen[-length(PathProjection$PathLen)])/sum(PathProjection$PathLen[-length(PathProjection$PathLen)]),
#'                                ncol(ToPlotMat)),
#'                            rep(StageAssociation$Stages[StagesOnPath], ncol(ToPlotMat)),
#'                            rep(colnames(ToPlotMat), each = nrow(ToPlotMat))
#'         )  
#'         colnames(Df.ToPlot) <- c("Expression", "PseudoTime", "Stage", "Gene")
#'         Df.ToPlot <- as.data.frame(Df.ToPlot)
#'         Df.ToPlot$PseudoTime <- as.numeric(as.character(Df.ToPlot$PseudoTime))
#'         Df.ToPlot$Expression <- as.numeric(as.character(Df.ToPlot$Expression))
#'         p <- ggplot2::ggplot(data = Df.ToPlot, mapping = ggplot2::aes(x = PseudoTime, y = Expression, color = Stage))
#'         p <- p + ggplot2::geom_point() + ggplot2::labs(title = paste("Genes behaving like", Targ)) + ggplot2::facet_wrap( ~ Gene)
#'         print(p)
#'         BaseCor <- CorrMat[, Targ]
#'         # hist(BaseCor, xlab = "Correlation", main = paste("Correlations of", Targ))
#'         Selected <- order(BaseCor, decreasing = FALSE)[1:ThrNumb]
#'         Selected <- setdiff(Selected, which(names(BaseCor) == Targ))
#'         ToPlotMat <- NodeOnGenesOnPath[,Selected]
#'         ToPlotMat <- ToPlotMat[-nrow(ToPlotMat),]
#'         Df.ToPlot <- cbind(as.vector(ToPlotMat),
#'                            rep(cumsum(PathProjection$PathLen[-length(PathProjection$PathLen)])/sum(PathProjection$PathLen[-length(PathProjection$PathLen)]),
#'                                ncol(ToPlotMat)),
#'                            rep(StageAssociation$Stages[StagesOnPath], ncol(ToPlotMat)),
#'                            rep(colnames(ToPlotMat), each = nrow(ToPlotMat))
#'         )  
#'         colnames(Df.ToPlot) <- c("Expression", "PseudoTime", "Stage", "Gene")
#'         Df.ToPlot <- as.data.frame(Df.ToPlot)
#'         Df.ToPlot$PseudoTime <- as.numeric(as.character(Df.ToPlot$PseudoTime))
#'         Df.ToPlot$Expression <- as.numeric(as.character(Df.ToPlot$Expression))
#'         p <- ggplot2::ggplot(data = Df.ToPlot, mapping = ggplot2::aes(x = PseudoTime, y = Expression, color = Stage))
#'         p <- p + ggplot2::geom_point() + ggplot2::labs(title = paste("Genes behaving opposite to", Targ)) + ggplot2::facet_wrap( ~ Gene)
#'         print(p)
#'         if(Interactive){
#'           readline("Press any key")
#'         }
#'       }
#'     }
#'   }
#'   if (Data.Return) {
#'     return(list(ExpressionData = NormExpressionMatrix, PCAData = RotatedExpression, PCAInfo = NormExpressionMatrixPCA,
#'                 Grouping = Grouping, UnscExpressionData = UnScaledNormExpressionMatrix,
#'                 InferredStages = CellStages, PrinGraph = Results, Projections = ProjPoints, InvTransNodes = NodeOnGenes,
#'                 Path = UsedPath, NumericPath = NumericPath, Net = Net, PathProjection = PathProjection, StagesOnPath = StagesOnPath,
#'                 StageWitnesses = SummaryStageMat, StageWitnessesCount = GeneCount, StageWitWeigh = NodeSize^NodePower,
#'                 CellsStagesAssociation = CellStagesMat, TaxonList = TaxonList))
#'     }
#' }
#' #' Title
#' #'
#' #' @param CCStruct 
#' #'
#' #' @return
#' #' @export
#' #'
#' #' @examples
#' MakeCCSummaryMatrix <- function(CCStruct) {
#'   pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = ncol(CCStruct$UnscExpressionData), initial = 0, style = 3)
#'   RunTests <- function(idx) {
#'     setTxtProgressBar(pb, idx)
#'     RowVect <- rep(NA, 15)
#'     StageCount <- table(factor(CCStruct$InferredStages, levels = c("G0", "G1", "S", "G2", "M")))
#'     if(all(StageCount > 3)){
#'       RowVect[1] <- kruskal.test(CCStruct$UnscExpressionData[, idx], factor(CCStruct$InferredStages))$p.val
#'     }
#'     if(StageCount["G0"] > 3){
#'       RowVect[2] <- kruskal.test(CCStruct$UnscExpressionData[, idx], factor(CCStruct$InferredStages == "G0"))$p.val
#'     }
#'     if(StageCount["G1"] > 3){
#'       RowVect[3] <- kruskal.test(CCStruct$UnscExpressionData[, idx], factor(CCStruct$InferredStages == "G1"))$p.val
#'     }
#'     if(StageCount["S"] > 3){
#'       RowVect[4] <- kruskal.test(CCStruct$UnscExpressionData[, idx], factor(CCStruct$InferredStages == "S"))$p.val
#'     }
#'     if(StageCount["G2"] > 3){
#'       RowVect[5] <- kruskal.test(CCStruct$UnscExpressionData[, idx], factor(CCStruct$InferredStages == "G2"))$p.val
#'     }
#'     if(StageCount["M"] > 3){
#'       RowVect[6] <- kruskal.test(CCStruct$UnscExpressionData[, idx], factor(CCStruct$InferredStages == "M"))$p.val
#'     }
#'     if(StageCount["G0"] + StageCount["G1"] > 3){
#'       RowVect[7] <- kruskal.test(CCStruct$UnscExpressionData[, idx], factor(CCStruct$InferredStages %in% c("G0", "G1")))$p.val
#'     }
#'     if(StageCount["G1"] + StageCount["S"] > 3){
#'       RowVect[8] <- kruskal.test(CCStruct$UnscExpressionData[, idx], factor(CCStruct$InferredStages %in% c("G1", "S")))$p.val
#'     }
#'     if(StageCount["S"] + StageCount["G2"] > 3){
#'       RowVect[9] <- kruskal.test(CCStruct$UnscExpressionData[, idx], factor(CCStruct$InferredStages %in% c("S", "G2")))$p.val
#'     }
#'     if(StageCount["G2"] + StageCount["M"] > 3){
#'       RowVect[10] <- kruskal.test(CCStruct$UnscExpressionData[, idx], factor(CCStruct$InferredStages %in% c("G2", "M")))$p.val
#'     }
#'     if(StageCount["M"] + StageCount["G0"] > 3){
#'       RowVect[11] <- kruskal.test(CCStruct$UnscExpressionData[, idx], factor(CCStruct$InferredStages %in% c("M", "G0")))$p.val
#'     }
#'     RowVect[12] <- var(CCStruct$UnscExpressionData[, idx])
#'     RowVect[13] <- mean(CCStruct$UnscExpressionData[, idx])
#'     RowVect[14] <- IQR(CCStruct$UnscExpressionData[, idx])
#'     RowVect[15] <- median(CCStruct$UnscExpressionData[, idx])
#'     return(RowVect)
#'   }
#'   SummaryTable <- sapply(1:ncol(CCStruct$UnscExpressionData), RunTests)
#'   SummaryTable <- t(SummaryTable)
#'   SummaryTable <- cbind(colnames(CCStruct$UnscExpressionData), SummaryTable)
#'   colnames(SummaryTable) <- c("Gene", "KT all", "KT G0", "KT G1", "KT S", "KT G2", "KT M", "KT G0+G1", "KT G1+S", "KT S+G2", "KT G2+M", "KT M+G0",
#'                               "Var", "Mean", "IQR", "Median")
#'   return(SummaryTable)
#' }
#' ################################################################################
#' #
#' # Function used to project cells on a circle or lasso ------------------------------------------------------
#' #
#' ################################################################################
#' #' Title
#' #'
#' #' @param DataSet 
#' #' @param GeneSet 
#' #' @param OutThr 
#' #' @param VarThr 
#' #' @param nNodes 
#' #' @param Log 
#' #' @param Categories 
#' #' @param Filter 
#' #' @param GraphType 
#' #' @param PlanVarLimit 
#' #' @param PlanVarLimitIC 
#' #' @param MinBranDiff 
#' #' @param InitStructNodes 
#' #' @param ForceLasso 
#' #' @param DipPVThr 
#' #' @param MinProlCells 
#' #'
#' #' @return
#' #' @export
#' #'
#' #' @examples
#' #' 
#' ProjectAndCompute <- function(DataSet, GeneSet = NULL, VarThr, nNodes, Log = TRUE, Categories = NULL,
#'                               Filter = TRUE, OutThr = 5, PCAFilter = FALSE, OutThrPCA = 5,
#'                               GraphType = 'Lasso', PlanVarLimit = .9,
#'                               PlanVarLimitIC = NULL, MinBranDiff = 2, InitStructNodes = 15,
#'                               ForceLasso = FALSE, EstProlif = "MeanPerc", QuaThr = .5,
#'                               NonG0Cell = NULL, DipPVThr = 1e-3, MinProlCells = 20, PCACenter = TRUE, PCAProjCenter = FALSE,
#'                               PlotDebug = FALSE, PlotIntermediate = FALSE){
#'   if(is.null(PlanVarLimitIC)){
#'     PlanVarLimitIC <- PlanVarLimit + .5*(1-PlanVarLimit)
#'   }
#'   DataMat <- t(DataSet)
#'   if(is.null(Categories)){
#'     Categories <- factor(rep("NoG", nrow(DataMat)))
#'   }
#'   if(!is.null(GeneSet)){
#'     DataMat <- DataMat[, colnames(DataMat) %in% GeneSet]
#'   }
#'   DataMat <- DataMat[, apply(DataMat > 0, 2, sum) > 3]
#'   if(PlotDebug){
#'     hist(apply(DataMat > 0, 1, sum), main = "Genes per cell", xlab = "Genes count",
#'          freq = TRUE, ylab = "Number of cells")
#'     hist(apply(DataMat, 1, sum), main = "Reads per cell", xlab = "Reads count",
#'          freq = TRUE, ylab = "Number of cells")
#'     hist(apply(DataMat>0, 2, sum), main = "Transcripts per cell", xlab = "Reads count",
#'          freq = TRUE, ylab = "Number of genes identified")
#'   }
#'   if(Filter){
#'     OutExpr <- scater::isOutlier(rowSums(DataMat>0), nmads = OutThr)
#'     OutCount <- scater::isOutlier(rowSums(DataMat), nmads = OutThr)
#'   } else {
#'     OutExpr <- rep(FALSE, nrow(DataMat))
#'     OutCount <- rep(FALSE, nrow(DataMat))
#'   }
#'   if(Log){
#'     DataMat <- log10(DataMat[!(OutExpr & OutCount),] + 1)
#'   } else {
#'     DataMat <- DataMat[!(OutExpr & OutCount),]
#'   }
#'   Categories <- Categories[!(OutExpr & OutCount)]
#'   if(PCAFilter){
#'     PCAData <- prcomp(DataMat, retx = TRUE, center = PCACenter, scale. = FALSE)
#'     Centroid <- colMeans(PCAData$x)
#'     Dists <- as.matrix(dist(rbind(Centroid, PCAData$x)))
#'     DistFromCent <- Dists[1,-1]
#'     PCAFil <- scater::isOutlier(DistFromCent, nmads = OutThrPCA)
#'   } else {
#'     PCAFil <- rep(FALSE, nrow(DataMat))
#'   }
#'   DataMat <- DataMat[!PCAFil, ]
#'   Categories <- Categories[!PCAFil]
#'   print("Estimating most likely proliferative cells")
#'   RankedData <- apply(DataMat, 1, rank)
#'   if(is.null(NonG0Cell)){
#'     if(EstProlif == "Quantile"){
#'       print("Using quantile separation")
#'       NonG0Cell <-  rownames(DataMat)[apply(DataMat, 1, median) > quantile(DataMat, QuaThr)]
#'     }
#'     if(EstProlif == "PercQuant"){
#'       print("Using quantile ordering")
#'       NonG0Cell <-  rownames(DataMat)[order(apply(DataMat, 1, quantile, QuaThr), decreasing = TRUE)[1:round(nrow(DataMat)/10)]]
#'     }
#'     if(EstProlif == "KmeansPerc"){
#'       print("Using kmeans on quantile data")
#'       Cellvect <- apply(DataMat/rowSums(DataMat), 1, quantile, QuaThr)
#'       KM <- kmeans(x = Cellvect, centers = range(Cellvect))
#'       if(PlotDebug){
#'         boxplot(apply(DataMat/rowSums(DataMat), 1, median) ~ KM$cluster)
#'       }
#'       if(KM$centers[1] < KM$centers[2]){
#'         NonG0Cell <-  rownames(DataMat)[KM$cluster == 2]
#'       } else {
#'         NonG0Cell <-  rownames(DataMat)[KM$cluster == 1]
#'       }
#'     }
#'     if(EstProlif == "MeanPerc"){
#'       print("Using mean of quantiles")
#'       Cellvect <- apply(DataMat/rowSums(DataMat), 1, quantile, QuaThr)
#'       NonG0Cell <- rownames(DataMat)[Cellvect > mean(Cellvect)]
#'       boxplot(Cellvect)
#'       abline(h=mean(Cellvect))
#'     }
#'     if(EstProlif == "AdaptiveMeanPerc"){
#'       print("Using adaptive mean of quantiles")
#'       Cellvect <- apply(DataMat/rowSums(DataMat), 1, quantile, QuaThr)
#'       AdjFact = 0
#'       while((sum(Cellvect != 0) < MinProlCells) & (QuaThr + AdjFact < 1)){
#'         AdjFact <- AdjFact + .01
#'         Cellvect <- apply(DataMat/rowSums(DataMat), 1, quantile, QuaThr + AdjFact)
#'       }
#'       boxplot(Cellvect, main=paste("Q =", QuaThr + AdjFact))
#'       abline(h=mean(Cellvect))
#'       NonG0Cell <- rownames(DataMat)[Cellvect > mean(Cellvect)]
#'     }
#'   } else {
#'     NonG0Cell <- intersect(NonG0Cell, rownames(DataMat))
#'   }
#'   print(paste(length(NonG0Cell), "strongly proliferative cells inferred"))
#'   G0Cell <-  setdiff(rownames(DataMat), NonG0Cell)
#'   if(!is.null(NonG0Cell)){
#'     TB <- rbind(table(Categories[rownames(DataMat) %in% NonG0Cell]), table(Categories[rownames(DataMat) %in% G0Cell]))
#'     barplot(TB/rowSums(TB), ylab = "Percentage of cells", xlab = "Category", beside = TRUE,
#'             legend.text = c("Strongly Proliferative", "Not strongly proliferative"))
#'     barplot(TB, ylab = "Number of cells", xlab = "Category", beside = TRUE,
#'             legend.text = c("Strongly Proliferative", "Not strongly proliferative"))
#'   }
#'   if(length(NonG0Cell)>MinProlCells){
#'     print("Using strongly proliferative cells for initial fitting")
#'     UseTree <- TRUE
#'   } else {
#'     print("Unable to find a sufficent number of strongly proliferative cells")
#'     NonG0Cell <- rownames(DataMat)
#'     UseTree <- FALSE
#'   }
#'   print("Transforming Data")
#'   PCAData <- prcomp(DataMat, retx = TRUE, center = PCACenter, scale.=FALSE)
#'   ExpVar <- PCAData$sdev^2/sum(PCAData$sdev^2)
#'   if(VarThr<1){
#'     nDims <- max(min(which(cumsum(ExpVar) > VarThr)), 2)
#'   } else {
#'     nDims <- max(dim(PCAData$x))
#'   }
#'   Data <- PCAData$x[, 1:nDims]
#'   if(GraphType == 'Lasso') {
#'     print("Lasso fitting")
#'     print("Fitting initial circle")
#'     # Step I - Construct the base circle
#'     BasicCircData <- computeElasticPrincipalGraph(Data = Data[rownames(Data) %in% NonG0Cell,], NumNodes = 4,
#'                                                   Method = 'CircleConfiguration', NodeStep = 1)
#'     PCAStruct <- prcomp(BasicCircData[[length(BasicCircData)]]$Nodes, center = TRUE, scale. = FALSE, retx = TRUE)
#'     PlanPerc <- sum(PCAStruct$sdev[1:2]^2)/sum(PCAStruct$sdev^2)
#'     UsedNodes <- nrow(BasicCircData[[length(BasicCircData)]]$Nodes) - 1
#'     while(UsedNodes < InitStructNodes & PlanPerc > PlanVarLimitIC){
#'       print("Expanding initial circle")
#'       # Contiune to add node untill the circle remains planar
#'       BasicCircData <- append(BasicCircData, computeElasticPrincipalGraph(Data = Data[rownames(Data) %in% NonG0Cell,],
#'                                                                           NumNodes = UsedNodes + 1,
#'                                                                           Method = 'CircleConfiguration',
#'                                                                           NodesPositions = BasicCircData[[length(BasicCircData)]]$Nodes,
#'                                                                           Edges = BasicCircData[[length(BasicCircData)]]$Edges))
#'       UsedNodes <- nrow(BasicCircData[[length(BasicCircData)]]$Nodes)
#'       PCAStruct <- prcomp(BasicCircData[[length(BasicCircData)]]$Nodes, center = TRUE, scale. = FALSE, retx = TRUE)
#'       PlanPerc <- sum(PCAStruct$sdev[1:2]^2)/sum(PCAStruct$sdev^2)
#'     }
#'     if(UseTree | ForceLasso){
#'       print("Branching initial circle")
#'       # Step II - Construct the initial tree
#'       BasicCircData <- append(BasicCircData, computeElasticPrincipalGraph(Data = Data,
#'                                                                           NumNodes = UsedNodes + 1,
#'                                                                           Method = 'DefaultPrincipalTreeConfiguration',
#'                                                                           NodesPositions = BasicCircData[[length(BasicCircData)]]$Nodes,
#'                                                                           Edges = BasicCircData[[length(BasicCircData)]]$Edges))
#'       PCAStruct <- prcomp(BasicCircData[[length(BasicCircData)]]$Nodes, center = TRUE, scale. = FALSE, retx = TRUE)
#'       PlanPerc <- sum(PCAStruct$sdev[1:2]^2)/sum(PCAStruct$sdev^2)
#'       UsedNodes <- nrow(BasicCircData[[length(BasicCircData)]]$Nodes) - 1
#'       while(UsedNodes < nNodes & PlanPerc > PlanVarLimit){
#'         print("Keep Branching")
#'         # Step IIa - keep constructing trees
#'         BasicCircData <- append(BasicCircData, computeElasticPrincipalGraph(Data = Data,
#'                                                                             NumNodes = UsedNodes + 1,
#'                                                                             Method = 'DefaultPrincipalTreeConfiguration',
#'                                                                             NodesPositions = BasicCircData[[length(BasicCircData)]]$Nodes,
#'                                                                             Edges = BasicCircData[[length(BasicCircData)]]$Edges))
#'         UsedNodes <- nrow(BasicCircData[[length(BasicCircData)]]$Nodes)
#'         PCAStruct <- prcomp(BasicCircData[[length(BasicCircData)]]$Nodes, center = TRUE, scale. = FALSE, retx = TRUE)
#'         PlanPerc <- sum(PCAStruct$sdev[1:2]^2)/sum(PCAStruct$sdev^2)
#'         Net <- ConstructGraph(Results = BasicCircData[[length(BasicCircData)]], DirectionMat = NULL, Thr = NULL)
#'         if(max(igraph::degree(Net))>2){
#'           break()
#'         }
#'       }
#'     }
#'     # Step III - Using curves
#'     while(UsedNodes < nNodes & PlanPerc > PlanVarLimit){
#'       print("Extending circle and branches")
#'       BasicCircData <- append(BasicCircData, computeElasticPrincipalGraph(Data = Data,
#'                                                                           NumNodes = nrow(BasicCircData[[length(BasicCircData)]]$Nodes)+1,
#'                                                                           Method = 'CurveConfiguration',
#'                                                                           NodesPositions = BasicCircData[[length(BasicCircData)]]$Nodes,
#'                                                                           Edges = BasicCircData[[length(BasicCircData)]]$Edges))
#'       Net <- ConstructGraph(Results = BasicCircData[[length(BasicCircData)]], DirectionMat = NULL, Thr = NULL)
#'       PCAStruct <- prcomp(BasicCircData[[length(BasicCircData)]]$Nodes, center = TRUE, scale. = FALSE, retx = TRUE)
#'       PlanPerc <- sum(PCAStruct$sdev[1:2]^2)/sum(PCAStruct$sdev^2)
#'       UsedNodes <- nrow(BasicCircData[[length(BasicCircData)]]$Nodes)
#'       if(sum(igraph::degree(Net)>2)>1){
#'         print("Multiple branches detected ... trying to select one")
#'         # There are two branhces, this is no good ...
#'         # Look for the biggest circle
#'         CircSize <- 3
#'         while(CircSize < igraph::vcount(Net)){
#'           Template <- igraph::graph.ring(n = CircSize, directed = FALSE, mutual = FALSE, circular = TRUE)
#'           CircSize <- CircSize + 1
#'           CircleInData <- igraph::graph.get.subisomorphisms.vf2(Net, Template)
#'           if(length(CircleInData)>0){
#'             # We found the cicle
#'             EndPoint <- igraph::V(Net)[igraph::degree(Net) == 1]
#'             Branches <- igraph::V(Net)[igraph::degree(Net)>2]
#'             DistMat <- igraph::distances(Net, EndPoint, Branches)
#'             BranchesLen <- apply(DistMat, 1, min)
#'             VertToRemove <- NULL
#'             if(max(BranchesLen[-which.max(BranchesLen)] - max(BranchesLen)) <= -MinBranDiff){
#'               print("Dominating brach found ... pruning the shortest one")
#'               # There is a "dominating"" branch
#'               ToKeep <- names(which.max(BranchesLen))
#'               for(i in 1:nrow(DistMat)){
#'                 Source <- rownames(DistMat)[i]
#'                 if(ToKeep == Source){
#'                   next()
#'                 }
#'                 Target <- names(which.min(DistMat[i,]))
#'                 VertToRemove <- c(VertToRemove, names(igraph::get.shortest.paths(Net, from = Target, to = Source)$vpath[[1]][-1]))
#'               }
#'               PrunedStruct <- BasicCircData[[length(BasicCircData)]]
#'               NodesToRem <- as.integer(unlist(lapply(strsplit(VertToRemove, "V_"), "[[", 2)))
#'               PrunedStruct$Nodes <- PrunedStruct$Nodes[-NodesToRem, ]
#'               PrunedStruct$Edges <-
#'                 PrunedStruct$Edges[!(PrunedStruct$Edges[,1] %in% NodesToRem | PrunedStruct$Edges[,2] %in% NodesToRem), ]
#'               for(VerVal in 1:max(PrunedStruct$Edges)){
#'                 if(any(PrunedStruct$Edges == VerVal)){
#'                   next()
#'                 } else {
#'                   PrunedStruct$Edges[PrunedStruct$Edges>VerVal] <-
#'                     PrunedStruct$Edges[PrunedStruct$Edges>VerVal] - 1
#'                 }
#'               }
#'               PrunedStruct$Method <- "ManualPruning"
#'               BasicCircData[[length(BasicCircData) + 1]] <- PrunedStruct
#'               PCAStruct <- prcomp(BasicCircData[[length(BasicCircData)]]$Nodes, center = TRUE, scale. = FALSE, retx = TRUE)
#'               PlanPerc <- sum(PCAStruct$sdev[1:2]^2)/sum(PCAStruct$sdev^2)
#'               UsedNodes <- nrow(BasicCircData[[length(BasicCircData)]]$Nodes)
#'               break()
#'             }
#'           }
#'         }
#'       }
#'     }
#'     FitData <- BasicCircData
#'   }
#'   if(GraphType == 'Circle') {
#'     print("Circle fitting")
#'     print("Fitting initial circle")
#'     # Step I - Construct the base circle
#'     BasicCircData <- computeElasticPrincipalGraph(Data = Data[rownames(Data) %in% NonG0Cell,], NumNodes = 4,
#'                                                   Method = 'CircleConfiguration', NodeStep = 1)
#'     PCAStruct <- prcomp(BasicCircData[[length(BasicCircData)]]$Nodes, center = TRUE, scale. = FALSE, retx = TRUE)
#'     PlanPerc <- sum(PCAStruct$sdev[1:2]^2)/sum(PCAStruct$sdev^2)
#'     UsedNodes <- nrow(BasicCircData[[length(BasicCircData)]]$Nodes) - 1
#'     while(UsedNodes < InitStructNodes & PlanPerc > PlanVarLimitIC){
#'       print("Expanding initial circle")
#'       # Contiune to add node untill the circle remains planar
#'       BasicCircData <- append(BasicCircData, computeElasticPrincipalGraph(Data = Data[rownames(Data) %in% NonG0Cell,],
#'                                                                           NumNodes = UsedNodes + 1,
#'                                                                           Method = 'CircleConfiguration',
#'                                                                           NodesPositions = BasicCircData[[length(BasicCircData)]]$Nodes,
#'                                                                           Edges = BasicCircData[[length(BasicCircData)]]$Edges))
#'       UsedNodes <- nrow(BasicCircData[[length(BasicCircData)]]$Nodes)
#'       PCAStruct <- prcomp(BasicCircData[[length(BasicCircData)]]$Nodes, center = TRUE, scale. = FALSE, retx = TRUE)
#'       PlanPerc <- sum(PCAStruct$sdev[1:2]^2)/sum(PCAStruct$sdev^2)
#'       print(paste("Initial circle: Nodes = ", UsedNodes, "PercPlan = ", PlanPerc))
#'     }
#'     # Step II - Using curves
#'     while(UsedNodes < nNodes & PlanPerc > PlanVarLimit){
#'       print("Extending circle")
#'       BasicCircData <- append(BasicCircData, computeElasticPrincipalGraph(Data = Data,
#'                                                                           NumNodes = nrow(BasicCircData[[length(BasicCircData)]]$Nodes)+1,
#'                                                                           Method = 'CurveConfiguration',
#'                                                                           NodesPositions = BasicCircData[[length(BasicCircData)]]$Nodes,
#'                                                                           Edges = BasicCircData[[length(BasicCircData)]]$Edges))
#'       Net <- ConstructGraph(Results = BasicCircData[[length(BasicCircData)]], DirectionMat = NULL, Thr = NULL)
#'       PCAStruct <- prcomp(BasicCircData[[length(BasicCircData)]]$Nodes, center = TRUE, scale. = FALSE, retx = TRUE)
#'       PlanPerc <- sum(PCAStruct$sdev[1:2]^2)/sum(PCAStruct$sdev^2)
#'       UsedNodes <- nrow(BasicCircData[[length(BasicCircData)]]$Nodes)
#'       print(paste("Final circle: Nodes = ", UsedNodes, "PercPlan = ", PlanPerc))
#'     }
#'     FitData <- BasicCircData
#'   }
#'   if(GraphType == 'Line') {
#'     print("Line fitting")
#'     print("Fitting initial line")
#'     # Step I - Construct the base circle
#'     BasicLineData <- computeElasticPrincipalGraph(Data = Data[rownames(Data) %in% NonG0Cell,], NumNodes = 4,
#'                                                   Method = 'CurveConfiguration', NodeStep = 1)
#'     PCAStruct <- prcomp(BasicLineData[[length(BasicLineData)]]$Nodes, center = TRUE, scale. = FALSE, retx = TRUE)
#'     PlanPerc <- sum(PCAStruct$sdev[1:2]^2)/sum(PCAStruct$sdev^2)
#'     UsedNodes <- nrow(BasicLineData[[length(BasicLineData)]]$Nodes) - 1
#'     while(UsedNodes < InitStructNodes & PlanPerc > PlanVarLimitIC){
#'       print("Expanding initial line")
#'       # Contiune to add node untill the circle remains planar
#'       BasicLineData <- append(BasicLineData, computeElasticPrincipalGraph(Data = Data[rownames(Data) %in% NonG0Cell,],
#'                                                                           NumNodes = UsedNodes + 1,
#'                                                                           Method = 'CircleConfiguration',
#'                                                                           NodesPositions = BasicLineData[[length(BasicLineData)]]$Nodes,
#'                                                                           Edges = BasicLineData[[length(BasicLineData)]]$Edges))
#'       UsedNodes <- nrow(BasicLineData[[length(BasicLineData)]]$Nodes)
#'       PCAStruct <- prcomp(BasicLineData[[length(BasicLineData)]]$Nodes, center = TRUE, scale. = FALSE, retx = TRUE)
#'       PlanPerc <- sum(PCAStruct$sdev[1:2]^2)/sum(PCAStruct$sdev^2)
#'     }
#'     # Step II - Using curves
#'     while(UsedNodes < nNodes & PlanPerc > PlanVarLimit){
#'       print("Extending line")
#'       BasicLineData <- append(BasicLineData, computeElasticPrincipalGraph(Data = Data,
#'                                                                           NumNodes = nrow(BasicLineData[[length(BasicLineData)]]$Nodes)+1,
#'                                                                           Method = 'CurveConfiguration',
#'                                                                           NodesPositions = BasicLineData[[length(BasicLineData)]]$Nodes,
#'                                                                           Edges = BasicLineData[[length(BasicLineData)]]$Edges))
#'       Net <- ConstructGraph(Results = BasicLineData[[length(BasicLineData)]], DirectionMat = NULL, Thr = NULL)
#'       PCAStruct <- prcomp(BasicLineData[[length(BasicLineData)]]$Nodes, center = TRUE, scale. = FALSE, retx = TRUE)
#'       PlanPerc <- sum(PCAStruct$sdev[1:2]^2)/sum(PCAStruct$sdev^2)
#'       UsedNodes <- nrow(BasicLineData[[length(BasicLineData)]]$Nodes)
#'     }
#'     FitData <- BasicLineData
#'   }
#'   CombData <- FitData[[length(FitData)]]
#'   CombData$Report <- FitData[[1]]$Report
#'   for(i in 2:length(FitData)){
#'     CombData$Report <- rbind(CombData$Report, FitData[[i]]$Report)
#'   }
#'   Net <- list()
#'   TaxonList <- list()
#'   InfoData <- list()
#'   ProjPoints <- list()
#'   PCAPrGraph <- list()
#'   for(i in 1:length(FitData)){
#'     print(paste("Constructing accessory structures - round", i))
#'     Net[[i]] <- ConstructGraph(Results = FitData[[i]], DirectionMat = NULL, Thr = 0.05)
#'     TaxonList[[i]] <- getTaxonMap(Results = FitData[[i]], Data = Data)
#'     ProjPoints[[i]] <- projectPoints(Results = FitData[[i]], Data = Data, TaxonList = TaxonList[[i]],
#'                                      UseR = TRUE,
#'                                      method = 'PCALin', Dims = nDims, Debug = FALSE)
#'     if(i != length(FitData)){
#'       InfoData[[i]] <- plotPieNet(Results = FitData[[i]], Data = Data, NodeSizeMult = 4,
#'                                   Categories = Categories, PlotNet = FALSE,
#'                                   Graph = Net[[i]], TaxonList = TaxonList[[i]], LayOut =, Main = "Pincipal graph")
#'     } else {
#'       InfoData[[i]] <- plotPieNet(Results = FitData[[i]], Data = Data, NodeSizeMult = 4,
#'                                   Categories = Categories, PlotNet = TRUE,
#'                                   Graph = Net[[i]], TaxonList = TaxonList[[i]], LayOut =, Main = "Pincipal graph")
#'     }
#'     PCAPrGraph[[i]] <-  prcomp(FitData[[i]]$Nodes, retx = TRUE, center = FALSE, scale. = FALSE)
#'     # if(FitData[[i]]$Method == "CircleConfiguration"){
#'     #   RotatedData <- cbind(Data %*% PCAPrGraph[[i]]$rotation[,1:2], 1:nrow(Data) %in% NonG0Cell,
#'     #                        as.character(Categories))
#'     # } else {
#'     #   RotatedData <- cbind(Data %*% PCAPrGraph[[i]]$rotation[,1:2], rep(TRUE, nrow(Data)),
#'     #                        as.character(Categories))
#'     # }
#'     # 
#'     # colnames(RotatedData) <- c("PC1", "PC2", "NG0", "Cat")
#'     # 
#'     # RotatedData.DF <- data.frame(RotatedData)
#'     # RotatedData.DF$PC1 <- as.numeric(as.character(RotatedData.DF$PC1))
#'     # RotatedData.DF$PC2 <- as.numeric(as.character(RotatedData.DF$PC2))
#'     # RotatedData.DF$NG0 <- factor(RotatedData.DF$NG0, levels = c("TRUE", "FALSE"))
#'     # 
#'     # 
#'     # p <- ggplot(data.frame(RotatedData.DF), aes(x=PC1, y=PC2, alpha=NG0, colour=Cat)) + geom_point() +
#'     #   geom_point(data = data.frame(PCAPrGraph[[i]]$x[,1:2]), mapping = aes(x=PC1, y=PC2),
#'     #              inherit.aes = FALSE) +
#'     #   labs(title = paste("Round", i)) + scale_alpha_discrete("Fitted", range = c(1, .1))
#'     # 
#'     # for(j in 1:nrow(FitData[[i]]$Edges)){
#'     #   p <- p + geom_path(data = data.frame(PCAPrGraph[[i]]$x[FitData[[i]]$Edges[j,],1:2]),
#'     #                      mapping = aes(x = PC1, y = PC2), inherit.aes = FALSE)
#'     # }
#'     # 
#'     # print(p)
#'     if(PlotIntermediate & i != length(FitData)){
#'       if(FitData[[i]]$Method == "CircleConfiguration" & GraphType == 'Lasso'){
#'         ProjectOnPrincipalGraph(Nodes = FitData[[i]]$Nodes, Edges = FitData[[i]]$Edges, Points = Data,
#'                                 UsedPoints = which(rownames(Data) %in% NonG0Cell), Categories = Categories, Title= paste("Round", i),
#'                                 PCACenter = PCAProjCenter)
#'       } else {
#'         ProjectOnPrincipalGraph(Nodes = FitData[[i]]$Nodes, Edges = FitData[[i]]$Edges, Points = Data,
#'                                 UsedPoints = NULL, Categories = Categories, Title= paste("Round", i),
#'                                 PCACenter = PCAProjCenter)
#'       }
#'     } 
#'     if(i == length(FitData)){
#'       ProjectOnPrincipalGraph(Nodes = FitData[[i]]$Nodes, Edges = FitData[[i]]$Edges, Points = Data,
#'                               UsedPoints = NULL, Categories = Categories, Title= paste("Round", i),
#'                               PCACenter = PCAProjCenter)
#'     }
#'   }
#'   # legend("center", legend = levels(Categories), fill = InfoData$ColInfo[1:3], cex = 4)
#'   return(list(Data = Data, FiltExp = DataMat, Categories = Categories, PrinGraph = CombData,
#'               IntGrahs = FitData, Net = Net, TaxonList = TaxonList, PCAData = PCAData,
#'               nDims = nDims, ProjPoints = ProjPoints, PCAPrGraph = PCAPrGraph, NonG0Cell = NonG0Cell))
#' }
#' ################################################################################
#' #
#' # SelectGene ------------------------------------------------------
#' #
#' ################################################################################
#' #' Filter Gene saccording to predefined properties
#' #'
#' #' @param BaseAnalysis a strure returned by Project and Compute
#' #' @param Mode scalar, a string indicating the algorithm to use. I can be
#' #' "VarPC" (Variance-based on genes the genes used to contruct the principal curve)
#' #' "PeakPC" (Peack-based on genes the genes used to contruct the principal curve)
#' #' "VarALL" (Variance-based on all genes)
#' #' "PeakALL" (Peack-based on all genes)
#' #' @param DistillThr numeric, a threshold used by the algorithm. It is a p-value for variance based selection
#' #' and a quantile for peack based selection
#' #' @param Topo string, a string describing the topology of the principal curve. It can be 'Lasso' or 'Circle'
#' #' @param FullExpression the matrix containing the full expression data (note that sample filtered during the construction of the principal graph will be removed)
#' #' @param LoesSpan the span parameter to use with the loes function
#' #' @param ExtMode 
#' #' @param IgnoreTail 
#' #' @param ZeroQuant 
#' #' @param Log 
#' #' @param MedianRatThr 
#' #' @param VarTestPVThr 
#' #'
#' #' @return
#' #' @export
#' #'
#' #' @examples
#' DistillGene <- function(BaseAnalysis, Mode = "VarPC", DistillThr = .2, ExtMode =1,
#'                         Topo = 'Lasso', IgnoreTail = FALSE, ZeroQuant = .75,
#'                         FullExpression = NULL, Log = FALSE, LoesSpan = .1,
#'                         MedianRatThr = .05, VarTestPVThr = 1e-5, FilterLow = FALSE) {
#'   if(!is.null(FullExpression) & Log){
#'     FullExpression <- log10(FullExpression + 1)
#'   } else {
#'     FullExpression <- FullExpression
#'   }
#'   # Get gene projection on the principal curve
#'   NodeOnGenes <- t(BaseAnalysis$PrinGraph$Nodes %*% t(BaseAnalysis$PCAData$rotation[,1:BaseAnalysis$nDims]))
#'   if(Mode == "VarPC" | Mode == "VarALL"){
#'     print("Selecting genes based on dispersion")
#'     # Find association of cells to nodes of the PG
#'     CellVertexAssociation <- rep(NA, nrow(BaseAnalysis$FiltExp))
#'     nNodes <- nrow(BaseAnalysis$PrinGraph$Nodes)
#'     for(i in 1:nNodes){
#'       CellVertexAssociation[ BaseAnalysis$TaxonList[[length(BaseAnalysis$TaxonList)]][[i]] ] <- i
#'     }
#'     if(Mode == "VarALL"){
#'       print("Using variance over mean on node")
#'       # Only look at cells that are present in the principal graph structure
#'       FullExpression <- FullExpression[,rownames(BaseAnalysis$FiltExp)]
#'       # Split the data according to their assocaition to the different nodes
#'       SplitData <- lapply(split(1:length(CellVertexAssociation), CellVertexAssociation), function(x){FullExpression[,x]})
#'     } else {
#'       print("Using variance over the position of the principal curve. The absolute value ot the expression will be used")
#'       # Split the data according to their assocaition to the different nodes
#'       SplitData <- lapply(split(1:length(CellVertexAssociation), CellVertexAssociation), function(x){t(BaseAnalysis$FiltExp)[,x]})
#'     }
#'     # Only consider nodes with at least three cells projected
#'     ToUse <- paste(which(lapply(BaseAnalysis$TaxonList[[length(BaseAnalysis$TaxonList)]], length) >= 3))
#'     # Consider only the circle if indicated
#'     if(Topo == 'Lasso' & IgnoreTail){
#'       TailPath <- GetLongestPath(Net = BaseAnalysis$Net[[length(BaseAnalysis$Net)]],
#'                                  Structure = 'Tail', Circular = FALSE)$VertNumb
#'       if(!is.null(TailPath)){
#'         ToUse <- setdiff(ToUse, TailPath[-length(TailPath)])
#'       }
#'     }
#'     SplitData <- SplitData[ToUse]
#'     NodeOnGenes <- NodeOnGenes[,as.numeric(ToUse)]
#'     if(Mode == "VarALL"){
#'       if(ExtMode == 1){
#'         print("Extended mode 1: median of the mean distances from the group means (0 means removed)")
#'         # Get the gene mean for each node
#'         MeanData <- lapply(SplitData, function(x){rowMeans(x)})
#'         # Get the difference between the data and the mean
#'         DiffData <- lapply(1:length(SplitData), function(i){apply( abs(SplitData[[i]] - MeanData[[i]]) , 1, mean) })
#'         # Put all together into matrices
#'         DistComb <- do.call(cbind, DiffData)
#'         MeanComb <- do.call(cbind, MeanData)
#'         tMat <- DistComb/MeanComb
#'         tMat[is.infinite(tMat)] <- NA
#'         StatData <- apply(tMat, 1, median, na.rm=TRUE)
#'       }
#'       if(ExtMode == 2){
#'         print("Extended mode 2: median coefficient of vartiation across groups (0 means removed)")
#'         # Get the gene mean for each node
#'         MeanData <- lapply(SplitData, function(x){rowMeans(x)})
#'         # Get the variance of the data
#'         VarData <- lapply(1:length(SplitData), function(i){apply(SplitData[[i]], 1, var)})
#'         # Put all together into matrices
#'         VarComb <- do.call(cbind, VarData)
#'         MeanComb <- do.call(cbind, MeanData)
#'         tMat <- VarComb/MeanComb
#'         tMat[is.infinite(tMat)] <- NA
#'         StatData <- apply(tMat, 1, median, na.rm=TRUE)
#'       }
#'       if(ExtMode == 3){
#'         print("Extended mode 3: mean IQR/median across groups (0 median removed)")
#'         IQRData <- lapply(SplitData, function(x){apply(x, 1, IQR)})
#'         MedianData <- lapply(SplitData, function(x){apply(x, 1, median)})
#'         IQRComb <- do.call(cbind, IQRData)
#'         MedianComb <- do.call(cbind, MedianData)
#'         IQRoMed <- IQRComb/MedianComb
#'         IQRoMed[!is.finite(IQRoMed)] <- NA
#'         StatData <- apply(IQRoMed, 1, mean, na.rm=TRUE)
#'       }
#'       if(ExtMode == 4){
#'         print("Extended mode 4: median of the ratio of the mad distances from the group means over mean expression  (0 means removed)")
#'         # Get the gene mean for each node
#'         MeanData <- lapply(SplitData, function(x){rowMeans(x)})
#'         # Get the median difference between the data and the mean
#'         DiffData <- lapply(1:length(SplitData), function(i){apply( abs(SplitData[[i]] - MeanData[[i]]) , 1, mad) })
#'         # Put all together into matrices
#'         DistComb <- do.call(cbind, DiffData)
#'         MeanComb <- do.call(cbind, MeanData)
#'         tMat <- DistComb/MeanComb
#'         tMat[is.infinite(tMat)] <- NA
#'         StatData <- apply(tMat, 1, median, na.rm=TRUE)
#'       }
#'     }
#'     if(Mode == "VarPC"){
#'       if(ExtMode == 1){
#'         print("Extended mode 1: median of the mean distances from the principal curve (0 means removed)")
#'         # Get the difference between the data and the PC value
#'         DiffData <- lapply(1:length(SplitData), function(i){ apply(abs(SplitData[[i]] - NodeOnGenes[,i]), 1, mean) })
#'         # Put all together into matrices
#'         DistComb <- do.call(cbind, DiffData)
#'         # median normalized distance from the PC points
#'         tMat <- DistComb/abs(NodeOnGenes)
#'         tMat[is.infinite(tMat)] <- NA
#'         StatData <- apply(tMat, 1, median, na.rm=TRUE)
#'       }
#'       if(ExtMode == 2){
#'         print("Extended mode 2: median variance over the principal curve (0 variance removed)")
#'         # Get the variance of the data
#'         VarData <- lapply(1:length(SplitData), function(i){apply(SplitData[[i]], 1, var)})
#'         # Put all together into matrices
#'         VarComb <- do.call(cbind, VarData)
#'         # median coefficient of variation
#'         tMat <- VarComb/abs(NodeOnGenes)
#'         tMat[is.infinite(tMat)] <- NA
#'         StatData <- apply(tMat, 1, median, na.rm=TRUE)
#'       }
#'       if(ExtMode == 3){
#'         print("Extended mode 3: median IQR over the principal curve (0 IQR removed)")
#'         IQRData <- lapply(SplitData, function(x){apply(x, 1, IQR)})
#'         IQRComb <- do.call(cbind, IQRData)
#'         IQRoMed <- IQRComb/abs(NodeOnGenes)
#'         IQRoMed[!is.finite(IQRoMed)] <- NA
#'         StatData <- apply(IQRoMed, 1, median, na.rm=TRUE)
#'       }
#'       if(ExtMode == 4){
#'         print("Extended mode 4: median of the ratio of the mad distances from the group means over mean expression  (0 means removed)")
#'         # Get the gene mean for each node
#'         MeanData <- lapply(SplitData, function(x){rowMeans(x)})
#'         # Get the median difference between the data and the mean
#'         DiffData <- lapply(1:length(SplitData), function(i){apply( abs(SplitData[[i]] - NodeOnGenes[,i]) , 1, mad) })
#'         # Put all together into matrices
#'         DistComb <- do.call(cbind, DiffData)
#'         tMat <- DistComb/abs(NodeOnGenes)
#'         tMat[is.infinite(tMat)] <- NA
#'         StatData <- apply(tMat, 1, median, na.rm=TRUE)
#'       }
#'     }
#'     KeepGenes <- names(which(StatData < DistillThr))
#'     KeepGenes <- KeepGenes[!is.na(KeepGenes)]
#'     print(paste(sum(StatData >= DistillThr, na.rm = TRUE),
#'                 "genes filtered by the selected procedure"))
#'     print(paste(length(KeepGenes), "genes selected"))
#'   }
#'   if(Mode == "PeakPC" | Mode == "PeakALL"){
#'     print("Selecting genes based on the presence of single peaks")
#'     print("A random circular path will be chosen. Lasso tails will be ignored")
#'     CellVertexAssociation <- rep(NA, nrow(BaseAnalysis$FiltExp))
#'     nNodes <- nrow(BaseAnalysis$PrinGraph$Nodes)
#'     for(i in 1:nNodes){
#'       CellVertexAssociation[ BaseAnalysis$TaxonList[[length(BaseAnalysis$TaxonList)]][[i]] ] <- i
#'     }
#'     AllPaths <- GetLongestPath(Net = BaseAnalysis$Net[[length(BaseAnalysis$Net)]],
#'                                Structure = Topo, Circular = TRUE)
#'     if(length(AllPaths$VertPath) > nrow(BaseAnalysis$PrinGraph$Nodes) + 1){
#'       PathToUse <- AllPaths$VertNumb[sample(1:nrow(AllPaths$VertNumb), 1),]
#'     } else {
#'       PathToUse <- AllPaths$VertNumb
#'     }
#'     if(Topo == 'Lasso'){
#'       TailPath <- GetLongestPath(Net = BaseAnalysis$Net[[length(BaseAnalysis$Net)]], Structure = 'Tail')$VertNumb
#'       if(!is.null(TailPath)){
#'         PathToUse <- PathToUse[!(PathToUse %in% TailPath[-length(TailPath)])]
#'       }
#'     }
#'     if(Mode == "PeakALL"){
#'       print("Using peak detection on all genes")
#'       # Only look at cells that are present in the principal graph structure
#'       FullExpression <- FullExpression[,rownames(BaseAnalysis$FiltExp)]
#'       # Split the data according to their assocaition to the different nodes
#'       SplitData <- lapply(split(1:length(CellVertexAssociation), CellVertexAssociation), function(x){FullExpression[,x]})
#'       ProjPoints <- BaseAnalysis$ProjPoints[[length(BaseAnalysis$ProjPoints)]]
#'       PathProjection <- OrderOnPath(PrinGraph = BaseAnalysis$PrinGraph, Path = PathToUse, PointProjections = ProjPoints)
#'       TotPathLen <- sum(PathProjection$PathLen)
#'     } else {
#'       print("Using peak detection on the principal curve")
#'       # Split the data according to their assocaition to the different nodes
#'       SplitData <- lapply(split(1:length(CellVertexAssociation), CellVertexAssociation), function(x){t(BaseAnalysis$FiltExp)[,x]})
#'     }
#'     if(Mode == "PeakPC"){
#'       if(ExtMode == 1){
#'         print("Extended mode 1: using the principal curve projections")
#'         # Remove the last point of the path (to prevent circularity)
#'         PathToUse <- PathToUse[-length(PathToUse)]
#'         RefExpr <- t(NodeOnGenes[,as.numeric(PathToUse)])
#'         BinMat <- RefExpr > apply(RefExpr, 1, quantile, DistillThr)
#'       }
#'       if(ExtMode == 2){
#'         print("Extended mode 2: using the means over the nodes")
#'         # Get the difference between the data and the PC value
#'         DiffData <- lapply(1:length(SplitData), function(i){ if(!is.null(dim(SplitData[[i]]))) rowMeans(SplitData[[i]]) else SplitData[[i]] })
#'         # Remove the last point of the path (to prevent circularity)
#'         PathToUse <- PathToUse[-length(PathToUse)]
#'         # Get the nodes without any point projected
#'         NonNodes <- which(!unlist(lapply(lapply(BaseAnalysis$TaxonList[[length(BaseAnalysis$TaxonList)]], is.na), any)))
#'         FixedPathToUse <- PathToUse[PathToUse %in% paste(NonNodes)]
#'         # Put all together into matrices
#'         DistComb <- do.call(cbind, DiffData)
#'         colnames(DistComb) <- paste(NonNodes)
#'         DistComb <- DistComb[,FixedPathToUse]
#'         BinMat <- DistComb > apply(DistComb, 1, quantile, DistillThr)
#'       }
#'       print(paste(sum(rowSums(BinMat)==0 | rowSums(BinMat)==ncol(BinMat)), "genes filtered due to flatness"))
#'       BinMat <- BinMat[rowSums(BinMat)>0 & rowSums(BinMat)<ncol(BinMat),]
#'       Uni <- NULL
#'       Multi <- NULL
#'       for(i in 1:nrow(BinMat)){
#'         isUni <- FALSE
#'         if(all(BinMat[i,min(which(BinMat[i,])):max(which(BinMat[i,]))])){
#'           isUni <- TRUE
#'         }
#'         if(all(!BinMat[i,min(which(!BinMat[i,])):max(which(!BinMat[i,]))])){
#'           isUni <- TRUE
#'         }
#'         if(isUni){
#'           Uni <- c(Uni, i)
#'         } else {
#'           Multi <- c(Multi, i)
#'         }
#'       }
#'     }
#'     if(Mode == "PeakALL"){
#'       if(ExtMode == 1){
#'         print("Extended mode 1: using a smoother on ordered gene expression")
#'         print("Fitting loess smoothers. This can take some time")
#'         pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = nrow(FullExpression), style = 3)
#'         PathProjection$PositionOnPath == 0
#'         X <- c(PathProjection$PositionOnPath - TotPathLen,
#'                PathProjection$PositionOnPath,
#'                PathProjection$PositionOnPath + TotPathLen)
#'         Y <- cbind(FullExpression[,order(PathProjection$PositionOnPath)],
#'                    FullExpression[,order(PathProjection$PositionOnPath)],
#'                    FullExpression[,order(PathProjection$PositionOnPath)])
#'         AllSmooth <- sapply(X = as.list(1:nrow(FullExpression)), function(i){
#'           setTxtProgressBar(pb, value = i)
#'           predict(loess(unlist(Y[i,]) ~ X, span = LoesSpan), newdata = data.frame(X = cumsum(PathProjection$PathLen)))
#'         })
#'         AllSmooth <- t(AllSmooth)
#'         BinMat <- AllSmooth >= apply(AllSmooth, 1, quantile, DistillThr)
#'       }
#'       if(ExtMode == 2){
#'         print("Extended mode 2: using the means over the nodes")
#'         # Get the difference between the data and the PC value
#'         DiffData <- lapply(1:length(SplitData), function(i){ if(!is.null(dim(SplitData[[i]]))) rowMeans(SplitData[[i]]) else SplitData[[i]] })
#'         # Remove the last point of the path (to prevent circularity)
#'         PathToUse <- PathToUse[-length(PathToUse)]
#'         # Get the nodes without any point projected
#'         NonNodes <- which(!unlist(lapply(lapply(BaseAnalysis$TaxonList[[length(BaseAnalysis$TaxonList)]], is.na), any)))
#'         FixedPathToUse <- PathToUse[PathToUse %in% paste(NonNodes)]
#'         # Put all together into matrices
#'         DistComb <- do.call(cbind, DiffData)
#'         colnames(DistComb) <- paste(NonNodes)
#'         DistComb <- DistComb[,FixedPathToUse]
#'         BinMat <- DistComb > apply(DistComb, 1, quantile, DistillThr)
#'       }
#'       print(paste(sum(rowSums(BinMat)==1 | rowSums(BinMat)==ncol(BinMat)), "genes filtered due to flatness"))
#'       BinMat <- BinMat[rowSums(BinMat)>1 & rowSums(BinMat)<ncol(BinMat),]
#'       Uni <- NULL
#'       Multi <- NULL
#'       for(i in 1:nrow(BinMat)){
#'         isUni <- FALSE
#'         if(all(BinMat[i,min(which(BinMat[i,])):max(which(BinMat[i,]))])){
#'           isUni <- TRUE
#'         }
#'         if(all(!BinMat[i,min(which(!BinMat[i,])):max(which(!BinMat[i,]))])){
#'           isUni <- TRUE
#'         }
#'         if(isUni){
#'           Uni <- c(Uni, i)
#'         } else {
#'           Multi <- c(Multi, i)
#'         }
#'       }
#'     }
#'     KeepGenes <- rownames(BinMat)[Uni]
#'     print(paste(length(Multi), "genes filtered due to multimodality"))
#'     print(paste(length(KeepGenes), "genes selected"))
#'   }
#'   if(FilterLow){
#'     # Get the median expresion value 
#'     MedianPCExp <- apply(NodeOnGenes, 1, quantile, ZeroQuant)
#'     Jumps <- (sort(MedianPCExp)[-1] - sort(MedianPCExp)[-length(MedianPCExp)])
#'     BigJmps <- which((Jumps-mean(Jumps))/sd(Jumps)>3)
#'     PCnOK <- names(Jumps)[1:(BigJmps[1]-1)]
#'     PCOK <- names(Jumps)[(BigJmps[1]):length(Jumps)]
#'     if(length(PCOK) > 10 & length(PCnOK) > 10){
#'       MedianRat <- median(MedianPCExp[PCnOK])/median(MedianPCExp)
#'       VarPopPV <- var.test(MedianPCExp[PCnOK], MedianPCExp[PCOK], alternative = "less")$p.value
#'       if(MedianRat < MedianRatThr & VarPopPV < VarTestPVThr){
#'         return(intersect(KeepGenes, PCOK))
#'       }
#'     }
#'   }
#'   return(KeepGenes)
#' }
#' ####### Extra code
#' # CombinedMat <- cbind(DiffExpData, scale(BaseAnalysis$FiltExp, center = TRUE))
#' # 
#' # VarDiff <- apply(CombinedMat, 2, function(x) {wilcox.test(x[1:(length(x)/2)], x[((length(x)/2)+1):length(x)],
#' #                                                        alternative = "less")$p.value} )
#' # KeepGenes <- names(which(VarDiff<DistillThr))
#' # hist( abs(apply(DiffExpData, 2, median)) / apply(MatrixExpansion, 2, median) )
#' # par(mfcol=c(3,3))
#' # 
#' # for(i in 1:length(KeepGenes)) boxplot(list(DiffExpData[, KeepGenes[i]],
#' #                                            scale(BaseAnalysis$FiltExp[, KeepGenes[i]], center = TRUE)))
#' # if(Mode == "VarALL"){
#' #   print("Selecting genes with the smallest fluctuations")
#' #   
#' #   # AllPaths <- GetLongestPath(Net = BaseAnalysis$Net[[length(BaseAnalysis$Net)]],
#' #   #                            Structure = Topo, Circular = TRUE)
#' #   # 
#' #   # ProjPoints <- BaseAnalysis$ProjPoints[[length(BaseAnalysis$ProjPoints)]]
#' #   # 
#' #   # if(length(AllPaths$VertPath) > nrow(BaseAnalysis$PrinGraph$Nodes) + 1){
#' #   #   PathToUse <- AllPaths$VertNumb[sample(1:nrow(AllPaths$VertNumb), 1),]
#' #   # } else {
#' #   #   PathToUse <- AllPaths$VertNumb
#' #   # }
#' #   # 
#' #   # PathProjection <- OrderOnPath(PrinGraph = BaseAnalysis$PrinGraph, Path = PathToUse, PointProjections = ProjPoints)
#' #   # TotPathLen <- sum(PathProjection$PathLen)
#' #   
#' #   
#' #   # Find association of cells to nodes of the PG
#' #   CellVertexAssociation <- rep(NA, nrow(BaseAnalysis$FiltExp))
#' #   
#' #   nNodes <- nrow(BaseAnalysis$PrinGraph$Nodes)
#' #   
#' #   for(i in 1:nNodes){
#' #     CellVertexAssociation[ BaseAnalysis$TaxonList[[length(BaseAnalysis$TaxonList)]][[i]] ] <- i
#' #   }
#' #   
#' #   # Only look at cells that are present in the principal graph structure
#' #   FullExpression <- FullExpression[,rownames(BaseAnalysis$FiltExp)]
#' #   
#' #   # Split the data according to their assocaition to the different nodes
#' #   SplitData <- lapply(split(1:length(CellVertexAssociation), CellVertexAssociation), function(x){FullExpression[,x]})
#' #   
#' #   # Only consider nodes with at least three cells projected
#' #   ToUse <- paste(which(lapply(BaseAnalysis$TaxonList[[length(BaseAnalysis$TaxonList)]], length) >= 3))
#' #   SplitData <- SplitData[ToUse]
#' #   
#' #   if(ExtMode == 1){
#' #     
#' #     # Get the gene mean for each node
#' #     MeanData <- lapply(SplitData, function(x){rowMeans(x)})
#' #     
#' #     # Get the difference between the data and the mean
#' #     DiffData <- lapply(1:length(SplitData), function(i){SplitData[[i]] - MeanData[[i]]})
#' #     
#' #     # Put all together into matrices
#' #     DistComb <- do.call(cbind, DiffData)
#' #     MeanComb <- do.call(cbind, MeanData)
#' #     
#' #     StatData <- apply(abs(DistComb)/MeanComb, 1, median)
#' #     
#' #   }
#' #   
#' #   
#' #   if(ExtMode == 2){
#' #     
#' #     # Get the gene mean for each node
#' #     MeanData <- lapply(SplitData, function(x){rowMeans(x)})
#' #     
#' #     # Get the variance of the data
#' #     VarData <- lapply(1:length(SplitData), function(i){apply(SplitData[[i]], 1, var)})
#' #     
#' #     # Put all together into matrices
#' #     VarComb <- do.call(cbind, VarData)
#' #     MeanComb <- do.call(cbind, MeanData)
#' #     
#' #     StatData <- apply(VarComb/MeanComb, 1, median)
#' #     
#' #   }
#' #   
#' #   
#' #   if(ExtMode == 3){
#' #     
#' #     IQRData <- lapply(SplitData, function(x){if(is.null(dim(x))) rep(0, length(x)) else apply(x, 1, IQR)})
#' #     MedianData <- lapply(SplitData, function(x){if(is.null(dim(x))) x else apply(x, 1, median)})
#' #     
#' #     IQRComb <- do.call(cbind, IQRData)
#' #     MedianComb <- do.call(cbind, MedianData)
#' #     
#' #     IQRoMed <- IQRComb/MedianComb
#' #     IQRoMed[!is.finite(IQRoMed)] <- NA
#' #     
#' #     StatData <- apply(IQRoMed, 1, mean, na.rm=TRUE)
#' #     
#' #   }
#' #   
#' #   
#' #   
#' #   # print("Fitting loess smoothers")
#' #   # 
#' #   # pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = nrow(FullExpression), style = 3)
#' #   # 
#' #   # AllSmooth <- lapply(X = as.list(1:nrow(FullExpression)), function(i){
#' #   #   setTxtProgressBar(pb, value = i)
#' #   #   return(loess(unlist(FullExpression[i,]) ~ PathProjection$PositionOnPath, span = LoesSpan))
#' #   # })
#' #   #  
#' #   # AllResiduals <- lapply(lapply(AllSmooth, "[[", "residuals"), var)
#' #   # 
#' #   # print("Testing the distribution of the residuals")
#' #   # 
#' #   # pb1 <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = nrow(FullExpression), style = 3)
#' #   # 
#' #   # AllWT <- lapply(as.list(1:nrow(FullExpression)), function(i){
#' #   #   setTxtProgressBar(pb1, value = i)
#' #   #   wilcox.test(unlist(FullExpression[i,]) - mean(unlist(FullExpression[i,])), AllSmooth[[i]]$residuals, alternative = "greater" )
#' #   # })
#' #   
#' #   # AllMedRat <- lapply(as.list(1:nrow(FullExpression)), function(i){
#' #   #   setTxtProgressBar(pb1, value = i)
#' #   #   median(AllSmooth[[i]]$residuals) - median(unlist(FullExpression[i,]) - mean(unlist(FullExpression[i,])))
#' #   # })
#' #   
#' #   # AllWT <- AllPV
#' #   
#' #   # PVVect <- unlist(lapply(AllWT, "[[", "p.value"))
#' #   # names(PVVect) <- rownames(FullExpression)
#' #   
#' #   print(paste(sum(StatData > DistillThr, na.rm = TRUE), "genes excluded due to thresholding"))
#' #   
#' #   KeepGenes <- rownames(FullExpression)[StatData < DistillThr]
#' #   KeepGenes <- KeepGenes[!is.na(KeepGenes)]
#' #   
#' #   return(KeepGenes)
#' #   
#' #   # i <- 10
#' #   # 
#' #   # boxplot(list(
#' #   #   (unlist(FullExpression[order(PVVect, decreasing = FALSE)[i],]) - mean(unlist(FullExpression[order(PVVect, decreasing = FALSE)[i],]))),
#' #   #   AllSmooth[[order(PVVect, decreasing = FALSE)[i]]]$residuals
#' #   # ), main = sort(PVVect)[i])
#' #   
#' # }
#' # if(Mode == "PeakPC"){
#' #   print("Selecting genes with more defined single peaks on the principal curve")
#' #   
#' #   CellVertexAssociation <- rep(NA, nrow(BaseAnalysis$FiltExp))
#' #   
#' #   nNodes <- nrow(BaseAnalysis$PrinGraph$Nodes)
#' #   
#' #   for(i in 1:nNodes){
#' #     CellVertexAssociation[ BaseAnalysis$TaxonList[[length(BaseAnalysis$TaxonList)]][[i]] ] <- i
#' #   }
#' #   
#' #   NodeOnGenes <- BaseAnalysis$PrinGraph$Nodes %*% t(BaseAnalysis$PCAData$rotation[,1:BaseAnalysis$nDims])
#' #   
#' #   AllPaths <- GetLongestPath(Net = BaseAnalysis$Net[[length(BaseAnalysis$Net)]],
#' #                              Structure = Topo, Circular = TRUE)
#' #   
#' #   if(length(AllPaths$VertPath) > nrow(BaseAnalysis$PrinGraph$Nodes) + 1){
#' #     PathToUse <- AllPaths$VertNumb[sample(1:nrow(AllPaths$VertNumb), 1),]
#' #   } else {
#' #     PathToUse <- AllPaths$VertNumb
#' #   }
#' #   
#' #   if(Topo == 'Lasso'){
#' #     Tail <- GetLongestPath(Net = BaseAnalysis$Net[[length(BaseAnalysis$Net)]], Structure = 'tail')$VertNumb
#' #     PathToUse <- PathToUse[!(PathToUse %in% Tail[-length(Tail)])]
#' #   }
#' #   
#' #   NodeOnGenes <- NodeOnGenes[as.integer(PathToUse),]
#' #   
#' #   BinMat <- t(NodeOnGenes) >= apply(NodeOnGenes, 2, quantile, DistillThr)
#' #   
#' #   BinMat <- BinMat[rowSums(BinMat)>0, ]
#' #   
#' #   Uni <- NULL
#' #   Multi <- NULL
#' #   
#' #   for(i in 1:nrow(BinMat)){
#' #     isUni <- FALSE
#' #     if(all(BinMat[i,min(which(BinMat[i,])):max(which(BinMat[i,]))])){
#' #       isUni <- TRUE
#' #     }
#' #     if(all(!BinMat[i,min(which(!BinMat[i,])):max(which(!BinMat[i,]))])){
#' #       isUni <- TRUE
#' #     }
#' #     
#' #     if(isUni){
#' #       Uni <- c(Uni, i)
#' #     } else {
#' #       Multi <- c(Multi, i)
#' #     }
#' #   }
#' #   
#' #   # gplots::heatmap.2(1*(BinMat), Colv = FALSE, dendrogram = 'row')
#' #   
#' #   KeepGenes <- rownames(BinMat)[Uni]
#' #   
#' #   return(KeepGenes)
#' #   
#' # }
#' # if(Mode == "PeakALL"){
#' #   print("Selecting genes with more defined single peaks in the smoother")
#' #   
#' #   AllPaths <- GetLongestPath(Net = BaseAnalysis$Net[[length(BaseAnalysis$Net)]],
#' #                              Structure = Topo, Circular = TRUE)
#' #   
#' #   ProjPoints <- BaseAnalysis$ProjPoints[[length(BaseAnalysis$ProjPoints)]]
#' #   
#' #   if(length(AllPaths$VertPath) > nrow(BaseAnalysis$PrinGraph$Nodes) + 1){
#' #     PathToUse <- AllPaths$VertNumb[sample(1:nrow(AllPaths$VertNumb), 1),]
#' #   } else {
#' #     PathToUse <- AllPaths$VertNumb
#' #   }
#' #   
#' #   if(Topo == 'Lasso'){
#' #     Tail <- GetLongestPath(Net = BaseAnalysis$Net[[length(BaseAnalysis$Net)]], Structure = 'tail')$VertNumb
#' #     PathToUse <- PathToUse[!(PathToUse %in% Tail[-length(Tail)])]
#' #   }
#' #   
#' #   # PathProjection <- OrderOnPath(PrinGraph = BaseAnalysis$PrinGraph, Path = PathToUse, PointProjections = ProjPoints)
#' #   # TotPathLen <- sum(PathProjection$PathLen)
#' #   
#' #   FullExpression <- FullExpression[,rownames(BaseAnalysis$FiltExp)]
#' #   
#' #   CellVertexAssociation <- rep(NA, nrow(BaseAnalysis$FiltExp))
#' #   
#' #   nNodes <- nrow(BaseAnalysis$PrinGraph$Nodes)
#' #   
#' #   for(i in 1:nNodes){
#' #     CellVertexAssociation[ BaseAnalysis$TaxonList[[length(BaseAnalysis$TaxonList)]][[i]] ] <- i
#' #   }
#' #   
#' #   SplitData <- lapply(split(1:length(CellVertexAssociation), CellVertexAssociation), function(x){FullExpression[,x]})
#' #   MeanData <- lapply(SplitData, function(x){if(is.null(dim(x))) x else rowMeans(x)})
#' #   MeanComb <- do.call(cbind, MeanData)
#' #   
#' #   ReordedMeans <- MeanComb[,PathToUse[PathToUse %in% colnames(MeanComb)]]
#' #   
#' #   BinMat <- ReordedMeans >= apply(ReordedMeans, 1, quantile, DistillThr)
#' #   
#' #   # print("Fitting loess smoothers")
#' #   # 
#' #   # pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = nrow(FullExpression), style = 3)
#' #   # 
#' #   # X <- PathProjection$PositionOnPath
#' #   # X[X == 0 | X == TotPathLen] <- 0
#' #   # OutPath <- is.na(PathProjection$PositionOnPath)
#' #   # X <- X[!OutPath]
#' #   # X <- c(X-TotPathLen, X, X+TotPathLen)
#' #   # 
#' #   # AllSmooth <- lapply(X = as.list(1:nrow(FullExpression)), function(i){
#' #   #   setTxtProgressBar(pb, value = i)
#' #   # 
#' #   #   Y <- unlist(FullExpression[i,!OutPath])
#' #   #   Y <- c(Y, Y, Y)
#' #   #   
#' #   #   return(loess(Y ~ X, span = LoesSpan))
#' #   # })
#' #   # 
#' #   # print("Obtaining smoothed values")
#' #   # 
#' #   # pb1 <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = nrow(FullExpression), style = 3)
#' #   # 
#' #   # AllPos <- cumsum(PathProjection$PathLen)
#' #   # 
#' #   # SmootherData <- sapply(as.list(1:length(AllSmooth)), function(i) {
#' #   #   setTxtProgressBar(pb1, value = i)
#' #   #   predict(AllSmooth[[i]], newdata = data.frame(X=AllPos))
#' #   # })
#' #   # 
#' #   # colnames(SmootherData) <- rownames(FullExpression)
#' # 
#' #   # BinMat <- t(SmootherData) >= apply(SmootherData, 2, quantile, DistillThr)
#' #   
#' #   BinMat <- BinMat[rowSums(BinMat)>0 & rowSums(BinMat)<ncol(BinMat), ]
#' #   
#' #   Uni <- NULL
#' #   Multi <- NULL
#' #   UniBroad <- NULL
#' #   
#' #   for(i in 1:nrow(BinMat)){
#' #     isUni <- FALSE
#' #     if(all(BinMat[i,min(which(BinMat[i,])):max(which(BinMat[i,]))])){
#' #       isUni <- TRUE
#' #     }
#' #     if(all(!BinMat[i,min(which(!BinMat[i,])):max(which(!BinMat[i,]))])){
#' #       isUni <- TRUE
#' #     }
#' #     
#' #     if(isUni){
#' #       Uni <- c(Uni, i)
#' #       UniBroad <- c(UniBroad, sum(BinMat[i,]))
#' #     } else {
#' #       Multi <- c(Multi, i)
#' #     }
#' #   }
#' #   
#' #   # gplots::heatmap.2(1*(BinMat), Colv = FALSE, dendrogram = 'row')
#' #   
#' #   KeepGenes <- rownames(BinMat)[Uni[UniBroad <= RatioPeaks*ncol(BinMat)]]
#' #   
#' #   return(KeepGenes)
#' #   
#' # }
#' ################################################################################
#' #
#' # Converge on genes ------------------------------------------------------
#' #
#' ################################################################################
#' #' Title
#' #'
#' #' @param ExpData 
#' #' @param StartGeneSet 
#' #' @param Mode 
#' #' @param DistillThr 
#' #' @param ExtMode 
#' #' @param StopCrit 
#' #' @param OutThr 
#' #' @param nNodes 
#' #' @param VarThr 
#' #' @param Categories 
#' #' @param GraphType 
#' #' @param PlanVarLimit 
#' #' @param PlanVarLimitIC 
#' #' @param ForceLasso 
#' #' @param LassoCircInit 
#' #' @param MinBranDiff 
#' #' @param Log 
#' #' @param Filter 
#' #' @param MinProlCells 
#' #' @param DipPVThr 
#' #' @param PCACenter 
#' #' @param PCAProjCenter 
#' #' @param PlotIntermediate 
#' #'
#' #' @return
#' #' @export
#' #'
#' #' @examples
#' ConvergeOnGenes <- function(ExpData, StartGeneSet, Mode = "VarALL", DistillThr = .5, ExtMode = 1, StopCrit = .99, MaxRounds = 25, FastReduce = FALSE,
#'                             OutThr = 5, nNodes = 40, VarThr = .99, Categories = NULL, UpdateG0Cells = TRUE, PCAFilter = TRUE, OutThrPCA = 5,
#'                             GraphType = 'Circle', IgnoreTail = FALSE, PlanVarLimit = .90, PlanVarLimitIC = .95, ForceLasso = FALSE,
#'                             InitStructNodes = 20, MinBranDiff = 2, Log = TRUE, Filter = TRUE, MinProlCells = 20,
#'                             DipPVThr = 1e-4, PCACenter = FALSE, PCAProjCenter = TRUE, PlotIntermediate = FALSE,
#'                             StartQuant = .5, QuantInc = .01, EstProlif = "MeanPerc", PlotDebug = FALSE, NonG0Cell = NULL, UpdateG0CellsOnce = TRUE) {
#'   CurrentNonG0Cell <- NonG0Cell
#'   StartStruct <- ProjectAndCompute(DataSet = ExpData, GeneSet = StartGeneSet, OutThr = OutThr, nNodes = nNodes,
#'                                          VarThr = VarThr, Categories = Categories, GraphType = GraphType, PlanVarLimit = PlanVarLimit,
#'                                          PlanVarLimitIC = PlanVarLimitIC, ForceLasso = ForceLasso, InitStructNodes = InitStructNodes,
#'                                          MinBranDiff = MinBranDiff, Log = Log, Filter = Filter, MinProlCells = MinProlCells, DipPVThr = DipPVThr,
#'                                          PCACenter = PCACenter, PCAProjCenter = PCAProjCenter, PlotIntermediate = PlotIntermediate,
#'                                          QuaThr = StartQuant, EstProlif = EstProlif, PCAFilter = PCAFilter, OutThrPCA = OutThrPCA,
#'                                          PlotDebug = PlotDebug, NonG0Cell = CurrentNonG0Cell)
#'   ConsideredStruct <- StartStruct
#'   FilteredGenes <- StartGeneSet
#'   Converged <- FALSE
#'   RoundCount <- 0
#'   GeneNumber <- NULL
#'   if(UpdateG0CellsOnce & is.null(CurrentNonG0Cell)){
#'     CurrentNonG0Cell <- StartStruct$NonG0Cell
#'   }
#'   while(!Converged){
#'     RoundCount <- RoundCount + 1
#'     OldFiltered <- FilteredGenes
#'     FilteredGenes <- DistillGene(BaseAnalysis = ConsideredStruct,
#'                                  Mode = Mode, DistillThr = DistillThr, ExtMode = ExtMode,
#'                                  Topo = GraphType, IgnoreTail = IgnoreTail, FullExpression = ExpData, Log = Log)
#'     if(is.null(FilteredGenes)){
#'       print("No gene found")
#'       return(NULL)
#'     }
#'     if(length(FilteredGenes) == 0){
#'       print("No gene found")
#'       return(NULL)
#'     }
#'     GeneNumber <- c(GeneNumber, length(FilteredGenes))
#'     print(paste(length(FilteredGenes), "genes selected"))
#'     if(length(intersect(FilteredGenes, OldFiltered))/length(OldFiltered) > StopCrit){
#'       plot(GeneNumber, xlab="Iterations", ylab = "Number of genes")
#'       return(FilteredGenes)
#'     }
#'     if(RoundCount > MaxRounds){
#'       print("Max number of iterations reached, returning")
#'       plot(GeneNumber, xlab="Iterations", ylab = "Number of genes")
#'       return(FilteredGenes)
#'     }
#'     if(FastReduce){
#'       ExpData <- ExpData[rownames(ExpData) %in% FilteredGenes,]
#'     }
#'     if(UpdateG0Cells){
#'       ConsideredStruct <- ProjectAndCompute(DataSet = ExpData, GeneSet = FilteredGenes, OutThr = OutThr, nNodes = nNodes,
#'                                        VarThr = VarThr, Categories = Categories, GraphType = GraphType, PlanVarLimit = PlanVarLimit,
#'                                        PlanVarLimitIC = PlanVarLimitIC, ForceLasso = ForceLasso, InitStructNodes = InitStructNodes,
#'                                        MinBranDiff = MinBranDiff, Log = Log, Filter = Filter, MinProlCells = MinProlCells, DipPVThr = DipPVThr,
#'                                        PCACenter = PCACenter, PCAProjCenter = PCAProjCenter, PlotIntermediate = PlotIntermediate,
#'                                        QuaThr = StartQuant + RoundCount*QuantInc, NonG0Cell = NULL, EstProlif = EstProlif,
#'                                        PCAFilter = PCAFilter, OutThrPCA = OutThrPCA, PlotDebug = PlotDebug)
#'     } else {
#'       ConsideredStruct <- ProjectAndCompute(DataSet = ExpData, GeneSet = FilteredGenes, OutThr = OutThr, nNodes = nNodes,
#'                                        VarThr = VarThr, Categories = Categories, GraphType = GraphType, PlanVarLimit = PlanVarLimit,
#'                                        PlanVarLimitIC = PlanVarLimitIC, ForceLasso = ForceLasso, InitStructNodes = InitStructNodes,
#'                                        MinBranDiff = MinBranDiff, Log = Log, Filter = Filter, MinProlCells = MinProlCells, DipPVThr = DipPVThr,
#'                                        PCACenter = PCACenter, PCAProjCenter = PCAProjCenter, PlotIntermediate = PlotIntermediate,
#'                                        QuaThr = StartQuant + RoundCount*QuantInc, NonG0Cell = CurrentNonG0Cell, EstProlif = EstProlif,
#'                                        PCAFilter = PCAFilter, OutThrPCA = OutThrPCA, PlotDebug = PlotDebug)
#'       if(UpdateG0CellsOnce & is.null(CurrentNonG0Cell)){
#'         CurrentNonG0Cell <- ConsideredStruct$NonG0Cell
#'       }
#'     }
#'   }
#' }
#' # Extra code --------------------------------------------------------------
#' # if(EstProlif =="DipQuant"){
#' #   
#' #   print("Finding most significant multimodality thr")
#' #   
#' #   CheckVals <- seq(from = .25, by=.025, to = .75)
#' #   DipPV <- NULL
#' #   
#' #   for(i in CheckVals){
#' #     print(paste("Looking for dip at", i))
#' #     DipPV <- c(DipPV, diptest::dip.test(apply(RankedData, 2, quantile, i),
#' #                                         simulate.p.value = TRUE, B = 5000)$p.value)
#' #     
#' #     if(DipPV[length(DipPV)] < DipPVThr){
#' #       if(PlotDebug){
#' #         hist(apply(RankedData, 2, quantile, i),
#' #              main = "Gene expression ranking",
#' #              xlab = paste("q", i, "of gene expression by cell"))
#' #       }
#' #       
#' #     }
#' #   }
#' #   
#' #   IDxs <- which(DipPV < DipPVThr)
#' #   Association <- NULL
#' #   
#' #   for(i in IDxs){
#' #     
#' #     print(paste("Using mixed gaussian model on q", CheckVals[i]))
#' #     
#' #     MixedModel <- try(mixtools::normalmixEM(apply(RankedData, 2, quantile, CheckVals[i]),
#' #                                             maxit = 1000, maxrestarts = 100), TRUE)
#' #     
#' #     if(!is.list(MixedModel)){
#' #       next()
#' #     }
#' #     
#' #     if(ncol(MixedModel$posterior) > 2){
#' #       print("Multiple populations detected, moving on ...")
#' #       next()
#' #     }
#' #     
#' #     if(ncol(MixedModel$posterior) == 1){
#' #       print("Only one population detected, moving on ...")
#' #       next()
#' #     }
#' #     
#' #     print("Looking for quantile separation")
#' #     
#' #     QA <- quantile(MixedModel$x[MixedModel$posterior[,1]>.5], probs = c(.25, .75))
#' #     QB <- quantile(MixedModel$x[MixedModel$posterior[,2]>.5], probs = c(.25, .75))
#' #     
#' #     if(any(is.na(QA)) | any(is.na(QB))){
#' #       print("Too few cells in at least one population, moving on ...")
#' #       next()
#' #     }
#' #     
#' #     if( (min(QA) < min(QB) & max(QA) < min(QB)) |
#' #         (min(QB) < min(QA) & max(QB) < min(QA)) ){
#' #       
#' #       print("Quantile separation detected")
#' #       
#' #       Association <- rbind(Association, MixedModel$posterior[,which.max(MixedModel$mu)])
#' #       
#' #       if(PlotDebug){
#' #         boxplot(MixedModel$x[MixedModel$posterior[,1]>.5], MixedModel$x[MixedModel$posterior[,2]>.5],
#' #                 main=paste(CheckVals[i], "Quantile separated"))
#' #       }
#' #     } else {
#' #       if(PlotDebug){
#' #         boxplot(MixedModel$x[MixedModel$posterior[,1]>.5], MixedModel$x[MixedModel$posterior[,2]>.5],
#' #                 main=paste(CheckVals[i], "Quantile non-separated"))
#' #       }
#' #       
#' #     }
#' #     
#' #   }
#' #   
#' #   
#' #   if(length(Association)>ncol(RankedData)){
#' #     NonG0Cell <-  which(apply(Association, 2, min) > .5)
#' #     G0Cell <-  which(apply(Association, 2, min) <= .5)
#' #   } else {
#' #     if(!is.null(Association)){
#' #       NonG0Cell <- which(Association > .5)
#' #       G0Cell <- which(Association <= .5)
#' #     } else {
#' #       NonG0Cell <- NULL
#' #       G0Cell <- NULL
#' #     }
#' #     
#' #   }
#' #   
#' # }
#' # 
#' ################################################################################
#' #
#' # PlotOnStages ------------------------------------------------------
#' #
#' ################################################################################
#' #' Title
#' #'
#' #' @param Structure 
#' #' @param TaxonList 
#' #' @param Categories 
#' #' @param PrinGraph 
#' #' @param Net 
#' #' @param SelThr 
#' #' @param ComputeOverlaps 
#' #' @param RotatioMatrix 
#' #' @param ExpData 
#' #'
#' #' @return
#' #' @export
#' #'
#' #' @examples
#' PlotOnStages <- function(Structure, TaxonList, Categories, PrinGraph, Net, SelThr = NULL,
#'                          ComputeOverlaps = TRUE, RotatioMatrix, PointProjections,
#'                          ExpData, nGenes = 10, OrderOnCat = FALSE, SmoothPoints = 1,
#'                          PCACenter = FALSE, MinCellPerNode = 3) {
#'   if(!is.factor(Categories)){
#'     stop("Categories must be a factor")
#'   }
#'   if(is.null(SelThr)){
#'     SelThr <- 1.1*(1/length(levels(Categories)))
#'   }
#'   # Structure <- "Circle"
#'   # TaxonList <- BuettInfo$FinalStruct$TaxonList[[length(BuettInfo$FinalStruct$TaxonList)]]
#'   # Categories <- BuettInfo$FinalStruct$Categories
#'   # Net <- BuettInfo$FinalStruct$Net[[length(BuettInfo$FinalStruct$Net)]]
#'   # RotatioMatrix <- BuettInfo$FinalStruct$PCAData$rotation[,1:BuettInfo$FinalStruct$nDims]
#'   # PointProjections = BuettInfo$FinalStruct$ProjPoints[[length(BuettInfo$FinalStruct$ProjPoints)]]
#'   # ExpData <- BuettInfo$FinalStruct$FiltExp
#'   Nodes <- PrinGraph$Nodes
#'   nNodes <- nrow(PrinGraph$Nodes)
#'   # Find the best Staging if circular 
#'   TaxVect <- rep(NA, nNodes)
#'   for(i in 1:length(TaxonList)){
#'     TaxVect[TaxonList[[i]]] <- i 
#'   }
#'   TaxVect <- factor(TaxVect, levels = paste(1:nNodes))
#'   TB <- table(Categories, TaxVect)
#'   # colnames(TB)
#'   print("Step I - Finding the best path")
#'   StepIDone <- FALSE
#'   if(Structure == 'Circle'){
#'     StepIDone <- TRUE
#'     print("Getting all circular subisomorphisms")
#'     AllPaths <- GetLongestPath(Net = Net, Structure = Structure, Circular = TRUE)
#'     if(OrderOnCat){
#'       SummInfo <- NULL
#'       for(i in 1:nrow(AllPaths$VertNumb)){
#'         SelPath <- AllPaths$VertNumb[i,]
#'         # SelPath <- SelPath[SelPath %in% unique(TaxVect)]
#'         SelPath <- SelPath[-length(SelPath)]
#'         Reordered <- TaxVect
#'         for(j in 1:length(SelPath)){
#'           Reordered[as.character(TaxVect) == SelPath[j]] <- j
#'         }
#'         NumReord <- as.numeric(as.character(Reordered))
#'         AGG <- aggregate(NumReord, by = list(Categories), median)
#'         AGG2 <- aggregate(NumReord, by = list(Categories), min)
#'         AGG3 <- aggregate(NumReord, by = list(Categories), max)
#'         Sorted <- FALSE
#'         if(S4Vectors::isSorted(AGG[,2])){
#'           SummInfo <- rbind(SummInfo,
#'                             c(i, 1, summary(aov(NumReord ~ Categories))[[1]][1,"Pr(>F)"],
#'                               AGG2[1,2], AGG[1,2])
#'           )
#'           Sorted <- TRUE
#'           # boxplot(NumReord ~ Categories, main = i)
#'         }
#'         if(S4Vectors::isSorted(rev(AGG[,2]))){
#'           SummInfo <- rbind(SummInfo,
#'                             c(i, 2, summary(aov(NumReord ~ Categories))[[1]][1,"Pr(>F)"],
#'                               nNodes - AGG3[1,2] + 1,
#'                               nNodes - AGG[1,2] + 1)
#'           )
#'           Sorted <- TRUE
#'           # boxplot(NumReord ~ Categories, main = paste(i, "rev"))
#'         }
#'         if(!Sorted){
#'           if(cor(AGG[,2], 1:nrow(AGG))>0){
#'             SummInfo <- rbind(SummInfo,
#'                               c(i, 3, summary(aov(NumReord ~ Categories))[[1]][1,"Pr(>F)"],
#'                                 AGG2[1,2], AGG[1,2])
#'             )
#'           } else {
#'             SummInfo <- rbind(SummInfo,
#'                               c(i, 4, summary(aov(NumReord ~ Categories))[[1]][1,"Pr(>F)"],
#'                                 nNodes - AGG3[1,2] + 1,
#'                                 nNodes - AGG[1,2] + 1)
#'             )
#'           }
#'         }
#'       }
#'       # print(SummInfo)
#'       print("Finding the best path")
#'       if(any(SummInfo[,2] %in% 1:2)){
#'         SummInfo <- SummInfo[SummInfo[,2] %in% 1:2, ]
#'       } else {
#'         print("Unable to find strongly consecutive stages")
#'       }
#'       if(length(SummInfo) == 5){
#'         SummInfo <- matrix(SummInfo, nrow = 1)
#'       }
#'       Selected <- SummInfo[SummInfo[, 3] == min(SummInfo[, 3]), ]
#'       print(Selected)
#'       if(length(Selected)>5){
#'         Selected <- Selected[which.min(Selected[,4]),]
#'       }
#'       print(Selected)
#'       SelPath <- AllPaths$VertNumb[Selected[1],]
#'       # SelPath <- SelPath[SelPath %in% unique(TaxVect)]
#'       SelPath <- SelPath[-length(SelPath)]
#'       if(Selected[2] %in% c(2, 4)){
#'         SelPath <- rev(SelPath)
#'       }
#'       Reordered <- TaxVect
#'       for(j in 1:length(SelPath)){
#'         Reordered[as.character(TaxVect) == SelPath[j]] <- j
#'       }
#'       NumReord <- as.numeric(as.character(Reordered))
#'       boxplot(NumReord ~ Categories)
#'     } else {
#'       SelPath <- AllPaths$VertNumb[sample(x = 1:nrow(AllPaths$VertNumb), size = 1),]
#'       SelPath <- SelPath[-length(SelPath)]
#'     }
#'   }
#'   if(Structure == 'Line'){
#'     StepIDone <- TRUE
#'     print("Getting all line subisomorphisms")
#'     AllPaths <- GetLongestPath(Net = Net, Structure = Structure, Circular = FALSE)
#'     if(OrderOnCat){
#'       SummInfo <- NULL
#'       for(i in 1:nrow(AllPaths$VertNumb)){
#'         SelPath <- AllPaths$VertNumb[i,]
#'         # SelPath <- SelPath[SelPath %in% unique(TaxVect)]
#'         # SelPath <- SelPath[-length(SelPath)]
#'         Reordered <- TaxVect
#'         for(j in 1:length(SelPath)){
#'           Reordered[TaxVect == SelPath[j]] <- j
#'         }
#'         NumReord <- as.numeric(as.character(Reordered))
#'         AGG <- aggregate(NumReord, by = list(Categories), median)
#'         AGG2 <- aggregate(NumReord, by = list(Categories), min)
#'         AGG3 <- aggregate(NumReord, by = list(Categories), max)
#'         if(S4Vectors::isSorted(AGG[,2])){
#'           SummInfo <- rbind(SummInfo,
#'                             c(i, 1, summary(aov(NumReord ~ Categories))[[1]][1,"Pr(>F)"],
#'                               AGG2[1,2], AGG[1,2])
#'           )
#'           # boxplot(NumReord ~ Categories, main = i)
#'         }
#'         if(S4Vectors::isSorted(rev(AGG[,2]))){
#'           SummInfo <- rbind(SummInfo,
#'                             c(i, 2, summary(aov(NumReord ~ Categories))[[1]][1,"Pr(>F)"],
#'                               nNodes - AGG3[1,2] + 1,
#'                               nNodes - AGG[1,2] + 1)
#'           )
#'           # boxplot(Reordered ~ Categories, main = paste(i, "rev"))
#'         }
#'       }
#'       print("Finding the best path")
#'       Selected <- SummInfo[SummInfo[, 3] == min(SummInfo[, 3]), ]
#'       if(length(Selected)>5){
#'         Selected <- Selected[which.min(Selected[,4]),]
#'       }
#'       SelPath <- AllPaths$VertNumb[Selected[1],]
#'       # SelPath <- SelPath[SelPath %in% unique(TaxVect)]
#'       SelPath <- SelPath[-length(SelPath)]
#'       if(Selected[2] == 2){
#'         SelPath <- rev(SelPath)
#'       }
#'       Reordered <- TaxVect
#'       for(j in 1:length(SelPath)){
#'         Reordered[as.character(TaxVect) == SelPath[j]] <- j
#'       }
#'       NumReord <- as.numeric(as.character(Reordered))
#'       boxplot(NumReord ~ Categories)
#'     } else {
#'       SelPath <- AllPaths$VertNumb[sample(x = 1:nrow(AllPaths$VertNumb), size = 1),]
#'     }
#'   }
#'   if(!StepIDone){
#'     stop("Unsupported Structure")
#'   }
#'   print("Step II")
#'   Empty <- which(unlist(lapply(lapply(TaxonList, is.na), any)))
#'   ExtPath <- SelPath
#'   if(Structure == 'Circle'){
#'     ExtPath <- c(ExtPath, ExtPath[1])
#'   }
#'   ExtendedTB <- TB[,ExtPath]
#'   if(OrderOnCat){
#'     barplot(t(t(ExtendedTB)/colSums(ExtendedTB)), col = rainbow(nrow(TB)), beside = TRUE, las = 2,
#'             legend.text = rownames(ExtendedTB), args.legend = list(x = "top", fill=rainbow(nrow(TB))),
#'             ylim = c(0, 1.25), yaxt = "n")
#'     axis(2, seq(from=0, to=1, by=.25), las=2)
#'   }
#'   # SelPath <- SelPath[-length(SelPath)]
#'   SelPathSTG <- rep(NA, length(SelPath))
#'   PercMat <- t(t(TB)/colSums(TB))
#'   PercMat[is.na(PercMat)] <- 0
#'   PercMat[,colSums(TB) < MinCellPerNode] <- 0
#'   PercMat <- PercMat[,ExtPath]
#'   BinPercMat <- (PercMat > SelThr)
#'   # print(1*BinPercMat)
#'   # if(!any(BinPercMat[,1])){
#'     # BinPercMat[,1] <- BinPercMat[,2]
#'   # }
#'   if(OrderOnCat){
#'     # Fill gaps with TRUE
#'     if(Structure == 'Circle'){
#'       SelGrop <- apply(BinPercMat, 1, function(x){
#'         range(which(x))})
#'       for(j in 1:ncol(SelGrop)){
#'         if(any(is.infinite(SelGrop[,j]))){
#'           next
#'         } else {
#'           Diff <- SelGrop[1,j] + ncol(BinPercMat) + 1 - SelGrop[2,j] - 2
#'           if(Diff > 0 & Diff <= SmoothPoints){
#'             BinPercMat[colnames(SelGrop)[j],1:(SelGrop[1,j]-1)] <- TRUE
#'             BinPercMat[colnames(SelGrop)[j],(SelGrop[2,j]+1):ncol(BinPercMat)] <- TRUE
#'           }
#'         }
#'       }
#'     }
#'     WhichStage <- apply(BinPercMat, 1, which)
#'     WhichStage.Diff <- lapply(WhichStage, function(x){x[-1] - x[-length(x)]})
#'     lapply(as.list(1:length(WhichStage.Diff)), function(j){
#'       GapsToFill <- which(WhichStage.Diff[[j]] > 1 & WhichStage.Diff[[j]] <= SmoothPoints + 1)
#'       for(k in GapsToFill){
#'         BinPercMat[names(WhichStage)[j], WhichStage[[j]][k]:WhichStage[[j]][k+1]] <<- TRUE
#'       }
#'     })
#'     # Fill gaps with FALSE
#'     if(Structure == 'Circle'){
#'       SelGrop <- apply(BinPercMat, 1, function(x){
#'         range(which(!x))})
#'       for(j in 1:ncol(SelGrop)){
#'         if(any(is.infinite(SelGrop[,j]))){
#'           next
#'         } else {
#'           Diff <- SelGrop[1,j] + ncol(BinPercMat) + 1 - SelGrop[2,j] - 2
#'           if(Diff > 0 & Diff <= SmoothPoints){
#'             BinPercMat[colnames(SelGrop)[j],1:(SelGrop[1,j]-1)] <- FALSE
#'             BinPercMat[colnames(SelGrop)[j],(SelGrop[2,j]+1):ncol(BinPercMat)] <- FALSE
#'           }
#'         }
#'       }
#'     }
#'     WhichStage <- apply(BinPercMat, 1, function(x){which(!x)})
#'     WhichStage.Diff <- lapply(WhichStage, function(x){x[-1] - x[-length(x)]})
#'     lapply(as.list(1:length(WhichStage.Diff)), function(j){
#'       GapsToFill <- which(WhichStage.Diff[[j]] > 1 & WhichStage.Diff[[j]] <= SmoothPoints + 1)
#'       for(k in GapsToFill){
#'         BinPercMat[names(WhichStage)[j], WhichStage[[j]][k]:WhichStage[[j]][k+1]] <<- FALSE
#'       }
#'     })
#'     print(1*BinPercMat)
#'     if(ComputeOverlaps){
#'       # constructing stage overlaps
#'       OvefLapCat <- list()
#'       for(i in 1:nrow(BinPercMat)){
#'         if(i == nrow(BinPercMat)){
#'           if(Structure == 'Circle'){
#'             OvefLapCat[[i]] <- BinPercMat[i,] & BinPercMat[1,]
#'           }
#'         } else {
#'           OvefLapCat[[i]] <- BinPercMat[i,] & BinPercMat[i+1,]
#'         }
#'       }
#'       BinPercMatExt <- NULL
#'       for(i in 1:nrow(BinPercMat)){
#'         if(i == 1){
#'           if(Structure == 'Circle'){
#'             BinPercMatExt <- rbind(BinPercMatExt, BinPercMat[i,] & !OvefLapCat[[1]] & !OvefLapCat[[nrow(BinPercMat)]],
#'                                    OvefLapCat[[i]])
#'           } else {
#'             BinPercMatExt <- rbind(BinPercMatExt, BinPercMat[i,] & !OvefLapCat[[1]],
#'                                    OvefLapCat[[i]])
#'           }
#'           next()
#'         }
#'         if(i == nrow(BinPercMat)){
#'           if(Structure == 'Circle'){
#'             BinPercMatExt <- rbind(BinPercMatExt, BinPercMat[i,] & !OvefLapCat[[i-1]] & !OvefLapCat[[i]],
#'                                    OvefLapCat[[i]])
#'           } else {
#'             BinPercMatExt <- rbind(BinPercMatExt, BinPercMat[i,] & !OvefLapCat[[i-1]])
#'           }
#'           next()
#'         }
#'         BinPercMatExt <- rbind(BinPercMatExt, BinPercMat[i,] & !OvefLapCat[[i]] & !OvefLapCat[[i-1]],
#'                                OvefLapCat[[i]])
#'       }
#'       OverlapCat <- paste(levels(Categories)[-length(levels(Categories))],
#'                           levels(Categories)[-1], sep = "+")
#'       if(Structure == 'Circle'){
#'         OverlapCat <- c(OverlapCat,
#'                         paste(levels(Categories)[length(levels(Categories))],
#'                               levels(Categories)[1], sep = "+")
#'         )
#'       }
#'       if(Structure == 'Circle'){
#'         rownames(BinPercMatExt) <- as.vector(rbind(rownames(BinPercMat), OverlapCat))
#'       } else {
#'         rownames(BinPercMatExt) <- as.vector(rbind(rownames(BinPercMat), c(OverlapCat, NA)))[-nrow(BinPercMat)*2]
#'       }
#'     } else {
#'       BinPercMatExt <- BinPercMat
#'     }
#'     print(1*BinPercMat)
#'     AllCat <- rownames(BinPercMatExt)
#'     if(Structure == "Circle"){
#'       ExtPath <- ExtPath[-length(ExtPath)]
#'       BinPercMatExt <- BinPercMatExt[, -ncol(BinPercMatExt)]
#'     }
#'     LowStages <- 1
#'     if(ComputeOverlaps){
#'       LowStages <- 1:2
#'     }
#'     while(any(BinPercMatExt[LowStages,ncol(BinPercMatExt)]) &
#'           all(!BinPercMatExt[setdiff(1:nrow(BinPercMatExt), LowStages),ncol(BinPercMatExt)])){
#'       BinPercMatExt <- cbind(BinPercMatExt[, ncol(BinPercMatExt)], BinPercMatExt[, -ncol(BinPercMatExt)])
#'       ExtPath <- c(ExtPath[length(ExtPath)], ExtPath[-length(ExtPath)])
#'     }
#'     HighStages <- nrow(BinPercMatExt)
#'     if(ComputeOverlaps & Structure == 'Circle'){
#'       HighStages <- c(nrow(BinPercMatExt)-1, nrow(BinPercMatExt))
#'     }
#'     while(any(BinPercMatExt[HighStages,1]) &
#'           all(!BinPercMatExt[setdiff(1:nrow(BinPercMatExt), HighStages),1])){
#'       BinPercMatExt <- cbind(BinPercMatExt[, -1], BinPercMatExt[, 1])
#'       ExtPath <- c(ExtPath[-1], ExtPath[1])
#'     }
#'     if(Structure == 'Circle'){
#'       ExtPath <- c(ExtPath, ExtPath[1])
#'       BinPercMatExt <- cbind(BinPercMatExt,
#'                              rep(FALSE, nrow(BinPercMatExt)))
#'     }
#'   } else {
#'     BinPercMatExt <- BinPercMat
#'     AllCat <- rownames(BinPercMatExt)
#'   }
#'   if(!is.null(dim(BinPercMatExt))){
#'     Idxs <- apply(BinPercMatExt, 1, which)
#'   } else {
#'     Idxs <- list(Cat = which(BinPercMatExt))
#'   }
#'   print("Step III")
#'   print(Idxs)
#'   Bond <- lapply(Idxs[lapply(Idxs, length) > 1], range)
#'   if(!S4Vectors::isSorted(unlist(Bond))){
#'     warning("Stages are not sequential!")
#'   }
#'   print(1*BinPercMat)
#'   print(unlist(Bond))
#'   if(any(PCACenter != FALSE)){
#'     NodeOnGenes <- t(Nodes %*% t(RotatioMatrix)) + PCACenter
#'   } else {
#'     NodeOnGenes <- t(Nodes %*% t(RotatioMatrix))
#'   }
#'   OrderedPoints <- OrderOnPath(PrinGraph = PrinGraph, Path = as.numeric(ExtPath),
#'                                PointProjections = PointProjections)
#'   if(OrderOnCat){
#'     SelIdxs <- order(apply(NodeOnGenes, 1, var), decreasing = TRUE)[1:nGenes]
#'   } else {
#'     SelIdxs <- 1:2
#'   }
#'   for(Idx in SelIdxs){
#'     p <- ggplot2::ggplot(data = data.frame(x=cumsum(OrderedPoints$PathLen),
#'                                            y=NodeOnGenes[Idx,as.numeric(ExtPath)]),
#'                          mapping = ggplot2::aes(x = x, y = y, color="PC")) +
#'       ggplot2::labs(x = "Pseudotime", y="Gene expression", title = rownames(NodeOnGenes)[Idx]) +
#'       ggplot2::theme(plot.title = ggplot2::element_text(hjust = 0.5))
#'     RecCoord <- NULL
#'     if(OrderOnCat){
#'       for(i in 1:length(Idxs)){
#'         LowIds <- Idxs[[i]]-1
#'         LowIds[LowIds == 0] <- NA
#'         HiIds <- Idxs[[i]]+1
#'         HiIds[HiIds == length(ExtPath) + 1] <- NA
#'         LowCoord <- cumsum(OrderedPoints$PathLen)[LowIds]
#'         MidCoord <- cumsum(OrderedPoints$PathLen)[Idxs[[i]]]
#'         HighCoord <- cumsum(OrderedPoints$PathLen)[HiIds]
#'         RecCoord <- rbind(RecCoord, cbind(
#'           colMeans(rbind(LowCoord, MidCoord)),
#'           MidCoord,
#'           colMeans(rbind(MidCoord, HighCoord)),
#'           rep(names(Idxs)[i], length(MidCoord))
#'         )
#'         )
#'       }
#'       colnames(RecCoord) <- c("Min", "Med", "Max", "Stage")
#'       RecCoord <- data.frame(RecCoord)
#'       RecCoord$Min <- as.numeric(as.character(RecCoord$Min))
#'       RecCoord$Med <- as.numeric(as.character(RecCoord$Med))
#'       RecCoord$Max <- as.numeric(as.character(RecCoord$Max))
#'       RecCoord$Stage <- factor(as.character(RecCoord$Stage), levels = AllCat)
#'       RecCoord$Min[is.na(RecCoord$Min)] <- RecCoord$Med[is.na(RecCoord$Min)]
#'       RecCoord$Max[is.na(RecCoord$Max)] <- RecCoord$Med[is.na(RecCoord$Max)]
#'       p <- p + ggplot2::geom_rect(data = RecCoord, mapping = ggplot2::aes(fill=Stage, xmin=Min, xmax=Max),
#'                                   ymin = -Inf, ymax = Inf, inherit.aes = FALSE, alpha=.4) + 
#'         ggplot2::geom_point(data = data.frame(x=OrderedPoints$PositionOnPath, y=ExpData[,Idx]),
#'                             mapping = ggplot2::aes(x=x, y=y, color="Data"), inherit.aes = FALSE, alpha=.5) +
#'         ggplot2::geom_point() + ggplot2::geom_line() + ggplot2::scale_color_manual(values = c("blue", "black"))
#'       print(p)
#'     } else {
#'       p <- p + ggplot2::geom_point(data = data.frame(x=OrderedPoints$PositionOnPath, y=ExpData[,Idx]),
#'                             mapping = ggplot2::aes(x=x, y=y, color="Data"), inherit.aes = FALSE, alpha=.5) +
#'         ggplot2::geom_point() + ggplot2::geom_line() + ggplot2::scale_color_manual(values = c("blue", "black"))
#'     }
#'   }
#'   CellsPT <- OrderedPoints$PositionOnPath
#'   names(CellsPT) <-  rownames(ExpData)
#'   return(list(Structure = Structure, ExtPath = ExtPath,
#'               NodesPT = cumsum(OrderedPoints$PathLen),
#'               NodesExp = NodeOnGenes[order(apply(NodeOnGenes, 1, var), decreasing = TRUE),as.numeric(ExtPath)],
#'               CellsPT = CellsPT, BinPercMatExt = BinPercMatExt, BinPercMat = BinPercMat,
#'               CellExp = t(ExpData[order(apply(ExpData, 1, var), decreasing = TRUE),]),
#'               RecCoord = RecCoord,
#'               StageOnNodes = Idxs
#'               )
#'          )
#' }
#' ################################################################################
#' #
#' # PlotsAndDistill ------------------------------------------------------
#' #
#' ################################################################################
#' #' Title
#' #'
#' #' @param GeneExprMat 
#' #' @param StartSet 
#' #' @param Categories 
#' #' @param Topology 
#' #' @param IgnoreTail 
#' #' @param PlanVarLimit 
#' #' @param PlanVarLimitIC 
#' #' @param DistillThr 
#' #' @param Log 
#' #' @param StartQuant 
#' #' @param OutThr 
#' #' @param OutThrPCA 
#' #' @param Title 
#' #' @param MinProlCells 
#' #' @param PCACenter 
#' #' @param PlotDebug 
#' #' @param Mode 
#' #' @param ExtMode 
#' #' @param nNodes 
#' #' @param InitStructNodes 
#' #' @param DipPVThr 
#' #' @param PCAFilter 
#' #' @param PCAProjCenter 
#' #' @param StopCrit 
#' #' @param Filter 
#' #' @param CompareSet 
#' #'
#' #' @return
#' #' @export
#' #'
#' #' @examples
#' PlotsAndDistill <- function(GeneExprMat, StartSet, Categories, Topology = "Circle", IgnoreTail = FALSE, PlanVarLimit = .9, PlanVarLimitIC = .95,
#'                             DistillThr = .7, Log = TRUE, StartQuant = .5, OutThr = 3, OutThrPCA = 3, Title = '', MinProlCells = 20, PCACenter = FALSE,
#'                             PlotDebug = FALSE, Mode = "VarPC", ExtMode = 2, nNodes = 40, InitStructNodes = 20, DipPVThr = 1e-4, PCAFilter = TRUE,
#'                             PCAProjCenter = TRUE, StopCrit = .95, Filter = TRUE, QuaThr = .5, CompareSet = list(), EstProlif = "MeanPerc",
#'                             KeepOrgProlifiration = FALSE, NonG0Cell = NULL) {
#'   # Perform the initial analysis
#'   PrGraph.Initial <- ProjectAndCompute(DataSet = GeneExprMat, GeneSet = StartSet, OutThr = OutThr, nNodes = nNodes, QuaThr = QuaThr,
#'                                        VarThr = .99, Categories = Categories, GraphType = Topology, PlanVarLimit = PlanVarLimit,
#'                                        PlanVarLimitIC = PlanVarLimitIC, ForceLasso = FALSE, InitStructNodes = InitStructNodes,
#'                                        MinBranDiff = 2, Log = Log, Filter = Filter, MinProlCells = MinProlCells, DipPVThr = DipPVThr,
#'                                        PCACenter = PCACenter, PCAProjCenter = PCAProjCenter, PlotIntermediate = FALSE,
#'                                        PCAFilter = PCAFilter, OutThrPCA = OutThrPCA, PlotDebug = PlotDebug, EstProlif = EstProlif,
#'                                        NonG0Cell = NonG0Cell)
#'   # Distill genes
#'   if(KeepOrgProlifiration){
#'     DistilledGenes <- ConvergeOnGenes(ExpData = GeneExprMat, StartGeneSet = StartSet, Mode = Mode, DistillThr = DistillThr, FastReduce = FALSE,
#'                                       ExtMode = ExtMode, StopCrit = StopCrit, OutThr = OutThr, nNodes = nNodes, VarThr = .99, Categories = Categories,
#'                                       GraphType = Topology, PlanVarLimit = PlanVarLimit, PlanVarLimitIC = PlanVarLimitIC, ForceLasso = FALSE,
#'                                       InitStructNodes = InitStructNodes, MinBranDiff = 2, Log = Log, Filter = Filter, MinProlCells = MinProlCells, DipPVThr = DipPVThr,
#'                                       PCACenter = PCACenter, PCAProjCenter = PCAProjCenter, PlotIntermediate = FALSE, PlotDebug = PlotDebug,
#'                                       IgnoreTail = IgnoreTail, StartQuant = StartQuant, PCAFilter = PCAFilter, OutThrPCA = OutThrPCA, EstProlif = EstProlif,
#'                                       UpdateG0Cells = FALSE, NonG0Cell = PrGraph.Initial$NonG0Cell)
#'     # Perform the analysis on the final structure
#'     PrGraph.Final <- ProjectAndCompute(DataSet = GeneExprMat, GeneSet = DistilledGenes, OutThr = OutThr, nNodes = nNodes, 
#'                                        VarThr = .99, Categories = Categories, GraphType = Topology, PlanVarLimit = PlanVarLimit,
#'                                        PlanVarLimitIC = PlanVarLimitIC, ForceLasso = FALSE, InitStructNodes = InitStructNodes,
#'                                        MinBranDiff = 2, Log = Log, Filter = Filter, MinProlCells = MinProlCells, DipPVThr = DipPVThr,
#'                                        PCACenter = PCACenter, PCAProjCenter = PCAProjCenter, PlotIntermediate = FALSE, PCAFilter = PCAFilter,
#'                                        OutThrPCA = OutThrPCA, PlotDebug = PlotDebug, EstProlif = EstProlif, NonG0Cell = PrGraph.Initial$NonG0Cell)
#'   } else {
#'     DistilledGenes <- ConvergeOnGenes(ExpData = GeneExprMat, StartGeneSet = StartSet, Mode = Mode, DistillThr = DistillThr, FastReduce = FALSE,
#'                                       ExtMode = ExtMode, StopCrit = StopCrit, OutThr = OutThr, nNodes = nNodes, VarThr = .99, Categories = Categories,
#'                                       GraphType = Topology, PlanVarLimit = PlanVarLimit, PlanVarLimitIC = PlanVarLimitIC, ForceLasso = FALSE,
#'                                       InitStructNodes = InitStructNodes, MinBranDiff = 2, Log = Log, Filter = Filter, MinProlCells = MinProlCells, DipPVThr = DipPVThr,
#'                                       PCACenter = PCACenter, PCAProjCenter = PCAProjCenter, PlotIntermediate = FALSE, PlotDebug = PlotDebug,
#'                                       IgnoreTail = IgnoreTail, StartQuant = StartQuant, PCAFilter = PCAFilter, OutThrPCA = OutThrPCA, EstProlif = EstProlif,
#'                                       UpdateG0Cells = TRUE, NonG0Cell = NULL)
#'     # Perform the analysis on the final structure
#'     PrGraph.Final <- ProjectAndCompute(DataSet = GeneExprMat, GeneSet = DistilledGenes, OutThr = OutThr, nNodes = nNodes, 
#'                                        VarThr = .99, Categories = Categories, GraphType = Topology, PlanVarLimit = PlanVarLimit,
#'                                        PlanVarLimitIC = PlanVarLimitIC, ForceLasso = FALSE, InitStructNodes = InitStructNodes,
#'                                        MinBranDiff = 2, Log = Log, Filter = Filter, MinProlCells = MinProlCells, DipPVThr = DipPVThr,
#'                                        PCACenter = PCACenter, PCAProjCenter = PCAProjCenter, PlotIntermediate = FALSE, PCAFilter = PCAFilter,
#'                                        OutThrPCA = OutThrPCA, PlotDebug = PlotDebug, EstProlif = EstProlif)
#'   }
#'   # Plot the initial projection
#'   ProjectOnPrincipalGraph(Nodes = PrGraph.Initial$PrinGraph$Nodes, Edges = PrGraph.Initial$PrinGraph$Edges, Points = PrGraph.Initial$Data,
#'                           UsedPoints = NULL, Categories = PrGraph.Initial$Categories, Title=paste(Title, "(Initial)"),
#'                           PCACenter = TRUE, ShowFitted = FALSE)
#'   # Plot the final projection
#'   ProjectOnPrincipalGraph(Nodes = PrGraph.Final$PrinGraph$Nodes, Edges = PrGraph.Final$PrinGraph$Edges, Points = PrGraph.Final$Data,
#'                           UsedPoints = NULL, Categories = PrGraph.Final$Categories, Title=paste(Title, "(Filtered)"),
#'                           PCACenter = TRUE, ShowFitted = FALSE)
#'   # Plot the difference in number
#'   barplot(c(length(StartSet), length(DistilledGenes)), ylab = "Number of genes", names.arg = c("Initial", "Filtered"))
#'   PTList <- list()
#'   if(length(CompareSet) > 0){
#'     CIListEnd <- list()
#'     CIListStart <- list()
#'     for(i in 1:length(CompareSet)){
#'       CIListEnd[[length(CIListEnd)+1]] <- prop.test(length(intersect(CompareSet[[i]], DistilledGenes)), length(DistilledGenes), conf.level = .95)$conf.int[1:2]*100
#'       CIListStart[[length(CIListStart)+1]] <- prop.test(length(intersect(CompareSet[[i]], StartSet)), length(StartSet), conf.level = .95)$conf.int[1:2]*100
#'     }
#'     IntersectListEnd <- lapply(CompareSet, function(x) intersect(x, DistilledGenes))
#'     IntersectListStart <- lapply(CompareSet, function(x) intersect(x, StartSet))
#'     for(i in 1:length(CompareSet)){
#'       PTList[[i]] <- prop.test(c(length(IntersectListEnd[[i]]), length(IntersectListStart[[i]])), c(length(DistilledGenes), length(StartSet)))
#'       yMax <- max(c(CIListEnd[[i]], CIListStart[[i]]))
#'       B <- barplot(100*c(length(IntersectListEnd[[i]]), length(IntersectListStart[[i]]))/c(length(DistilledGenes), length(StartSet)),
#'                    names.arg = c("Filtered", "Initial"), ylab = "Percentage of genes identified", ylim = c(0, yMax), main = names(CompareSet)[i])
#'       arrows(x0 = B[1], x1 = B[1], y0 = CIListEnd[[i]][1], y1 = CIListEnd[[i]][2], angle = 90, length = .5, lwd = 2, code = 3)
#'       arrows(x0 = B[2], x1 = B[2], y0 = CIListStart[[i]][1], y1 = CIListStart[[i]][2], angle = 90, length = .5, lwd = 2, code = 3)
#'     }
#'     names(PTList) <- names(CompareSet)
#'   }
#'   return(list(Genes = DistilledGenes, PTList = PTList, FinalStruct = PrGraph.Final, InitialStruct = PrGraph.Initial))
#' }
#' ################################################################################
#' #
#' # PlotOnStages ------------------------------------------------------
#' #
#' ################################################################################
#' #' Title
#' #'
#' #' @param GeneExprMat 
#' #' @param StartSet 
#' #' @param Categories 
#' #' @param Topology 
#' #' @param DistillThr 
#' #' @param IgnoreTail 
#' #' @param Log 
#' #' @param StartQuant 
#' #' @param Title 
#' #' @param PlanVarLimit 
#' #' @param PlanVarLimitIC 
#' #' @param KeepOriginal 
#' #' @param PCACenter 
#' #' @param PlotDebug 
#' #' @param Mode 
#' #' @param ExtMode 
#' #' @param MaxRounds 
#' #' @param StopCrit 
#' #' @param ExpQuant 
#' #' @param StopMode 
#' #' @param Parallel 
#' #' @param nCores 
#' #' @param ClusType 
#' #'
#' #' @return
#' #' @export
#' #'
#' #' @examples
#' ProjectAndExpand <- function(GeneExprMat, StartSet, Categories, Topology = 'Circle', DistillThr = .7, DipPVThr = 1e-4,
#'                              IgnoreTail = FALSE, Log = TRUE, StartQuant = .5, Title = "", OutThr = 3, nNodes = 40,
#'                              PlanVarLimit = .9, PlanVarLimitIC = .95, KeepOriginal = TRUE, InitStructNodes = 20,
#'                              PCACenter = FALSE, PlotDebug = FALSE, Mode = "VarPC", ExtMode = 2, OutThrPCA = 3,
#'                              MaxRounds = 15, StopCrit = .95, ExpQuant = .01, StopMode = 1, EstProlif = "MeanPerc",
#'                              Parallel = TRUE, nCores = NULL, ClusType = "PSOCK", QuaThr = .5, MinProlCells = 20,
#'                              PCAFilter = TRUE, PCAProjCenter = TRUE, Filter = TRUE, SelThr = .35, OrderOnCat = FALSE,
#'                              KeepOrgProlifiration = TRUE) {
#'   DONE <- FALSE
#'   Info.Exp.Final <- NULL
#'   Round.Count <- 0
#'   GeneStageList <- list()
#'   Info.Exp.List <- list()
#'   Proc.Exp.List <- list()
#'   SavedNonG0 <- NULL
#'   UsedGenes <- StartSet
#'   while(!DONE){
#'     Round.Count <- Round.Count + 1
#'     # Produce the initial analysis
#'     Info.Exp <- PlotsAndDistill(GeneExprMat = GeneExprMat, StartSet = UsedGenes, QuaThr = QuaThr, MinProlCells = MinProlCells, OutThr = OutThr, OutThrPCA = OutThrPCA,
#'                                 Categories = Categories, Topology = Topology, DistillThr = DistillThr, InitStructNodes = InitStructNodes, nNodes = nNodes,
#'                                 IgnoreTail = IgnoreTail, Log = Log, StartQuant = StartQuant, Title = Title, PlanVarLimit = PlanVarLimit, PlanVarLimitIC = PlanVarLimitIC,
#'                                 PCACenter = PCACenter, PlotDebug = PlotDebug, Mode = Mode, ExtMode = ExtMode, EstProlif = EstProlif, PCAFilter = PCAFilter,
#'                                 PCAProjCenter = PCAProjCenter, Filter = Filter, KeepOrgProlifiration = KeepOrgProlifiration, NonG0Cell = SavedNonG0)
#'     Info.Exp.List[[length(Info.Exp.List)+1]] <- Info.Exp
#'     if(is.null(SavedNonG0) & KeepOrgProlifiration){
#'       SavedNonG0 <- Info.Exp$FinalStruct$NonG0Cell
#'     }
#'     # readline("press any key")
#'     # Produce the processed data
#'     Proc.Exp <- PlotOnStages(Structure = Topology, TaxonList = Info.Exp$FinalStruct$TaxonList[[length(Info.Exp$FinalStruct$TaxonList)]],
#'                              Categories = Info.Exp$FinalStruct$Categories, nGenes = 2, 
#'                              PrinGraph = Info.Exp$FinalStruct$PrinGraph, 
#'                              Net = Info.Exp$FinalStruct$Net[[length(Info.Exp$FinalStruct$Net)]],
#'                              SelThr = SelThr, ComputeOverlaps = TRUE, ExpData = Info.Exp$FinalStruct$FiltExp,
#'                              RotatioMatrix = Info.Exp$FinalStruct$PCAData$rotation[,1:Info.Exp$FinalStruct$nDims],
#'                              PointProjections = Info.Exp$FinalStruct$ProjPoints[[length(Info.Exp$FinalStruct$ProjPoints)]],
#'                              OrderOnCat = OrderOnCat)
#'     Proc.Exp.List[[length(Proc.Exp.List)+1]] <- Proc.Exp
#'     print(paste(nrow(Proc.Exp$NodesExp), "genes selected"))
#'     if(length(GeneStageList)>0){
#'       OnlyOld <- setdiff(GeneStageList[[length(GeneStageList)]], rownames(Info.Exp$NodesExp))    
#'       print(paste(length(OnlyOld), "genes removed:"))
#'       print(OnlyOld)
#'       OnlyNew <- setdiff(rownames(Info.Exp$NodesExp), GeneStageList[[length(GeneStageList)]])
#'       print(paste(length(OnlyNew), "genes added:"))
#'       print(OnlyNew)
#'       print(paste(length(OnlyOld), "removed genes"))
#'       print(paste(length(OnlyNew), "added genes"))
#'       print(paste(length(GeneStageList[[length(GeneStageList)]]), "selected genes"))
#'       if(any(StopMode == 1)){
#'         if( length(OnlyOld)/length(GeneStageList[[length(GeneStageList)]]) < 1 - StopCrit &
#'             length(OnlyNew)/length(GeneStageList[[length(GeneStageList)]]) < 1 - StopCrit ){
#'           print("Converged! - Mode 1")
#'           DONE <- TRUE
#'           break()
#'         }
#'       }
#'     }
#'     TaxonList <- Info.Exp$FinalStruct$TaxonList[[length(Info.Exp$FinalStruct$TaxonList)]]
#'     TaxVect <- rep(NA, ncol(Proc.Exp$NodesExp)-1)
#'     for(i in 1:length(TaxonList)){
#'       TaxVect[TaxonList[[i]]] <- i 
#'     }
#'     if(Log){
#'       TransGeneExprMat <- log10(GeneExprMat + 1)
#'     }
#'     AllMean <- apply(TransGeneExprMat[, colnames(Proc.Exp$CellExp)], 1, mean)
#'     SelMean <- apply(TransGeneExprMat[rownames(Proc.Exp$CellExp), colnames(Proc.Exp$CellExp)], 1, mean)
#'     print(paste(sum(AllMean < min(SelMean)), "genes will be excluded a priori from the analysis"))
#'     print("Computing median of mad/mean")
#'     if(Parallel){
#'       tictoc::tic()
#'       if(is.null(nCores)){
#'         nCores <- parallel::detectCores() - 1
#'       }
#'       cl <- parallel::makeCluster(nCores, type = ClusType)
#'       parallel::clusterExport(cl, "TaxVect", environment())
#'       MedianVar <- parallel::parApply(cl,TransGeneExprMat[AllMean >= min(SelMean), colnames(Proc.Exp$CellExp)], 1, function(x){
#'         AGG <- aggregate(x, by=list(TaxVect), mean)
#'         AGGVect <- AGG[,2]
#'         names(AGGVect) <- paste(AGG[,1])
#'         median((aggregate(x, by=list(TaxVect), mad))[,2]/AGGVect, na.rm=TRUE)
#'       })
#'       parallel::stopCluster(cl)
#'       tictoc::toc()
#'     } else {
#'       tictoc::tic()
#'       MedianVar <- apply(TransGeneExprMat[AllMean >= min(SelMean), colnames(Proc.Exp$CellExp)], 1, function(x){
#'         AGG <- aggregate(x, by=list(TaxVect), mean)
#'         AGGVect <- AGG[,2]
#'         names(AGGVect) <- paste(AGG[,1])
#'         median((aggregate(x, by=list(TaxVect), mad))[,2]/AGGVect, na.rm=TRUE)
#'       })
#'       tictoc::toc()
#'     }
#'     MedianVar <- MedianVar[!is.infinite(MedianVar)]
#'     MedianVar <- MedianVar[!is.na(MedianVar)]
#'     PrevDistilled <- names(MedianVar) %in% rownames(Proc.Exp$NodesExp)
#'     boxplot(MedianVar ~ PrevDistilled, main = paste(Title, "STEP", Round.Count))
#'     # wilcox.test(MedianVar ~ PrevDistilled)
#'     # t.test(MedianVar ~ PrevDistilled)
#'     if(KeepOriginal){
#'       GeneStageList[[length(GeneStageList)+1]] <- unique(c(names(which(MedianVar < quantile(MedianVar[PrevDistilled], ExpQuant))),
#'                                                            rownames(Proc.Exp.List[[1]]$NodesExp)))
#'       GeneNumbVarRat <- length(GeneStageList[[length(GeneStageList)]])/nrow(Proc.Exp.List[[1]]$NodesExp)
#'     } else {
#'       GeneStageList[[length(GeneStageList)+1]] <- unique(c(names(which(MedianVar < quantile(MedianVar[PrevDistilled], ExpQuant))),
#'                                                            rownames(Proc.Exp$NodesExp)))
#'       GeneNumbVarRat <- length(GeneStageList[[length(GeneStageList)]])/nrow(Proc.Exp$NodesExp)
#'     }
#'     if(length(GeneStageList) > 1){
#'       GeneIntRatPrev <- length(intersect(GeneStageList[[length(GeneStageList)]], GeneStageList[[length(GeneStageList)-1]]))/
#'         length(GeneStageList[[length(GeneStageList)-1]])
#'       GeneIntRatCurr <- length(intersect(GeneStageList[[length(GeneStageList)]], GeneStageList[[length(GeneStageList)-1]]))/
#'         length(GeneStageList[[length(GeneStageList)]])
#'       print(paste("Gene number variation", GeneNumbVarRat))
#'       print(paste("Gene intersection variation (Prev)", GeneIntRatPrev))
#'       print(paste("Gene intersection variation (Curr)", GeneIntRatCurr))
#'       if(any(StopMode == 2)){
#'         if(GeneIntRatPrev > StopCrit & GeneIntRatCurr > StopCrit){
#'           print("Converged! - Mode 2")
#'           DONE <- TRUE
#'           break()
#'         }
#'       }
#'     }
#'     UsedGenes <- GeneStageList[[length(GeneStageList)]]
#'   }
#'   return(list(StartInfo = Info.Exp, StartProc = Proc.Exp,
#'               ListInfo = Info.Exp.List, ListProc = Proc.Exp.List,
#'               GeneList = GeneStageList))
#' }
#' #' Title
#' #'
#' #' @param DataSet 
#' #' @param StartSet 
#' #' @param VarThr 
#' #' @param nNodes 
#' #' @param Log 
#' #' @param Categories 
#' #' @param Filter 
#' #' @param OutThr 
#' #' @param PCAFilter 
#' #' @param OutThrPCA 
#' #' @param GraphType 
#' #' @param PlanVarLimit 
#' #' @param PlanVarLimitIC 
#' #' @param MinBranDiff 
#' #' @param InitStructNodes 
#' #' @param ForceLasso 
#' #' @param EstProlif 
#' #' @param QuaThr 
#' #' @param NonG0Cell 
#' #' @param DipPVThr 
#' #' @param MinProlCells 
#' #' @param PCACenter 
#' #' @param PCAProjCenter 
#' #' @param PlotDebug 
#' #' @param PlotIntermediate 
#' #' @param AddGenePerc 
#' #' @param SelThr1 
#' #' @param SelThr2 
#' #' @param MadsThr 
#' #'
#' #' @return
#' #' @export
#' #'
#' #' @examples
#' SelectGenesOnGraph <- function(DataSet,
#'                                StartSet,
#'                                VarThr = .99,
#'                                nNodes = 40,
#'                                Log = TRUE,
#'                                Categories = NULL,
#'                                Filter = TRUE,
#'                                OutThr = 5,
#'                                PCAFilter = TRUE,
#'                                OutThrPCA = 3,
#'                                GraphType = "Circle",
#'                                PlanVarLimit = .85,
#'                                PlanVarLimitIC = .9,
#'                                MinBranDiff = 3,
#'                                InitStructNodes = 20,
#'                                ForceLasso = FALSE,
#'                                EstProlif = "MeanPerc",
#'                                QuaThr = .5,
#'                                NonG0Cell = NULL,
#'                                DipPVThr = 1e-4,
#'                                MinProlCells = 50,
#'                                PCACenter = TRUE,
#'                                PCAProjCenter = TRUE,
#'                                PlotDebug = FALSE,
#'                                PlotIntermediate = FALSE,
#'                                AddGenePerc = 5,
#'                                SelThr1 = .95,
#'                                SelThr2 = .99,
#'                                MadsThr =  1) {
#'   # Construct the initial Principal graph
#'   Steps <- list()
#'   UsedGenes <- list()
#'   UsedGenes[[1]] <- intersect(StartSet, rownames(DataSet))
#'   Steps[[1]] <- ProjectAndCompute(DataSet = DataSet, GeneSet = UsedGenes[[1]], VarThr = VarThr, nNodes = nNodes,
#'                                   Log = Log, Categories = Categories, Filter = Filter, OutThr = OutThr, PCAFilter = PCAFilter,
#'                                   OutThrPCA = OutThrPCA, GraphType = GraphType, PlanVarLimit = PlanVarLimit, PlanVarLimitIC = PlanVarLimitIC,
#'                                   MinBranDiff = MinBranDiff, InitStructNodes = InitStructNodes, ForceLasso = ForceLasso, EstProlif = EstProlif,
#'                                   QuaThr = QuaThr, NonG0Cell = NonG0Cell, DipPVThr = DipPVThr, MinProlCells = MinProlCells,
#'                                   PCACenter = PCACenter, PCAProjCenter = PCAProjCenter, PlotDebug = PlotDebug, PlotIntermediate = PlotIntermediate)
#'   # Select the genes that are closer to the original curve
#'   i = 2
#'   DoStuff <- function(TaxVect){
#'     # SelCell <- intersect(Steps[[1]]$NonG0Cell, names(TaxVect))
#'     SelCell <- names(TaxVect)
#'     GeneExprMat.DF.Split <- split(GeneExprMat.DF[SelCell, ], TaxVect[SelCell])
#'     GeneExprMat.DF.Split.Mean <- lapply(GeneExprMat.DF.Split, colMeans)
#'     GeneExprMat.DF.MeanRemoved <-
#'       lapply(as.list(1:length(GeneExprMat.DF.Split)), function(i){
#'         apply(GeneExprMat.DF.Split[[i]], 2, sd)/GeneExprMat.DF.Split.Mean[[i]]
#'       })
#'     GeneExprMat.DF.MeanRemoved.All <- NULL
#'     for(i in 1:length(GeneExprMat.DF.MeanRemoved)){
#'       GeneExprMat.DF.MeanRemoved.All <- rbind(GeneExprMat.DF.MeanRemoved.All, GeneExprMat.DF.MeanRemoved[[i]])
#'     }
#'     return(apply(abs(GeneExprMat.DF.MeanRemoved.All), 2, mean, na.rm = TRUE))
#'   }
#'   while(!CONVERGED){
#'     TaxList <- Steps[[i-1]]$TaxonList[[length(Steps[[i-1]]$TaxonList)]]
#'     TaxVect <- rep(NA, nrow(Steps[[i-1]]$Data))
#'     names(TaxVect) <- rownames(Steps[[i-1]]$Data)
#'     lapply(1:length(TaxList), function(j){
#'       TaxVect[ TaxList[[j]] ] <<- j
#'     })
#'     GeneExprMat.DF <- data.frame(t(DataSet[UsedGenes[[i-1]], ]), row.names = colnames(DataSet))
#'     colnames(GeneExprMat.DF) <- rownames(DataSet[UsedGenes[[i-1]], ])
#'     Base <- DoStuff(TaxVect)
#'     Base <- Base[is.finite(Base)]
#'     if(i == 2){
#'       Thr <- median(Base) + MadsThr*mad(Base)
#'     }
#'     UsedGenes[[i]] <- names(which(Base < Thr))
#'     length(setdiff(UsedGenes[[length(UsedGenes) - 1]], UsedGenes[[length(UsedGenes)]]))
#'     length(UsedGenes[[length(UsedGenes)]])
#'     Steps[[i]] <- ProjectAndCompute(DataSet = DataSet, GeneSet = UsedGenes[[i]], VarThr = VarThr, nNodes = nNodes,
#'                                     Log = Log, Categories = Categories, Filter = Filter, OutThr = OutThr, PCAFilter = PCAFilter,
#'                                     OutThrPCA = OutThrPCA, GraphType = GraphType, PlanVarLimit = PlanVarLimit, PlanVarLimitIC = PlanVarLimitIC,
#'                                     MinBranDiff = MinBranDiff, InitStructNodes = InitStructNodes, ForceLasso = ForceLasso, EstProlif = EstProlif,
#'                                     QuaThr = QuaThr, NonG0Cell = Steps[[1]]$NonG0Cell, DipPVThr = DipPVThr, MinProlCells = MinProlCells,
#'                                     PCACenter = PCACenter, PCAProjCenter = PCAProjCenter, PlotDebug = PlotDebug, PlotIntermediate = PlotIntermediate)
#'     i = i + 1
#'     if(length(UsedGenes[[i-1]])/length(UsedGenes[[i - 2]]) > SelThr1){
#'       CONVERGED <- TRUE
#'     }
#'   }
#'   StageIEnd <- i
#'   # Extend the geneset by including other genes that are closer to the original circle
#'   while(!CONVERGED2){
#'     TaxList <- Steps[[i-1]]$TaxonList[[length(Steps[[i-1]]$TaxonList)]]
#'     TaxVect <- rep(NA, nrow(Steps[[i-1]]$Data))
#'     names(TaxVect) <- rownames(Steps[[i-1]]$Data)
#'     lapply(1:length(TaxList), function(j){
#'       TaxVect[ TaxList[[j]] ] <<- j
#'     })
#'     SelGenes <- rownames(DataSet)
#'     GeneExprMat.DF <- data.frame(t(DataSet[SelGenes, ]))
#'     colnames(GeneExprMat.DF) <- rownames(DataSet[SelGenes, ])
#'     DoStuff <- function(TaxVect){
#'       # SelCell <- intersect(Steps[[1]]$NonG0Cell, names(TaxVect))
#'       SelCell <- names(TaxVect)
#'       GeneExprMat.DF.Split <- split(GeneExprMat.DF[SelCell, ], TaxVect[SelCell])
#'       GeneExprMat.DF.Split.Mean <- lapply(GeneExprMat.DF.Split, colMeans)
#'       GeneExprMat.DF.MeanRemoved <-
#'         lapply(as.list(1:length(GeneExprMat.DF.Split)), function(i){
#'           apply(GeneExprMat.DF.Split[[i]], 2, sd)/GeneExprMat.DF.Split.Mean[[i]]
#'         })
#'       GeneExprMat.DF.MeanRemoved.All <- NULL
#'       for(i in 1:length(GeneExprMat.DF.MeanRemoved)){
#'         GeneExprMat.DF.MeanRemoved.All <- rbind(GeneExprMat.DF.MeanRemoved.All, GeneExprMat.DF.MeanRemoved[[i]])
#'       }
#'       return(apply(abs(GeneExprMat.DF.MeanRemoved.All), 2, mean, na.rm = TRUE))
#'     }
#'     Base <- DoStuff(TaxVect)
#'     Base <- Base[is.finite(Base)]
#'     AddGenes <- Base[order(Base)[1:round(AddGenePerc*length(UsedGenes[[i-1]])/100)]]
#'     AddGenes <- AddGenes[AddGenes < Thr]
#'     UsedGenes[[i]] <- union(names(AddGenes), UsedGenes[[i-1]])
#'     length(setdiff(UsedGenes[[i - 1]], UsedGenes[[i]]))
#'     Steps[[i]] <- ProjectAndCompute(DataSet = DataSet, GeneSet = UsedGenes[[i]], VarThr = VarThr, nNodes = nNodes,
#'                                     Log = Log, Categories = Categories, Filter = Filter, OutThr = OutThr, PCAFilter = PCAFilter,
#'                                     OutThrPCA = OutThrPCA, GraphType = GraphType, PlanVarLimit = PlanVarLimit, PlanVarLimitIC = PlanVarLimitIC,
#'                                     MinBranDiff = MinBranDiff, InitStructNodes = InitStructNodes, ForceLasso = ForceLasso, EstProlif = EstProlif,
#'                                     QuaThr = QuaThr, NonG0Cell = Steps[[1]]$NonG0Cell, DipPVThr = DipPVThr, MinProlCells = MinProlCells,
#'                                     PCACenter = PCACenter, PCAProjCenter = PCAProjCenter, PlotDebug = PlotDebug, PlotIntermediate = PlotIntermediate)
#'     i = i + 1
#'     if(length(UsedGenes[[i-2]])/length(UsedGenes[[i-1]]) > SelThr2){
#'       CONVERGED2 <- TRUE
#'     }
#'   }
#'   plot(unlist(lapply(UsedGenes, length)))
#'   abline(v=StageIEnd-.5)
#'   abline(v=1.5)
#'   return(list(Genes = UsedGenes, PGStructs = Steps))
#' }
Albluca/rpgraph documentation built on May 5, 2019, 1:35 p.m.