
Defines functions validate_termkey split_termkey

Documented in split_termkey validate_termkey

#'  Determine if a termkey is valid
#'  For use with Indiana CHE \code{TermKey}s.
#'  Takes into account the change in reporting method in summer 2016.
#' @param termkey TermKey for record pulled from SQL database
#' @return either the valid termkey, or \code{NA_integer} is not a valid termkey
#' @export
#' @examples
#' validate_termkey(20081) # Valid, summer 2, 2007
#' validate_termkey(20082) # Valid, Fall 2007
#' validate_termkey(20083) # Valid, Spring 2008
#' validate_termkey(20084) # Valid, Summer 1, 2008
#' validate_termkey(20085) # Not Valid
#' validate_termkey(20181) # Not Valid
#' validate_termkey(20182) # Valid, Fall 2017
#' validate_termkey(20183) # Valid, Spring 2018
#' validate_termkey(20184) # Not Valid
#' validate_termkey(20185) # Valid, Trailing Summer 2018
validate_termkey <- function(termkey, allow_seasonkeys = FALSE){

  # get rid of any underscores put into the term key by pasting or `unite`ing.
  termkey <- gsub(pattern = "_", replacement = "", x = termkey)

  key_year <- suppressWarnings(as.integer(substr(termkey, 1, 4)))
  key_term <- suppressWarnings(as.integer(substr(termkey, 5, 5)))

  is_positive <- !(termkey %in% c(-2, -1))
  good_length <- nchar(termkey) == 5
  is_int_year <- !is.na(as.integer(key_year))
  is_int_term <- !is.na(as.integer(key_term))
  is_good_summer_new <- !(key_term %in% c(1, 4) & key_year >= 2017)
  is_good_summer_old <- !(key_term == 5 & key_year <= 2015)
  is_good_summer_2016 <- termkey != 20164
  key_term_valid <- key_term %in% 1:5

  is_termkey <- is_positive &
    good_length &
    is_int_year &
    is_int_term &
    is_good_summer_new &
    (allow_seasonkeys || is_good_summer_old) &
    is_good_summer_2016 &

  ret_termkey <- ifelse(is_termkey, as.integer(termkey), NA_integer_)

#' Split Termkey into important information
#' @param termkey
#' @return List:
#' academic_year,
#' term_season,
#' term_season_number,
#' termcode,
#' term_name,
#' fiscal_year
#' seasonkey
#' @export
#' @examples
#' split_termkey(20083)
#' split_termkey("20291")
split_termkey <- function(termkey){
  termkey <- validate_termkey(termkey = termkey, allow_seasonkeys = TRUE)
  key_year <- as.integer(substr(termkey, 1, 4))
  termcode <- as.integer(substr(termkey, 5, 5))

  academic_year <- ifelse(termcode == 1, key_year - 1L, key_year)
  academic_year <- ifelse(is.na(termkey), NA_integer_, academic_year)

  term_name <- dplyr::case_when(
    termcode == 1 ~ "Summer A",
    termcode == 2 ~ "Fall",
    termcode == 3 ~ "Spring",
    termcode == 4 ~ "Summer B",
    termcode == 5 ~ "Trailing Summer",
    is.na(termcode) ~ NA_character_

  term_season <- dplyr::case_when(
    termcode == 1 ~ "Summer",
    termcode == 2 ~ "Fall",
    termcode == 3 ~ "Spring",
    termcode == 4 ~ "Summer",
    termcode == 5 ~ "Summer",
    is.na(termcode) ~ NA_character_

  # I know it seems like I'm reinventing the wheel here, to get back to the
  # same term codes as we started with, but:
  # 1: I want a sanity check
  # 2: I want to be sure that the (old) summer terms are smooshing correctly
  term_season_number <- dplyr::case_when(
    term_season == "Fall" ~ 2L,
    term_season == "Spring" ~ 3L,
    term_season == "Summer" ~ 5L,
    is.na(term_season) ~ NA_integer_

  fiscal_year <- ifelse(termcode == 1 & key_year == 2016, NA_integer_, key_year)
  # In 2016 CHE stopped using the Summer AB distinction
  # across fiscal years. The 20161 term is the last of the AB distinctions
  fiscal_year <- ifelse(is.na(termkey), NA_integer_, fiscal_year)

  if (is.na(academic_year) || is.na(term_season_number)){
    seasonkey <- NA_integer_
  } else {
    seasonkey <- as.integer(paste0(academic_year, term_season_number))

  return_list <- list(
    academic_year = academic_year,
    term_season = term_season,
    term_season_number = term_season_number,
    termcode = termcode,
    term_name = term_name,
    fiscal_year = fiscal_year,
    seasonkey = seasonkey

AlexAxthelm/IndianaCHEmisc documentation built on May 5, 2019, 3:51 a.m.