knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)

Present BLUPs/breeding values

V_g <- read.table(file.path("..", "..", "CDBN_GxE_Analysis-1_Pheno-Ave",
             skip = 3, sep = "\t", row.names = 1)

colnames(V_g) <- rownames(V_g)
Vg <- as.matrix(V_g)

PHE <- list(quote(BM), quote(BR), quote(CB), quote(CM), quote(CT), quote(DF),
            quote(DM), quote(EV), quote(GH), quote(HB), quote(HI), quote(LG),
            quote(PH), quote(RR), quote(RU), quote(SA), quote(SF), quote(SW),
            quote(SY), quote(WM), quote(ZN))

i = 1
rrblupout <- readRDS(paste0("../data-raw/", PHE[[i]], "_BLUPs_kinship.rds"))

bluptable <- tibble(Phenotype = deparse(PHE[[i]]), V_g = rrblupout$Vg, 
                    V_e = rrblupout$Ve)

for(i in seq_along(PHE)[-1]){
  rrblupout <- readRDS(paste0("../data-raw/", PHE[[i]], "_BLUPs_kinship.rds"))
  bluptable <- add_row(bluptable, Phenotype = deparse(PHE[[i]]), 
                       V_g = rrblupout$Vg, V_e = rrblupout$Ve)

bluptable <- bluptable %>%
  mutate(h2 = V_g / (V_g + V_e))

Table: Phenotype: Used to get the BLUP solution for the genetic values, or breeding values Vg: REML estimate of the genetic variance Ve: REML estimate of the error variance h2: Narrow sense heritability, Vg / (Vg + Ve)

i = 1

rrblupout <- readRDS(paste0("../data-raw/", PHE[[i]], "_BLUPs_kinship.rds"))

bluprange <- max(rrblupout$g) - min(rrblupout$g)
ggplot(METG_Seq327) +
  geom_histogram(aes(x = !! sym(PHE[[i]])))

CIrow <- METG_Seq327 %>%
  summarise(lowCI = quantile(!! sym(PHE[[i]]), 0.025, na.rm = TRUE),
            upCI = quantile(!! sym(PHE[[i]]), 0.975, na.rm = TRUE),
            count = sum(!!! sym(PHE[[i]]))))
CItable <- tibble(Phenotype = deparse(PHE[[i]]), `lower bound` = CIrow$lowCI,
                  `upper bound` = CIrow$upCI, range = bluprange, count = CIrow$count)

for(i in seq_along(PHE)[-1]){
  rrblupout <- readRDS(paste0("../data-raw/", PHE[[i]], "_BLUPs_kinship.rds"))
  bluprange <- max(rrblupout$g) - min(rrblupout$g)
  CIrow <- METG_Seq327 %>%
  summarise(lowCI = quantile(!! sym(PHE[[i]]), 0.025, na.rm = TRUE),
            upCI = quantile(!! sym(PHE[[i]]), 0.975, na.rm = TRUE),
            count = sum(!!! sym(PHE[[i]]))))
  CItable <- add_row(CItable, Phenotype = deparse(PHE[[i]]), `lower bound` = CIrow$lowCI,
                  `upper bound` = CIrow$upCI, range = bluprange, count = CIrow$count)

blupstable <- bluptable %>% 

write_csv(blupstable, path = "BLUP_Descriptive_Statistics.csv")

blupstable <- blupstable %>%
  add_column(sigFDR = c(0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0))

wilcox.test(x = blupstable$count[blupstable$sigFDR == 0], y = blupstable$count[blupstable$sigFDR == 1], paired = FALSE, alternative = "l")
wilcox.test(x = blupstable$h2[blupstable$sigFDR == 0], y = blupstable$h2[blupstable$sigFDR == 1], paired = FALSE, alternative = "l")

Alice-MacQueen/CDBNgenomics documentation built on Aug. 18, 2020, 4:39 p.m.