
Defines functions rfe_sizes rfe_method rfe_model pam_model classification

Documented in classification

#' Multiclass classification
#' Run a multiclass classification algorithm on a given dataset and reference
#' class.
#' Some of the classification algorithms implemented use pre-defined values that
#' specify settings and options while others need to tune hyperparameters.
#' `"multinom"` and `"nnet"` use a maximum number of weights of 2000, in case
#' `data` is high dimensional and classification is time-consuming. `"nnet"`
#' also tunes the number of nodes (1-5) in the hidden layer. `"pam"` considers
#' 100 thresholds when training, and uses a uniform prior. `"adaboost"` calls
#' [maboost::maboost()] instead of [adabag::boosting()] for faster performance.
#' As a result, we use the `"entrop"` option, which uses the KL-divergence
#' method and mimics adaboost. However, `"adaboost_m1"` calls
#' [adabag::boosting()] which supports hyperparameter tuning.
#' When `alg = "knn"`, the return value is `NULL` because [class::knn()] does
#' not output an intermediate model object. The modelling and prediction is
#' performed in one step. However, the class attribute "knn" is still assigned
#' to the result in order to call the respective [prediction()] method. An
#' additional class "ova" is added if `ova = TRUE`.
#' @inheritParams splendid
#' @inheritSection splendid Algorithms
#' @param algorithms character string of algorithm to use for supervised
#'   learning. See \strong{Algorithms} section for possible options.
#' @param ova logical; if `TRUE`, use the One-Vs-All approach for the `knn`
#'   algorithm.
#' @param sizes the range of sizes of features to test RFE algorithm
#' @return The model object from running the classification `algorithm`
#' @author Derek Chiu
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(hgsc)
#' class <- attr(hgsc, "class.true")
#' classification(hgsc, class, "xgboost")
classification <- function(data, class, algorithms, rfe = FALSE, ova = FALSE,
                           standardize = FALSE,
                           sampling = c("none", "up", "down", "smote"),
                           seed_samp = NULL, sizes = NULL, trees = 100,
                           tune = FALSE, seed_alg = NULL, convert = FALSE) {
  algorithms <- match.arg(algorithms, ALG.NAME)
  # Process the data, allow subsampling on the training data
  sp <- splendid_process(data, class, algorithms, convert, standardize,
                         sampling, seed_samp)
  data <- sp[["data"]]
  class <- sp[["class"]]
    pam = pam_model(data, class, seed_alg),
    svm = rfe_model(data, class, "svm", rfe, sizes, tune, seed_alg = seed_alg),
    rf = rfe_model(data, class, "rf", rfe, sizes, tune, trees, seed_alg),
    lda = rfe_model(data, class, "lda", rfe, sizes, tune),
    slda = sda_model(data, class, "slda"),
    sdda = sda_model(data, class, "sdda"),
    mlr_glm = mlr_model(data, class, "mlr_glm"),
    mlr_lasso = cv_mlr_model(data, class, "mlr_lasso", seed_alg),
    mlr_ridge = cv_mlr_model(data, class, "mlr_ridge", seed_alg),
    mlr_enet = enet_model(data, class, seed_alg),
    mlr_nnet = mlr_model(data, class, "mlr_nnet"),
    nnet = nnet_model(data, class),
    nbayes = nbayes_model(data, class),
    adaboost = boost_model(data, class, "adaboost", trees, seed_alg),
    adaboost_m1 = rfe_model(data, class, "adaboost_m1", rfe, sizes,
                            tune, trees),
    xgboost = boost_model(data, class, "xgboost", seed_alg = seed_alg),
    knn = knn_model(class, "knn", ova)

#' pam model using uniform prior probabilities for class representation
#' optimal threshold delta is selected as largest threshold among those with the
#' smallest cross-validated error
#' @noRd
pam_model <- function(data, class, seed_alg = NULL) {
  if (!is.null(seed_alg)) set.seed(seed_alg)
  nc <- dplyr::n_distinct(class)
  pamr_data <- list(x = t(data), y = class)

  if (!requireNamespace("pamr", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("Package \"pamr\" is needed. Please install it.",
         call. = FALSE)
  } else {
    mod <- sink_output(pamr::pamr.train(
      data = pamr_data,
      n.threshold = 100,
      prior = rep(1 / nc, nc)
    mod_cv <- sink_output(pamr::pamr.cv(
      fit = mod,
      data = pamr_data,
      nfold = 5
    delta <-
      mod_cv$threshold[max(which(mod_cv$error == min(mod_cv$error)))]
    mod <- c(mod, delta = delta)
    class(mod) <- "pamrtrained"

#' RFE model
#' @noRd
rfe_model <- function(data, class, algorithms, rfe, sizes, tune, trees = NULL,
                      seed_alg = NULL) {
  method <- rfe_method(algorithms)
  sizes <- rfe_sizes(sizes, class)
  tune_args <- tibble::lst(class, method, trees, seed_alg)
  if (method == "AdaBoost.M1") names(data) <- make.names(names(data))
  if (rfe) {
    if (!requireNamespace("caret", quietly = TRUE)) {
      stop("Package \"caret\" is needed. Please install it.",
           call. = FALSE)
    } else {
      mod <- suppressWarnings(
          x = data,
          y = class,
          sizes = sizes,
          metric = "Accuracy",
          rfeControl = caret::rfeControl(method = "cv", number = 2),
          trControl = caret::trainControl(method = "none"),
          method = method,
          tuneGrid = param_grids(data, method, type = "default")
    data <- data[mod[["optVariables"]]]
  if (!is.null(seed_alg)) set.seed(seed_alg)
  if (tune) {
    suppressWarnings(rlang::exec(tune_model, !!!tune_args, data = data))
  } else {
      rf = {
        if (!requireNamespace("randomForest", quietly = TRUE)) {
          stop("Package \"randomForest\" is needed. Please install it.",
               call. = FALSE)
        } else {
          randomForest::randomForest(x = data, y = class)
      lda = {
        if (!requireNamespace("MASS", quietly = TRUE)) {
          stop("Package \"MASS\" is needed. Please install it.",
               call. = FALSE)
        } else {
          suppressWarnings(MASS::lda(x = data, grouping = class))
      svm = {
        if (!requireNamespace("e1071", quietly = TRUE)) {
          stop("Package \"e1071\" is needed. Please install it.",
               call. = FALSE)
        } else {
          e1071::svm(x = data, y = class, probability = TRUE)
      adaboost_m1 = {
        if (!requireNamespace("adabag", quietly = TRUE)) {
          stop("Package \"adabag\" is needed. Please install it.",
               call. = FALSE)
        } else {
          adabag::boosting(formula = class ~ .,
                           data = cbind(data, class),
                           mfinal = 3)

#' RFE methods
#' @noRd
rfe_method <- function(algorithms) {
    lda = "lda",
    rf = "rf",
    svm = "svmRadial",
    adaboost_m1 = "AdaBoost.M1"

#' RFE sizes by default are equal to every 25th integer up to one-half of the
#' smallest class size. If class sizes are too small, use size = 1
#' @noRd
rfe_sizes <- function(sizes, class) {
  sizes <- sizes %||% {
    class %>%
      table() %>%
      min() %>%
      magrittr::divide_by_int(2) %>%
      seq_len(.) %>%
      magrittr::extract(. %% 25 == 0)
  if (length(sizes) == 0) 1 else sizes

#' Hyperparameter search grids. A single set is used for type "default" whereas
#' combinations of values are used for type "range"
#' @noRd
param_grids <- function(data, method, type = c("default", "range")) {
  type <- match.arg(type)
    default = switch(
      lda = NULL,
      rf = data.frame(mtry = floor(sqrt(ncol(data)))),
      svmRadial = data.frame(sigma = mean(kernlab::sigest(as.matrix(data))[-2]),
                             C = 1),
      AdaBoost.M1 = data.frame(mfinal = 3, maxdepth = 5, coeflearn = "Breiman")
    range = switch(
      lda = NULL,
      rf = data.frame(mtry = (1:5) ^ 2),
      svmRadial = expand.grid(sigma = 1 / ncol(data) * 2 ^ (0:4),
                              C = 2 ^ (0:4)),
      AdaBoost.M1 = expand.grid(
        mfinal = 1:5,
        maxdepth = 1:5,
        coeflearn = c("Breiman", "Freund", "Zhu")

#' Tune models with pre-specified search grids for hyperparameters
#' @noRd
tune_model <- function(data, class, method, trees, seed_alg) {
  tune_grid <- param_grids(data, method, type = "range")
  if (is.null(seed_alg)) {
    seeds <- NA
  } else {
    seeds <- c(purrr::map(1:5, ~ sample(10 ^ 6, nrow(tune_grid))), seed_alg)
  tune_args <- list(
    x = data,
    y = class,
    method = method,
    metric = "Accuracy",
    trControl = caret::trainControl(
      method = "cv",
      number = 5,
      classProbs = TRUE,
      seeds = seeds
    tuneGrid = tune_grid
  if (is.null(trees)) {
    rlang::exec(caret::train, !!!tune_args)
  } else {
    rlang::exec(caret::train, !!!tune_args, ntree = trees)

#' sda model
#' @noRd
sda_model <- function(data, class, algorithms) {
  diagonal <- switch(algorithms, slda = FALSE, sdda = TRUE)
  if (!requireNamespace("sda", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("Package \"sda\" is needed. Please install it.",
         call. = FALSE)
  } else {
    sda::sda(as.matrix(data), class, diagonal = diagonal, verbose = FALSE)

#' Multinomial Logistic Regression
#' @noRd
mlr_model <- function(data, class, algorithms) {
         mlr_nnet = {
           if (!requireNamespace("nnet", quietly = TRUE)) {
             stop("Package \"nnet\" is needed. Please install it.",
                  call. = FALSE)
           } else {
             nnet::multinom(class ~ ., data, MaxNWts = 2000, trace = FALSE)
         mlr_glm = {
           if (!requireNamespace("glmnet", quietly = TRUE)) {
             stop("Package \"glmnet\" is needed. Please install it.",
                  call. = FALSE)
           } else {
                            lambda = 0,
                            family = "multinomial")

#' Cross-validated regularized MLR
#' @noRd
cv_mlr_model <- function(data, class, algorithms, seed_alg = NULL) {
  if (!is.null(seed_alg)) set.seed(seed_alg)
  alpha <- switch(algorithms, mlr_lasso = 1, mlr_ridge = 0)
  if (!requireNamespace("glmnet", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("Package \"glmnet\" is needed. Please install it.",
         call. = FALSE)
  } else {
    glmnet::cv.glmnet(as.matrix(data), class, alpha = alpha, family = "multinomial")

#' Elastic net model
#' @noRd
enet_model <- function(data, class, seed_alg = NULL) {
  if (!is.null(seed_alg)) set.seed(seed_alg)
  if (!requireNamespace("caret", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("Package \"caret\" is needed. Please install it.",
         call. = FALSE)
  } else {
      x = as.matrix(data),
      y = class,
      method = "glmnet",
      tuneLength = 10,
      trControl = caret::trainControl(
        method = "cv",
        number = 5,
        classProbs = TRUE

#' neural network model
#' @noRd
nnet_model <- function(data, class) {
  if (!"package:nnet" %in% search()) attachNamespace("nnet")
  if (!requireNamespace("e1071", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("Package \"e1071\" is needed. Please install it.",
         call. = FALSE)
  } else {
      class ~ .,
      data = cbind(data, class),
      size = seq_len(5),
      decay = seq(0, 0.5, length.out = 5),
      MaxNWts = 2000,
      tunecontrol = e1071::tune.control(sampling = "fix")

#' naive bayes model
#' @noRd
nbayes_model <- function(data, class) {
  if (!requireNamespace("e1071", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("Package \"e1071\" is needed. Please install it.",
         call. = FALSE)
  } else {
    e1071::naiveBayes(data, class)

#' boosting models
#' @noRd
boost_model <- function(data, class, algorithms, trees, seed_alg = NULL) {
  if (!is.null(seed_alg)) set.seed(seed_alg)
         adaboost = {
           if (!requireNamespace("maboost", quietly = TRUE)) {
             stop("Package \"maboost\" is needed. Please install it.",
                  call. = FALSE)
           } else {
               x = data,
               y = class,
               breg = "entrop",
               iter = trees,
               minsplit = 2
         xgboost = {
           if (!requireNamespace("xgboost", quietly = TRUE)) {
             stop("Package \"xgboost\" is needed. Please install it.",
                  call. = FALSE)
           } else {
               params = list(
                 "objective" = "multi:softprob",
                 "eval_metric" = "mlogloss",
                 "num_class" = nlevels(class)
               data = xgboost::xgb.DMatrix(data = as.matrix(data),
                                           label = as.integer(class) - 1),
               nrounds = 2

#' knn "dummy model" returns training class
#' @noRd
knn_model <- function(class, algorithms, ova) {
  if (ova) {
    structure(list(unique(class[class != "class_0"])),
              class = c(algorithms, "ova"))
  } else {
    structure(class, class = c(algorithms, "factor"))
AlineTalhouk/splendid documentation built on Feb. 23, 2024, 9:37 p.m.