Man pages for AllenInstitute/
scrattch File Input/Output Handling

annotate_catGenerate colors and ids for categorical annotations
annotate_factorGenerate colors and ids for categorical annotations that are...
annotate_numGenerate colors and ids for numeric annotations
auto_annotateAutomatically format an annotation file
build_featherWrite scrattch data to feather files
check_tome_existenceCheck if an object in a tome file exists
cl_to_annoConvert a cl factor object to an annotation data.frame
collapse_alongCumulatively collapse along a vector
create_descCreate a generic description file
feather_to_listRead a feather directory to a list of data.frames
flip_tableTranspose a gene x sample data.frame without losing a...
get_feather_dataRead data from a directory of feather files
group_annotationsGroup annotation columns
jagged_to_data.frameConvert a jagged list of gene counts to a data.frame
jagged_to_dgCMatrixConvert a jagged list of gene counts to a sparse, dgCMatrix
jagged_to_matrixConvert a jagged list of gene counts to a matrix
large_matrix_to_dgCMatrixConvert a large matrix object to a dgCMatrix
read_10x_dgCMatrixRead a whole sparse matrix directly from a 10X-style .h5 file
read_gene_data_hdf5Read Gene Expression Data from an HDF5 file
read_h5ad_dgCMatrixRead a whole sparse matrix directly from a .h5ad file
read_loom_annoRead Loom sample annotations
read_loom_dgCMatrixRead a Loom matrix as a dgCMatrix
read_loom_projectionsRead Loom projections
read_shelf_gene_dataRead gene data across a set of tomes that share the same...
read_shelf_sample_dataRead sample data across a set of tomes that share the same...
read_tome_annoRead annotations table from a tome file
read_tome_anno_descRead annotation descriptions table from a tome file
read_tome_data_dimsGet dims for data stored in a tome file.
read_tome_data.frameRead a data.frame from a tome file
read_tome_dendRead dendrogram object from a tome file
read_tome_dend_descRead dendrogram descriptions table from a tome file
read_tome_dgCMatrixRead a whole sparse matrix directly from a tome file
read_tome_exon_lengthsGet exon lengths from a tome file
read_tome_gene_dataRead Gene Expression Data from a tome file
read_tome_gene_metaRead gene metadata table from a tome file
read_tome_gene_meta_descRead gene metadata descriptions table from a tome file
read_tome_gene_namesGet all gene names in a tome file
read_tome_genes_jaggedRead tome gene count data as a jagged list
read_tome_intron_lengthsGet intron lengths from a tome file
read_tome_mappingRead mapping table from a tome file
read_tome_mapping_descRead mapping descriptions table from a tome file
read_tome_projectionRead projection coordinates table from a tome file
read_tome_projection_descRead projection descriptions table from a tome file
read_tome_sample_dataRead Sample Expression Data from a tome file
read_tome_sample_namesGet all sample names in a tome file
read_tome_samples_jaggedRead tome sample count data as a jagged list
read_tome_serializedRead a serialized object from a tome file
read_tome_statsRead stats table from a tome file
read_tome_stats_descRead stats descriptions table from a tome file
read_tome_total_countsGet total per-gene counts from a tome-file.
read_tome_vectorRead a vector from a tome (or other HDF5 object)
save_sparse_matrix_h5Save a dgCMatrix to HDF5 format
set_scrattch.io_global_overwriteSet global overwrite parameter
set_scrattch.io_global_verbositySet global verbosity parameter
values_to_colorsConvert values to colors along a color ramp
varibowGenerate a rainbow palette with variation in saturation and...
write_dgCMatrix_csvWrite a dgCMatrix to CSV in reasonable chunks
write_dgCMatrix_h5Write a dgCMatrix to an h5 file similar to cellRanger format
write_tome_annoWrite an annotations table to a tome file.
write_tome_anno_descWrite annotation desc table to a tome file.
write_tome_dataSave a both exon and intron counts to an HDF5 file (tome)
write_tome_data.frameGeneralized write for data.frames to a tome file
write_tome_dendWrite a dendrogram object as serialized ASCII to a tome file.
write_tome_dend_descWrite a dend descriptions table to a tome file.
write_tome_dgCMatrixGeneralized write for dgCMatrix objects to a tome file
write_tome_exon_lengthsWrite exon lengths to a tome file.
write_tome_gene_metaWrite gene info table to a tome file.
write_tome_gene_meta_descWrite a gene metadata descriptions table to a tome file.
write_tome_groupGenerate a new group in a tome file
write_tome_intron_lengthsWrite intron lengths to a tome file.
write_tome_mappingWrite a mapping frequencies table to a tome file.
write_tome_projectionWrite projection coordinates (e.g. tSNE or PCA) to a tome...
write_tome_projection_descWrite a projection descriptions table to a tome file.
write_tome_serializedGeneralized write for individual serialized objects to a tome...
write_tome_sifter_statsCaculate default stats for sifter and then write to tome
write_tome_statsWrite a stats table (e.g. median expression per cluster) to a...
write_tome_stats_descWrite a stats descriptions table to a tome file.
write_tome_vectorGeneralized write for individual vector objects to a tome...
AllenInstitute/ documentation built on Nov. 17, 2021, 10:06 a.m.