
#'  Variance of sample mean of functional of reversible Markov chain using methods of Geyer (1992).
#' @description Calculate Geyer (1992) NSE estimator.
#' @details  The type "iseq" is a wrapper around \link[mcmc]{initseq} from the MCMC package and gives the positive intial sequence estimator.
#'  The type "bm" is the batch mean estimator.
#'  The type "obm" is the overlapping batch mean estimator.
#'  The type "iseq.bm" is a combinaison of the two.
#' @param x A numeric vector or a matrix(only for type "bm").
#' @param type The type c("iseq","bm","obm","iseq.bm").
#' @param nbatch An optional parameter for the type m and iseq.bm.
#' @param iseq.type constraints on function, ("pos") nonnegative, ("dec") nonnegative and nonincreasing, and ("con") nonnegative, nonincreasing, and convex. The default value is "pos".
#' @import mcmc
#' @references Geyer, Charles J. "Practical markov chain monte carlo." Statistical Science (1992): 473-483.
#' @return  The variance estimator in the univariate case or the variance-covariance matrix estimator in the multivariate case.
#' @examples
#'n = 1000
#'ar = c(0.9,0.6)
#'mean = c(1,5)
#'sd = c(10,2)
#'Ts1 = as.vector(arima.sim(n = n, list(ar = ar[1]), sd = sd[1]) + mean[1])
#'Ts2 = as.vector(arima.sim(n = n, list(ar = ar[2]), sd = sd[2]) + mean[2])
#'Ts = cbind(Ts1,Ts2)
#'nbatch = 30
#'nse::nse.geyer(x = Ts1, nbatch = nbatch, type =  "bm",)
#'nse::nse.geyer(x = Ts, nbatch = nbatch , type =  "bm")
#'nse::nse.geyer(x = Ts1 , type = "iseq", iseq.type = "pos")
#'nse::nse.geyer(x = Ts1, nbatch = nbatch, type = "iseq.bm", iseq.type = "con")
nse.geyer <- function(x, type, nbatch = 30, iseq.type = "pos") {
  if(is.vector(x)) {
    x = matrix(x,ncol = 1)
  size = dim(x)[1]
  if(type == "iseq") {
    if(iseq.type == "pos"){
      var.iseq = mcmc::initseq(x = x)$var.pos
    } else if(iseq.type == "dec"){
      var.iseq = mcmc::initseq(x = x)$var.dec
    } else if(iseq.type == "con"){
      var.iseq = mcmc::initseq(x = x)$var.con
    } else{
      stop("Invalid iseq.type : must be one of c('pos','dec','con')")
    iseq = var.iseq / size # Intial sqequence Geyer (1992)
    out = iseq
  } else if(type == "bm"){
    ncol = dim(x)[2]
    x = as.data.frame(x)
    batch = matrix(unlist(lapply(split(x, ceiling(seq_along(x[,1]) / (size / nbatch))), FUN = function(x) colMeans(x))),ncol = ncol,byrow = TRUE)
    out   = var(x = batch) / (nbatch -1)
    if (is.matrix(out) && dim(out) == c(1,1)) {
    out = as.vector(out)
  } else if(type == "obm"){
    out = as.vector(mcmcse::mcse(x, method = "obm")$se^2)
  } else if(type == "iseq.bm"){

    batch  = unlist(lapply(split(x, ceiling(seq_along(x) / (size / nbatch))), FUN = mean))
    if(iseq.type == "pos"){
      var.iseq = mcmc::initseq(batch)$var.pos
    } else if(iseq.type == "dec"){
      var.iseq = mcmc::initseq(x = batch)$var.dec
    } else if(iseq.type == "con"){
      var.iseq = mcmc::initseq(x = batch)$var.con
    } else{
      stop("Invalid iseq.type : must be one of c('pos','dec','con')")
    iseq.bm = var.iseq / nbatch
    out = iseq.bm
  } else {
    stop("Invalid type : must be of type c('iseq','bm','iseq.bm')")
  out = unname(out)

#' The spectral density at zero.
#' @description Calculate the variance of the mean with the spectrum at zero estimator.
#' @details  This is a wrapper around \link[coda]{spectrum0.ar} from the CODA package, \link[sapa]{SDF} from the sapa package, \link[psd]{psdcore} from the PSD package and \link[mcmcse]{mcse}from the mcmcse package.
#' @param x  A numeric vector.
#' @param method  A character string denoting the method to use in estimating the spectral density function
#' @param prewhite Prewhite the serie before analysis
#' @param max.length maximum sample size for aggregation
#' @return The variance estimator.
#' @references Plummer, Martyn, et al. "CODA: Convergence diagnosis and output analysis for MCMC." R news 6.1 (2006): 7-11.
#' @references D.B. Percival and A. Walden "Spectral Analysis for Physical Applications: Multitaper and Conventional Univariate Techniques". Cambridge University Press (1993).
#' @references Barbour, A. J. and R. L. Parker (2014), "psd: Adaptive, sine multitaper power spectral density estimation for R", Computers & Geosciences Volume 63 February 2014 : 1-8
#' @references James M. Flegal, John Hughes and Dootika Vats. (17-08-2015). mcmcse: Monte Carlo Standard Errors for MCMC. R package version 1.1-2. Riverside, CA and Minneapolis, MN.
#' @import coda sapa psd mcmcse
#' @examples 
#'n = 1000
#'ar = c(0.9)
#'mean = c(1)
#'sd = c(10)
#'Ts1 = as.vector(arima.sim(n = n, list(ar = ar), sd = sd) + mean)
#'nse::nse.spec0(x = Ts1, method = "AR", prewhite = FALSE)
nse.spec0 <- function(x, method = c('AR','bartlett','wosa','tukey'), prewhite = FALSE, max.length = 200) {
  scale = 1
    x = matrix(x,ncol = 1)
  if (!is.null(max.length) && nrow(x) > max.length) {
    batch.size <- ceiling(nrow(x)/max.length)
    x <- aggregate(ts(x, frequency=batch.size), nfreq = 1, FUN=mean)
  else {
    batch.size <- 1
  size = dim(x)[1]
  if (prewhite == TRUE){
    ar.model = psd::prewhiten(as.vector(x), AR.max = 1,plot = FALSE)
    x = ar.model$prew_ar
    scale = 1/(1-ar.model$ardfit$ar)^2
    if (length(scale)==0) {scale = 1}
  if(method == "AR"){
    spec0 = coda::spectrum0.ar(x)$spec
  }else if(method == "wosa") {
    spec0 = sapa::SDF(x, method="wosa", single.sided = TRUE)[1]
  }else if(method == "tukey") {
    return(as.vector((mcmcse::mcse(x, method = "tukey")$se)^2)*scale)
  }else if(method == "bartlett") {
    return(as.vector((mcmcse::mcse(x, method = "bartlett")$se)^2)*scale)
    stop("Invalid spec.type : must be one of c('AR','bartlett','wosa','tukey')")
  spec0 = spec0*scale
  out = spec0/size
  out = unname(out)
#' Newey-West NSE estimators.
#' @description Calculate the variance of the mean with the Newey West (1987, 1994) HAC estimator.
#' @description This is a wrapper around \link[sandwich]{lrvar} from the sandwich package.
#' @param x      A numeric vector or matrix.
#' @param prewhite  A bool indicating if the time-serie will be prewhitened before analysis.
#' @return The variance estimator in the univariate case or the variance-covariance matrix estimator in the multivariate case.
#' @references Andrews, Donald WK. "Heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation consistent covariance matrix estimation." Econometrica: Journal of the Econometric Society 59.03 (1991): 817-858.
#' @references Newey, Whitney K., and Kenneth D. West. "A simple, positive semi-definite, heteroskedasticity and autocorrelationconsistent covariance matrix.", Econometrica: Journal of the Econometric Society 55.03 (1987) : 703-708.
#' @references Newey, Whitney K., and Kenneth D. West. "Automatic lag selection in covariance matrix estimation." The Review of Economic Studies 61.4 (1994): 631-653.
#' @references Zeileis, Achim. "Econometric computing with HC and HAC covariance matrix estimators." (2004).
#' @import sandwich
#' @examples 
#'n = 1000
#'ar = c(0.9,0.6)
#'mean = c(1,5)
#'sd = c(10,2)
#'Ts1 = as.vector(arima.sim(n = n, list(ar = ar[1]), sd = sd[1]) + mean[1])
#'Ts2 = as.vector(arima.sim(n = n, list(ar = ar[2]), sd = sd[2]) + mean[2])
#'Ts = cbind(Ts1,Ts2)
#'nse::nse.nw(x = Ts1)
#'nse::nse.nw(x = Ts)
#'nse::nse.nw(x = Ts1, prewhite = TRUE)
#'nse::nse.nw(x = Ts, prewhite = TRUE)
nse.nw <- function(x,prewhite = FALSE) {
  out = sandwich::lrvar(x = x, type = "Newey-West", prewhite = prewhite, adjust = TRUE)
  out = unname(out)

#' Andrews NSE estimators.
#' @description Calculate the variance of the mean with the kernel based variance estimator indtroduced by Andrews (1991).
#' @details  This is a wrapper around \link[sandwich]{lrvar} from the sandwich package and use Andrews (1991) automatic bandwidth estimator.
#' @param x       A numeric vector or matrix.
#' @param prewhite  A bool indicating if the time-serie will be prewhitened before analysis.
#' @param type  The type of kernel used c("Bartlett","Parzen","Quadratic Spectral","Truncated","Tukey-Hanning").
#' @return The variance estimator in the univariate case or the variance-covariance matrix estimator in the multivariate case.
#' @references Zeileis, Achim. "Econometric computing with HC and HAC covariance matrix estimators." (2004).
#' @references Andrews, Donald WK. "Heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation consistent covariance matrix estimation." Econometrica: Journal of the Econometric Society 59.03 (1991): 817-858.
#' @references Newey, Whitney K., and Kenneth D. West. "A simple, positive semi-definite, heteroskedasticity and autocorrelationconsistent covariance matrix.", Econometrica: Journal of the Econometric Society 55.03 (1987) : 703-708.
#' @import sandwich
#' @examples 
#'n = 1000
#'ar = c(0.9,0.6)
#'mean = c(1,5)
#'sd = c(10,2)
#'Ts1 = as.vector(arima.sim(n = n, list(ar = ar[1]), sd = sd[1]) + mean[1])
#'Ts2 = as.vector(arima.sim(n = n, list(ar = ar[2]), sd = sd[2]) + mean[2])
#'Ts = cbind(Ts1,Ts2)
#'nse::nse.andrews(x = Ts1, type = "Bartlett")
#'nse::nse.andrews(x = Ts, type = "Bartlett")
#'nse::nse.andrews(x = Ts1, prewhite = TRUE, type = "Bartlett")
#'nse::nse.andrews(x = Ts, prewhite = TRUE, type = "Bartlett")
#'nse::nse.andrews(x = Ts1, type = "Parzen")
#'nse::nse.andrews(x = Ts, type = "Parzen")
#'nse::nse.andrews(x = Ts1, prewhite = TRUE, type = "Parzen")
#'nse::nse.andrews(x = Ts, prewhite = TRUE, type = "Parzen")
#'nse::nse.andrews(x = Ts1, type = "Quadratic Spectral")
#'nse::nse.andrews(x = Ts, type = "Quadratic Spectral")
#'nse::nse.andrews(x = Ts1, prewhite = TRUE, type = "Quadratic Spectral")
#'nse::nse.andrews(x = Ts, prewhite = TRUE, type = "Quadratic Spectral")
#'nse::nse.andrews(x = Ts, type = "Truncated")
#'nse::nse.andrews(x = Ts1, prewhite = TRUE, type = "Truncated")
#'nse::nse.andrews(x = Ts, prewhite = TRUE, type = "Truncated")
#'nse::nse.andrews(x = Ts1, type = "Tukey-Hanning")
#'nse::nse.andrews(x = Ts, type = "Tukey-Hanning")
#'nse::nse.andrews(x = Ts1, prewhite = TRUE, type = "Tukey-Hanning")
#'nse::nse.andrews(x = Ts, prewhite = TRUE, type = "Tukey-Hanning")
nse.andrews <- function(x, prewhite = FALSE, type = "Bartlett") {
  out = sandwich::lrvar(x = x, type = "Andrews", prewhite = prewhite, adjust = TRUE, kernel = type)
  out = unname(out)

#' Hirukawa NSE estimators.  
#' @description Calculate the variance of the mean with the kernel based variance estimator by Andrews (1991) using Hirukawa (2010) automatic bandwidth estimator.
#' @details This is a wrapper around \link[sandwich]{lrvar} from the sandwich package and use Hirukawa (2010) automatic bandwidth estimator.
#' @param x      A numeric vector.
#' @param prewhite A bool indicating if the time-serie will be prewhitened before analysis.
#' @param type The type of kernel used c("Bartlett","Parzen").
#' @references Zeileis, Achim. "Econometric computing with HC and HAC covariance matrix estimators." (2004).
#' @references Andrews, Donald WK. "Heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation consistent covariance matrix estimation." Econometrica: Journal of the Econometric Society 59.03 (1991): 817-858.
#' @references Hirukawa, Masayuki. "A two-stage plug-in bandwidth selection and its implementation for covariance estimation." Econometric Theory 26.03 (2010): 710-743.
#' @import sandwich
#' @return The variance estimator.
#' @examples
#'n = 1000
#'ar = c(0.9)
#'mean = c(1)
#'sd = c(10)
#'Ts1 = as.vector(arima.sim(n = n, list(ar = ar), sd = sd) + mean)
#'nse::nse.hiruk(x = Ts1, type = "Bartlett")
#'nse::nse.hiruk(x = Ts1, prewhite = TRUE, type = "Bartlett")
#'nse::nse.hiruk(x = Ts1, type = "Parzen")
#'nse::nse.hiruk(x = Ts1, prewhite = TRUE, type = "Parzen")
nse.hiruk <- function(x, prewhite = FALSE, type = "Bartlett") {
  bandwidth = f.hiruk.bandwidth.solve(x, kernel = type, prewhite = prewhite)
  out = sandwich::lrvar(x = x, type = "Andrews", prewhite = prewhite, adjust = TRUE, kernel = type, bw = bandwidth)
  out = unname(out)

#' Bootstrap NSE estimators. 
#' @description Calculate the variance of the mean with a bootstrap variance estimator.
#' @details  Use the automatic blocksize in \link[np]{b.star} from th np package which is based on Politis and White (2004) and Patton and al (2009). 
#' Two bootstrap schemes are available; The stationary bootstrap of Politis and Romano  (1994)
#' and the circular bootstrap of Politis and Romano (1992).
#' @param x       A numeric vector or a matrix.
#' @param nb   The number of bootstrap replication.
#' @param type    The bootstrap schemes c("stationary","circular").
#' @return The variance estimator in the univariate case or the variance-covariance matrix estimator in the multivariate case.
#' @references Politis, Dimitris N., and Joseph P. Romano. "A circular block-resampling procedure for stationary data." Exploring the limits of bootstrap (1992): 263-270.
#' @references Politis, Dimitris N., and Halbert White. "Automatic block-length selection for the dependent bootstrap." Econometric Reviews 23.1 (2004): 53-70.
#' @references Patton, Andrew, Dimitris N. Politis, and Halbert White. "Correction to "Automatic block-length selection for the dependent bootstrap" by D. Politis and H. White." Econometric Reviews 28.4 (2009): 372-375.
#' @references Politis, Dimitris N., and Joseph P. Romano. "The stationary bootstrap." Journal of the American Statistical association 89.428 (1994): 1303-1313.
#' @references Hayfield, Tristen, and Jeffrey S. Racine. "Nonparametric econometrics: The np package." Journal of statistical software 27.5 (2008): 1-32.
#' @import np Rcpp
#' @examples  
#'n = 1000
#'ar = c(0.9,0.6)
#'mean = c(1,5)
#'sd = c(10,2)
#'nb = 100
#'Ts1 = as.vector(arima.sim(n = n, list(ar = ar[1]), sd = sd[1]) + mean[1])
#'Ts2 = as.vector(arima.sim(n = n, list(ar = ar[2]), sd = sd[2]) + mean[2])
#'Ts = cbind(Ts1,Ts2)
#'nse::nse.boot(x = Ts1, nb =  nb, type = "stationary")
#'nse::nse.boot(x = Ts, nb =  nb, type = "stationary")
#'nse::nse.boot(x = Ts1, nb =  nb, type = "circular")
#'nse::nse.boot(x = Ts, nb =  nb, type = "circular")
nse.boot <- function(x, nb, type = "stationary" ){
  blockSize = np::b.star(data = x, round = TRUE)
  if(type == "stationary"){
    blockSize = blockSize[1,1]
  } else if(type == "circular"){
    blockSize = blockSize[1,2]
  out = var(f.bootstrap(x = x, nb = nb, statistic = colMeans, b = blockSize, type = type)$statistic)
  if (is.matrix(out) && dim(out) == c(1,1)) {
    out = as.vector(out)
  out = unname(out)
AmurG/nse documentation built on May 5, 2019, 4:56 a.m.