
Defines functions predictUnivariate

Documented in predictUnivariate

#' Predict univariate result for BKMR-DLM
#' @param object An object of class bkmrdlm.
#' @param points Number of points to predict at
#' @param crossM Exposure to set a cross section quantile for
#' @param qtl quantile for the cross section
#' @param return_post Logical indicating if the full posterior should be returned or only the summary. The default is FALSE. 
#' @param center Indicator of the form of centering. A value of 1 does no centering and the exposure-response function includes an intercept and uncertainty about the intercept. A value of 2 centers the exposure-response to be zero at mean weighted exposure A value results in a mean zero exposure response and remove uncertainty about the intercept. The default is center=3.
#' @return a dataframe containing predicted values.
#' @export

predictUnivariate <- function(object,points =20, crossM, qtl=0.5, return_post=FALSE, center=3){
  # setup
  M <- length(object$x)
  n <- length(object$y)
  n_iter <- nrow(object$beta)
  # rescale to divide by number of data times and rho
  # this is theta_star
  weights <- list()
  weightsums <- matrix(NA,n_iter,M)
  gridpoints <- matrix(NA,points,M)
  for(m in 1:M){
    weights[[m]] <- object$theta[[m]] %*% t(object$basis[[m]]$psi) / sqrt(nrow(object$basis[[m]]$psi)) /sqrt(object$rho[,m])
    weightsums[,m] <- rowSums(weights[[m]]) #user this for multiplying by a constant quantile.
    allpoints <- object$x[[m]] %*% t(object$theta[[m]] %*% t(object$basis[[m]]$psi) / sqrt(nrow(object$basis[[m]]$psi)))
    gridpoints[,m] <- sort(c(0,seq(quantile(allpoints,(1)/(points)),quantile(allpoints,(points-1)/(points)), length=points-1)))
  Xthetastar <- matrix(NA,n,M)
  Xthetastar_new <- matrix(NA,points,M)
  I_tau2_Kold <- matrix(NA,n,n)
  hmean <- hvar <- matrix(0,points,M)
  h_all <- array(0,dim=c(n_iter,points,M))
  for(s in 1:n_iter){
    # if(s%%100 == 0){message(s)}
    # resid
    r <- (object$y-object$z%*%object$beta[s,]) 
    # weighted exposures for data used to fit the model
    for(m in 1:M){
      Xthetastar[,m] <- object$x[[m]] %*% weights[[m]][s,]
    # kernel for old data
    I_tau2_Kold <- matrix(NA,n,n)
    if(is.null(object$call$gaussian) || object$call$gaussian){
      for(i in 1:n){
        I_tau2_Kold[i,] <- object$tau2[s]*exp(-rowSums(t(t(Xthetastar)-Xthetastar[i,]))^2)
      for(i in 1:n){
        I_tau2_Kold[i,] <- object$tau2[s]*(1+ Xthetastar%*%Xthetastar[i,] )^2
    # add I to Kernel and invert this is (I-tau^2*K_old)^{-1}
    diag(I_tau2_Kold) <- diag(I_tau2_Kold) +1
    I_tau2_Kold_inv <- chol2inv(chol(I_tau2_Kold))
    # make kernel for new data and between new and old data.
    for(m in 1:M){
      tau2_Knew    <- matrix(NA,points,points)
      tau2_Knewold <- matrix(NA,points,n)
      # Xthetastar_new has all exposures at the median level.
      for(l in 1:M){
        Xthetastar_new[,l] <- median(object$x[[l]]) * weightsums[s,l]
      # replace one exposure (crossM) with exposures at the designated quantiles
      # Don't do this if predicting the exposure response for exposure crossM.
          Xthetastar_new[,crossM] <- quantile(object$x[[crossM]],qtl) * weightsums[s,crossM]
      # replace the exposure of interest with spaced quantiles.
      Xthetastar_new[,m] <- gridpoints[,m] /sqrt(object$rho[s,m])
      # kernels for new data and covariance kernel
      tau2_Koldnew <- matrix(NA,points,n)
      tau2_Knew <- matrix(NA,points,points)
      if(is.null(object$call$gaussian) || object$call$gaussian){
        for(i in 1:points){
          tau2_Knew[i,] <- object$tau2[s]*exp(-rowSums(t(t(Xthetastar_new)-Xthetastar_new[i,]))^2)
          tau2_Koldnew[i,] <- object$tau2[s]*exp(-rowSums(t(t(Xthetastar)-Xthetastar_new[i,]))^2)
        for(i in 1:points){
          tau2_Knew[i,] <- object$tau2[s]*(1+Xthetastar_new%*%Xthetastar_new[i,])^2
          tau2_Koldnew[i,] <- object$tau2[s]*(1+Xthetastar%*%Xthetastar_new[i,])^2
      # predict
      temp <- tau2_Koldnew%*%I_tau2_Kold_inv
      h <- temp %*% r
        # center on 0
        h <- h - h[which(gridpoints[,m]==0)[1]]
      }else if(center==3){
        # mean zero
        h <- h - mean(h)
      h_all[s,,m] <- h
    } # end M loop
  }  # end S loop
    fits <- NULL
    for(m in 1:M){
      temp <- 
        data.frame(m = m,
                   name = names(object$x)[m],
                   mean = colMeans(h_all[,,m]),
                   sd = apply(h_all[,,m],2,sd),
                   E = ((gridpoints[,m] * sum(object$basis[[m]]$psi%*%colMeans(object$theta[[m]])))
                        )/sd(object$x[[m]]%*%object$basis[[m]]$psi%*%colMeans(object$theta[[m]])), #scale according to exposure.
                   lower = apply(h_all[,,m],2, quantile, 0.025),
                   upper = apply(h_all[,,m],2, quantile, 0.975)
      fits <- rbind(fits,temp)
      fits$cross_m <- crossM
      fits$cross <- names(object$x)[crossM]
      fits$qtl <- qtl
AnderWilson/regimes documentation built on Aug. 5, 2023, 8:30 a.m.