siarproportionbygroupplot <-
function (siardata, siarversion = 0, probs = c(95, 75, 50), xlabels = NULL,
grp = NULL, type = "boxes", clr = gray((9:1)/10), scl = 1,
xspc = 0.5, prn = FALSE, leg = FALSE)
if (siardata$SHOULDRUN == FALSE && siardata$GRAPHSONLY ==
cat("You must load in some data first (via option 1) in order to use \n")
cat("this feature of the program. \n")
cat("Press <Enter> to continue")
if (length(siardata$output) == 0) {
cat("No output found - check that you have run the SIAR model. \n \n")
cat("Plot of proportions by group \n")
cat("Producing plot..... \n \n")
groupnames <- as.character(1:siardata$numgroups)
if (is.null(grp)) {
cat("Enter the group number you wish to plot \n")
cat("The choices are:\n")
title <- "The available options are:"
choose2 <- menu(groupnames)
else {
choose2 <- grp
groupseq <- seq(1, siardata$numsources, by = 1)
shift <- siardata$numsources + siardata$numiso
usepars <- siardata$output[, ((choose2-1)*(shift) + 1) : ((choose2-1)*(shift) + shift - siardata$numiso)]
if (siardata$TITLE != "SIAR data") {
plot(1, 1, xlab = "Source", ylab = "Proportion", main = paste(siardata$TITLE,
" by group: ", groupnames[choose2], sep = ""),
xlim = c(min(groupseq) - xspc, max(groupseq) + xspc),
ylim = c(0, 1), type = "n", xaxt = "n")
if (is.null(xlabels)) {
axis(side = 1, at = min(groupseq):max(groupseq),
labels = (as.character(siardata$sources[,1])))
else {
axis(side = 1, at = min(groupseq):max(groupseq),
labels = (xlabels))
else {
plot(1, 1, xlab = "Source", ylab = "Proportion", main = paste("Proportions by group: ",
groupnames[choose2], sep = ""), xlim = c(min(groupseq) -
xspc, max(groupseq) + xspc), ylim = c(0, 1), type = "n",
xaxt = "n")
if (is.null(xlabels)) {
axis(side = 1, at = min(groupseq):max(groupseq),
labels = (as.character(siardata$sources[,1])))
else {
axis(side = 1, at = min(groupseq):max(groupseq),
labels = (xlabels))
if (siarversion > 0)
mtext(paste("siar v", siarversion), side = 1, line = 4,
adj = 1, cex = 0.6)
clrs <- rep(clr, 5)
for (j in 1:ncol(usepars)) {
temp <- hdr(usepars[, j], probs, h = bw.nrd0(usepars[,
line_widths <- seq(2, 20, by = 4) * scl
bwd <- c(0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.25, 0.3) * scl
if (prn == TRUE) {
cat(paste("Probability values for Group", j, "\n"))
for (k in 1:length(probs)) {
temp2 <- temp[k, ]
if (type == "boxes") {
polygon(c(groupseq[j] - bwd[k], groupseq[j] -
bwd[k], groupseq[j] + bwd[k], groupseq[j] +
bwd[k]), c(max(min(temp2[!]), 0),
min(max(temp2[!]), 1), min(max(temp2[!]),
1), max(min(temp2[!]), 0)), col = clrs[k])
if (type == "lines") {
lines(c(groupseq[j], groupseq[j]), c(max(min(temp2[!]),
0), min(max(temp2[!]), 1)), lwd = line_widths[k],
lend = 2)
if (prn == TRUE) {
cat(paste("\t", row.names(temp)[k], "% lower =", format(max(min(temp2[!]),
0), digits = 2, scientific = FALSE), "upper =",
format(min(max(temp2[!]), 1), digits = 2,
scientific = FALSE), "\n"))
if (leg == TRUE) {
if (type == "lines") {
legnames <- character(length = length(probs))
for (i in 1:length(probs)) {
legnames[i] <- paste(probs[i], "%", sep = "")
legend(mean(c(min(groupseq), max(groupseq))), 1.02,
legend = legnames, lwd = c(2, 6, 10), ncol = length(probs),
xjust = 0.5, text.width = strwidth(legnames)/2,
bty = "n")
if (type == "boxes") {
print("Legends not yet supported for box style graph. Use type=lines with leg=TRUE instead.")
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