
Defines functions loadIsotopeData

Documented in loadIsotopeData

#' Extract and load stable isotope data for selected consumers from a data frame
#' This function extracts only selected consumers/species with their respective
#' baseline(s) and returns an isotopeData class object (or list). It is useful
#' when there are a lot of information in a data frame and you want to calculate
#' trophic position only for selected consumers in one or more communities.
#' @param df data frame containing raw isotope data with at least one grouping
#'   column.
#' @param consumer string or character vector indicating which consumer/species
#'   will be extracted.
#' @param consumersColumn string of the column where species/consumer(s) are
#'   grouped.
#' @param group string or character vector indicating which group(s)
#'   will be extracted.
#' @param groupsColumn string of the column where groups/communities are
#' grouped.
#' @param b1 string or character vector indicating which baseline(s) will be
#'   extracted as baseline 1.
#' @param b2 string or character vector indicating which baseline(s) will be
#'   extracted as baseline 2.
#' @param baselineColumn string of the column where baselines are grouped.
#' @param d13C string indicating from which column extract d13C isotope values.
#' @param d15N string indicating from which column extract d15N isotope values.
#' @param deltaC vector of values with trophic discrimination factor for carbon.
#'   If NULL it will use Post's assumptions (56 values with 3.4 mean +- 0.98
#'   sd).
#' @param deltaN vector of values with trophic discrimination factor for
#'   nitrogen. If NULL it will use Post's assumptions (107 values with 0.39 mean
#'   +- 1.3 sd).
#' @param seed numerical value to get reproducible results with trophic
#'   discrimination factors (because they are simulated each time this function
#'   is called). By default, is 3.
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to this function.
#' @return an isotopeData class object if one consumer and one group are
#'   selected. A list of isotopeData class objects if more than one consumer or
#'   more than one group are selected.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data("Bilagay")
#' head(Bilagay)
#' loadIsotopeData(df = Bilagay, consumer = "Bilagay", consumersColumn = "FG",
#' group = c("CHI", "COL"), groupsColumn = "Location",
#' b1 = "Benthic_BL", b2 = "Pelagic_BL", baselineColumn = "FG")

loadIsotopeData <- function(df = NULL,
                            consumer = NULL,
                            group = NULL,
                            b1 = "Baseline 1", b2 = NULL,
                            baselineColumn = "FG",
                            consumersColumn = "FG",
                            groupsColumn = NULL,
                            d13C = "d13C", d15N = "d15N",
                            deltaC = NULL, deltaN = NULL,
                            seed = 666,
                            ...) {

  arguments <- list(...) #might be names(as.list(match.call())[-1])

  if("species" %in% names(arguments)){
    consumer <- list(...)$species
    message(strwrap("The Argument 'species' was maintained for compatibility
                    tRophicPosition =< 0.7.5. Avoid to use it in the future and
                    use 'consumersColumn' instead. Check the help for more

  if (is.null(consumer)) stop("consumer can not be NULL")
  if (is.null(consumersColumn)) stop("consumersColumn can not be NULL")

  if("communityColumn" %in% names(arguments)){
    groupsColumn <- list(...)$communityColumn
    message("The Argument 'communityColumn' was maintained for compatibility
            with tRophicPosition =< 0.7.5. Avoid to use it in the future and
            use 'groupsColumn' instead. Check the help for more details.")

  for (column in c(baselineColumn, consumersColumn, groupsColumn,
                   d13C, d15N))
    if(!(column %in% names(df)))
      stop(paste0("The column ", column,
                  " is not present in your data frame"))

  getValues <- function(df, item, column)
    df[df[,column] %in% item,]

  new_df <- data.frame(df[0,])

  if(!is.null(group) & !is.null(groupsColumn)) {
    for (site in group){
      site_subset <- getValues(df, site, groupsColumn)

      consumer_subset <- getValues(site_subset, consumer, consumersColumn)

      if (nrow(consumer_subset) == 0) next
      else new_df <- rbind(new_df, consumer_subset)
      new_df <- rbind(new_df, getValues(site_subset, b1, baselineColumn))

      if (!is.null(b2)) new_df <- rbind(new_df, getValues(site_subset, b2,

  } else {
    for (sp in consumer) {
      consumer_subset <- getValues(df, sp, consumersColumn)

      if (nrow(consumer_subset) == 0) next
      else new_df <- rbind(new_df, consumer_subset)
      new_df <- rbind(new_df, getValues(df, b1, baselineColumn))

      if (!is.null(b2)) new_df <- rbind(new_df, getValues(df, b2,

  isotopes <- extractIsotopeData(new_df, b1 = b1, b2 = b2,
                                 baselineColumn = baselineColumn,
                                 consumersColumn = consumersColumn,
                                 groupsColumn = groupsColumn,
                                 deltaC = deltaC, deltaN = deltaN,
                                 d13C = d13C, d15N = d15N,
                                 seed = seed)

  if(length(isotopes) == 1) return(isotopes[[1]])

  else return(isotopes)

AndrewLJackson/tRophicPosition documentation built on Jan. 2, 2023, 12:14 p.m.