
#andy south 10/9/15
#based on emergence instead of carrying capacity



#global list to hold results
tstep <- 0
l_time <- NULL

#read config files into a list, this is the old carrying capacity driven one
#later could offer option to read different one
l_config <- resistanceGame::read_config(in_folder=system.file("extdata","config_no_control", package="resistanceGame"))

shinyServer(function(input, output) {
  #to set up data storage etc. for the simulation
  startSim <- function(){
    tstep <<- 0
    #l_time <<- init_sim(num_tsteps=input$tsteps_to_run, l_config=l_config)
    l_time <<- NULL    
  # advance one timestep  ##########################
  runApply <- reactive({
    #cat("in runApply button=",input$aButtonRun,"\n")
    #add dependency on the button
    if ( input$aButtonRun == 0 ) 

    #isolate reactivity of other objects
      #remember global assignment <<-
      #tstep <<- tstep + 1
      #tstep now incremented after simulation run
      #i could get runs to restart when they get to num_tsteps ?
      #or could I extend the dF and allow it to go on indefinitely
#       if (tstep >= nrow(dF))
#       {
#         dF <<- rbind(dF,dF[1,]) #copy row 1 on end
#         dF[nrow(dF),] <<- NA #set to NA just in case
#         num_tsteps <<- num_tsteps+1 #increment
#       }

      #cat(input$controls_used," length:",length(input$controls_used),"\n")
      # set config file control_plan from inputs
      #first just set start & stop to the whole time
      # tryting to get it to work when no control
      if (length(input$controls_used)==0)
        l_config$control_plan <<- l_config$control_plan[0,]
        l_config <<- config_plan(l_config, control_id = input$controls_used, t_strt = 1, t_stop = input$tsteps_to_run )
      ## increment vector populations
      ## based on insecticide used and resistance
      if (is.null(l_time))
        pop <- input$pop_start
        resist_freq <- input$resist_start
      } else
        pop <- l_time[[tstep]]$pop
        resist_freq <- l_time[[tstep]]$resist
      l_time_this <<- run_sim( l_config=l_config, 
                          survival = input$survival,
                          emergence = input$emergence,
                          insecticide_kill = input$insecticide_kill,
                          resistance_modifier = input$resistance_modifier,
                          resist_incr = input$resist_incr,
                          resist_decr = input$resist_decr,
                          randomness = 0 )
      #concatenate new time series onto existing
      #l_time <<- c(l_time, l_time_this)
      #miss off first time step of the new one, otherwise this is a repeat of last tstep of previous
      l_time <<- c(l_time, l_time_this[-1])
      #set tstep to the last one in the current run  
      #this is -1 to miss repeated tstep (last tstep of one run is same as first tstep of next)
      tstep <<- tstep -1 + input$tsteps_to_run
      #cat("tstep:",tstep," length(l_time):",length(l_time),"\n")
    }) #end isolate   
  }) #end of runApply
  # run simulation  ##########################
  restart <- reactive({
    #cat("in restart button=",input$aButtonRestart,"\n")
    #add dependency on the button
    if ( input$aButtonRestart > 0 ) 
  }) #end of restart
  # plot #####################
  output$plot1 <- renderPlot({
    #check if restart has been pressed
    #check if apply has been pressed
    #cat("in plot1 tstep=",tstep,"\n")
    #isolate reactivity of other objects

      if ( tstep == 0 ) {
        mtext("press the advance... button on the left to start the simulation")

      #put this plotting into a package function
      #so that it can be called from elsewhere, e.g. to plot scenarios in a document
      #initially just get function to accept the dataframe with use_*, pop & resist_pyr
    }) #end isolate   
  }) #end plot1
  ## show config files ###############
  ## SUPERCEDED by the table methods below 
  #output$show_config_files <- renderText({ 
  output$show_config_files <- renderPrint({ 
    print("The relationships between vectors, controls and resistance mechanisms are specified in simple 
          configuration files. Here is a simple example of a collection of such configuration files :/n")
    places <- read.csv( system.file('extdata','config1','places.csv', package='resistanceGame'))
    vectors <- read.csv( system.file('extdata','config1','vectors.csv', package='resistanceGame'))
    controls <- read.csv( system.file('extdata','config1','controls.csv', package='resistanceGame'))
    resistances <- read.csv( system.file('extdata','config1','resistances.csv', package='resistanceGame'))

  }) #end show_config_files    

  ## table of places from config files ###############  
  output$table_places <- renderTable({
    places <- read.csv( system.file('extdata','config1','places.csv', package='resistanceGame'))
  ## table of vectors from config files ###############  
  output$table_vectors <- renderTable({
    vectors <- read.csv( system.file('extdata','config1','vectors.csv', package='resistanceGame'))
  ## table of controls from config files ###############  
  output$table_controls <- renderTable({
    controls <- read.csv( system.file('extdata','config1','controls.csv', package='resistanceGame'))
  ## table of resistances from config files ###############  
  output$table_resistances <- renderTable({
    resistances <- read.csv( system.file('extdata','config1','resistances.csv', package='resistanceGame'))
  ## text about the simulation equations ###############
  output$about <- renderText({ 
    print("This simple simulation could go on in the background of the game, game players could be provided selected information, e.g. with added randomness.

Within the game equation parameters could be altered based on game play e.g. : 
dry season : low emergence and/or low survival
rain events : increased emergence or survival
'better' insecticides : increased insecticide kill rate
poor insecticide application : decreased insecticide kill rate, increased resistance change rate.

These are the simple equations that drive the simulation.


  kill <- insecticide_kill * (resist_freq ^ (1/resistance_modifier) )   
  surviving_adults <- N[t] * survival * kill
  N[t+1] <- emergence + surviving_adults

Where N[t] is population now, and N[t+1] is population in the next time step.

The equations for the change in resistance are even simpler.

If an insecticide prompting resistance is present :

B) resistance[t+1] = resistance[t] + resist_incr * (1 - resistance[t])

If no insecticide prompting resistance :

C) resistance[t+1] = resistance[t]  * (1 - resist_decr)

These simply make resistance go up towards a plateau when the insecticide is present and down towards 0 when it is absent.")
  }) #end about

  # controls checkboxes for UI ###############
  output$checkboxGroupControls <- renderUI({   
    #checkboxGroupInput(inputId, label, choices, selected = NULL, inline = FALSE)
    # if wanted just one at a time (i.e. no mixtures) change to radioButtons
    choices <- l_config$controls$control_id
    #or could use names, but as they are optional could leave blank
    #choices <- l_config$controls$control_name
#     checkboxGroupInput("controls_used", 
#                        label = "Controls : tick boxes to turn on & off",
#                        choices = choices,
#                        selected = choices[1]) #to select first box as default

                       label = "Controls : tick boxes to turn on & off",
                       choices = choices,
                       selected = choices[1]) #to select first box as default        
    #I guess I get at selections by :
    #input$controls_used #which should be a named list

AndySouth/resistanceGame documentation built on May 5, 2019, 6:01 a.m.