Man pages for AntonelliLab/gaius
Divide and Conquer Phylogenetic Supermatrices and Supertrees in R

alignGenerate alignments from sequences
alignmentExample alignment
alignment_listExample alignment_list
alignment_readRead in sequence alignment(s)
dot-alignment_readRead alignments
dot-sequences_writeWrite sequences
drop_tipsDrop tips from a supermatrix
format_guessGuess the sequence file format
gaiusgaius: Divide and conquer phylogenetic super -matrices and...
gapmatrix_getGenerate a gaps matrix
msar_wrapperVisualise sequences
nms_from_fastaRead tip labels from sequence file
parametersSet and get parameters
partition_fileGenerate partition file for RAxML
phyloGenerate phylogenies from supermatrices
sequences_filterFilter sequecnes from alignments
sequences_selectSelect sequences from alignments
sequences_writeWrite sequences to file
supermatricesExample supermatrices
supermatrices_getCreate supermatrices from list of alignments and groups...
supermatrixExample supermatrix
supermatrix_getConvert list of alignments into a supermatrix
supertreeCreate supertree
vizVisualise an alignment or supermatrix
AntonelliLab/gaius documentation built on June 17, 2020, 8:07 a.m.