#' Run R unit tests
#' Uses the `{testhat}` package to run all unit tests in `tests/testthat` directory.
#' @return None. This function is called for side effects.
#' @examples
#' if (interactive()) {
#' # Run all unit tests in the `tests/testthat` directory.
#' test_r()
#' }
#' @export
test_r <- function() {
testthat::test_dir(fs::path("tests", "testthat"))
lint_dir <- function(path) {
if (interactive()) {
message(cli::format_inline("Linting {.file {path}}"), appendLF = FALSE)
lints <- lintr::lint_dir(path)
# Return lints with full relative paths, e.g. `app/main.R` instead of just `main.R`.
for (i in seq_along(lints)) {
lints[[i]]$filename <- fs::path(path, lints[[i]]$filename)
lint_file <- function(path) {
if (interactive()) {
message(cli::format_inline("Linting {.file {path}}"))
lints <- lintr::lint(path)
# Use the actual path provided by the user (typically relative) to make results more readable.
# (`lintr::lint()` normalizes paths, e.g. `app/main.R` becomes a full absolute path.)
for (i in seq_along(lints)) {
lints[[i]]$filename <- path
lint_path <- function(path) {
# Check if path is a directory or a file such that nothing happens when the path is invalid.
if (fs::is_dir(path)) {
} else if (fs::is_file(path)) {
} else {
cli::cli_abort("Unexpected invalid path: {.file {path}}.")
check_paths <- function(paths) {
readable <- fs::file_access(paths, mode = "read")
if (any(!readable)) {
"Cannot lint an invalid path.",
i = "Please check that {.arg paths} contain only valid paths.",
i = "The following path{?s} cannot be read: {.file {paths[!readable]}}."
call = NULL
# nolint start: line_length_linter
#' Lint R
#' Uses the `{lintr}` package to check all R sources in the `app` and `tests/testthat` directories
#' for style errors.
#' The linter rules can be [adjusted](https://lintr.r-lib.org/articles/lintr.html#configuring-linters)
#' in the `.lintr` file.
#' You can set the maximum number of accepted style errors
#' with the `legacy_max_lint_r_errors` option in `rhino.yml`.
#' This can be useful when inheriting legacy code with multiple styling issues.
#' The [box.linters::namespaced_function_calls()] linter requires the `{treesitter}` and
#' `{treesitter.r}` packages. These require R >= 4.3.0. `lint_r()` will continue to run and skip
#' `namespaced_function_calls()` if its dependencies are not available.
#' @param paths Character vector of directories and files to lint.
#' When `NULL` (the default), check `app` and `tests/testthat` directories.
#' @return None. This function is called for side effects.
#' @export
# nolint end
lint_r <- function(paths = NULL) {
if (!box.linters::is_treesitter_installed()) {
"!" = paste(
"`box.linters::namespaced_function_calls()` requires {{treesitter}} and {{treesitter.r}}",
"to be installed."
"i" = "`lintr_r()` will continue to run using the other linter functions."
if (is.null(paths)) {
paths <- c("app", "tests/testthat")
max_errors <- read_config()$legacy_max_lint_r_errors
if (is.null(max_errors)) max_errors <- 0
lints <- do.call(c, lapply(paths, lint_path))
# Applying `c()` removes the `lints` class which is responsible for pretty-printing.
class(lints) <- "lints"
errors <- length(lints)
if (errors == 0) {
cli::cli_alert_success("No style errors found.")
} else {
message <- c(
"Found {errors} style error{?s}.",
i = if (max_errors > 0) "At most {max_errors} error{?s} allowed."
if (errors <= max_errors) {
} else {
cli::cli_abort(message, call = NULL)
rhino_style <- function() {
styler::tidyverse_style(math_token_spacing = styler::specify_math_token_spacing(zero = "'/'"))
#' Format R
#' Uses the `{styler}` and `{box.linters}` packages to automatically format R sources. As with
#' `styler`, carefully examine the results after running this function.
#' The code is formatted according to the `styler::tidyverse_style` guide with one adjustment:
#' spacing around math operators is not modified to avoid conflicts with `box::use()` statements.
#' If available, `box::use()` calls are reformatted by styling functions provided by
#' `{box.linters}`. These include:
#' * Separating `box::use()` calls for packages and local modules
#' * Alphabetically sorting packages, modules, and functions.
#' * Adding trailing commas
#' `box.linters::style_*` functions require the `treesitter` and `treesitter.r` packages. These, in
#' turn, require R >= 4.3.0. `format_r()` will continue to operate without these but will not
#' perform `box::use()` call styling.
#' For more information on `box::use()` call styling please refer to the `{box.linters}` styling
#' functions
#' [documentation](https://appsilon.github.io/box.linters/reference/style_box_use_text.html).
#' @param paths Character vector of files and directories to format.
#' @param exclude_files Character vector with regular expressions of files that should be excluded
#' from styling.
#' @return None. This function is called for side effects.
#' @examples
#' if (interactive()) {
#' # Format a single file.
#' format_r("app/main.R")
#' # Format all files in a directory.
#' format_r("app/view")
#' }
#' @export
format_r <- function(paths, exclude_files = NULL) {
style_box_use <- box.linters::style_box_use_dir
if (!box.linters::is_treesitter_installed()) {
style_box_use <- function(path, exclude_files) { }
"x" = "The packages {{treesitter}} and {{treesitter.r}} are required by `box::use()` styling features of `format_r()`.", #nolint
"i" = "These package require R version >= 4.3.0 to install."
for (path in paths) {
if (fs::is_dir(path)) {
style_box_use(path, exclude_files = exclude_files)
styler::style_dir(path, style = rhino_style, exclude_files = exclude_files)
} else {
style_box_use(path, exclude_files = exclude_files)
styler::style_file(path, style = rhino_style)
#' Build JavaScript
#' Builds the `app/js/index.js` file into `app/static/js/app.min.js`.
#' The code is transformed and bundled
#' using [Babel](https://babeljs.io) and [webpack](https://webpack.js.org),
#' so the latest JavaScript features can be used
#' (including ECMAScript 2015 aka ES6 and newer standards).
#' Requires Node.js to be available on the system.
#' Functions/objects defined in the global scope do not automatically become `window` properties,
#' so the following JS code:
#' ```js
#' function sayHello() { alert('Hello!'); }
#' ```
#' won't work as expected if used in R like this:
#' ```r
#' tags$button("Hello!", onclick = 'sayHello()');
#' ```
#' Instead you should explicitly export functions:
#' ```js
#' export function sayHello() { alert('Hello!'); }
#' ```
#' and access them via the global `App` object:
#' ```r
#' tags$button("Hello!", onclick = "App.sayHello()")
#' ```
#' @param watch Keep the process running and rebuilding JS whenever source files change.
#' @return None. This function is called for side effects.
#' @examples
#' if (interactive()) {
#' # Build the `app/js/index.js` file into `app/static/js/app.min.js`.
#' build_js()
#' }
#' @export
build_js <- function(watch = FALSE) {
if (watch) {
npm("run", "build-js", "--", "--watch", status_ok = 2)
} else {
npm("run", "build-js")
# nolint start: line_length_linter
#' Lint JavaScript
#' Runs [ESLint](https://eslint.org) on the JavaScript sources in the `app/js` directory.
#' Requires Node.js to be available on the system.
#' If your JS code uses global objects defined by other JS libraries or R packages,
#' you'll need to let the linter know or it will complain about undefined objects.
#' For example, the `{leaflet}` package defines a global object `L`.
#' To access it without raising linter errors, add `/* global L */` comment in your JS code.
#' You don't need to define `Shiny` and `$` as these global variables are defined by default.
#' If you find a particular ESLint error inapplicable to your code,
#' you can disable a specific rule for the next line of code with a comment like:
#' ```js
#' // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax
#' ```
#' See the [ESLint documentation](https://eslint.org/docs/user-guide/configuring/rules#using-configuration-comments-1)
#' for full details.
#' @param fix Automatically fix problems.
#' @return None. This function is called for side effects.
#' @examples
#' if (interactive()) {
#' # Lint the JavaScript sources in the `app/js` directory.
#' lint_js()
#' }
#' @export
# nolint end
lint_js <- function(fix = FALSE) {
if (fix) {
npm("run", "lint-js", "--", "--fix")
} else {
npm("run", "lint-js")
#' Format JavaScript
#' Runs [prettier](https://prettier.io/) on JavaScript files in `app/js` directory.
#' Requires Node.js installed.
#' You can prevent prettier from formatting a given chunk of your code by adding a special comment:
#' ```js
#' // prettier-ignore
#' ```
#' Read more about [ignoring code](https://prettier.io/docs/en/ignore).
#' @param fix If `TRUE`, fixes formatting. If FALSE, reports formatting errors without fixing them.
#' @return None. This function is called for side effects.
#' @export
format_js <- function(fix = TRUE) {
if (fix) {
npm("run", "format-js", "--", "--write")
} else {
npm("run", "format-js", "--", "--check")
#' Build Sass
#' Builds the `app/styles/main.scss` file into `app/static/css/app.min.css`.
#' The build method can be configured using the `sass` option in `rhino.yml`:
#' 1. `node`: Use [Dart Sass](https://sass-lang.com/dart-sass)
#' (requires Node.js to be available on the system).
#' 2. `r`: Use the `{sass}` R package.
#' It is recommended to use Dart Sass which is the primary,
#' actively developed implementation of Sass.
#' On systems without Node.js you can use the `{sass}` R package as a fallback.
#' It is not advised however, as it uses the deprecated
#' [LibSass](https://sass-lang.com/blog/libsass-is-deprecated) implementation.
#' @param watch Keep the process running and rebuilding Sass whenever source files change.
#' Only supported for `sass: node` configuration in `rhino.yml`.
#' @return None. This function is called for side effects.
#' @examples
#' if (interactive()) {
#' # Build the `app/styles/main.scss` file into `app/static/css/app.min.css`.
#' build_sass()
#' }
#' @export
build_sass <- function(watch = FALSE) {
config <- read_config()$sass
if (config == "custom") {
"Using 'custom' configuration for 'sass'. Exiting without doing anything."
if (config == "node") {
build_sass_node(watch = watch),
error = function(error) {
error$message, error$body,
i = "If you can't use Node.js, try using sass: 'r' configuration."
} else if (config == "r") {
if (watch) {
cli::cli_alert_warning("The {.arg watch} argument is only supported when using Node.")
build_sass_node <- function(watch = FALSE) {
if (watch) {
npm("run", "build-sass", "--", "--watch", status_ok = 2)
} else {
npm("run", "build-sass")
build_sass_r <- function() {
output_dir <- fs::path("app", "static", "css")
input = sass::sass_file(fs::path("app", "styles", "main.scss")),
output = fs::path(output_dir, "app.min.css"),
cache = FALSE,
options = sass::sass_options(output_style = "compressed")
#' Lint Sass
#' Runs [Stylelint](https://stylelint.io/) on the Sass sources in the `app/styles` directory.
#' Requires Node.js to be available on the system.
#' @param fix Automatically fix problems.
#' @return None. This function is called for side effects.
#' @examples
#' if (interactive()) {
#' # Lint the Sass sources in the `app/styles` directory.
#' lint_sass()
#' }
#' @export
lint_sass <- function(fix = FALSE) {
if (fix) {
npm("run", "lint-sass", "--", "--fix")
} else {
npm("run", "lint-sass")
#' Format Sass
#' Runs [prettier](https://prettier.io/) on Sass (.scss) files in `app/styles` directory.
#' Requires Node.js installed.
#' You can prevent prettier from formatting a given chunk of your code by adding a special comment:
#' ```scss
#' // prettier-ignore
#' ```
#' Read more about [ignoring code](https://prettier.io/docs/en/ignore).
#' @param fix If `TRUE`, fixes formatting. If FALSE, reports formatting errors without fixing them.
#' @return None. This function is called for side effects.
#' @export
format_sass <- function(fix = TRUE) {
if (fix) {
npm("run", "format-sass", "--", "--write")
} else {
npm("run", "format-sass", "--", "--check")
#' Run Cypress end-to-end tests
#' Uses [Cypress](https://www.cypress.io/) to run end-to-end tests
#' defined in the `tests/cypress` directory.
#' Requires Node.js to be available on the system.
#' Check out:
# nolint start: line_length_linter
#' [Tutorial: Write end-to-end tests with Cypress](https://appsilon.github.io/rhino/articles/tutorial/write-end-to-end-tests-with-cypress.html)
# nolint end
#' to learn how to write end-to-end tests for your Rhino app.
#' If you want to write end-to-end tests with `{shinytest2}`, see our
#' [How-to: Use shinytest2](https://appsilon.github.io/rhino/articles/how-to/use-shinytest2.html)
#' guide.
#' @param interactive Should Cypress be run in the interactive mode?
#' @return None. This function is called for side effects.
#' @examples
#' if (interactive()) {
#' # Run the end-to-end tests in the `tests/cypress` directory.
#' test_e2e()
#' }
#' @export
test_e2e <- function(interactive = FALSE) {
if (interactive) {
npm("run", "test-e2e-interactive")
} else {
npm("run", "test-e2e")
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.