

##### wc2-5
# get the data from world climate
getData("worldclim", var = "bio", res = 2.5, path = "data-raw/climate_variable")

paste0("data-raw/climate_variable/wc2-5/", c("bio4\\.*", "bio15\\.*"))

files <- unlist(sapply(c("bio4", "bio15"), function(x) dir("data-raw/climate_variable/wc2-5", x, full.names = T),
  simplify = F
use.names = F

zip("data-raw/climate_variable/", files = files, flags = "-rj9X")

###### Not working now because the server is down
### get the data CWD
download.file("", destfile = "data-raw/climate_variable/")

###### Not working now because the server is down
### get the data E
download.file("", destfile = "data-raw/climate_variable/")
ArthurPERE/biomass documentation built on May 18, 2019, 2:33 a.m.