
##################This function determines the regression model, according to the values of dependent and#######################
####independent variables, its labels, the typeofresult (mean is default), order and method. (tau required if quantile)#########
#####entire informatios of models are returned, like the model itself and uncertainties associated with each coefficient########
RegModel <-function(Results, allcandidates,datatuning,typeofresult,order,method,tau,weights){

  y <- numeric(ncol(Results))
  if (typeofresult=="mean") y <- apply(Results,FUN=mean,na.rm=TRUE,MARGIN=2)
  else {
           ranks <- matrix(ncol=ncol(Results),nrow=nrow(Results))
           for(i in 1:nrow(Results)) ranks[i,] <- rank(Results[i,])
           if (typeofresult=="sumrankings") y <- colSums(ranks)
           else y <- apply(ranks,FUN=mean, na.rm=TRUE,MARGIN=2)
  variables <- ncol(allcandidates)-1
  dataformodel <- matrix(ncol=variables+2,nrow=ncol(Results))
  dataformodel[,2:ncol(dataformodel)] <- allcandidates[,1:(ncol(allcandidates))]
  #scaling the independent variables in a [0,1] scale
  dataformodel[,2:(ncol(dataformodel)-1)] <- NormalizeData(dataformodel[,2:(ncol(dataformodel)-1)],direction="cols")

  columns <- c(c(as.character(datatuning$name)),"Id")
  dataformodel <-as.data.frame(dataformodel)
  if ((method!="lasso") & (method!="ridge"))  {
    if (method=="ols") expr <- "lm(dataformodel$y~poly("
      else if (method=="irls") expr <- "rlm(dataformodel$y~poly("
       else if (method=="quant")  expr <- "rq(dataformodel$y~poly("
  stringaux <- ""
  for (i in 2:(ncol(dataformodel)-1)){
    stringaux <- paste0(stringaux,"dataformodel$",collapse=NULL)
    stringaux <- paste0(stringaux,as.character(colnames(dataformodel)[i]),collapse=NULL)
    stringaux <- paste0(stringaux,",",collapse=NULL)
  expr <- paste0(expr,stringaux,collapse=NULL)
  expr <- paste0(expr,"degree=")
  expr <- paste0(expr,as.character(order),collapse=NULL)
  expr <- paste0(expr,",raw=TRUE)",collapse=NULL)  
  #if (method=="ols") {
  #  if (!is.na(weights[1])) expr <- paste0(expr,",weights=weights") 
  #  expr <- paste0(expr,")",collapse=NULL)
    if (method=="quant") {
            expr <- paste0(expr,",tau=",collapse=NULL)
            expr <- paste0(expr,tau,collapse=NULL)
  if (!is.na(weights[1])) expr <- paste0(expr,",weights=weights") 
  expr <- paste0(expr,")",collapse=NULL)
        # else {
        #   expr <- paste0(expr,",raw=TRUE),method=\"MM\",maxit=",collapse=NULL)
        #   maxit <- niterirls
        #   expr <- paste0(expr,as.character(maxit),collapse=NULL)
        #   expr <- paste0(expr,")",collapse=NULL)
        # }
  else {      
    termsreg <- Termsregression(c(as.character(datatuning$name)),order)
    if (method=="lasso") alpha <- 1 else alpha <- 0
    regridgelasso <- cv.hqreg(X,dataformodel$y,alpha=alpha)   ###performs cross-validation for elastic-net penalized Huber loss regression 
                                                              ###and quantile regression (Humber loss is default) over a sequence of 
                                                              ###lambda values and find an optimal lambda
    print("Non-zero and zero coefficients: ")
    if (length(which(coefsridgelasso[2:length(coefsridgelasso)]==0))==(length(coefsridgelasso)-1)) return(list(NA))
    ################call to the function that return the uncertainty associated to the ridge/lasso regression####################
    modelridgelasso <- Buildmodelridgelasso(dataformodel,coefsridgelasso,termsreg,10)
  if ((method!= "lasso") & (method!="ridge")) {
  else return(modelridgelasso)

  ##an explicit second-order regression. I used this to verify if the use of "polym" function for second-order regression works, comparing their results (they are the same)
  #r<- lm(as.formula("dataformodel$y ~ dataformodel$Mutation + dataformodel$Crossover + dataformodel$Selection +
  #                  + dataformodel$Mutation*dataformodel$Crossover + dataformodel$Mutation*dataformodel$Selection + dataformodel$Crossover*dataformodel$Selection +
  #                  I(dataformodel$Mutation^2) + I(dataformodel$Crossover^2) + I(dataformodel$Selection^2)"))

###########This function is an auxiliar function called by RegModel. In the case of ridge and lasso regression, the uncertainty of ##########
###########ridge/lasso models are obtained generating a number "t" of new ridge/lasso models, each one generated by removing#################
###########one observation of the data. The uncertainties of the coefficients of original ridge/lasso model are based on the ################
############################variances of the coefficients obtained for these "t" new ridge/lasso models######################################
Buildmodelridgelasso <- function(dataformodel,coefsridgelasso,termsreg,nobsout){
  if (coefsridgelasso[1]==0) { 
    k<- 1 
    intercept <- 0
  else {
    k<-2 ##if intercept==0 the first term is a regression-term, else if the intercept
    intercept <- coefsridgelasso[1]
  coefsout <- which((coefsridgelasso)==0)   
  if (length(coefsout)>0) coefsridgelasso <- coefsridgelasso[-coefsout]
  validterms <- list()
  l <- 1
  for(j in 1:length(termsreg)){
    for(i in 1:nrow(termsreg[[j]])) {
          if (!(is.element(k,coefsout))) {
               validterms[[l]] <- as.matrix(t(termsreg[[j]][i,]))
               l <- l + 1
          k <- k + 1 
  obsout <- sample.int(nrow(dataformodel),nobsout)
  matcoefs <- matrix(ncol=length(coefsridgelasso), nrow=(nobsout))
  matcoefs[1,] <- coefsridgelasso
  for(i in 2:nobsout){
    X1 <- Buildridgelasso(dataformodel, validterms)
    X1 <- X1[-obsout[i],]
    y  <- dataformodel$y[-obsout[i]]
    hqreg <- hqreg(as.matrix(X1),y,nlambda=2,lambda=c(0,0))
    for (j in 1:nrow(hqreg$beta)) matcoefs[i,j] <- mean(hqreg$beta[j,])
  sdcoefs <- apply(matcoefs,FUN=sd,MARGIN=2)
  confintcoefs <- matrix(ncol=length(coefsridgelasso),nrow=2)
  confintcoefs[1,] <- coefsridgelasso-(sdcoefs/sqrt(nobsout))
  confintcoefs[2,] <- coefsridgelasso+(sdcoefs/sqrt(nobsout))
  # print("Original Coefficients:")
  # print(coefsridgelasso)
  # print("Standard Errors using cross-validation:")
  # print(sdcoefs)
  # print("Confidence Interval using cross-validation:")
  # print(confintcoefs)
  #print("Non-zero coefficients:")

###########This function generated perturbed models, based on the coefficient values of the original model and their uncertainties##########
GenerateModels <-function(model,k,method){
  if (is.element(method,c("ols","quant","irls"))) {
       models <- model
       models <- replicate(n = k, expr = models, simplify = F)
       if (is.matrix(models[[1]])){
             for(i in 2:k){
                     for(j in 1:nrow(models[[i]]))
                           models[[i]][j,1] <-runif(1,(models[[1]][j,1]-models[[1]][j,2]),(models[[1]][j,1]+models[[1]][j,2]))
                     models[[i]] <- models[[i]][,1:1]
             models[[1]] <- models[[1]][,1:1]
       else {
         for(i in 2:k){
             models[[i]][1] <-runif(1,(models[[1]][1]-models[[1]][2]),(models[[1]][1]+models[[1]][2]))
           models[[i]] <- models[[i]][1:1]
         models[[1]] <- models[[1]][1:1]
  else {
    confint <- model[[1]]
    valuescoefs <- numeric(ncol(confint))
    models <- list(0)
    models[[1]] <- model[[2]]
    for(i in 2:k){
      for(j in 1:ncol(confint)) valuescoefs[j] <- runif(1,confint[1,j],confint[2,j])
      models[[i]] <- valuescoefs


########This function eliminates non-valid coefficients of ols, quant and IRLS models, based on informations about their significance#######
PruneModel <- function(model,method){
  if (is.element(method,c("ols","quant"))){
       pvalues <- model$coefficients[,"Pr(>|t|)"]
       pvalues <- which(pvalues<0.05)
       termsvalid <- rownames(model$coefficients)[pvalues]
       validmodel <- model$coefficients[(model$coefficients[,"Pr(>|t|)"]<0.05),]
    else {
      tvalues <- model$coefficients[,"t value"]
      tvalues <- which(tvalues>=2.09)
      termsvalid <- rownames(model$coefficients)[tvalues]
      validmodel <- model$coefficients[(model$coefficients[,"t value"]>=2.09),]

#model2<-lm(y~x+I(x^2)) --regression quadratic model with one variable
#anova(model1,model2) -- F-test of significance of difference between two models
#model1 is linear in regressors coefficients and variable x (y=Bo+B1x) and
#model2 linear in coefficients but quadratic in x (y=Bo+B1x+B2*x²)

#Example of using the gam function for multiple regression
#x1 <- runif(70,0,1)
#x2 <- runif(70,0,1)
#x3 <- runif(70,0,1)
#y <- 5 + 2*x1+3*x2+4*x3^2
#par(mfrow=c(1,1)) you can see graphically the behavior of each regressor

#using a tree model

#using lm for describing a model formulation

##Some important things to think about when doing multiple regression
#1 - the curvature of the response variable
#2 - interaction between explanatory variables
#3 - correlaction between explanatory variables
#4 - the risk of overparameterization
#5 - rule of thumb: don't try to estimate more than n/3 coefficients!!, where n is the number of
# observations (Crawley's book, page 949 - because there won't be degrees of freedom enough for explaining the model). 
#In our case, initially with 3 parameters, we wish estimate 10 coefficients (linear,
# quadratic, interaction terms and intercept). Therefore we need of at least 33 observations.

#Common problems arising during multiple regression
#differences in the measurement scales of the explanatory variables, leading to large
#variation in the sums of squares and hence to an ill-conditioned matrix;
#multicollinearity, in which there is a near-linear relation between two of the explanatory
#variables, leading to unstable parameter estimates;
#rounding errors during the fitting procedure;
#non-independence of groups of measurements;
#temporal or spatial correlation amongst the explanatory variables;

#Another chapters I have to study later
#multiple regressions in the context of generalized linear models (Chapter 13),
#generalized additive models (Chapter 18), survival models (Chapter 25) and mixed-effects
#models (Chapter 19)
AthilaRocha/MetaTun-robust-v4 documentation built on May 27, 2019, 8:43 a.m.