
Defines functions bathymetry.db

  bathymetry.db = function( p=NULL, DS=NULL, varnames=NULL ) {

    datadir = project.datadirectory("bio.bathymetry", "data" )  # raw data
		dir.create( datadir, showWarnings=F, recursive=T )

    #\\ Note inverted convention: depths are positive valued
    #\\ i.e., negative valued for above sea level and positive valued for below sea level

    if ( DS=="gebco") {
      # request at: https://www.bodc.ac.uk/data/online_delivery/gebco/ [ jae.choi@dfo ] ... / gate.gate
      # extent: (WSEN) = -72,36,-45.,53
      # and saved as: bio.data/bathymetry/data/gebco.{xyz,nc}  # still waiting
      # and xz compressed
      fn = file.path( datadir, "bathymetry.gebco.rdata" )
      if (file.exists (fn) ) {

      fn_local = file.path( datadir, "gebco.xyz.xz") # xz compressed file
      nc = open.nc(bathy_fname)
      array(tmp$z, dim=tmp$dim)
      gebco = read.table( xzfile( fn_local ) )
      names(gebco) = c("lon", "lat", "z")
      gebco$z = - gebco$z
      # levelplot( log(z+ min(gebco$z) ))~lon+lat, gebco, aspect="iso")
      save( gebco, file=fn, compress=TRUE )

    # --------------

    if ( DS=="etopo1") {
      # etopo1_bedrock.xyz ---> 1 min resolution
      # extent: (WSEN) = -72,36,-45.,53
      # download manually from:  http://maps.ngdc.noaa.gov/viewers/wcs-client/
      # and saved as: bio.data/bathymetry/data/etopo1_bedrock.xyz
      # and xz compressed
      fn = file.path( datadir, "bathymetry.etopo1.rdata" )
      if (file.exists (fn) ) {
      fn_local = file.path( datadir, "etopo1_bedrock.xyz.xz") # xz compressed file
      etopo1 = read.table( xzfile( fn_local ) )
      names(etopo1) = c("lon", "lat", "z")
      etopo1$z = - etopo1$z
      # levelplot( log(z+ min(etopo1$z) ))~lon+lat, etopo1, aspect="iso")
      save( etopo1, file=fn, compress=TRUE )

    # --------------

    if ( DS =="Greenlaw_DEM") {
      # DEM created 2014
      # GCS_WGS_1984, UTM_Zone_20N; spheroid:: 6378137.0, 298.257223563
      # 322624071 "grid points
      # 50 m  horizontal resolution
      # depth range: -5053.6 to 71.48 m
      fn = file.path( datadir, "bathymetry.greenlaw.rdata" )
      if (file.exists (fn) ) {

      demfile.adf = file.path( datadir, "greenlaw_DEM", "mdem_50", "w001001.adf" )  # in ArcInfo adf format
      dem = new( "GDALReadOnlyDataset", demfile.adf )
      # gdem = asSGDF_GROD( dem, output.dim=dim(dem) ) # regrid to another dim
      # gdem = getRasterData(dem) # in matrix format
      gdem = getRasterTable(dem) # as a data frame
      names(gdem) = c("plon", "plat", "z")
      gdem = gdem[ is.finite( gdem$z ) , ]
      gdem$plon = gdem$plon / 1000
      gdem$plat = gdem$plat / 1000
      gdem = planar2lonlat( gdem, "utm20" )  # plon,plat in meters but crs for utm20 in km
      gdem = gdem[, c("lon", "lat", "z") ]
      save( gdem, file=project.datadirectory( "bio.bathymetry", "data", "bathymetry.greenlaw.rdata"), compress=TRUE )

    # --------------

    if (  DS %in% c("z.lonlat.rawdata.redo", "z.lonlat.rawdata") ) {
			# raw data minimally modified all concatenated
      fn = file.path( datadir, "bathymetry.canada.east.lonlat.rawdata.rdata" )

      if (DS =="z.lonlat.rawdata" ) {
        load( fn )
        return( bathy )

      print( "This is going to take a lot of RAM!")

			# this data was obtained from CHS via David Greenberg in 2004; range = -5467.020, 383.153; n=28,142,338
      fn_nwa = file.path( datadir, "nwa.chs15sec.xyz.xz") # xz compressed file
      chs15 = read.table( xzfile( fn_nwa ) )
      names(chs15) = c("lon", "lat", "z")
      # chs15 = chs15[ which( chs15$z < 1000 ) , ]
      chs15$z = - chs15$z

      # temporary break up of data to make it functional in smaller RAM systems
      chs1000_5000 = chs15[ which( chs15$z > 1000 ), ]
      u =  which(duplicated( chs1000_5000))
      if (length(u)>0) chs1000_5000 = chs1000_5000[-u,]

      chs0_1000 = chs15[ which( chs15$z <= 1000 ), ]
      u =  which(duplicated( chs0_1000 ))
      if (length(u)>0) chs0_1000 = chs0_1000[-u,]

      rm ( chs15); gc()

      fn0 = file.path( datadir, "bathymetry.canada.east.lonlat.rawdata.temporary_0_1000.rdata" )
      fn1 = file.path( datadir, "bathymetry.canada.east.lonlat.rawdata.temporary_1000_5000.rdata" )

      save ( chs0_1000, file=fn0 )
      save ( chs1000_5000, file=fn1 )

      rm ( chs0_1000, chs1000_5000 )

      # pei = which( chs15$lon < -60.5 & chs15$lon > -64.5 & chs15$lat>45.5 & chs15$lat<48.5 )
      # levelplot( z~lon+lat, data=chs15[pei,] )

      # Michelle Greenlaw's DEM from 2014
      # range -3000 to 71.5 m; n=155,241,029 .. but mostly interpolated
      gdem = bathymetry.db( DS="Greenlaw_DEM" )
      gdem$z = - gdem$z

      # pei = which( gdem$lon < -60.5 & gdem$lon > -65 & gdem$lat>45.5 & gdem$lat<49 )
      # levelplot( z~I(round(lon,3))+I(round(lat,3)), data=gdem[pei,] )

      # bad boundaries in Greenlaw's gdem:
      # southern Gulf of St lawrence has edge effects
      bd1 = rbind( c( -62, 46.5 ),
                   c( -61, 47.5 ),
                   c( -65, 47.5 ),
                   c( -65, 46.2 ),
                   c( -64, 46.2 ),
                   c( -62, 46.5 ) )

      a = which( point.in.polygon( gdem$lon, gdem$lat, bd1[,1], bd1[,2] ) != 0 )
      gdem = gdem[- a,]

      # remove also the northern and eastern margins for edge effects
      gdem = gdem[ which( gdem$lat <  47.1) ,]
      gdem = gdem[ which( gdem$lon < -56.5) ,]

      fn0g = file.path( datadir, "bathymetry.canada.east.lonlat.rawdata.temporary_0_1000_gdem.rdata" )
      fn1g = file.path( datadir, "bathymetry.canada.east.lonlat.rawdata.temporary_1000_5000_gdem.rdata" )

      # temporary break up of data to make it functional in smaller RAM systems
      gdem1000_5000 = gdem[ which( gdem$z > 1000 ), ]
      # u =  which(duplicated( gdem1000_5000))
      # if (length(u)>0) gdem1000_5000 = gdem1000_5000[-u,]
      save ( gdem1000_5000, file=fn1g )
      rm( gdem1000_5000 ); gc()

      gdem0_1000 = gdem[ which( gdem$z <= 1000 ), ]
      # u =  which(duplicated( gdem0_1000 ))
      # if (length(u)>0) gdem0_1000 = gdem0_1000[-u,]
      save ( gdem0_1000, file=fn0g )
      rm( gdem0_1000 )
      rm( gdem) ;gc()

      # chs and others above use chs depth convention: "-" is below sea level,
			# in snowcrab and groundfish convention "-" is above sea level
			# retain postive values at this stage to help contouring near coastlines

      bathy = bathymetry.db( DS="etopo1" )

      additional.data=c("snowcrab", "groundfish")

			if ( "snowcrab" %in% additional.data ) {
        # range from 23.8 to 408 m below sea level ... these have dropped the "-" for below sea level; n=5925 (in 2014)
        # bioLibrary( "bio.snowcrab")
        sc = bio.snowcrab::snowcrab.db("set.clean")[,c("lon", "lat", "z") ]
				sc = sc [ which (is.finite( rowSums( sc ) ) ) ,]
				j = which(duplicated(sc))
        if (length (j) > 0 ) sc = sc[-j,]
        bathy = rbind( bathy, sc )
			  # p = p0
        rm (sc); gc()

        #sc$lon = round(sc$lon,1)
        #sc$lat = round(sc$lat,1)
        # contourplot( z~lon+lat, sc, cuts=10, labels=F )

      if ( "groundfish" %in% additional.data ) {
        # n=13031; range = 0 to 1054

        warning( "Should use bottom contact estimates as a priority ?" )
				gf = bio.groundfish::groundfish.db( "set.base" )[, c("lon","lat", "sdepth") ]
				gf = gf[ which( is.finite(rowSums(gf) ) ) ,]
        names(gf) = c("lon", "lat", "z")
				j = which(duplicated(gf))
        if (length (j) > 0 ) gf = gf[-j,]
 				bathy = rbind( bathy, gf )
        rm (gf); gc()

        #gf$lon = round(gf$lon,1)
        #gf$lat = round(gf$lat,1)
        #contourplot( z~lon+lat, gf, cuts=10, labels=F )


      u =  which(duplicated( bathy ))
      if (length(u)>0) bathy = bathy[ -u, ]
      rm (u)

      bathy0 = bathy[ which(bathy$z <= 1000), ]
      bathy1 = bathy[ which(bathy$z  > 1000), ]


      load( fn0)
      bathy0 = rbind( bathy0, chs0_1000 )
      rm(chs0_1000) ;gc()

      load( fn0g )
      bathy0 = rbind( bathy0, gdem0_1000 )
      rm ( gdem0_1000 ) ;gc()

      u =  which(duplicated( bathy0 ))
      if (length(u)>0) bathy0 = bathy0[ -u, ]

      fn0b = file.path( datadir, "bathymetry.canada.east.lonlat.rawdata.temporary_0_1000_bathy.rdata" )
      save ( bathy0, file=fn0b )
      rm (bathy0); gc()

    # ---

      load( fn1 )
      bathy1 = rbind( bathy1, chs1000_5000 )
      rm (  chs1000_5000 ) ; gc()

      load( fn1g )
      bathy1 = rbind( bathy1, gdem1000_5000 )
      rm ( gdem1000_5000 ) ; gc()

      u =  which(duplicated( bathy1 ))
      if (length(u)>0) bathy1 = bathy1[ -u, ]
      rm (u)

      load( fn0b )

      bathy = rbind( bathy0, bathy1 )
      rm( bathy1, bathy0 ) ; gc()

      save( bathy, file=fn, compress=T )
      fn.bathymetry.xyz = file.path( project.datadirectory("bio.bathymetry"), "data", "bathymetry.canada.east.xyz" )
      if (exists("spatial.domain", p)) {
        # mechanism to override defaults, eg for other regions
        if ( p$spatial.domain %in% c("SSE", "snowcrab", "SSE.mpa", "canada.east", "canada.east.highres", "canada.east.superhighres" ) ) {
          fn.bathymetry.xyz = file.path( project.datadirectory("bio.bathymetry"), "data", "bathymetry.canada.east.xyz" )  # ascii

      fn.xz = xzfile( paste( fn.bathymetry.xyz, ".xz", sep="" ) )
      write.table( bathy, file=fn.xz, col.names=F, quote=F, row.names=F)
      system( paste( "xz",  fn.bathymetry.xyz ))  # compress for space

      file.remove( fn0)
      file.remove( fn1)
      file.remove( fn0g )
      file.remove( fn1g )
      file.remove( fn0b )

      return ( fn )

    if ( DS %in% c("lbm.inputs", "lbm.inputs.redo" )) {
      fn = file.path( project.datadirectory("bio.bathymetry"), "modelled", paste( "bathymetry", "lbm.inputs", "rdata", sep=".") )
      if (DS =="lbm.inputs" ) {
        load( fn)
        return( hm )
      print( "Warning: this needs a lot of RAM .. ~40GB depending upon resolution of discretization" )
      B = bathymetry.db ( p=p, DS="z.lonlat.rawdata" )  # 16 GB in RAM just to store!
      # B = B[ which(B$z > -100),]  # take part of the land to define coastline
      B = lonlat2planar( B, proj.type=p$internal.projection )
      B$lon = NULL
      B$lat = NULL

      # if using kernel density/FFT.. might as well take the gird here as it requires  gridded data 
      # B$plon = grid.internal( B$plon, plons )
      # B$plat = grid.internal( B$plat, plats )
      # B = block.spatial ( xyz=B[,c("plon", "plat", "z")], function.block=block.mean )
#       B = B[, c("plon", "plat", "z")]

      BP = list( LOCS = spatial_grid(p) )
      hm = list( input=B, output=BP )
      save( hm, file=fn, compress=TRUE)

    # ----------------

    if ( DS == "landmasks.create" ) {
      # on resolution of predictions
      V = SpatialPoints( planar2lonlat( spatial_grid(p), proj.type=p$internal.crs )[, c("lon", "lat" )], CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84") )
      landmask( lonlat=V, db="worldHires", regions=c("Canada", "US"), ylim=c(36,53), xlim=c(-72,-45), tag="predictions" ,internal.projection=p$internal.projection)

      # on resolution of statistics
      sbox = list( 
        plats = seq( p$corners$plat[1], p$corners$plat[2], by=p$lbm_distance_statsgrid ),
        plons = seq( p$corners$plon[1], p$corners$plon[2], by=p$lbm_distance_statsgrid ) )
      V = as.matrix( expand.grid( sbox$plons, sbox$plats ))
      names(V) = c("plon", "plat")
      V = SpatialPoints( planar2lonlat( V, proj.type=p$internal.crs )[, c("lon", "lat" )], CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84") )
      landmask( lonlat=V, db="worldHires",regions=c("Canada", "US"), ylim=c(36,53), xlim=c(-72,-45), tag="statistics" ,internal.projection=p$internal.projection)


    if ( DS %in% c("complete", "complete.redo" )) {
      #// merge all lbm results and compute stats and warp to different grids

      outdir = file.path( project.datadirectory("bio.bathymetry"), "modelled")
      fn = file.path( outdir, paste( "bathymetry", "complete", p$spatial.domain, "rdata", sep=".") )
      if ( DS %in% c( "complete") ) {
        Z = NULL
        if ( file.exists ( fn) ) load( fn)
        return( Z )

      nr = p$nplons
      nc = p$nplats

      # data prediction grid

      B = spatial_grid( p) 
      Bmean = lbm_db( p=p, DS="lbm.prediction", ret="mean" )
      Bsd = lbm_db( p=p, DS="lbm.prediction", ret="sd" )
      Z = cbind(B, Bmean, Bsd)
      names(Z) = c( "plon", "plat", "z", "z.sd") # really Z.mean but for historical compatibility "z"
      B = Bmean = Bsd = NULL

      # # remove land
      # oc = landmask( db="worldHires", regions=c("Canada", "US"), return.value="land", tag="predictions" )
      # Z$z[oc] = NA
      # Z$z.sd[oc] = NA
      Zmn = matrix( Z$z, nrow=nr, ncol=nc )  # means
      # first order central differences but the central term drops out:
      # diffr = ( ( Zmn[ 1:(nr-2), ] - Zmn[ 2:(nr-1), ] ) + ( Zmn[ 2:(nr-1), ] - Zmn[ 3:nr, ] ) ) / 2
      # diffc = ( ( Zmn[ ,1:(nc-2) ] - Zmn[ ,2:(nc-1) ] ) + ( Zmn[ ,2:(nc-1) ] - Zmn[ ,3:nc ] ) ) / 2
      diffr =  Zmn[ 1:(nr-2), ] - Zmn[ 3:nr, ]
      diffc =  Zmn[ ,1:(nc-2) ] - Zmn[ ,3:nc ]
      rm (Zmn); gc()

      dZ = ( diffr[ ,2:(nc-1) ] + diffc[ 2:(nr-1), ] ) / 2
      dZ = rbind( dZ[1,], dZ, dZ[nrow(dZ)] )  # top and last rows are copies .. dummy value to keep dim correct
      dZ = cbind( dZ[,1], dZ, dZ[,ncol(dZ)] )

      Z$dZ =  abs(c(dZ))

      # gradients
      ddiffr =  dZ[ 1:(nr-2), ] - dZ[ 3:nr, ]
      ddiffc =  dZ[ ,1:(nc-2) ] - dZ[ ,3:nc ]
      dZ = diffc = diffr = NULL

      ddZ = ( ddiffr[ ,2:(nc-1) ] + ddiffc[ 2:(nr-1), ] ) / 2
      ddZ = rbind( ddZ[1,], ddZ, ddZ[nrow(ddZ)] )  # top and last rows are copies .. dummy value to keep dim correct
      ddZ = cbind( ddZ[,1], ddZ, ddZ[,ncol(ddZ)] )
      Z$ddZ = abs(c(ddZ))

      # merge into statistics
      BS = lbm_db( p=p, DS="stats.to.prediction.grid" )
      colnames(BS) = paste("b", colnames(BS), sep=".")
      Z = cbind( Z, BS )
      save( Z, file=fn, compress=TRUE)

      BS = ddZ = ddiffc = ddiffr = NULL

      # now warp to the other grids 
      p0 = p  # the originating parameters

      Z0 = Z  # rename as 'Z' will be overwritten below     
      L0 = Z0[, c("plon", "plat")]
      L0i = array_map( "xy->2", L0, gridparams=p0$gridparams )

      varnames = setdiff( names(Z0), c("plon","plat", "lon", "lat") )  
      grids = setdiff( unique( p0$spatial.domain.subareas ), p0$spatial.domain )

      for (gr in grids ) {
        p1 = spatial_parameters( type=gr ) #target projection
          L1 = spatial_grid( p1 )
          L1i = array_map( "xy->2", L1[, c("plon", "plat")], gridparams=p1$gridparams )
          L1 = planar2lonlat( L1, proj.type=p1$internal.crs )
          Z = L1
          L1$plon_1 = L1$plon # store original coords
          L1$plat_1 = L1$plat
          L1 = lonlat2planar( L1, proj.type=p0$internal.crs )
          p1$wght = fields::setup.image.smooth( 
            nrow=p1$nplons, ncol=p1$nplats, dx=p1$pres, dy=p1$pres,
            theta=p1$pres, xwidth=4*p1$pres, ywidth=4*p1$pres )
          for (vn in varnames) {
            Z[,vn] = spatial_warp( Z0[,vn], L0, L1, p0, p1, "fast", L0i, L1i )
        Z = Z[ , names(Z0) ]
        fn = file.path( outdir, paste( "bathymetry", "complete", p1$spatial.domain, "rdata", sep=".") )
        save (Z, file=fn, compress=TRUE)


      if (0) {
        aoi = which( B$z > 10 & B$z < 500 )
        datarange = log( quantile( B[aoi,"z"], probs=c(0.001, 0.999), na.rm=TRUE ))
        dr = seq( datarange[1], datarange[2], length.out=100)

        levelplot( log(z) ~ plon + plat, B[ aoi,], aspect="iso", labels=FALSE, pretty=TRUE, xlab=NULL,ylab=NULL,scales=list(draw=FALSE), at=dr, col.regions=rev(color.code( "seis", dr)) )
        levelplot( log(phi) ~ plon + plat, B[ aoi,], aspect="iso", labels=FALSE, pretty=TRUE, xlab=NULL,ylab=NULL,scales=list(draw=FALSE) )
        levelplot( log(range) ~ plon + plat, B[aoi,], aspect="iso", labels=FALSE, pretty=TRUE, xlab=NULL,ylab=NULL,scales=list(draw=FALSE) )


    # ------------

    if (DS %in% c("baseline", "baseline.redo") ) {
      # form prediction surface in planar coords over the ocean

      if ( DS=="baseline" ) {
        outfile =  file.path( project.datadirectory("bio.bathymetry"), "modelled",
          paste( "bathymetry", "baseline", p$spatial.domain, "rdata" , sep=".") )
        Z = NULL
        load( outfile )
        Znames = names(Z)
        if (is.null(varnames)) varnames =c("plon", "plat")  # default is to send locs only .. different reative to all other data streams 
        varnames = intersect( Znames, varnames )  # send anything that results in no match causes everything to be sent
        if (length(varnames) == 0) varnames=Znames  # no match .. send all
        Z = Z[ , varnames]
        return (Z)

      for (domain in unique( c(p$spatial.domain.subareas, p$spatial.domain ) ) ) {
        pn = spatial_parameters( type=domain )
        # if ( pn$spatial.domain == "snowcrab" ) {
        #   # NOTE::: snowcrab baseline == SSE baseline, except it is a subset so begin with the SSE conditions
        #   pn = spatial_parameters( type="SSE", p=pn ) 
        # }
        Z = bathymetry.db( p=pn, DS="complete" )
        Z = filter.bathymetry( DS=domain, Z=Z )
        # range checks
        ii = which( Z$dZ < exp(-6)) 
        if (length(ii) > 0) Z$dZ[ii] = exp(-6)
        ii = which( Z$dZ > 50 ) 
        if (length(ii) > 0) Z$dZ[ii] = 50

        ii = which( Z$ddZ < exp(-6)) 
        if (length(ii) > 0) Z$ddZ[ii] = exp(-6)
        ii = which( Z$ddZ > 20 ) 
        if (length(ii) > 0) Z$ddZ[ii] = 20

        outfile =  file.path( project.datadirectory("bio.bathymetry"), "modelled",
          paste( "bathymetry", "baseline", domain, "rdata" , sep=".") )
        save (Z, file=outfile, compress=T )
        print( outfile )
      # require (lattice); levelplot( z~plon+plat, data=Z, aspect="iso")
      return( "completed" )

  }  # end bathymetry.db
AtlanticR/bio.bathymetry documentation built on May 28, 2019, 11:05 a.m.