
xyz2grid = function (xyz, xx, yy, fill=NA, method="R", params=NULL)  {

  if (method == "R") {

    # this function expects evenly distributed x,y locations (data must be blocked already)
    # this is a direct copy of a function from library fields (?)
    nr = nrow(xyz )
    nc = ncol(xyz )
    x = xyz[, 1]
    y = xyz[, 2]
    if ( nc==2 ) {
      z = rep.int(1, length.out=nr ) #add a dummy value
    } else {
      z = xyz[, 3]
    rm(xyz); gc()
    nx = length(xx)
    ny = length(yy)
    xmin = min(xx)
    xmax = max(xx)
    xrange = xmax - xmin
    ymin = min(yy)
    ymax = max(yy)
    yrange = ymax - ymin
    dx = mean( diff(xx), na.rm=T)
    dy = mean( diff(yy), na.rm=T)
    out = matrix(fill, nrow=nx, ncol=ny)
    row = round((x - xmin)/dx) + 1
    col = round((y - ymin)/dy) + 1
    row.col = cbind(row, col)
    out[row.col] = z

  if (method=="gmt") {

    tmpdir  = tempdir()

# not used ... and not complete ... do not use until checked
    with(params, {
    # primarily intended for lon/lat but can be used for planar coords too .. check GMT options

    tmp.grid = file.path(tmpdir, make.random.string("tmp.grid") )
    tmp.xyz = file.path(tmpdir, make.random.string("tmp.xyz") )
    tmpfile =  file.path(tmpdir, make.random.string("tmp.file") )

#      write.table(xyz, file=tmpfile, quote=F, col.names=F, row.names=F )
#      cmd( "xyz2grd", tmp.xyz, paste("-G", tmp.grid, sep=""), region, res)
#      cmd( "grd2xyz", tmpfile, "-ZBa > xyz2.tmp")

#      dims =  var.get.ncv(path=tmpfile, name="dimension")
    #z = var.get.ncv(path=tmpfile, name="z")
#      z = read.table("xyz2.tmp", header=F)
#      out = matrix( data=z[,1], nrow=dims$data[1], ncol=dims$data[2] )

#      remove.files ( c( tmpfile, tmp.xyz ) )

    }) # end with params

  if (method=="gmt1") {

    # primarily intended for lon/lat but can be used for planar coords too .. check GMT options

    tmpdir  = tempdir()

    out = with(params, {
      xyz.tmp = file.path(tmpdir, make.random.string("xyz.tmp"))
      tmp.grid = file.path(tmpdir, make.random.string("tmp.grid"))
      tmp2.grid = file.path(tmpdir, make.random.string("tmp2.grid"))
      write.table(xyz, file=xyz.tmp, quote=F, col.names=F, row.names=F )
      #cmd( "xyz2grd", xyz.tmp, paste("-G", tmp.grid, sep=""), region, res)
#        cmd( "blockmode", xyz.tmp, xyz2.tmp, region, res )
      cmd( "surface", xyz.tmp, paste("-G", tmp.grid, sep=""), region, res, "-T0.35" )
      cmd( "grdsample", tmp.grid, paste("-G", tmp2.grid, sep=""),  region, res)
      out = grid.netcdf(tmp2.grid)
      remove.files ( c( xyz.tmp, tmp.grid, tmp2.grid ) )
    }) # end with

  return (out)
AtlanticR/bio.spacetime documentation built on May 28, 2019, 11:34 a.m.