
Defines functions sites_by_species

Documented in sites_by_species

#' Sites by species
#' A data.frame is returned as grid cells by species with values in each cell
#' being the number of occurrences of each species. No null (all zero
#' species should be returned. The coordinates returned are the TOP-LEFT
#' corner of the grid cell.
#' @references Associated web services:
#' \url{https://spatial.ala.org.au/ws/capabilities} see
#' PointsToGrid/sitesBySpecies
#' @references
#' \url{http://www.geoapi.org/3.0/javadoc/org/opengis/referencing/doc-files/WKT.html}
#' @param taxon string: the identifier to get the species data from the ala
#' biocache. E.g. "genus:Heleioporus". See
#' \code{ala_fields("occurrence_stored")} for valid field names
#' @param wkt string: Bounding area in Well Known Text (WKT) format. E.g.
#' "POLYGON((118 -30,146 -30,146 -11,118 -11,118 -30))".
#' @param gridsize numeric: size of output grid cells in decimal degrees.
#' E.g. 0.1 (=~10km)
#' @param SPdata.frame logical: should the output be returned as a
#' SpatialPointsDataFrame of the sp package?
#' @param verbose logical: show additional progress information?
#' [default is set by ala_config()]
#' @return A dataframe or a SpatialPointsDataFrame containing the species by
#' sites data. Columns will include longitude, latitude, and each species
#' present. Values for species are record counts (i.e. number of recorded
#' occurrences of that taxon in each grid cell). The \code{guid} attribute of
#' the data frame gives the guids of the species (columns) as a named
#' character vector
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Eucalyptus in Tasmania based on a 0.1 degree grid
#' ss <- sites_by_species(taxon = "genus:Eucalyptus",
#' wkt = "POLYGON((144 -43,148 -43,148 -40,
#'   144 -40,144 -43))", gridsize = 0.1, verbose = TRUE)
#' head(ss[, 1:6])
#' ## get the guid of the first species
#' attr(ss,"guid")[1]
#' # Steps: 1. POST webservice creates a task
#' # (use single quotes around data-binary argument)
#' #curl 'https://spatial.ala.org.au/ws/tasks/create?userId=0'
#' # --data-binary name=PointsToGrid
#' #&input={"area":[{"name":"Current extent"
#' #,"wkt":"POLYGON((144 -43,148 -43,148 -40,144 -40,144 -43))"}]
#' #,"occurrenceDensity":false,"sitesBySpecies":true,"speciesRichness":false
#' #,"species":{"q":["genus:Eucalyptus"]
#' #,"bs":"https://biocache-ws.ala.org.au/ws/","name":"genus:Eucalyptus"}
#' #,"gridCellSize":0.1,"resolution":0.01,"movingAverage":"1x1 (no moving average)"}'
#' #resp eg '{"name":"PointsToGrid","created":1552881125953,"email":"null","history":{}
#' #,"tag":"null","userId":"0","sessionId":"null","status":0,"id":<id>}
#' # 2. check status values: 0 = in_queue, 1 = running, 2 = cancelled, 3 = error, 4 = finished
#' #curl 'https://spatial.ala.org.au/ws/tasks/status/<id>'
#' #waiting: {"status":1,"message":"getting species data","id":<id>,"name":"PointsToGrid"}
#' #complete:{"status":4,"message":"finished","id":<id>,"name":"PointsToGrid"
#' #,"history":{"1552879452131":"finished","1552879452155":"finished (id:<id>)"}
#' #,"output":[{"name":"files","file":"SitesBySpecies.csv","taskId":<id>,"id":33111}
#' #,{"name":"sxs_metadata.html","taskId":<id>,"file":"sxs_metadata.html","id":33109}
#' #,{"file":"download.zip","taskId":<id>,"name":"download.zip","id":33110}]}
#' #failed:  {"status":4,"message":"finished","id":<id>,"name":"PointsToGrid"
#' #,"history":{"1552881921817":"failed (id:<id>)"}}
#' # 3. download the zip and extract the file
#' # https://spatial.ala.org.au/ws/tasks/output/<id>/download.zip
#' # https://spatial.ala.org.au/ws/tasks/output/<id>/SitesBySpecies.csv
#' }
#' @export
sites_by_species <- function(taxon, wkt, gridsize = 0.1, SPdata.frame = FALSE,
                             verbose = ala_config()$verbose) {
  ## check input parms are sensible

  # check taxon validity using occurrences
  if (occurrences(taxon = taxon, record_count_only = TRUE) == 0) {
    stop("The taxon query '", taxon, "' does not have any results.")

  assert_that(is.numeric(gridsize), gridsize > 0)
  if (SPdata.frame && !requireNamespace("sp", quietly = TRUE)) {
    ## sp package not available
    warning("sp package required for SpatialPointsDataFrame output")
    SPdata.frame <- FALSE

  ## create the task
  tasks_url <- paste(getOption("ALA4R_server_config")$base_url_spatial,
                     "tasks/", sep = "") #get the base url, append /tasks/
  url_str <-  paste(tasks_url, "create?userId=0&sessionId=", ala_sourcetypeid(),
                    sep = "")

  # --data-binary values go into cached_post(...body...) and subsequently
  # curlPeform(postfields=body)
  resolution <- 0.01
  body <- paste(
    'name=PointsToGrid&input={"area":[{"name":"Current extent","wkt":"', wkt,
    '"}]', sep = "")
  body <- paste(body, ',"occurrenceDensity":false', sep = "")
  body <- paste(body, ',"sitesBySpecies":true', sep = "")
  body <- paste(body, ',"speciesRichness":false', sep = "")
  body <- paste(body, ',"species":{"q":["', taxon, '"]', sep = "")
  body <- paste(body, ',"bs":"',
                getOption("ALA4R_server_config")$base_url_biocache, '"',
                sep = "")
  body <- paste(body, ',"name":"', taxon,'"}', sep = "")
  body <- paste(body, ',"gridCellSize":', gridsize, sep = "")
  body <- paste(body, ',"resolution":', resolution, sep = "")
  body <- paste(body, ',"movingAverage":"1x1 (no moving average)"}', sep = "")

  # ## somehow this doesn't work: not sure why. Leave for now
  # #this_url <- build_url_from_parts(getOption("ALA4R_server_config")$base_url_alaspatial, "sitesbyspecies", list(speciesq=taxon, qname="data", area=wkt, bs=getOption("ALA4R_server_config")$base_url_biocache, movingaveragesize=1, gridsize=gridsize, sitesbyspecies=1))
  # ##moving window average value (1 = 1 cell, which means that no moving average applied)
  # #url_str <- build_url(this_url)

  ## the file that will ultimately hold the results (even if we are not
  ## caching, it still gets saved to file)
  this_cache_file <- ala_cache_filename(paste(url_str, body, sep = ""))
  if ((ala_config()$caching %in% c("off", "refresh")) ||
      (! file.exists(this_cache_file))) {
    create_response <- cached_post(URLencode(url_str), body = body,
                                   encoding = "json", type = "json",
                                   content_type =
                                   caching = "off", verbose = verbose)
    id <- create_response$id
    if (is.null(id) || id == "") {
      ## error - but note that we may still get a STATUS 200 from the server
      ## in this case
      ## Check the WKT string, maybe that was the problem
      if (!missing(wkt) && !isTRUE(check_wkt(wkt))) {
        warning("WKT string may not be valid: ", wkt)
      ## NOTE May 2018: in fact it seems that the server can fail to parse
      ## the WKT string even if (apparently) valid, see
      ## https://github.com/AtlasOfLivingAustralia/biocache-service/issues/225
      # catch for these missing pid issues
      stop("there has been an issue with this service. ",
    status_url <- paste(tasks_url, "status/", id, sep = "")
    if (verbose) {
      message(paste("Waiting for sites-by-species results to become
                    available: ", status_url, sep = ""), appendLF = FALSE)
    status_response <- cached_get(URLencode(status_url), type = "json",
                                  caching = "off", verbose = verbose)
    while (status_response$status <= 1) {
      ## keep checking the status until finished
      if (verbose) message(".", appendLF = FALSE)
      status_response <- cached_get(URLencode(status_url), type = "json",
                                    caching = "off", verbose = verbose)
      if ((status_response$status >= 2) && (is.null(status_response$output))) {
        ## stop if there was an error
        ## first check the wkt string: if it was invalid (or unrecognized by
        ## our checker) then warn the user
        if (!missing(wkt) && !isTRUE(check_wkt(wkt))) {
          warning("WKT string may not be valid: ", wkt)
    message("") ## to get LF
    output_url <- paste(tasks_url, "output/", id, "/download.zip", sep = "")
    download_to_file(output_url, outfile = this_cache_file, binary_file = TRUE,
                     verbose = verbose)
  } else {
    ## we are using the existing cached file
    if (verbose) message(sprintf("Using cached file %s", this_cache_file))
  ## read in the csv data from the zip file; omit the first 4 header rows.
  ## use read_csv_quietly to avoid warnings about incomplete final line
  out <- read_csv_quietly(unz(this_cache_file, "SitesBySpecies.csv"),
                          as.is = TRUE, skip = 4)
  ## drop the "Species" column, which appears to be a site identifier (but
  ## just constructed from the longitude and latitude, so is not
  ## particularly helpful
  out <- out[, names(out) != "Species"]
  ##deal with SpatialPointsDataFrame
  if (SPdata.frame) { #if output is requested as a SpatialPointsDataFrame
    ## coerce to SpatialPointsDataFrame class
    if (nrow(out) > 0) {
      out <- SpatialPointsDataFrame(coords = out[, c("Longitude", "Latitude")],
                                    proj4string =
                                      CRS("+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84"),
                                    data = out)
  ## rename variables
  names(out) <- rename_variables(names(out), type = "other")
  ## also read the species guids
  guids <- read.csv(unz(this_cache_file, "SitesBySpecies.csv"),
                    stringsAsFactors = FALSE, nrows = 1, header = FALSE)
  guids <- guids[-1:-3] ## first 3 cols will be species lon lat
  guids <- as.character(guids)
  names(guids) <- names(out)[-2:-1]
  attr(out, "guid") <- guids
  ## warn about empty results if appropriate
  if (nrow(out) < 1 && ala_config()$warn_on_empty) {
    warning("no occurrences found")
AtlasOfLivingAustralia/ALA4R documentation built on Sept. 16, 2021, 4:33 a.m.