
Defines functions fmrarkort

Documented in fmrarkort

#' fmrarkort
#' @param data The data frame for the RAR data
#' @param id The name of the RAR area
#' @param value The value for the RAR area which shall correspond to the color on the map
#' @param scale The type of the scale for the colors. Can be either 'factor', 'numeric' (default), 'bin.num' or 'bin.cat'
#' @param bins The number of bins if 'bin' specified under 'scale'. Default = 5.
#' @param legend Choose whether the map should includ a legend (default = FALSE)
#' @param legendtitle Choose the name above the legendtitle. Default is the same name as the column specified under 'legend'
#' @param output The name of the exported .png file. No map exported if the output = NULL (default = NULL)
#' @param bornholm Should Bornholm be moved north west to be included in the map? defalut = TRUE
#' @param marker Adds marker to the map saying e.g. "Nordjylland: xx" where the value of xx correspond to the value for Nordjylland in the data. Defalut = TRUE
#' @param suffix The suffix of the marker text, e.g. "pct."
#' @param ndigits The number of digits on the marker text
#' @param background Choose the background color
#' @param filetype Choose the file type of the output file ("png" (= defalut), "pdf" or ".jpeg")
#' @param farver A character vector containing colors. (default = FM colors)
#' @return A map of the RAR areas.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' fmrarkort(data = data, id = id, value = value)
#' }
fmrarkort <- function(data = NULL, id = NULL, value = NULL, scale = 'numeric', bins = 5, legend = FALSE,  legendtitle = NULL, farver = NULL, bornholm = TRUE, output = NULL, marker = TRUE, suffix = "", ndigits = 1, background = rgb(249/255,248/255,224/255), filetype = ".png"){

  # Adjust the data
  data$tom <- 0
  colnames<- c(id, value)
  data <- data[,c(colnames)]
  colnames(data) <- c("id", "value")

  # Fix the encoding
  data$id <- fix_names_encoding(data$id)
  data$id <- fix_names_join(data$id)

  # Create a municipality data frame (the RAR areas are based on the municipalities)
  komdata <- c('Bornholm',
               'H\u00F8je Taastrup',

  komdata <- as.data.frame(komdata)
  colnames(komdata) <- c("id")

  # Add the value of the RAR areas to the komdata
  komdata$value <- NA
  komdata[1:2,]$value <- data[which(data$id == "bornholm"),]$value
  komdata[3:11,]$value <- data[which(data$id == "fyn"),]$value
  komdata[12:40,]$value <- data[which(data$id == "hovedstaden"),]$value
  komdata[41:50,]$value <- data[which(data$id == "nordjylland"),]$value
  komdata[51:67,]$value <- data[which(data$id == "sjaelland"),]$value
  komdata[68:80,]$value <- data[which(data$id == "sydjylland"),]$value
  komdata[81:87,]$value <- data[which(data$id == "vestjylland"),]$value
  komdata[88:99,]$value <- data[which(data$id == "oestjylland"),]$value

  # Create the map
  leafletmap <- fmkommunekort(data = komdata, id = "id", value = "value",  scale = scale, bins = bins, legend = legend,  legendtitle = legendtitle, bornholm = bornholm, output = NULL, background = background)

  # Add markers if specified
  if(marker == T){
    data$value <- format(round(data$value, digits = ndigits), nsmall = ndigits, decimal.mark = ",")

    lon_mark <-  c(9.7,8.7,10.4, 9, 10.4, 11.8, 12.5)
    lat_mark <- c(57, 56.2, 56.1, 55.3, 55.15, 55.5, 55.8)
    val_mark <- c(paste("Nordjylland: ", data[which(data$id == "nordjylland"),]$value , suffix),
                  paste("Vestjylland: ", data[which(data$id == "vestjylland"),]$value ,suffix),
                  paste("\u00D8stjylland: ", data[which(data$id == "oestjylland"),]$value ,suffix),
                  paste("Sydjylland: ", data[which(data$id == "sydjylland"),]$value ,suffix),
                  paste("Fyn: ", data[which(data$id == "fyn"),]$value ,suffix),
                  paste("Sj\u00E6lland: ", data[which(data$id == "sjaelland"),]$value ,suffix),
                  paste("Hovedstaden: ", data[which(data$id == "hovedstaden"),]$value ,suffix))

    if(bornholm == T){
      lon_mark[8] <- 11.9
      lat_mark[8] <- 56.9
      val_mark[8] <- paste("Bornholm: ", data[which(data$id == "bornholm"),]$value ,suffix)

     leafletmap <- leafletmap  %>% addLabelOnlyMarkers(lng = lon_mark, lat = lat_mark, label =  val_mark,
                                                    labelOptions = labelOptions(noHide = T, direction = 'top', textOnly = T,
                                                                                  'font-family'= 'arial',
                                                                                  'font-size' = '14px',
                                                                                  'font-weight'= 'bold',
                                                                                  'border-color' = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.5)',
                                                                                  'border-top-right-radius' = '0px 0px',
                                                                                  'border-top-left-radius' = '0px 0px',
                                                                                  'border-bottom-right-radius' = '0px 0px',
                                                                                  'border-bottom-left-radius' = '0px 0px',
                                                                                  'background-color' = 'rgba(255,255,255,0.7)'

  # Export the graph as a .png file if specified.
    graph_name <- paste(output, filetype, sep="")
    mapview::mapshot(leafletmap, file = graph_name, vwidth = 550, vheight = 600)


August-Emil/fmkort documentation built on June 7, 2020, 7:16 a.m.