
Defines functions filter_.tracks summarise_.tracks mutate_.tracks select_.tracks

Documented in filter_.tracks mutate_.tracks select_.tracks summarise_.tracks

#' @importFrom dplyr collect
#' @export

#' @importFrom dplyr filter
#' @name filter
#' @rdname filter_.tracks
#' @export

#' @importFrom dplyr filter_
#' @name filter_
#' @rdname filter_.tracks
#' @export

#' Return a subset of a tracks object with matching conditions.
#' Method for the dplyr verb \code{filter}. Filters the tracks object according
#' to logical filtering statements, in a strict sense. If one of the filtering
#' conditions cannot be be applied to all tables present, it will either give an
#' error (\code{drop = FALSE}) or will delete the tables that can't be filtered
#' from the tracks object (\code{drop = FALSE}), see details. For another
#' strategy, see \code{find_sections} and \code{summarize_sections}.
#' @param .data A tracks object.
#' @param ... The filtering conditions (logical statements).
#' @param drop Whether to drop conflicting aggregate data. If the tracks object
#'   contains data that was aggregated over a variable that is now being used to
#'   filter, drop must be TRUE or an error will be raised. That is, any table
#'   that can not be filtered (i.e. it does not contain the variable used to
#'   filter) will be dropped. Have to opt in, since aggregation may have been
#'   expensive.
#' @param repartition If TRUE, will collect and reassign the \code{tr} and
#'   \code{soc} tables. Useful if worker nodes become empty or unbalanced.
#' @inheritParams dplyr::filter
#' @return The subsetted tracks object.
#' @section Strategy on conflicting dependecies:
#'   It will apply the fitering to all the applicable sections of the tracks
#'   object. It will also attempt to check for any dependency problems. This is
#'   crucial in order to maintain internal consistency in the tracks object. For
#'   example, if you select a sequence of frames, any data that was aggregated
#'   over time (such as in the \code{trial} table) will now no longer match. If
#'   conflicts are found, by default, conflicted tables will be deleted from
#'   the tracks object, with a message. By setting \code{drop = FALSE}, you can
#'   have the function error instead.
#' @export
#' @seealso \link[dplyr]{filter}, \link{find_sections},
#'   \link{summarise_sections}
filter_.tracks <- function(.data, ..., drop = TRUE, .dots,
                           repartition = FALSE) {
  tracks <- .data
  conds <- lazyeval::all_dots(.dots, ..., all_named = TRUE)
  # Extract special arguments from ...
  if (any(names(conds) == 'drop')) {
    drop <- lazyeval::lazy_eval(conds$drop)
    conds <- conds[-which(names(conds) == 'drop')]
  # extract which things those conditions apply to
  tables <- find_conds_in_tables(tracks, conds)
  to_be_kept <- c(Reduce(intersect, tables), 'params', 'meta_data')
  tables <- lapply(tables, function(x) x <- x[x %in% to_be_kept])

  if (!(all(names(tracks) %in% to_be_kept))) {
    if (drop) {
      message('The following tables were dropped:\n',
              paste(names(tracks)[!(names(tracks) %in% to_be_kept)],
                    collapse = ', '))
      tracks <- tracks[to_be_kept]
      class(tracks) <- c('tracks', class(tracks))
    } else {
      stop('This filter cannot be applied to all tables present.
           Set drop to TRUE if you want to drop the tables that can\'t be filtered',
           call. = FALSE)

  for (i in seq_along(conds)) {
    tracks[tables[[i]]] <- lapply(tracks[tables[[i]]], dplyr::filter_,
                                  .dots = conds[[i]])

#' @importFrom dplyr summarise
#' @name summarise
#' @rdname summarise_.tracks
#' @export

#' @importFrom dplyr summarise_
#' @name summarise_
#' @rdname summarise_.tracks
#' @export

#' @importFrom dplyr summarize
#' @name summarize
#' @rdname summarise_.tracks
#' @export

#' @importFrom dplyr summarize_
#' @name summarize_
#' @rdname summarise_.tracks
#' @export

#' Summarise a tracks variable to a higher table.
#' @param .data A tracks object.
#' @param ... Summary expressions, such as \code{mean(speed, na.rm = TRUE)}, or
#'   \code{var_pd = var(pair_dist, na.rm = TRUE)}.
#' @param .target To which tables you want to summarize them. By default loses
#'   the last grouping, and follows the lines
#'   \href{https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Ax3man/trackr/master/summarise_diagram.png}{in this diagram}.
#' @return A tracks object.
#' @export
#' @inheritParams dplyr::summarise
#' @seealso dplyr::summarise
#' @importFrom dplyr '%>%'
#' @examples
#' Guppies <- as_tracks(guppies, 30,  1080) %>%
#'   expand_tracks() %>%
#'   join_tr_to_soc(X, Y) %>%
#'   mutate(d = pair_dist())
#' summ <- summarise(Guppies, mx = mean(X, na.rm = TRUE), s = sum(d, na.rm = TRUE))
#' summ$animal #now has mx column
#' summ$pair   #now has s column
#' summ2 <- summarize(summ, mx2 = mean(mx), s2 = sum(s))
#' summ2$trial #now has mx2 and s2 columns
summarise_.tracks <- function(.data,
                              .target = NULL,
                              .dots) {
  tracks <- .data

  conds <- lazyeval::all_dots(.dots, ..., all_named = TRUE)
  if (any(names(conds) == '.target')) {
    .target <- lazyeval::lazy_eval(conds$.tables)
    conds <- conds[-which(names(conds) == '.tables')]
  tables <- find_conds_in_tables(tracks, conds)
  if (is.null(.target)) {
    .target <- default_summarize_targets(tables)
  for (i in seq_along(.target)) {
    d <- summarise_(tracks[[tables[[i]]]], .dots = conds[i])
    if ('party_df' %in% class(tracks[[tables[[i]]]])) {
      grps <- as.character(tracks[[tables[[i]]]]$groups)
    } else {
      grps <- as.character(attributes(tracks[[tables[[i]]]])$vars)
    if (is.null(tracks[[.target[[i]]]])) {
      tracks <- expand_tracks2(tracks, .target[[i]])
    # Drop any variables from the target that have the same name of a cond
    dupl <- any(names(conds)[i] %in% names(tracks[[.target[[i]]]]))
    if (dupl) {
      tracks[[.target[[i]]]] <-
        dplyr::select_(tracks[[.target[[i]]]], paste0('-', names(conds)[i]))
    tracks[[.target[[i]]]] <-
      dplyr::left_join(tracks[[.target[[i]]]], dplyr::collect(d), by = grps)

#' @importFrom dplyr mutate
#' @name mutate
#' @rdname mutate_.tracks
#' @export

#' @importFrom dplyr mutate_
#' @name mutate_
#' @rdname mutate_.tracks
#' @export

#' Add new variables to a tracks object.
#' @param .data A tracks object
#' @inheritParams dplyr::mutate
#' @return A tracks object.
#' @export
mutate_.tracks <- function(.data, ..., .dots) {
  tracks <- .data

  conds <- lazyeval::all_dots(.dots, ..., all_named = TRUE)
  conds <- add_defaults_to_dots(conds)
  conds <- interp_params(conds, tracks$params)
  tables <- find_conds_in_tables(tracks, conds)

  for (i in seq_along(conds)) {
    tracks[tables[[i]]] <- lapply(tracks[tables[[i]]], dplyr::mutate_,
                                 .dots = conds[i])

#' @importFrom dplyr select
#' @name select
#' @rdname select_.tracks
#' @export

#' @importFrom dplyr select_
#' @name select_
#' @rdname select_.tracks
#' @export

#' Select tables from a tracks object
#' This function allows for convenient selection of some of the tables in a
#' tracks object, usually to manage space or computation times. It will always
#' retain the tr and meta_data tables, as well as internal components.
#' You can drop a table by writing it as a negative.
#' You can use dplyr's special functions inside of select calls, such as
#' \code{starts_with()}.
#' @param .data A tracks object
#' @param ... Comma seperated list of tables to select. Use \code{-table} to
#'   drop a table.
#' @inheritParams dplyr::select
#' @return A tracks object.
#' @export
select_.tracks <- function(.data, ..., .dots) {
  dots <- lazyeval::all_dots(.dots, ..., all_named = TRUE)
  vars <- dplyr::select_vars_(names(.data), dots,
                              include = c('tr', 'meta_data', 'params', 'pr'))
  .data <- .data[vars]
  .data$pr <- .data$pr[names(.data$pr) %in% vars]
  class(.data) <- c("tracks", class(.data))
Ax3man/trackr documentation built on Oct. 8, 2019, 10:53 p.m.